Human Physiology - Digestion Questions and Answers

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Human Physiology - DigestionDigestive enzymes secreted by the pancreas The pancreas secretes digestive enzymes and HCO3 into the small intestine to break down food and neutralize acidity True or False True False

Human Physiology - Digestion2 How might the following substances end up in urine Glucose Albumin

Human Physiology - Digestion38 Secretions from the accessory organs meet the chyme in which specific part of the digestive system 39 Which structure is not associated with the larynx the glottis the hyoid bone the pharynx or the vocal cords 40 What specific transport process is responsible for moving oxygen gas into the blood A

Human Physiology - Digestion33 Which organ of the digestive system has the lowest pH 34 What is the substrate for salivary amylase

Human Physiology - Digestion32 What is the fate of most glycerol that is released during the hydrolysis of triacylglycerols from adipocytes A It is absorbed by the chylomicrons B It is used in the synthesis of sphingolipids C It is transported to the kidneys and excreted in the urine D It is converted to glucose via gluconeogenesis in the liver 32

Human Physiology - DigestionWhich statement s is are true related to aerotolerant anaerobes O they do glycolysis all answers are correct Othey do catabolism O they are heterotroph Othey ferment

Human Physiology - Digestion71 During the absorptive state CA the liver forms glycogen B skeletal muscle breaks down glycogen C the liver forms glycogen and insulin levels are elevated D adipocytes release fatty acids to the circulation E insulin levels are elevated it oilsmile so si osoon seastmasa

Human Physiology - DigestionWhich analysis A research team is investigating the effectiveness of three diet plans on weight loss They randomly assigned 30 obese adults to a 1200 cal day plan tha was low carb or Mediterranean or vegan After six weeks they assessed the weight lost by each perso Which analysis should they run Be specific Which statistics should she report

Human Physiology - DigestionPlease fill in the chart for every real life scenario listed below Some boxes have been filled for you Scenario Enzyme Describe the relationship between the substrate and enzyme Lactase is an enzyme that breaks down a sugar found in dairy products known lactose Some eople are lactose intolerant and is can be due to not having ough lactase production People o are lactose intolerant may not well after eating foods 6 Substrate Illustrate the scenario and label enzyme and substrate lactose 7 8

Human Physiology - Digestion33 Why is taking excess amounts of fat soluble vitamins more likely to cause toxicity than taking excesses of water soluble vitamins A The body has higher requirements for water soluble vitamins B In general excesses of fat soluble vitamins cannot be excreted as easily as water soluble vitamins C The body has higher requirements for fat soluble vitamins D In general water soluble vitamins are more likely to be stored in the body than fat soluble vitamins 34 The A large intestine B stomach is the primary site for vitamin absorption in the body C pancreas D small intestine 35 Which of the following cooking methods can result in major losses of water soluble vitamins A Stir frying in a small amount of oil B Boiling in a saucepan of water C Steaming in a vegetable steamer D Microwaving in little or no water B wine C oil 36 Adding a small amount of the fat soluble vitamins they contain A water to cooked vegetables can enhance the intestinal tract s ability to absorb

Human Physiology - DigestionWhy don t people eat things with very high levels of cellulose O Foods with high levels of cellulose are difficult to find O Cellulose is only food for cells Foods high in cellulose are expensive O People cannot digest cellulose

Human Physiology - DigestionWhich statement correctly describes what proteins lipids and glycogen have in common O They are all used as primary energy sources during exercise They are each stored in the liver to be used as a ready energy reserve They each can be broken down to provide ATP to cells They each contain the same amount of ATP 7

Human Physiology - DigestionIn 2006 researchers from the University of Florida determined the following biological diversity in Everglades National Park Group Save Invertebrates Plants Reptiles Mammals Fish Birds Amphibians Species 590 1033 Invertebrates Mammals 60 76 432 349 38 Location WCA 1 3 and ENP Everglades National Park Everglades National Park Everglades National Park Everglades National Park Everglades National Park Everglades National Park A total count of 1868 species were determined Which group of species would have the greatest BI Fish Birds

Human Physiology - DigestionA B Blank 1 The above picture is a magnified section of the pancreas What is the name of the region labeled B

Human Physiology - DigestionPeople who produce very little saliva often have more cavities What is the best explanation for this A lack of saliva can make the brushing of teeth uncomfortable and reduced brushing leads to more cavities People who produce very little saliva cannot support the growth of beneficial bacteria in their mouths Since saliva normally helps neutralize acid and replace minerals on teeth a lack of saliva leads to more cavities People who produce very little saliva have trouble digesting proteins and fats and tend to eat a diet high in sugar

Human Physiology - Digestionemaining Time 56 minutes 37 seconds estion Completion Status QUESTION 9 nagine that you are trying to build a linkage map for elow which gene is closest to gene a

Human Physiology - DigestionYour sister who is taking the genetics course approaches you with a problem set to solve and seeks your help She provides you with the following pedigree Based on your expertise and the knowledge that this pedigree depicts X influenced male dominant inheritance provide the genotypes of each individual of the third generation in the pedigree 4 marks 10

Human Physiology - DigestionDIOTOgy ourses SC BIOL1000 N Biology I Cells Roncin a digestive enzyme that degrad

Human Physiology - Digestionlloh allows them to detect objects in the dark moths have ears which can detect ultrasound echolocation calls Scientists have argued that this relationship is both co evolution and an arms race Using bats and moths as a model explain what sort of co evolution this is and what we mean by an arms race Here are three answer versions Two are created by chatGPT One is created by me I d give chatGPT a C grade on both of its answers and myself a B or A Your task is to read all three and then explain which one is best and why Answer 1 The co evolution between bats and moths is a classic example of predator prey co evolution Bats have evolved the ability to use echolocation to navigate and locate prey while moths have evolved ears that can detect the high frequency sounds produced by bats allowing them to avoid being captured An arms race is a term used to describe a situation where two or more species evolve in response to each other s adaptations resulting in an escalation of traits that provide an advantage in the struggle for survival In the case of bats and moths this has resulted in an evolutionary arms race with each species evolving increasingly sophisticated adaptations in response to the other s adaptations As bats evolved more sophisticated echolocation abilities moths evolved more sensitive ears that could detect the high frequency sounds produced by bats allowing them to avoid being detected In response bats evolved more complex echolocation calls which made it harder for moths to avoid being detected This process has continued over millions of years with bats and moths evolving increasingly sophisticated adaptations in an ongoing arms race In summary the co evolution between bats and moths is an arms race where each species has evolved adaptations in response to the other s adaptations resulting in an ongoing escalation of traits that provide an advantage in the struggle for survival Answer 2 The co evolution between bats and moths is a classic example of predator prey co evolution Bats use echolocation to detect prey such as moths in the dark and moths have evolved to detect the echolocation calls of bats and evade them The arms race aspect of this co evolution refers to the continual adaptation and counter adaptation between the predator and prey As bats evolve to better detect moths moths in turn evolve to evade detection This leads to a back and forth escalation of adaptations with each species trying to gain an advantage over the other For example some species of moths have evolved ears that can detect the echolocation calls of bats and respond with their own ultrasound clicks effectively jamming the bat s detection system Meanwhile some species of bats have evolved to produce echolocation calls at higher frequencies making it harder for moths to detect them Overall the co evolutionary relationship between bats and moths is an ongoing arms race with each outcompete the other in a continual cycle of adaptation and counter adaptation

Human Physiology - Digestionall wild type all vermilion 1 2 wild type 1 2 vermilion 3 4 wild type 1 4 vermilion Offspring F females F males F females F males Predicted eye color s all wild type 11

Human Physiology - DigestionHow did people in Schenectady get their water before the wells were drilled in 1897 Your answer Why you think Chlorine and Fluoride are added to Schenectady s drinking 2 pc 2 pc

Human Physiology - DigestionWhat are the advantages and disadvantages of getting your protein from foods versus supplements

Human Physiology - Digestiona particular plant leaf color is controlled by gene locus D D codes for dark green leaves and d codes for light green leaves If you two plants that have a heterozygous genotype are crossed what percentage of their offspring could have light green leaves 00 025 0 50 075 100

Human Physiology - DigestionA plant population has the following distribution of genotypes for flower color Genotype RR Number of 20 Individuals Phenotype A 100 B 30 C 20 Dark red What is the frequency of the Rrgenotype D 50 Rr 50 Red fr 30 White

Human Physiology - DigestionD We have 3 color receptors eceptors cones es our retina How do we see more tha colors or how does color blindness orkal work

Human Physiology - Digestionmaining Time 57 minutes 47 seconds estion Completion Status QUESTION 10 or each statement determine if it is true of C3 pla Require carbon fixation in photosynthesis Fix cabon from CO into a four carbon com Are most likely to undergo V

Human Physiology - DigestionAt a visit to her doctor after she finished her freshman year in college Leticia learned that she had gained 15 pounds She can t figure out why She didn t think she was eating any differently than she did at home and she exercises for an hour three evenings a week She is 5 feet 4 inches tall and now weighs 155 lb What is her BMI Is it in the healthy range

Human Physiology - Digestionticia has a waist circumference of 33 inches Her blood pressure and all of her lab values are in the normal range She doesn t smok nd no one in her family has had heart disease oes she need to lose weight to improve her health Hint Use the decision tree provided 6 Reevaluate at least annually Yes Healthy BMI 18 5 but 25 Is BMI in a healthy range No Overweight BMI 25 but 30 Are there obesity related risk factors High blood pressure Manage weight to avoid weight gain Is waist 35 inches in women or 2 40 inches in men No Abnormal blood lipids Elevated blood glucose Sleep apnea Cigarette smoking Physical inactivity Family history of premature heart disease Fertility problems Depression No Yes Yes No Obese BMI 30 Weight loss recommended to reduce health risks Measure height and weight and calculate BMI Measure waist circumference Assess for obesity related risk factors Develop a personalized weight management plan once it is determined that weight loss is recommended and the individual is ready to make changes

Human Physiology - Digestion3 points What is the heart of the materials economy the engine that drives it Consumerism Manufacturing Sustainability Urban sprawl

Human Physiology - DigestionDoes your diet meet the recommendation of three servings of dairy or dairy alternatives daily

Human Physiology - Digestion33 What is the first step in using the Exchange Lists for diet planning O a O b O c O d Determine the amount of weight you should lose over 6 months Determine the amount of calories you should eat each day Learn about the types of food component in each group Determine which food group is most important

Human Physiology - Digestionon of Digestive Enzymes Select the term or terms that correctly complete each statement 1 The digestive process includes Click to select food molecules into smaller Click to select 2 Chemical digestion involves the addition of Click to select in a process known as hydrolysis 3 Click to select are proteins that act to speed up hydrolysis reactions For example food encounters the following enzymes as it passes down the alimentary canal 4 speeds up the hydrolysis of Click to select and glycogen 5 Chief cells in the stomach secrete an inactive enzyme that is activated by hydrochloric acid within the lumen of the stomach The active enzyme Click to select speeds up the hydrolysis of Click to select V from pancreatic secretions speeds up the hydrolysis of Click to select In the oral cavity Click to select 6 In the small intestine maltase Click to select salivary amylase lipids maltase oxygen water mechanical digestion digestive enzymes starch hydrolysis pepsin absorbable trypsin proteins which breaks the chemical bonds of complex Click to select molecules nonabsorbable chemical digestion

Human Physiology - DigestionAnimal fats such as butter are comprised of O Saturated high Saturated low Unsaturated high Unsaturated low fatty acids which have comparatively Tm

Human Physiology - Digestionmolecule 1 What are the reactants water carbon dioxide 2 What is are the product s 7 oxygen glucose 3 Write out the chemical reaction using molecular formulas C6H12O6 60 600 6H O 4 What is this type of reaction called dehydration reaction 5 What is the bond between these two monomers called single convelant bend Instructor approval What is are the function s of glucose in plants and animals energy in animals as glycogen and plants as starch storage OW use the large combo model you have built to demonstrate digestion 1 What type of reaction is digestion of the previous product 2 What is are the product s of this digestion reaction called Write out the chemical reaction using molecular formulas

Human Physiology - DigestionHumans are dependent on Earth s environment for what resources Vitamins and minerals Clothing 000 Air Shelter Water Food

Human Physiology - DigestionAt puberty the adolescent human body undergoes changes in both structure and function of several organ systems primarily under the influence of estrogen and testosterone steroid hormones Which of the following best explains how two molecules can trigger many different types of systemic changes that occur during adolescence A B C D Estrogen and testosterone bind to different membrane bound receptors on different cells initiating different transduction pathways Estrogen and testosterone bind to specific receptors inside many types of cells each with different signal transduction pathways Estrogen and testosterone are able to cross the membrane of some cells but not others Estrogen and testosterone are both produced in very large concentrations by nearly ev ery cell in the body

Human Physiology - DigestionGTP is an important high energy molecule that facilitates the activation of many cellular sig nal transduction pathways Certain genetic dysfunctions can inhibit the ability of a cell to synthesize GTP Which of the following describes the most direct result of GTP synthesis inhibition A The G protein coupled receptor will not be able to bind corresponding ligands inhibiting the reception components of the relevant signal transduction pathway B The cell will use ATP instead of GTP to activate the G protein on the intracellular region of the G protein coupled receptor C The cell would be able to carry out reception and transduction but would not be able to produce the cellular response in the relevant signal transduction pathway D The cell would not be able to activate G proteins on the intracellular regions of G pro tein coupled receptors

Human Physiology - DigestionLysosomes perform digestive functions within a cell O True O False

Human Physiology - Digestion4 Research ideas as you plan the bag s contents which should include materials in each of the following categories Games Include a description of at least one game families would play together that promotes understanding of your chosen theme Describe the materials needed to play each game and share a summary of how each game is played Finally indicate what the child will learn from playing each game at home with their family This portion of your assignment is expected to be one fully developed paragraph of at least five to seven sentences Children s literature Identify and describe two books that promote children s understanding of your chosen topic Provide the title author s name publisher date and a summary of each book Then identify two reasons for selecting each book to be included within your Healthy Take Home Bag This portion of your assignment is expected to be two fully developed paragraphs of at least five to seven sentences each one paragraph per book Manipulatives Describe at least one manipulative set you would include in the Healthy Take Home Bag Tell about the materials included and how they re to be used Then explain how the manipulatives extend the child s understanding of your selected theme This portion of your assignment is expected to be one fully developed paragraph of at least five to seven sentences Dramatic play Share ideas for costumes puppets or other dramatic play materials you would send home in the Take Home Bag Be specific by sharing the manufacturer s name of each item describing the items themselves and explaining how they ll be used Describe how the dramatic play items you ve included relate to your chosen theme and advance the child s understanding of your selected topic This portion of your assignment is expected to be one fully developed paragraph of at least five to seven sentences Sensory play Describe one sensory play experience you would include in the Take Home Bag to help teach children and families about your selected topic Explain how this sensory experience would benefit the family This portion of your assignment is expected to be one fully developed paragraph of at least five to seven sentences Science experiment Describe one age appropriate science experiment included in the Take Home Bag that supports your selected topic Explain the materials needed the steps of the experiment and the expected outcome Then explain how this experiment would benefit the family This portion of your assignment is expected to be one fully developed paragraph of at least five to seven sentences Recipes for healthy snacks Share at least one recipe for a kid friendly snack that s healthy nutritious and relates to the topic you ve chosen Identify the ingredients you would send home in the bag or expect the family to have on hand Describe the procedure of making the snack and explain how and why the snack contributes to the family s experience in learning together about the bag s theme This portion of your assignment is expected to be one fully developed paragraph of at least five to seven sentences Additional resources Provide at least one resource such as a website book magazine movie or other resource that would extend the family s exploration of your chosen theme Explain what the resource is and how it would benefit the family Make sure this is a credible source that families will find beneficial and easily accessible This portion of your assignment is expected to be one fully developed paragraph of at least five to seven sentences Science experiment Describe one age appropriate science experiment included in the Take Home Bag that supports your selected topic Explain the materials needed the steps of the experiment and the expected outcome Then explain how this experiment would benefit the family This portion of your assignment is expected to be one fully developed paragraph of at least five to seven sentences Recipes for healthy snacks Share at least one recipe for a kid friendly snack that s healthy nutritious and relates to the topic you ve chosen Identify the ingredients you would send home in the bag or expect the family to have on hand Describe the procedure of making the snack and explain how and why the snack contributes to the family s experience in learning together about the bag s theme This portion of your assignment is expected to be one fully developed paragraph of at least five to seven sentences Additional resources Provide at least one resource such as a website book ut the family s emploration c

Human Physiology - Digestion34 High blood pressure can usually be reduced if a person A exercises regularly and lowers the amount of saturated fats consumed B reduces physical activity and decreases the consumption of complex carbohydrates C eats a diet high in salt and reduces physical activity D eats a diet high in saturated fats and reduces stress 35 Which organic compounds are needed for the synthesis of the plasma membrane contain a large amount of stored energy and have been linked to cardiovascular diseases A simple sugars B saturated fats C polyunsaturated fats D complex carbohydrates 36 Students performed an investigation to determine the effect of exercise and rest on systolic and diastolic blood pressure The graph below represents one student s results for this experiment The Effect of Exercise on Blood Pressure 180 O CON BLOOD PRESSURE mm of Hg 160 140 1204 100 80 60 Before exercise Immediately after exercise 4 minutes after exorcise 2 minutes attor exercise TIME minutes 6 minutes What change in blood pressure occurs during the rest period after exercise A Diastolic pressure increases only B Systolic pressure increases only C Both diastolic and systolic pressures increase then decrease D Both systolic and diastolic pressures decrease

Human Physiology - Digestion29 When combined which of the following groups of foods forms a complementary protein dish A Cranberries apples and marshmallows B Kidney beans rice and sesame seeds C Peaches bananas and apricots D Iceberg lettuce carrots and tomatoes 30 Which of the following foods are legumes A Peanuts B Potatoes C Onions D All of these are correct 31 Which of the following vitamins have antioxidant activity A B 6 B D C K D E are fat soluble vitamins 32 A Vitamins D and E B Niacin and thiamin C Pantothenic acid and vitamin A D Vitamins B 12 and B 6

Human Physiology - DigestionWhat major digestive process take place in the stomach?
A. Ingestion
B. Digestion
C. Absorption
D. Elimination

Human Physiology - DigestionWhat digestive processes take place in the oral cavity? Check ALL that
A. Absorption
B. Digestion
C. Ingestion
D. Elimination

Human Physiology - DigestionWhat is the days supply for this prescription?
Ranitidine syrup Disp: 2oz
10 days
7 days
14 days
12 days

Human Physiology - DigestionWhich of the following are correct statements concering the pancreas?
When blood-glucose levels are high the pancrease secretes glucagon
It contains one type of cells called beta cells
Glucagon and insulin both work to decrease blood sugar levels
When blood-glucose levels are high, it secretes insulin.

Human Physiology - DigestionMatch the cavities with the organs
Large intestine
Spinal cord

Human Physiology - DigestionStarch causes your mouth to water because your body uses amalyse in your salvia to break it down.