Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination Questions and Answers

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationPitch is determined by where the stimulated inner hair cells are located along the basilar membrane the amplitude of the sound wave the intensity of stimulation of the inner hair cells the frequency at which the inner hair cells send action potentials

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationMatch the following equilibrium receptors with the motion they detect Changes in head position along a horizontal plane Changes in head position along a vertical plane Rotational movements of the head 1 Macula of the utricle 2 Macula of the saccule 3 Crista ampullaris

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationThe far point of vision is the furthest distance that you can see clearly the closest point on which the eye can focus the distance at which you can see most clearly the distance beyond which no change in lens shape needed for focusi

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationAll postganglionic neurons have binds sympathetic muscarinic adrenergic nicotinic receptors and are stimulated when ACh

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationThe sympathetic parasympathetic True False division causes the blood vessels to constrict whereas the division causes them to dilate

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationWhich of the following is NOT true of the sympathetic nervous system with regards to anatomy Postganglionic fibers are long Ganglia are within or near visceral effector organs Preganglionic fibers are short Fibers originate in the thoracic and lumbar spinal cord

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationWhich of the following is an effect of the parasympathetic nervous system Constricts pupils Increases the rate and force of heart contraction Stimulates sweating Decreases the activity of the digestive systom

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationFind an article from the library and or internet related to somatic nervous posted by a science magazine journal like Science or National Geographic or a scientific research article You cannot post something like a Wikipedia or WebMD article however You ll probably have the best luck searching for things related to Homeostatic Imbalances

Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordinationsympathetic division has short preganglionic and long postganglionic fibers parasympathetic has long preganglionic and short postganglionic fibers True False Question 26 2 points Listen Roughly 90 of all parasympathetic fibers are derived from the nerves Ohypoglossal O trigeminal Ovagus

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationRegeneration within the CNS typically allows axonal sprouting of 20 mm O is more successful than with the PNS is promoted by growth inhibitors and glial scars is prevented due to growth inhibiting proteins of oligodendroc

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationListen Injury to the small objects Oaxillary median Oulnar O radial nerve makes it difficult to use the pincer grasp to pick up

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationBlood vessels are almost entirely innerved by parasympathetic fibers so the parasympathetic division controls blood pressure True False Question 6 2 points Listen Products to help individuals stop smoking would fall into which drug class acetylcholinesterase inhibitors O sympathomimetic agents nicotinic agents

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationThey are involuntary They result in a predictable motor response to a stimulus They are rapid They can be modified by learning and conscious effort Question 34 2 points Listen exes The occurs in weight bearing limbs to maintain balance and consists of a ipsilateral withdrawal reflex along with a contralateral extensor reflex O crossed extensor reflex O tendon reflex flexor reflex

Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordinationarding the iris of the eye The pupil is the opening in the center of the iris that allows light to enter the eye While irises can be different colors they contain only brown pigment Sympathetic stimulation causes the dilator pupillae muscle to relax and the pupil size increases Parasympathetic stimulation causes the sphincter pupillae muscle to contract and the pupil size decreases Question 16 2 points Listen would likely be affected if there is damage to the medial rectus muscles i re tu Refraction O Convergence Accommodation

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationListen Which of the following best describes the neurotransmitter receptors for the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system O Neurotransmitter receptors on the dendrites and soma of the postganglionic neuron are nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and neurotransmitter receptors on the effectors are nicotinic acetylcholine receptors O Neurotransmitter receptors on the dendrites and soma of the postganglionic neuron are muscarinic acetylcholine receptors and neurotransmitter receptors on the effectors are muscarinic acetylcholine receptors Neurotransmitter receptors on the dendrites and soma of the postganglionic neuron are adrenergic receptors and neurotransmitter receptors on the effectors are adrenergic receptors Neurotransmitter receptors on the dendrites and soma of the postganglionic neuron are nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and neurotransmitter receptors on the effectors are muscarinic acetylcholine receptors O Neurotransmitter receptors on the dendrites and soma of the postganglionic neuron are muscarinic acetylcholine receptors and neurotransmitter receptors on the effectors are nicotinic acetylcholine receptors O Neurotransmitter receptors on the dendrites and soma of the postganglionic neuron are adrenergic receptors and neurotransmitter receptors on the effectors are nicotinic acetylcholine receptors Neurotransmitter receptors on the dendrites and soma of the postganglionic neuron are adrenergic receptors and neurotransmitter receptors on the effectors are muscarinic acetylcholine receptors Neurotransmitter receptors on the dendrites and soma of the postganglionic neuron are nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and neurotransmitter receptors on the effectors are adrenergic receptors Neurotransmitter receptors on the dendrites and soma of the postganglionic neuron are muscarinic acetylcholine receptors and neurotransmitter receptors on the effectors are adrenergic receptors

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationWhich structure is involved in the projection level of motor control O cerebral basal nuclei O cerebellum Ospinal cord O primary motor cortex Submit Request Answer

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationWhich of the following best describes the location of the ganglia for the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system Inside the central nervous system Closer to the central nervous system than the effector Exactly halfway between the central nervous system and the effector Closer to the effector than the central nervous system Inside the effector

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationWhich of the following best describes the neuron contacting the effector for the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system The neurons have the smallest diameter axons are lightly myelinated and transmit impulses at 150 meter per second The neurons have the smallest diameter axons are not myelinated and transmit impulses at 1 meter per second The neurons have medium diameter axons are lightly myelinated and transmit impulses at 15 meters per second O The neurons have medium diameter axons are heavily myelinated and transmit impulses at 1 meters per second The neurons have the largest diameter axons are not myelinated and transmit impulses at 15 meters per second The neurons have the largest diameter axons are heavily myelinated and transmit impulses at 150 meters per second

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationWhat structure is labeled as 3 2 3 1 5 4 Visceral sensory gray mater Funiculus Spinal nerve Somatic sensory gray mater Dorsal root ganglion O Visceral motor gray mater O Ventral root Dura mater O O Somatic motor gray mater Dorsal root 6 7 8 9 10

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationWhat is the best function description of the cranial nerve labeled as F DA 1 C J A H Movement of the eyes Movement of the head and neck Sense of vision O Facial expression and taste O Hearing and balance Sense of smell Parasympathetic innervation below the level of the neck and taste Sensation on the face Movement of the tongue and taste E it of the tongue F L B G K

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationListen What structure is labeled as 2 4 5 Soma 4 6 Node of Ranvier myelin sheath gap Axon Axon Hillock Dendrite p Axon terminal Nissl body Chromatophilic substance Schwann cell 1 2 3 8 Gim

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationQuestion Listen What structure is labeled as 8 7 2 3 6 Axon O Voltage gated calcium channel Potassium Postsynaptic membrane 7 Acetylcholine Calcium Synaptic vesicle Presynaptic membrane Sodium Acetylcholine receptor 5 8 9 10 11 M Page 6 of 10

Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination3 a 5 21 PEOPPOVOODPOR 4 6 The function is not currently known Phagocytic cells that protect the CNS Synthesize cerebrospinal fluid create currents to move cerebrospinal fluid around the CNS O Insulate axons of neurons in the PNS Anchor neurons and blood vessels in place control the chemical environment around neurons help neuron development Insulate axons of neurons in the CNS

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationWhat is the function description of Unipolar neurons The neuron has no dendrites and one axon Transmit impulses toward the CNS Membrane depolarizations that spread over a long distance and get reinforced the further they travel along a membrane Make the resting membrane potential more negative The neuron has one dendrite and one axon Membrane depolarizations that spread over a short distance and do not get reinforced the further they travel along a membrane Carry impulses away from the CNS Shuttle signals through CNS pathways Make the resting membrane potential less negative The neuron has two or more dendrites and one axon

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationWhich of the following structures in the inner ear is essential for maintaining static equilibrium A cochlea B utricle C saccule hale

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationWhat is the relationship between the accuracy of a subject s tactile localization and the results of the two point discrimination test A B Areas with the least accurate touch localization have the smallest two point thresholds Areas with the most accurate touch localization have the smallest two point thresholds C Areas with the most accurate touch localization have the largest two point thresholds and areas with the least accurate touch localization have the smallest two point thresholds D Areas with the most accurate touch localization have the largest two point thresholds

Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordinationervates skeletal muscles B is under conscious control OC serves smooth muscle cardiac muscle and glands D serves the same organs as the somatic nervous system Question 7 1 point 4 Listen This division of the ANS increases motility and secretion in the digestive tract OA sympathetic OB parasympathetic

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationOA the parasympathetic division of the ANS OB the somatic nervous system OC both sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the ANS OD the sympathetic division of the ANS Question 9 1 point 4 Listen The ganglia of the parasympathetic division of the ANS are located OA in two trunks or chains one on each side of the vertebral column B within the walls of or close to the organs served OC in a collateral or prevertebral ganglion in two trunks or chains one on each side of the vertebral column and in a

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationA gaps of Schwann OB myelinated fibers OC outer collar of perinuclear cytoplasm D myelin sheath gaps Question 2 1 point Listen A bundle of axons in the CNS is called a A connective corridor B path of white matter C nerve D tract

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationOA satellite cells OB astrocytes OC oligodendrocytes OD Schwann cells Question 4 1 point 4 Listen These nervous system cells are highly specialized to transmit messages throughout the body OA astrocytes OB oligodendrocytes OC microglial cells

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationA synaptic cleft OB initial segment OC axon terminal OD axon hillock Question 6 1 point Listen Coordination of skeletal muscle activity is one of the functions of the cerebellum Another is OA processing sensory information from the integument OB control of balance and equilibrium OC relaying visual information to the primary visual cortex

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationThey form dermatomes Damage to one spinal nerve will not cause paralysis of a limb muscle It ensures all areas of the body are innervated Question 6 1 point Listen ses Spinal reflexes cannot occur without the higher brain centers being directly involved hence why we can consciously modify reflexes True

Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordinationthat allow communication between the various parts of the CNS spinal nerves gray matter cranial nerves white matter Question 6 1 point Listen descend to the spinal cord without synapsing and regulate skill movements lower motor neurons ascending tracts pyramidal tracts

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationPlace the following steps of peripheral nerve regeneration in the correct order Macrophages clean debris in the injury site The injured axon fragments and starts to degenerate distally from the injury Schwann cells release growth factors to encourage the axon to grow They also form a regeneration tube to guide the regenerating axon across the gap The axon regenerates The Schwann cells produce a new myelin sheath Schwann cells secrete chemicals to recruit macrophages

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationWhat membrane potential triggers the opening of the voltage gated Na channels O 55 mv 55 mv 0 70 mv 070 mv 0 90 mv 0 90 mv

Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordinationtypical neuron where do you find the voltage gated calcium channels Oon the dendrites O O at the axon terminals on the cell body O at the axon hillock along the entire length of the n

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationThe release of acetylcholine from the terminal of a motor neuron is most directly linked to O the entry of calcium into the axon terminal O the exit of sodium from the axon terminal O the exit of potassium from the axon terminal O the entry of potassium into the axon terminal O the entry of sodium into the axon terminal

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationFunctionally which cellular location is the neuron s decision making site as to whether or not an action potential will be initiated Oaxon hillocks Odendritic membranes Omitochondrial membranes Oaxonal membranes presynaptic mombu

Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordinationsium ions into the mitochondria Osodium ions into the cell and potassium ions out of the cell Question 14 1 point Listen When voltage gated Na channels open ONa rushes into the cell and causes a hyperpolarization ONa rushes into the cell and causes a depolarization s into the cell ONa rushes out of the cell and causes a hyperpolarization ONa rushes out of the cell and causes a depolarization Question 15 1 point Listen What is the resting potential of a typical human neuron

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationListen soint a depolarization Browser We What causes the the membrane to return to resting potential after an action potential has occurred the voltage gated Na channels cannot re open for a period of time after the action potential Quertic leak channels open so that Na and K can diffuse across the membrane the sodium potassium pump is always moving Na out and K in to the cell gated channels open to allow ions to diffuse back to their original location the neurotransmitter released acts to restore resting potential

Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordinationprotect blood vessels and enclose venous sinuses cover and protect the PNS cover and protect the CNS form partitions in the skull Question 22 2 points 1 Listen Select ALL of the following that are functions of the CSF protection from blows initiation of some nerve impulses nourishment of the brain

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationIn summation a neuron will fire an action potential when more ESPSS come in than IPSPS only ESPSS come in and not IPSPS ESPSS come in in rapid succession IPSPS come in in rapid succession the membrane potential at the axon hillary

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationListen When voltage gated K channels open tion potential K rushes into the cell and causes a hyperpolarization K rushes into the cell and causes a depolarization K rushes out of the cell and causes a hyperpolarization K rushes out of the cell and causes a don

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationThe main role of a neurotransmitter is to create a depolarization in the membrane and generate an action potential cause a post synaptic potential to occur carry ions across the synaptic cleft restore the resting potential of the firing neuron cause Ca to diffuse into the synaptic terminals Question 12

Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordinationwho could see an apple but could not interpret it as an apple is most likely to have sustained damage to the calcarine cortex visual association area lateral geniculate body primary visual cortex Question 34 2 points 4 Listen The helps keep the cortex conscious and alert O cerebellar peduncles Obasal nuclei limbic system

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationMatch the area of the brain with its function 0000 thalamus cerebellum medulla oblongata cerebral cortex 1 2 3 4 fine tunes motor activity to provide precise coordinated movements autonomic reflex center involved in maintaining homeostasis relay station for information coming into the cortex executive suite of the brain responsible for conscious thought sensory perception and control of skeletal muscle movement Question 16 2 points 4 Listen Which of the following is true regarding epilepsy O Sensory messages are processed normally during seizures but responses are blocked The aura in tonic clonic seizures typically occurs as the patient regains consciousness Absence seizures are typically seen in young children and are often severely disabling Genetics plays a role in epilepsy risk but it is also frequently caused by head

Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordinationact through intracellular second messengers Oopens ion channels alters membrane potential resulting in rapid and brief responses O cause effects on the presynaptic neuron Question 40 2 points 1 Listen The spinal cord belongs to the O sympathetic nervous system O parasympathetic nervous system O central nervous system peripheral nervous system

Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordinationgamma aminobutyric acid acetylcholine cholinesterase norepinephrine Question 38 2 points 4 Listen An excitatory neurotransmitter would likely result in which of the following in the postsynaptic cell O Chemically gated sodium channels will open Chemically gated chloride channels will open Chemically gated sodium channels will be closed

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationAt Resting Membrane Potential just inside the neuron s plasma membrane will be negative and contain more sodium than outside of the cell positive and contain more sodium than outside of the cell Opositive and contain less sodium than outside of the cell negative and contain less sodium than outside of the cell

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationNerve fibers from the send signals to the brain about internal or external changes i e noises heard smells tastes etc O sympathetic division of the ANS O parasympathetic division of the ANS somatic nervous system sensory afferent division of the PNS