Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination Questions and Answers

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationThe modality of a stimulus can be determined within the central nervous system by O frequency coding adequate stimulus for the sensory receptor cell population coding lateral inhibition

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationSharp localized fast pain is rapidly transmitted to the central nervous system along O large myelinated A beta fibers O small myelinated A delta fitiers O large unmyelinated C fibers small unmyelinated C fibers

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationEach of the following statements correctly describes an action potential EXCEPT which one O Action potentials include a depolarization phase followed by a repolarization phase O Action potentials are propagated by the sodium potassium pump O An action potential continues to propagate itself into the next region of an axon O Action potentials temporarily reverse the polarization of the axon membrane Once triggered an action potential always looks the same in form and voltage

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationImagine yourself going through a typical day List each activity e g waking up in the morning getting out of bed brushing teeth going to school and etc Using what you learned in chapter 3 and this module which part of the brain will you rely on for each activity What part of the brain you are using as you change behaviors Consider your own experiences and speculate on which parts of your brain might be particularly well developed as a result of these experiences

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationIndicate whether each of the following is associated with the Spinal Thalamic or the Medial Lemniscal pathways of the somatosensory system Free nerve endings Cross over in cord Cross over in medulla Encapsulated nerve endings Choose Medial Lemniscal Spinal Thalamic wy Choose Choose

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationAdap It was John s first day of college at Richmond University in California With his class schedule in hand he walked across campus to his English class He was feeling a bit nervous but the fact that he made friends with a few other guys in his dorm that had the same English class helped calm him When he got to class he saw his friends and sat next to them They were holding bright orange papers that read Pledge Beta Kappa in bold font across the top John asked one his friends Eric what they were looking at Next week is Rush Week all the sororities and fraternities are handing these out replied Eric We are all planning on rushing for Beta Kappa replied his other friend Sam Eric handed John a pledge paper John read the information listed about Beta Kappa From the flier it seemed that Beta Kappa was active in the community and had several connections to local hospitals for volunteer opportunities which interested John who had already declared his major as sports medicine With this information John decided that he would give Rush Week a try On Friday September 3rd John joined his friends and several other new pledges at the Beta Kappa fraternity house They were welcomed into the frat house and given a tour by the president of the fraternity Robert During the tour Robert gave an extensive history of the fraternity citing facts about the house and even mentioning some celebrities and politicians who were once members As the night progressed they got to meet the rest of the members of the fraternity and to John it seemed that all was going well At around 10 pm Robert told the new pledges that he wanted to show them the basement where they would perform the pledging ceremony As they headed to the basement they saw fraternity members collecting the phones of the new pledges It was at this moment that John began to feel uncomfortable and turned to his friend Eric Do you think we should do this asked John Something doesn t feel right he continued Don t worry every fraternity does something They will probably just play a prank on us Eric replied John not fully consoled by Eric started down the stairs When they reached the bottom of the staircase they saw nothing but the unfinished bare walls and concrete floor that surrounded them John heard a sound from the corner and saw Robert standing there Welcome to Hell Week this is where you will be staying for the next few nights pledges We will test your mental and physical stamina to determine who will become a member of Beta Kappa John turned to Eric worried about what was to come Eric reassured John Seriously don t worry the worst they re going to do is make us sleep here in the cold without beds Robert addressed the group again The first test is a physical test Each one of you pledges must perform 200 push ups and 200 sit ups back to back Hesitantly the pledges got on the ground and began exercising Robert continued to shout out rules as the pledges worked they could not have water they could not take a break and they were not allowed to leave to use the restroom If any one of you pledges cannot follow these rules you will be punished continued Robert Robert went into another corner of the basement and came back to the group carrying a hose John wanted out of this hell and looked up the staircase only to see members of the fraternity guarding it It took over an hour for each pledge to finish the exercises Some pledges took breaks which caused Robert to spray each member with the hose It was cold dark and now wet in the basement When the exercises were complete Eric turned to John and sighed relieved This should be it and then we can finally leave Little did they know this was only the start of the night The next phase of the night is the mental test Robert stated to the soaking wet pledges Earlier in the night we did a tour of the house Let s see how many of you can remember what was covered Several fraternity members came down the staircase holding 5 gallon jugs of water Each pledge received one jug Each of you must drink from the jug of water if you answer a question wrong If you finish your jug we will refill it Robert motioned to another fraternity member standing in the room to get the hose The questions were rapid fire the pledges only had seconds to respond or else they had to drink their water During this test John lost all sense of time He had answered many questions incorrectly which caused a fraternity member to refill his jug of water The questions seemed to never end and they became increasingly non related to the fraternity house Confused tired and cold John refused to drink another sip A fraternity member came over to him and shouted at him to chug his water and feeling helpless and confused John did It was at this moment that Eric looked over to see John collapse on the ground John began to shake violently in an apparent seizure Eric shouted for someone to call 911 John was rushed to a nearby hospital and taken to the intensive care unit John had consumed nearly 10 gallons of water over the course of 2 hours As soon as he arrived at the hospital the doctors gave him an IV containing a sodium solution It was too late however Only hours after arriving at the hospital John went into cardiac arrest and died In the autopsy report the medical examiner determined the cause of death as cerebral edema or swelling of the tissue in the brain due to hyponatremia which is water intoxication Analysis Questions 1 What problem did drinking nearly 10 gallons of water create in John s body 2 Define osmosis

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationQuestion Completion Status censiune mesurar warr Transmembrane proteins that connect the cell to the cell cytoskeleton Proteins connected to intermediate filan secure adjacent muscle cells to one anot exercise Membrane proteins that facilitate chemi by lowering activation energy A membrane protein that permits sodium diffuse across the membrane from outsi

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationQUESTION 1 Match the description to the membrane protein A protein that recognizes a chemical released by a virally infected cell and sends a warning signal across the membrane Proteins involved in forming a water tight seal betwee cells in the intestinal wall Transmembrane proteins that connect collagen outsic the cell to the cell cytoskeleton Proteins connected to intermediate filaments that secure adjacent muscle cells to one another during exercise Membrane proteins that facilitate chemical reactions by

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationA cat hears the can opener and runs into the kitchen a Stimulus b Receptor c Effector

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationUsing these three words form a sentence neurotransmitter axon terminals dendrites

Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination3 Specifically where are neurotransmitters made

Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination5 Using these three words form a sentence impulse nervous system neuron

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationAfter You Read 1 What are three parts of the brain What role does each one play in the body 2 Explain how reflexes occur How do they differ from other impulses

Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination3 Explain how the endocrine system is controlled 4 Complete the Venn diagram in your Science Notebook by filling in ways in which the endocrine and nervous systems are alike and different Use your Venn diagram to write a well developed paragraph that compares and contrasts the two body systems

Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination1 What are the body s five sensory organs 2 Describe the process by which people see Why are the eyes not the nos or tongue the organs of sight

Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination3 Sequence and describe the process through which neurons send information to the brain Review the concept map in your Science Notebook Work with a partner to answer the following questions What are two divisions of the nervous system How do these divisions differ Record your answers in your Scienc

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationS Select the correct answer from each drop down menu Neurons and muscle cells perform different functions In the body these cells have the same while the function of neurons is to send nerve signals cells is Resef Next The function of muscle

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationLet s think about the intersection of language and culture let s consider th importance of language to you and your community Share with us the following Why is bilingualism important How do language and culture connect What does your language or languages mean to you Why is it so important for you and your community to maintain your

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationPeople who hear voices are often given a diagnosis of schizophrenia Since the late 1980s however some have challenged this view and organized into a Hearing Voices movement and network One of their leaders for instance says Many voices can be unthreatening and even positive It s wrong to turn this into a shameful problem that people either feel they have to deny or to take medication to suppress The medical model of disability would say that hearing voices is while the choose the correct sequence social model of disability would say that hearing voices is of answers below which are separated with the symbol A psychiatric problem in the individual a problem that has been constructed by and lives in society not the individual A problem that has been constructed by and lives in society not the individual a psychiatric problem in the individual

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationM Patient Justin a 45 year old man who has started having jerky uncontrolled movements and trouble focusing his thoughts Patient Jenny a 17 year old girl who far

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationDuring excitatory synaptic transmission the electrical signal carried along the axon of a presynaptic neuron causes the release of neurotransmitters into the synapse and its sub sequent reception by receptors on the postsynaptic neurons The activation of receptors on the postsynaptic neurons then triggers the generation of the new action potential in that neuron Both chemical and electrical neuronal signals are mediated by the movement of ions across the neuronal membrane Which of the following correctly describes the movement of ions across neuronal membranes as an action potential is conducted down the neuron A B C D At rest the internal side of the membrane has an overall positive charge but as the ac tion potential moves down the neuron more ions flow into the neuron making the membrane more positive At rest the internal side of the membrane has an overall positive charge which intensi fies the action potential At rest the internal side of the membrane has an overall positive charge but as the ac tion potential moves down the neuron more ions flow out of the neuron to neutralize the membrane At rest the internal side of the membrane has an overall negative voltage As the action potential moves down the neuron the internal membrane becomes positive as ion channels open and ions flow into the neuron

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationWhy are endocrine signals transmitted more slowly than paracrine signals A B C D The target and signaling cells are close together The ligands are transported through the bloodstream and travel greater distances The ligands degrade rapidly The ligands do not bind to carrier proteins during transport

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationTwo types of transducers are found on all fetal monitors They are toco and ultrasound lateral and frontal universal and special ECG and EEG

Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination2 Which of the following events in endocrine signaling is not possible a Cells in the hypothalamus secrete a hormone The target cells in the anterior pituitary bind that hormone and respond by not secreting their own hormone Cells in the hypothalamus bind a hormone The posterior pituitary releases a hormone in response Cells in the hypothalamus bind a hormone Those hypothalamic cells respond by stopping the release of a hormone d Cells in the anterior pituitary bind a hormone released by the thyroid The pituitary cells respond by stopping the release of a hormone e There are no exceptions all are possible in human endocrine signaling b c

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationThe prefrontal cortex is to as the hippocampus amygdala thalamus and hypothalamus a O long term memory transferring information into short term memory short term memory transferring information into long term memory episodic memory procedural memory O procedural memory episodic memory

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationC A 3 A 5 2 sense orga A 4 2 1 3 5 Retina Cornea Which division describes the central nervous system A Peripheral and central Brain and spinal cord 4 What is the function of neurotransmitters 2 4 1 3 5 A Nerves C organelles Cells that transmit electrical signals through the nervous syste called V C3 1 2 4 5 The resting potential of a neuron is A 70 mV B zero scle B State the function of the B Voluntary and D Sensory and m A To transmit nerve impulses through dendrites B To stimulate the production of sodium C To transmit nerve impulses across synapses D None of the above Part 2 Long Response 1 Refer to Diagram B the Eye A Label the eye by placing the appropriate Roman numeral in the be Lens Pupil V Optic Nerve V By neurons D tissues C 30 mV Vitreous Humo our its along with the aqueous hu which 1 vitreous humour the shore of the 16

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationWhich of the following is not characteristic of the dendrite Select the best answer Answer 2 Points O increases speed of action potential extends from the soma O receives signals from other neurons

Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination7 The amino acid sequence of the beta globin protein is sometimes used as an example of evolution Compared to the human beta globin protein sequence the mouse beta globin sequence is 87 identical and the frog beta globin sequence is 54 identical a 1 point Which of the lines of evidence is the relationships between the sequences of beta globin proteins an example of b 2 points Describe the way in which this could be interpreted as evidence of evolution c 2 points This phylogeny shows the evolutionary relationship between a number of taxa of vertebrate animals Which of the taxa shown on this phylogeny is the most closely related to humans Briefly describe how you can tell HUMANS LIZARDS BIRDS MICE FROGS 149 FISH

Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination9 The diagram below shows two neurons that are communicating via a single synapse On the diagram below 921 W c 2 points Choose one neuron and clearly mark and label the location of voltage gated channels a 1 point Draw a box around the location of the synapse and label it synapse b 2 points If this synapse is inhibitory use the axes to the right to sketch how the postsynaptic membrane of the dendrite will change in response to the release of neurotransmitter Membrane potential mv 30 andere to bu 55 70 Sadec Time msec d 2 points Use an arrow to draw the path and direction of the flow of information within and between these two neurons Indicate where this information

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationMany researchers believe that mirror neurons allow humáns to
develop facial expressions for basic emotions.
experience empathy.
reverse left-right movements when performing a task in front of a mirror.
coordinate complicated motor tasks.

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationWhat are the two subsystems of the peripheral nervous system?
a. cervical and spinal
b. efferent and afferent
C. dorsal and ventral
d. vision and hearing

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationWhich of the following best describes how an action potential will move from the terminal end of one axon to the dendrite of another neuron?
The high concentration of calcium ions (Ca2+) flooding the cell after depolarization bind to receptors on the post-synaptic neuron.
Neurotransmitters released from the pre-synaptic neuron diffuse across the synaptic cleft towards the post-synaptic neuron.
Sodium ions (Na+) trigger the release of neurotransmitters that rush into the post-synaptic neuron.
None of the above are correct.

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationThe steps of a signal-transduction pathway are:
a)Reception, signal-transduction, and response
b) Response and reception only
c) Reception, signal-transduction
d) Reception, signal-transduction, and emmision

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationThere is a potential difference of about 70 mV between the outside and the inside of the cell membrane of a neuron. Which statement below concerning this situation is false?
The outside is positive with respect to the inside.
The potential difference is due to differences in the ionic concentration in the intracellular and extracellular fluids.
Sodium ions are concentrated on the outside of the membrane while potassium ions are concentrated on the inside of the membrane.
Protein ions concentrated on the inside of the membrane can freely move through the membrane in a passive manner.

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationThe neurotransmitter is released from the ________ and acts on the __________
presynaptic neuron, polysynaptic neuron
synapse, neuron
presynaptic neuron, postsynaptic neuron
postsynaptic neuron, presynaptic neuron

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationThe site of contact between a synaptic terminal of a neuron and a target cell is called a(n)
effector cell.

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationThe innermost layer of the meninges is called the:
Dura Mater
Pia Mater
Myelin Sheath
Arachnoid Mater

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationThe space between two signalling neurons is called:
The neurotransmitter
The axon
The synapse
The dendrite

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationAn unconscious response to a stimulus is referred to as a(n)

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationThe actual gap between the axonal terminal and the muscle cell is called
motor group.

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationLee believes it is best for those experiencing conflict to meet each other in the middle by splitting demands with each person getting some of what they want. His approach describes which method of conflict resolution?

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationDiscuss the processes that must occur for an impulse to move from the axon of one neuron, to a second neuron, and into a third neuron.

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationWhat would happen to a rod (photoreceptor cell) if it had a mutation that made
(the green-colored enzyme in this figure which degrades the phosphodiesterase
CGMP) nonfunctional?
Both Statements 1 and 2 are correct
Both Statements 2 and 3 are correct
Statement 3: the rod would be unable to respond to a photon of light
Statement 1: the rod would stay hyperpolarized all the time because cGMP would
keep cation channels closed
Statement 2: the rod would stay depolarized all the time because CGMP keeps cation
channels open

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationIn the second trimester, _ occurs and dendrites grow.

Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordinationinfancy and early childhood, differentiation is when...
Synapse formation increases dramatically after birth
Synapses begin to take on unique functions
Unused, unnecessary synapses are trimmed
Neurons are coated

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationIdentify the type of circuit motif featured in each of the following examples.
In the insect olfactory system, excitatory projection neuron axons project to two different brain structures, the mushroom body and the lateral horn.
A class of cerebral cortical neurons inhibits other classes of inhibitory neurons in the brain, indirectly increasing the activity of final targets.
In the vertebrate retina, afferent neurons excite inhibitory interneurons that project onto the targets of their neighbors.
In the vertebrate knee-jerk reflex, two parallel excitatory pathways inhibit each other via inhibitory neuron intermediates.
Sensory neurons relay somatosensory stimuli to the primary somatosensory cortex via nuclei in the brainstem and thalamus.
A. Recurrent (cross) inhibition
B. Divergent excitation
C. Lateral inhibition
D. Feedforward excitation
E. Disinhibition

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationWhat type of sensory language is used in the following sentence from "Silence - A
Fable" by Edgar Allan Poe? "And the man shuddered, and turned his face away, and fled afar off, in haste."
Kinesthetic imagery
Auditory imagery
Visual imagery

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationWhich statement is NOT true of the lens of the eye?
It accounts for 2/3 of the eye's refraction
It has no blood supply
It changes shape to alter its refraction
Most of its cells have no nuclei

Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordinationcan someone explain how continous propagation works in a step by step process in an axon?

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationWhich of the following is not a function associated with the spinal cord?
Coordinate the alternating contraction of several muscle groups associated with locomotion
Conduct sensory information up to the brain
Conduct motor information down the cord
Integrate sensory information at the conscious level
Mediate a reflex, such as the withdrawal of a hand from pain