Molecular Basis of Inheritance Questions and Answers

Molecular Basis of Inheritance40 tch the statement with the correct term 2 points group of HFr bacteria is mixed with a group of F bacteria After eral days the F bacteria contain part of the Hfr chromosome e uptake of DNA into a bacterium from its environment uires the presence of a plasmid bacteriophage to provide new genetic information Choose transduction transformation transposition translation conjugation Choose Choose

Molecular Basis of InheritanceHow Science Works Question b When performing a science experiment or trying to solve an engineering problem an investigation may take place Select one 81 How would an investigation in science compare to an investigation in engineering De O O Science uses simulations to develop explanations of natural events while engineering makes models to show the same events Science uses people to carry out investigations whereas engineering uses technology only Science starts by stating a problem that needs to be solved while engineering starts by asking a question about the natural world Both involve identifying what variables will be tested and what data will be collected


Molecular Basis of InheritanceYou notice that there was an event on campus and that the left over food from the snack tray has been put out with a free sign on it What you don t know is that someone used their finger to scoop out some of the ranch dressing and that they didn t wash their hands after using the restroom Based on a starting population of 10 bacteria a generation time of 25 minutes and that it has been four hours since the contamination event how many bacteria are in the ranch dressing now Nf N x 2n

Molecular Basis of InheritanceHow many chromosomes are shown in the karyotype below penghr2022 By Edmonds College Dipartiment af undide 6 26 82 82 36 12 22 O 45 23 46 11 AB de 18

Molecular Basis of Inheritanceyour full set of chromosomes in each cell O DNA that circulates freely in your body O heritable traits explained by regulation of gene expression O genes found outside of the nucleus

Molecular Basis of InheritanceGillian and Eduardo had a baby girl they named Ava Frank insists that he is Ava s father and asks for blood tests to confirm The results are as follows Gillian Type AB Eduardo Type O Frank Type B Ava baby Type AB Who is Ava s father and why O Eduardo is Ava s father because Ava would get her blood type from her mother O Eduardo is Ava s father because he can give a recessive O allele to his child O Both men could still be the father because Ava would get her blood type from her mother O Frank is Ava s father because he can give the B allele to his child O Frank is Ava s father because he can give a recessive O allele to his child

Molecular Basis of InheritanceRegulation of gene expression includes O all of these regulate gene expression post translational control control of transcription control of translation

Molecular Basis of InheritanceLidovudine AZT is a drug used to treat patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome Al he reverse transcriptase enzyme used by the human immunodeficiency virus HIV the causative agent of AIDS What type of transposable elements would be affected by AZT and what would be the most likely effect Transposable elements that use an RNA intermediate for transposition would be affected as the RNA intermediate would not be able to be converted into DNA Transposable elements that transpose through a copy and paste mechanism would be blocked at the replication step All types of retrotransposons would be blocked at the reverse transcription step LTR retrotransposons only would be blocked at the reverse transcription step All transposable elements would be affected as they would no longer be able to transpose to a new location

Molecular Basis of InheritanceYou will receive 3 points for addressing the questions with at least 150 words in total used to answer the questions Feel free to post more than the minimum words but try and refrain from posting extremely long posts such as an essay 1 What are your thoughts in regards to editing embryos for diseases for other reasons Who should have access to these technologies Who do you think will should have access if the technology becomes readily available

Molecular Basis of InheritanceWhich of the deletions below is likely to result in the most deleterious outcome O2 nucleotide insertion in intron 1 O 1 nucleotide deletion in the middle of exon 1 O 3 nucleotide deletion in the middle of exon 1 O 6 nucleotide insertion in the middle of intron 1

Molecular Basis of InheritanceWhat is the process that copies a sequence of DNA to produce a complimentary strand of mRNA A B C D Replication Regeneration Transcription Translation

Molecular Basis of InheritanceQuestion 1 Points 2 Which of the following is TRUE about satellite nation O A nation which has no satellites O The citizens of a nation frequently visits satellite A nation that depends or under the influence of another nation

Molecular Basis of InheritanceAccording to base pairing rules what would be the correct pairing for the base sequence ATCGGCA during DNA replication A B C TAGCGCT TAGCCGT UAGCCGU

Molecular Basis of InheritanceAfter meiosis what is the haploid number of chromosomes if the diploid number is 46 A B D 46 12 23 36

Molecular Basis of InheritanceSuppose you cross a pea plant that is homozygous dominant for purple flowers FF with a pea plant that is homozygous recessive for white flowers ff According to this cross what percentage of the offspring will have purple flowers A B C 100 50 25

Molecular Basis of InheritanceColorblindness is a sex linked recessive disorder found on the X chromosome in humans If a man who is colorblind Xay and a woman who is a carrier for colorblindness XAxa have a child what is th probability that the child will be male and colorblind OO A B C 100 50 25

Molecular Basis of InheritanceWhat is the process that converts an mRNA message into a protein O O O O A Replication B Regeneration C Transcription D Translation

Molecular Basis of InheritanceWhat was the shape of DNA that scientists James Watson and Francis Crick proposed O A B O C D A single helix A sphere A core A double helix

Molecular Basis of InheritancePRETEST DNA Replication and Biotechnology Which of the following represents the shape of DNA when it unwinds O IV O II AATCCAG A T FC G II G C A A G A C T III T T A A T G C GC FATH GCH IV TA TA A T G C AT 1 of 6 QUESTIONS

Molecular Basis of InheritanceDrosophila sex determination involves the regulation of alternative RNA splicing by the sex lethal Sxl transformer tra doublesex dsx genes Match each effect on Drosophila sexual development with the gene deletion that would cause it Sxl deletion male specific splicing of tra yields male traits in females tra deletion Answer Bank dsx deletion absence of male determining regulatory protein yields female traits in males

Molecular Basis of InheritanceT and B cells are active functional ALL the TIME even when there is no infection nor exposure to microbe that or B cells recognize True False

Molecular Basis of InheritanceIn what way has the role of the U president and impact on policy making changed the 20th century A The office has become more powerful B There has been little change in the power of th office C The office has become less powerful D The office has become less important

Molecular Basis of InheritanceIdentify each description as typical of eukaryotic repressors or bacterial repressors Leave unplaced the description that is not characteristic of either group Eukaryotic repressor Answer Bank binds to DNA binding motifs on RNA polymerase and directly inhibits it binds to an operator downstream of the promoter site and blocks RNA polymerase binds to a silencer that uses transcriptional activator proteins to block RNA polymerase Bacterial repressor

Molecular Basis of InheritanceTable 3 Sequence of the 9 Nitrogen Bases Example 1 A 2 T 3 C 4 5 6 7 8 Original Codon Pattern ATC 9 1 Original Amino Acid Isoleucine Mutation 1 Sequence of Nitrogen Bases A C T Mutation 1 Codon Pattern ACT Mutation 1 Amino Acid Threonine an l i l Mutation 2 Sequence of Nitrogen Bases A Cole C Mutation 2 Codon Pattern ACC XXXX Mutation 2 Amino Acid Threonine XXXX

Molecular Basis of InheritanceWhat effect on the expression of the trp operon might you expect if a deletion occurred in the 5 UTR leader sequence that removed the trp codons in the trp operon The entire trp operon will be transcribed no matter what the level of tryptophan in the cell O The structural genes for the trp operon will only be transcribed when levels of tryptophan are low O The entire trp operon will be transcribed but none of the structural genes for the trp operon will be translated The structural genes for the trp operon will not be transcribed no matter what the intracellular levels of tryptophan are O The leader sequence of the trp operon will be transcribed but none of the structural genes for the trp operon will be transcribed

Molecular Basis of InheritanceWhat was the role of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People NAACP in the early 20th century To provide economic support to African Americans To assure free education to African Americans To challenge the legal system in regards to segregation

Molecular Basis of InheritanceAn Infectious mutated protein particle became the source of intensive study in the 1980 s and led to our understanding of Creutzfeldt Jacob Disease and mad cow disease Identify what best matches to this description mycobacteria HIV pacles prion proteins a newly produced antibiotic that produced this harmful side effect infectious protist pathogens

Molecular Basis of InheritanceIf the macromolecule of DNA had 30 cytosine what is the of adenine Think about this one 60 30 20 40

Molecular Basis of Inheritancestation Which of the following is not true with respect to the structures and functions of tRNA rRNA and mRNA 2 of 4 QUESTIONS rRNA is the scaffold that holds the tRNA and mRNA in place during protein synthesis mRNA s primary role is to carry the codes for proteins from DNA mRNA is synthesized in the nucleus while tRNA and rRNA are synthesized in the cytoplasm tRNA brings amino acids from the cytoplasm to the growing polypeptide during protein synthesis

Molecular Basis of Inheritance33 Crossing over which creates genetic variation occurs during m Prophase of mitosis n Prophase of meiosis o Metaphase of meiosis p Metaphase of mitosis 34 What is the structure of DNA a Spiral b Double helix c Squiggle d Both a and b describe the shape of DNA 35 Using the picture to the RIGHT what parts of the DNA molecule are A and B pointing to respectively respectively b Sugar Phosphate Backbone Nitrogen Bases ATCG respectively c Nickel Bases Sugar Phosphate Backbone A AM a Nitrogen Bases ATCG Sugar Phosphate Backbone ADE respectively d Nucleotides glucoses respectively B

Molecular Basis of Inheritance11 Use the figure to answer the following question In the late 1950s Meselson and Stahl grew bacteria in a medium containing heavy radioactive nitrogen 15N and then transferred them to a medium containing 14N non radioactive Which of the results in the figure would be expected after one round of DNA replication in the presence of 14N 14N DNA 14N 15N hybrid DNA D 000 bootod a b A C C d B 15N DNA pood A D B C booto D

Molecular Basis of Inheritance8 What is the relationship between double stranded RNA and gene silencing

Molecular Basis of InheritanceMulticellular organisms contain various types of cells such as muscle cells brain cells and epithelial cells Which of the following is true of the various cell types in a multicellular organism Select all that apply A B C The cells in a multicellular organisms contain different DNA sequences which allow the cells to express different proteins The cells in a multicellular organism all contain the same genome The cells in a multicellular organism can express different proteins due to differential gene expression

Molecular Basis of InheritancePTC or phenylthiocarbamide is a chemical that to humans either tastes bitter or has no taste at all The ability to taste the bitterness of PTC is controlled by a single gene that codes for a bitter taste receptor on the tongue Tasters or individuals that can taste the bit terness of PTC have at least one copy of the dominant allele T Nontasters or individuals who cannot taste the bitterness of PTC must have two copies of the recessive allele t The numbers of tasters and nontasters in the human population are shown in the table below A B Phenotype n Tasters Select all that apply There are 2 correct options D Nontasters Total If the population is in Hardy Weinberg equilibrium which of the following identifies the correct genotype frequencies for the population Number of Individuals 1 762 338 2 100 A total of 2 56 percent of the population are homozygous dominant A total of 13 44 percent of the population are heterozygous A total of 48 percent of the population are heterozygous A total of 36 percent of the population are homozygous dominant

Molecular Basis of InheritanceA scientist is studying two populations of zebra doves in the Hawaiian Islands The two pop ulations are isolated but live in similar environmental conditions Over 20 years scientists gather data on the allele frequency for a specific gene The gene has two alleles D and d A sample of the scientist s results for the allele frequency in the two populations is shown in the table below A Year B 1997 C 2017 Frequency of Allele D 0 68 Population 1 00 Frequency of Allele d A table that shows changes in allele frequencies in two populations 0 32 Which statement is best supported by the data in the table above 0 00 Frequency of Allele D 0 62 Population 2 0 14 Frequency of Allele d Allele D was maintained in Population 1 and Population 2 due to gene flow occurring be tween the two populations Allele D became fixed In Population 1 as a result of random changes that occurred in the population over time Allele d codes for a tralt that was a selective disadvantage to zebra doves in both popu lations during the study period 0 38 0 86

Molecular Basis of InheritanceA hypothetical population of 200 cats has two alleles 7 and 75 for a locus that codes for tail length The table below describes the phenotypes of cats with each possible genotype as well as the number of individuals in the population with each genotype Which statements about the population are true Genotype 7272 TLTS TSTS Phenotype tail length long O medium short Number of individuals in population 60 40 100 Adapted from Biology by Campbell and Reece 2008 Pearson Education Inc Select the five statements that are true View Available Hint s Heterozygotes make up 20 of the population Homozygotes make up 80 of the population Homozygotes make up 30 of the population In the entire cat population 60 of the alleles are 75 In the entire cat population the frequency of the 75 allele is 0 5 In the entire cat population the frequency of the 7 allele is 0 4 Assuming random mating each gamete has a 50 chance of having a Tallele and a 50 chance of having a 75 allele

Molecular Basis of Inheritancein researching whether or not AP biology students who use a test prep book perform better on the exam than those who do not use a test prep book You take 60 random students and give 30 of them a test prep book while the other 30 will use the resources they already have After the students take the exam you analyze the data and find that of the students who used a test prep book 26 passed For the students who used only the resources they already had you found that 12 passed With this data would you suggest to future students to use a test prep book Step 1 state the null hypothesis Step 2 determine your expected values Step 3 complete the Chi square chart Step 4 calculate your degrees of freedom Step 5 interpret results Observed O Expected E O E O E O E E fol Total

Molecular Basis of InheritanceEukaryotes such as humans contain mitochondria where the process of cellular respira tion occurs The mitochondria play a key role in energy production for eukaryotic organ isms The mitochondria contain an inner and an outer membrane and a gel like material called the matrix Which of the following best describes why the folding of the inner mito chondrial membrane is advantageous to a eukaryotic organism A B It expands the area of the matrix which allows for more chemical reactions D It increases the area needed for the diffusion of water through the outer membrane of the mitochondria C It allows for an increased amount of space available for proteins to transfer energy It protects the matrix from hostile external conditions of the mitochondria

Molecular Basis of InheritanceThe diploid number of chromosomes in the cell of a koala bear Phascolarctos cinereus is 16 The table below shows the number of chromosomes in a cell of a koala bear after the G2 checkpoints meiosis and fertilization Chromosomes A B C D After 62 checkpoint A D 32 16 32 16 Melosis 16 8 8 16 After Fertilization 8 16 16 8 Which of the following from the table above includes the correct number of chromosomes in a cell after the G2 checkpoint melosis and fertilization

Molecular Basis of InheritanceTall plants T are dominant over short plants t and white flowers g are recessive to green flowers G What is te chance of a white short plant being produced if both parents are heterozygous tall and green Show all 8 steps in your answer

Molecular Basis of Inheritance1 Antibiotics are medicines that are used to fight bacterial infections These medicines kill prokaryotic cells without harming human cells What part or parts of the bacterial cell do you think antibiotics target Why

Molecular Basis of InheritanceThe megaplate video is an example of which form of horizontal gene transfer often observed in bacteria

Molecular Basis of InheritanceIn the lac operon if lactose is present the repressor is active and the operon is A turned up C turned on B turned off D excised

Molecular Basis of InheritanceRNA modification leaves the exons intact because these are the portions that will be as a phenotype A interpreted C expressed B excised D intercalated

Molecular Basis of InheritanceA The trait is eye color P wild type female x white w male If the F1 result is 15 wild type females and 10 wild type males the phenotypic ratio is wild white 3 1 B 1 0 C 1 1

Molecular Basis of InheritanceA horse and a donkey can interbreed but they are considered different species because A they look different B their offspring are sterile C they produce a mule D of their ecosystem options

Molecular Basis of InheritanceA In this DNA fingerprint how many bands does the main suspect share with the crime scene CS result B C CS 1 2 3

Molecular Basis of InheritanceIn eukaryotes RNA polymerase is prevented from completing transcription by factors A silencer transcription B silencer translation C methylation

Molecular Basis of InheritanceWhich of the following is NOT a form of post transcriptional control A B RNA processing Spliceosome C siRNA and miRNA D Rnase