Plant Physiology - Photosynthesis Questions and Answers

Plant Physiology - PhotosynthesisWhich of the following statements below describes the role of water in photosynthesis 1 Water is the only source of protons for the formation of a proton gradient II Water molecules donate electrons to the electron transport chain III Water molecules combine with stored carbon molecules to produce glucose IV Water is the terminal electron acceptor for electrons that pass through the electron transport chain A B C II and IV ll only Ill and IV

Plant Physiology - PhotosynthesisPhotosynthesis is a process where plants use chemical food O solar glucose chemical glucose solar protein energy to create and oxygen

Plant Physiology - PhotosynthesisThe diagram below represents a diver s motion from the top of a high diving board into a pool of water

Plant Physiology - PhotosynthesisPlease label the image to demonstrate your understanding of the Krebs cycle 6 Citrate Pyruvate Acetyl COA CO Oxaloacetate ATP 2 Enter your search term Total Yields Per Glu C ATPS NADHS CO

Plant Physiology - Photosynthesissavings account is used to save money for use at a later date The account owner deposits money in the ccount when they have money that is not needed immediately and they can withdraw money for use a ometime in the future the flow of energy through photosynthesis and respiration were compared to maintaining a savings account which would be accurate A C D Both photosynthesis and respiration are like making an energy deposit Both photosy in are like making an energy withdrawal Photosynthesis is like making an energy deposit and respiration is like making an energy withdrawal Photosynthesis is like making an energy withdrawal and respiration is like making an energy deposit

Plant Physiology - PhotosynthesisYou engineer a plant that produces the absorbance spectrum as shown At what wavelengths is this plant performing photosynthesis Please choose all that a Absorbance vs Wavelength 0 6 Absorbance 0 4 0 2 0 400 400 600 700 nm 400 500 nm 500 600 nm 700 nm 500 Wavelength 600 500 600 Wavelength of light nm 700 700

Plant Physiology - PhotosynthesisWhy do plants appear green O Their pigment molecules absorb green wavelength lights in order to perform photosynthesis O They contain large amounts of green fluorescent protein O Their photosystems produce green wavelength light as a result of electrons releasing energy via fluorescence O Their chlorophyll molecules absorb red and blue wavelength light but reflect green wavelength light

Plant Physiology - PhotosynthesisWhich statement about the Calvin Benson cycle is incorrect Rubisco catalyzes the reaction between CO2 and RuBP For each turn of the Calvin Benson cycle only 2 molecules of G3P go on to make glucose 6 RuBP is reformed by 10 G3P molecules ATP and NADPH form when 3PG is reduced

Plant Physiology - PhotosynthesisQuestion 13 Write only one of the Suffixes that means process

Plant Physiology - PhotosynthesisOnce produced NO can diffuse to neighboring cells True False

Plant Physiology - PhotosynthesisCytochrome b6 f is a multi protein complex that has multiple functions Which of the following is NOT a function of the cytochrome b6 f complex O exists in the thylakoid membrane All of these answers are functions of the cytochrome b f complex O the two PQH2 traverse different paths within the complex O receives e from PQH2 and Fd O Cytochrome b participates in cyclinc e flow while cytochrome f participates in non cyclic e flow

Plant Physiology - PhotosynthesisIn the citric acid cycle the reduction of NAD to NADH is coupled to the generation of CO2 and the formation a high energy thioester bond in step 4 This energy from the thioester bond is use in step 5 for what purpose Oto generate a molecule of GTP Oto generate a molecule of ATP to generate a proton gradient to generate a molecule of NADH

Plant Physiology - PhotosynthesisFor this assignment you will develop a scientific model on a poster that illustrates the role of photosynthesis and cellular respiration in the carbon cycle Your model should also show how carbon cycles the Earth s four spheres Once you have completed your model you will write a paper with sever paragraphs describing the content of your model in more detail

Plant Physiology - PhotosynthesisElectrons that move through the photosynthetic electron transport sequence are all derived from water through the action of the oxygen evolving complex True False

Plant Physiology - PhotosynthesisGlyceraldehyde 3 phosphate dehydrogenase donates the hydride to O oxygen O acetyl COA O NAD O FADH

Plant Physiology - PhotosynthesisWhen temperatures rise plants loss O close their stomata O take in excess CO2 O do nothing in particular O None of the available answers are correct open their stomata to prevent H O

Plant Physiology - PhotosynthesisActivity C The carbon oxygen balance Get the Gizmo ready Click Reset Clear all of the test tubes Turn the light switch to on Check Show oxygen and CO values Question How are the amounts of oxygen and carbon dioxide related to each other 1 Observe Put two Elodea sprigs into a test tube Put the O CO probe into the tube with the Elodea Click Play As the Gizmo runs Pause it a few times C A How do the oxygen O and carbon dioxide CO levels change over time B What is always true about the total amount of O and CO in the test tube What happens when the CO reaches zero 2 Revise and repeat Click Reset Remove the plants Repeat the experiment with two snails A How do the gas levels change What is the total of 0 and CO 2 0 CO

Plant Physiology - Photosynthesishits and animals depend on each other 1 Observe Put one sprig of Elodea and one snail in a test tube with the lights on Click Play A Does the color of the water in the tube change B What happens to the O and CO levels 2 Predict Without using the Gizmo predict what you think will happen to the gas levels in each case liste below Leave the Actual result column blank for now Tube 2 snails 2 sprigs lights on 1 snail 2 sprigs lights on 1 snail 2 sprigs lights off Prediction 1 Actual result 3 Run Gizmo Now run the Gizmo to test your predictions Record your findings in the table 4 Generalize Describe how plants and animals each contribute to the survival of the other This type of cooperative relationship is called interdependence

Plant Physiology - PhotosynthesisWhat is the definition of faux tography False information found within the text of a source O Images that reflect poorly upon the subject Images that reflect a faux pa O Images that are manipulated to change the information they contain

Plant Physiology - PhotosynthesisFind the missing links respectively Plants O CO2 CO2 O CO 2 0 2 O 02 00 2 Animals Plants

Plant Physiology - PhotosynthesisOne of the REACTANTS in photosynthesis is A water B oxygen C nitrogen

Plant Physiology - Photosynthesislow based on whether they are reactants of cellular respiration or photosynthesis Click and drag each compound into the appropriate box Leave any substance s that are not reactants of photosynthesis or cellular respiration in the Compounds box Compounds oxygen gas water acetic acid glucose carbon dioxide Cellular Respiration Reactants Photosynthesis Reactants

Plant Physiology - Photosynthesis8 The breakdown of food occurs in what 3 stages A Digestion glycolysis oxidative phosphorylation B Digestion glycolysis citric acid cycle C Digestion citric acid cycle oxidative phosphorylation D Glycolysis citric acid cycle oxidative phosphorylation

Plant Physiology - PhotosynthesisChoose 1 answer A B light H O light CO light 0 02 NADPH ATP NADP ADP NADPH ATP NADP ADP NADPH ATP 02 C6H12O6 H O C6H12O6 CO2 photosynthesis

Plant Physiology - PhotosynthesisRubisco catalyses a two step reaction at the of which cycle Explain commencement each step involving Rubisco 4 marks

Plant Physiology - PhotosynthesisPhotosynthesis and aerobic respiration are similar processes for all of the following reasons EXCEPT O both involve electron transport chains O both involve chemiosmosis O both involve production of oxygen O both involve H ions O both involve the production of ATP

Plant Physiology - PhotosynthesisThe anatomy of a typical leaf is characterized by O an upper and lower epidermis protecting numerous stomates and an internal mesophyll of specialized parenchyma that transports food and stores water for use in photosynthesis O a palisade mesophyll that links with the stomates to perform aeration gas exchange and a Ispongy mesophyll that functions in photosynthesis a palisade mesophyll that performs chemical reactions of photosynthesis and a layer of spongy tissue that functions in aeration gas exchange an upper and lower waxy epidermis punctuated with lenticels surrounding internal parenchyma cells that produce G3P

Plant Physiology - PhotosynthesisPredict an evolutionary change to photosynthesis in plants that may occur in the future and justify your reasoning

Plant Physiology - PhotosynthesisA biologist ground up some plant cells and then centrifuged the mixture She obtained some organelles from the sediment in the test tube The organelles took up CO and gave off O The organelles are most likely O golgi Ochloroplasts O nuclei mitochondria Oribosomes

Plant Physiology - PhotosynthesisThe materials that plants need from the environment to run the photosynthesis processes are solar energy and Ochlorophyll oxygen water and energy currencies OG3P water and ATP water and carbon dioxide starch RuBP water and carbon monoxide

Plant Physiology - PhotosynthesisThe carbon source that photosynthetic plants use to build food is O ozone carbon dioxide hydrocarbons Onitrogen glucose

Plant Physiology - PhotosynthesisAnswer the following questions 1 What gas do plants give off in the light 1 mark Answer 2 What gas do plants and snails give off in the dark 2 marks Answer 3 What is necessary for plants to produce oxygen 1 mark Answer 4 How do the oxygen O and carbon dioxide CO levels change over time 2 marks Answer 5 What do you think would happen if plants and animals were placed in the same test tube 1 mark Answer 6 How do the snail results compare in the light vs the dark How do the plant results compare in the light vs the dark 2 marks Answer 7 From viewing the videos on elodea and snails list two safety precautions which you recommend for others to consider to perform the same experiment 2 marks

Plant Physiology - PhotosynthesisChlorophyll a is the most important organic compound in the photosynthetic process because it O is incorporated into G3P using the enzyme rubisco provides energized electrons that supply the energy required to run the chemical reactions of the photosynthetic process provides the energy essential for fluorescence to occur directly absorbs visible light wavelengths the energy of which is required for the carbon fixation reactions to be completed

Plant Physiology - PhotosynthesisThe metabolic reactions of photosynthesis result in Oglucose and carbon dioxide carbon dioxide RuBP and oxygen G3P and oxygen O carbon dioxide water G3P and oxygen Oglucose oxygen and chlorophyll

Plant Physiology - Photosynthesis4 What type of structure do the acceptor molecules except for chlorophyll have in common Can you draw any conclusions about the type of structures of the acceptor molecules and the wavelength of colors emitted

Plant Physiology - Photosynthesisprovided by the How is the compartmentalization thylakoid membrane similar to the functioning of a nerve

Plant Physiology - Photosynthesis5 Plants as well as other chloroplast bearing organisms can harvest energy rich compounds in photosynthesis 6 Plant viruses like animal viruses also utilize the cell s machines to create viral replicates

Plant Physiology - PhotosynthesisWhich statement best describes this role of plastids in the plant cell Plant Cell Energy Transformation photons or solar radiation 0 00 0 27 A C B plant cell glucose Speed 1x Mitochondria transform light energy into chemical energy Chloroplasts transform light energy into chemical energy cell plastids Paused

Plant Physiology - Photosynthesisthrough the ETC ATP Inhibition of complex II will decrease but not stop electron transfer The ETC and ATP synthase can be active independently to produce

Plant Physiology - Photosynthesis42 Which statement is not true about catabolic pathways A They have a net release of energy B They have a net consumption of ATP C They include the citric acid cycle D They liberate smaller molecules from larger ones

Plant Physiology - Photosynthesis50 Aspartate is the precursor for which of the following amino acids B lysine A methionine C threonine D All of the above 51 Nitric oxide is produced from which reaction A bicarbonate to carbamoyl phosphate C glutamate to a ketoglutarate B arginine to citrulline D tryptophan to acetyl CoA 50 51

Plant Physiology - Photosynthesis18 What is the product of the reaction catalyzed by rubisco in the Calvin cycle A fructose 6 phosphate C dihydroxyacetone phosphate B 3 phosphoglycerate D ribose 5 phosphate

Plant Physiology - Photosynthesis19 The Calvin cycle occurs in the A lumen cytosol B stroma plasma membrane C stroma cytosol D lumen plasma membrane E granal lamellae cytosol of plant chloroplasts and in the of bacteria 19

Plant Physiology - Photosynthesis13 What is the correct sequence for the following components in photosynthesis as described by the Z scheme A Water P680 P680 B NADPH P680 P680 cytochrome bf complex P700 P700 NADPH cytochrome bf complex P700 P700 water C Water P700 P700 cytochrome bf complex P680 P680 NADPH D Water P700 P700 cytochrome bf complex P680 P680 NADPH E NADPH P700 P700 cytochrome bf complex P680 P680 water 13

Plant Physiology - Photosynthesis14 The site of light dependent reactions in the chloroplast is A the lumen B the thylakoids C the outer membrane D the stroma E All of the above

Plant Physiology - PhotosynthesisHow do corals react when water temperatures are too high O 1 They produce more pigment 2 They reproduce in large numbers 3 They expel their symbiotic algae 4 They slow down their shell building processes 5 They migrate to areas with lower water temperatures

Plant Physiology - PhotosynthesisWhy are red algae found in deeper oceanic waters 1 Red algae prefer the warmer deep water 2 They possess pigments that allow them to utilize red light 3 Fewer algae predators are found in deeper water 4 They possess pigments that allow them utilize blue green light 5 They are able to utilize the more saline deep water

Plant Physiology - PhotosynthesisThe nitrogen limitation hypothesis states that organisms select food in terms of the nitrogen content of the tissue Why might this be true O 1 2 4 Because high nitrogen levels are a key part of plant chemical defenses resulting in organisms avoiding high nitrogen plants O 3 Because foods with lower nitrogen content are easier for consumers to digest leading most organisms to seek out low nitrogen foods 5 Because many consumers need large amounts of nitrogen for example animal tissue contains about 10 times as much nitrogen as plant tissue Because plant tissues contain on average 10 times the level of nitrogen needed by most consumers Because most organisms are able to fix nitrogen more efficiently than plants

Plant Physiology - Photosynthesis3 Glyphosate is know to be a potent herbicide One study investigated its ability to inhit the enzyme Rubisco by measuring the effect of increasing concentrations of glyphosate on the biomass of two types of plants each shown by black or white bars This graph is from this study and shows the dry weight in grams per plant g plant for increasing 0 2 concentrations of glyphosate in grams acid equivalent per per hectare g ae ha 0 4 0 0 ii 2 points The production of ATP Dry weight g plant iii 2 points The production of NADPH 1 8 1 6 1 4 1 2 1 0 0 8 0 6 iv 2 points The production of sugars Ipomoea grandifolia Urochloa decumbens B CALVIN CYCLE b Predict how application of glyphosate will affect each of the following i 2 points The absorption of light energy by pigment molecules a 1 point Which process of photosynthesis is directly affected by glyphosate in this study Circle one LIGHT REACTIONS B 1080 glyphosate g ae ha B 1800

Plant Physiology - Photosynthesis54 When a molecule of NAD nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide gains a hydrogen atom not a hydrogen ion the molecule becomes A hydrogenated B a reducing agent C redoxed D oxidized E reduced 55 Which of the following statements describes the results of this reaction C6H12O6 6 02 6 CO2 6 H2O Energy oubor sli A C6H12O6 is reduced and CO2 is oxidized B O2 is reduced and CO2 is oxidized C O2 is oxidized and H20 is reduced D C6H12O6 is oxidized and O2 is reduced E CO2 is reduced and O statsoisxo sindiquoriq abyrisblemyly d sibiriy sol to anting to anot Iv90s A 916 8 nollase no jom tar slugstora od Yator ening br bols esen A gents antag brts anosibals enisy 8