Microbes in Human Welfare Questions and Answers

Microbes in Human WelfareYou add an appropriate amount of an antibiotic to a turbid broth culture of bacteria, and within a few minutes the culture visibly clears.
a) Can you tell the mechanism of action from these results?
b) If so, what is it?
c) If not, what tool would you need to figure it out?

Microbes in Human WelfareDetermine whether the given statements describing prokaryotic organisms is true or false.
Prokaryotic organisms occupy environments where other organisms could not survive.
Prokaryotic organisms are important producers of organic carbon compounds.
Over 75% of bacteria are known human pathogens.
Prokaryotic cells release carbon dioxide contributing to global climate change

Microbes in Human WelfareThe sludge removed from earlier steps in wastewater treatment can further be broken down into stable solids and methane (natural gas) by:
a) aerobic digestion
b) disinfection
c) anaerobic digestion
d) sedimentation

Microbes in Human WelfareYou grow a pure culture of Mycoplasma pneumoniae and notice that the cells vary in shape, with some being rods, others cocci, and others are coccobacilli. This phenomenon is best termed:
a) pleomorphism
b) mutation
c) biofilm formation
d) polymorphism

Microbes in Human WelfareThe purpose of heat-fixing a bacterial smear is:
a) to make the sample stick to the slide
b) to inactivate the enzymes of the bacteria, so they don't lead to degradation of the smear
d) to help the sample take up the dye
d) all of the above

Microbes in Human WelfareIf this experiment was repeated and the entire set up was placed in a dark closet, predict what would happen to each of the organisms in the jar. Use your knowledge of photosynthesis and respiration to justify your answer.

Microbes in Human WelfareThe growth temperature is a small range of temperatures in which the microbe
experiences the fastest rate of metabolism and growth.
two of these are correct

Microbes in Human Welfare11. The salinity of a small inland lake has recently started to increase. Researchers are planning to study the lake over several decades to investigate how freshwater organisms survive significant changes in their natural habitat. Which of the following physiological mechanisms will the researchers most likely observe among the surviving organisms in the lake?
a. Prokaryotic organisms will use various mechanisms to counteract swelling of cells as a result of increased water uptake.
b. Single-celled organisms will use various mechanisms to counteract the increased flow of water from cells to the environment.
c. Eukaryotic organisms will use various mechanisms to counteract the diffusion of positively charged ions across the cell membrane.
d. Multicellular organisms will use various mechanisms to counteract the loss of cell adhesion as a result of calcium deficiencies.

Microbes in Human WelfareGonorrhea can be treated with antibiotics such as
all the choices

Microbes in Human WelfareIf a fly landed on animal feces, picked up Salmonella on its feet, and then transferred the bacteria to food by walking on it, the fly would best be termed a:
A) fomite
B) mechanical vector
C) biological vector
D) zoonosis
E) pathogen

Microbes in Human WelfareWhich of the following best describes the patterns associated with the microbial death phase of the growth curve?
a. None of the above, we don't talk about cell death
b. the cells in the population die at a constant rate
c. the cells in a culture die at varying rates, alternating between fast and slow death rates.
d. all the cells in a culture die at once

Microbes in Human WelfareConsumption of a buffet food item contaminated with Staphylococcus aureus at a
wedding reception results in many people becoming ill. This would best be described
as a:
A) pandemic
B) zoonosis
C) vertical transmission
D) point source epidemic
E) propagated transmission epidemic

Microbes in Human WelfareOrder the following steps a microorganism takes in the process of establishing disease.
Microbe overcomes host defenses.
Microbe attaches to receptor on host.
Microbe enters through its portal of entry.
Disease is established.

Microbes in Human WelfareEndotoxins are...
a. the most lethal substances known
b. encoded by bacterial plasmids or phages
c. proteins usually with two parts: A and B
d. generally degraded by autoclaving (121C for 20 minutes)
e. none of the above

Microbes in Human WelfareBiology why is it important to reduce the amount of biodegradable organic matter and nutrients during sewage treament?

Microbes in Human WelfareDiscuss the factors which contribute to limitation of sago
starch usage in food products. Suggest modification steps
that need to be taken to further enhance its potential as
functional ingredient in food industry.

Microbes in Human WelfareFor enzymes, shape
matches function.
Once a substrate is
matched to an
enzyme in "lock and
key" fashion it is a(n)
A. active molecule.
B. polypeptide bond.
C. substrate enzyme complex.
D. functional protein.
![In higher order protista and eukaryota, the nuclear membrane dissolves completely, and the process is called [? ].
binary fission](https://media.kunduz.com/media/sug-question/raw/50423587-1658836035.9984102.jpeg?w=256)
Microbes in Human WelfareIn higher order protista and eukaryota, the nuclear membrane dissolves completely, and the process is called [? ].
binary fission
![Condensed, packaged DNA is called a chromosome and loose DNA is/are [?] that is/ are open and readable. ..
Microbes in Human WelfareCondensed, packaged DNA is called a chromosome and loose DNA is/are [?] that is/ are open and readable. ..
![Cell division in [?] is more complicated than prokaryotes due to the presence of a encasing the DNA.
Microbes in Human WelfareCell division in [?] is more complicated than prokaryotes due to the presence of a encasing the DNA.

Microbes in Human WelfareYou just transferred your bacteria into another tube. You want the bacteria in this tube to multiply quickly so you'll have enough bacteria for your next experiment in 1-2 days. Where in the lab (or what "device") would you put the new tube of bacteria and why?

Microbes in Human WelfareWhich method you wouldn't use to differentiate Proteus vulgaris from Salmonella sp.?
A. Urea test
B. Inoculation to BAP
C. EnteroPluri test tube
D. Inoculation to McConkey agar
E. All tests can be used

Microbes in Human WelfareThe Mountain Pine Beetle vs an Ecosystem
The lodgepole pine grows in the North American west, as far north
as the Yukon. It tolerates most soil conditions; cold, wet winters;
and warm, dry summers. Seed cones can withstand freezing
temperatures and most insects. The trees have fairly thin bark and
a shallow root system, making them susceptible to damage by fire
and insects; however, the high temperatures of fires release the
seeds to quickly regenerate trees after a forest fire. During the last
hundred years, forest fires have been controlled and suppressed.
The mountain pine beetle is a common parasite of the
lodgepole pine. Adult beetles bore through the thin bark to lay eggs
and deposit a fungus carried on their bodies. The larvae live in and
feed on the bark during the winter, as does the fungus. The bark
damage usually kills the host tree, although sustained temperatures
of -25 °C during the early fall or late spring or temperatures of
-40 °C during winter can kill the larvae. Infestations usually last
5 to 7 years and happen in 20- to 40-year cycles.
The pine beetle infestation began in British Columbia in 1993,
and over a decade later residents in affected areas are reporting:
• small mammals such as squirrels have disappeared
song birds have left the area
trap lines are increasingly empty
• cougars are coming to settled areas and preying on family pets
• devil's club, a plant used for Aboriginal medicine, is increasingly
hard to find
1. What biotic and abiotic components of the environment
affect the life cycle of the lodgepole pine? What biotic and
abiotic components of the environment affect the life cycle
of the mountain pine beetle?
2. Can you suggest reasons why the current mountain pine
beetle infestation has lasted longer than the usual 5 to 7 years?
3. What can you infer from the local reports about the impact
of the loss of the trees on other organisms?
4. Choose one of the following roles and write or present a short
paragraph on how the pine beetle infestation affects you as:
a) a local elder
b) a logger
c) a planner for the department of forests
d) a wilderness tour operator

Microbes in Human WelfareIn a carbohydrate fermentation test, how do you know if the bacteria fermented the carbohydrate
in the medium?
The pH increases when bacteria ferment the carbohydrate and the pH indicator turns red
The medium turns yellow AND gas is collected in the tube
The medium turns yellow with or without gas production
Bacteria grow on the surface of the medium where there is more oxygen for fermentation

Microbes in Human Welfareresuspended the bacteria in 0.5ml of Solution 1 and then added lysozyme to a concentration of 50µg/ml. If we had a lysozyme stock concentration of 10mg/ml, calculate the stock volume that needed to be added. (HINT: Use C1V1 = C2V2)

Microbes in Human WelfareAfter growing an enteric organism overnight in SIM media, Jeniffer added a few drops of Kovacs reagent. The top portion of the culture media turned red. Which of the following species is this likely to be?"
E. coli
all of these

Microbes in Human WelfareHow would you culture capnophiles bacteria in the lab?
In TSA medium (the one that we frequently use in the lab) exposed to air
In a sealed jar where oxygen is chemically removed
In an anaerobic chamber
In a candle jar
In an enriched medium such as blood agar

Microbes in Human WelfareDuring this bacterial growth phase, death rate is much higher than growth rate because there is very limited or no food.
death phase
Lag phase
Log phase
Stationary phase
Foodless phase

Microbes in Human WelfareWhat group of microorganisms do not usually call the skin home?

Microbes in Human WelfareThe purpose of studying an urban microbiome is to study the diversity of microbiome
and observe the change of the microbiome in the urban area over years.

Microbes in Human WelfareChoose the most accurate answer about Bile esculin medium?
a) It's a differential medium for bacteria that hydrolyze esculin and a selective
medium for Gram negative
b) It inhibits the growth of Gram-negative bacteria
c) It's a differential medium for all esculin hydrolyzing bacteria
d) It's used to identify Gram positive bacteria that hydrolyze esculin

Microbes in Human WelfareHow would you classify the distribution and appearance of the growth in broth of this bacterium?
Uniform fine turbidity

Microbes in Human WelfareThe proportion of microorganisms killed after a sterilization treatment can be estimated from which
one of the following standards.
Lethality factor (F)
Z value
Critical value
Inactivation factor (IF)
Sterility assurance level (SAL)

Microbes in Human WelfareWhy do Gram-negative bacteria tend to be less sensitive to antibacterial drugs in general?
a. Many antibacterial compounds can pass through the thin peptidoglycan layer of a Gram-positive bacterial cell.
b. Many antibacterial compounds cannot pass through the outer membrane of a Gram-positive bacterial cell.
c. Many antibacterial compounds cannot pass through the thick peptidoglycan layer of a Gram-negative bacterial cell.
O d. Many antibacterial compounds cannot pass through the outer membrane of a Gram-negative bacterial cell.

Microbes in Human WelfareWhich term best describes a drug that kills microbes?
a. microbiocidal
b. microbiostatic
c. narrow-spectrum
d. broad-spectrum
e. antibiotic

Microbes in Human WelfareWhat is the purpose of including phenol red in triple sugar iron (TSI) medium?
a. Phenol red ferments the sugars.
b. Phenol red can be reduced to hydrogen sulfide.
c. Phenol red is a pH indicator.
d. Phenol red inhibits catalase.
e. Phenol red undergoes fermentation.

Microbes in Human WelfareWhat are the four basic steps involved in this bacterial identification lab?

Microbes in Human WelfareAfter completing sample A, perform DNA sequence analysis on any two of the other five
samples (B, C, D, E or F).
Write in the letter of the sample you choose and the scientific name of the bacterium
(after doing a BLAST search).

Microbes in Human WelfareWhy facultative anaerobes prefer to grow in the presence of oxygen than without oxygen?
Because the highest number of ATPS per glucose is produced by aerobic respiration
Because oxygen is their preferred nutrient
Because they are only able to do aerobic respiration
Because they can only live for a short time in the absence of oxygen
All of the above

Microbes in Human Welfare5. When bacterial cultures are grown in the lab, products of bacterial metabolism can build up making
the environment too acidic or alkaline
for the bacteria to thrive. What is the best thing to add to the growing medium to keep the bacteria
a. ever clear
b. a base
c. buffer
d. protein

Microbes in Human WelfareBacteria that are no longer killed effectively by antibiotics (medicine that fights infections) are
called "antibiotic resistant." Which of the following is NOT true about bacteria that are antibiotic
a. These bacteria are naturally resistant to certain antibiotics.
b. These bacteria can spread resistance through reproduction.
c. These bacteria can transfer resistance genes to other bacteria through DNA transfer.
d. These bacteria cannot transfer resistance genes to other bacteria through DNA transfer.

Microbes in Human WelfareDifferent people's cell phones are home to different types of microbes. Why might this be?
a. The types of microbes living on cell phones changes randomly.
b. The cell phone owners did not wash their hands after using the bathroom.
c. The types of microbes living on cell phones reflect the same types of microbes living on the skin of their owners.
d. Different cell phones have different abiotic (non-living) factors. These factors select for different types of microbes that are able to survive on different types of cell phones.

Microbes in Human WelfareWhy are parasite considered a microorganism?
They are small.
They produce tissue and organs
They have microscopic larval stages
They are infectious agents
Eukaryotes can be microbes, not just prokaryotes.

Microbes in Human WelfareSome bacteria are metabolically active in hot springs because
they are able to maintain a lower internal temperature.
their enzymes have high optimal temperatures.
high temperatures make catalysis unnecessary.
their enzymes are completely insensitive to temperature.

Microbes in Human WelfareWhat makes NIOSH unique among federal research institutions?
a)It works with the Department of Labor and other government agencies to promote occupational safety and health.
b)It is a part of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and it's also responsible for development of the technical portions of OSHA standards.
(c)It is the only government agency that only specializes in research on toxicity levels and human tolerance levels of hazardous substances.
d)It has the authority to conduct research in the workplace, and to respond to requests for assistance from employers and employees.

Microbes in Human WelfareWhich of the following statements about E. coli is true?
Some infections can be fatal to humans.
It occurs naturally in food crops.
Most people can ingest it without harm.
It dies quickly outside of its host.

Microbes in Human WelfareWhy during commercial fermentation does special care need to be taken to keep the vats sealed during the process?
To keep any bacteria from consuming the yeast
If oxygen is allowed to be present the fermentation process will not happen
Excessive amounts of carbon dioxide will be produced
Only glycolysis will happen

Microbes in Human WelfareWhat is a biofilm and how does it help microbes?
Challenge Questions
1. In this lecture, there were 2 examples of coordinated bacterial activity. What were they?
2. How does the toxin/antitoxin system work to maintain a plasmid inside a cell

Microbes in Human WelfareDate of Visit: 12/24/YYYY
Patient Name: unknown
Date of Birth: 1/31/1975
Patient Type: Inpatient
Reason for Visit:Psoriasis
Notes/Comments: Unit 5 Case Study 3
PREPROCEDURE DIAGNOSIS: Acute respiratory failure due to Hanta Virus
POSTPROCEDURE DIAGNOSIS: acute respiratory failure due to Hanta Virus
INDICATIONS: The patient was placed on Dovonex at night and triamcinolone during the day last time without improvement in his psoriasis. The patient would like to start photochemotherapy with PUVA today.
PROCEDURE: Patient was intubated and placed on a ventilator for 16 hours. Patient was transferred to the University Hospital for further treatment.