Plant Physiology - Respiration Questions and Answers

Plant Physiology - RespirationWhile much of the oxygen produced by photosynthesis is released into th atmosphere through stroma in plant leaves some of it will remain as the electron acceptor of ATP Synthase which is found in the plant s O mitochondria and chloroplasts O mitochondria Ochloroplasts and thylakoids

Plant Physiology - RespirationPhotons entering the harvesting complexes of chloroplasts do which of the following O Cause electrons to jump from complex to complex until they enter the primary electron acceptor excite electrons from oxygen that is taken in by the plant to produce more H20 O excite electrons that come from H20 molecules donated to a special pair of chlorophyl molecules in the reaction center excite electrons that oxidize NADP in the reaction center complex

Plant Physiology - RespirationJed is studying the investment of ATP in Cellular Respiration Which stage of Cellular respiration would his research likely be focusing on O The reduction of FAD to FADH2 in the Citric Acid Cycle O The oxidation of NADH to NAD in the electron transport chain O The phosphorylation of glucose in glycolysis O The reduction of NAD to NADH in Glycolysis

Plant Physiology - RespirationWhich of the following processes generates a proton motive force in mitochondria O pumping of hydrogen ions from the mitochondrial matrix across the inner membrane and into the intermembrane space O the reduction of NAD by the first electron carrier in the electron transport chain Olowering of pH in the mitochondrial matrix the flow of protons through ATP synthase down their concentration gradient

Plant Physiology - RespirationDoes the citric acid cycle increase to the concentration of oxaloacetate in the cell Explain your reasoning How is oxaloacetate replenished and under what cellular conditions high low energy charge high low levels of acetyl CoA is this reaction favored

Plant Physiology - RespirationWhich molecule is transported out of the mitochondria after the first step of gluconeogenesis Selected answer will be automatically saved For keyboard navigation press up down arrow keys to select an answer a b C malate fumarate oxaloacetate

Plant Physiology - RespirationQuestion 10 1 point 41 Listen What happens to CO2 when it moves into the stroma The CO2 splits into C and O It immediately passes on to the thylakoids It gets incorporated into the Calvin cycle and goes toward the formation of glucose The CO becomes a by product of cellular respiration It is converted to water

Plant Physiology - RespirationQuestion 6 1 point di Listen All of the following compounds are necessary components EXCEPT ATP ONADP water oxygen carbon dioxide 21

Plant Physiology - RespirationQuestion 2 4 Listen Where in a Chloroplast is ATP Made Stroma Epidermis Outer membrane Thylakoids

Plant Physiology - RespirationYou put 2 gummy bears into the first solution Next your directions tells you that must also prepare a solution that mimics what happens when you place a freshwater organism in a saltwater aquarium Remember each gummy bear is 70 sugar 30 water Which of the following solutions should you make to mimic the scenario NOTE This brand of gummy bear will NOT dissolve in the water Only water and very small ions NOT sugar will move into or out of the gummy bear 00 sugar 100 water solution O 50 sugar 50 water solution O 70 sugar 30 water solution

Plant Physiology - RespirationListen What structure is labeled as 4 2 3 4 Pedicle Vertebral arch Vertebral foramen Spinous process Body Facet Transverse process 5 6 7 Page 45 of 50

Plant Physiology - RespirationWhere does pyruvate oxidation take place Be very specific 2 points In prokaryotic cells In eukaryotic cells D Step 3 Krebs Cycle In the Krebs Cycle 2 acetyl CoA carrying four of the carbons that were originally in glucose are oxidized into CO2 Fill in the blanks with the PRODUCTS of Krebs Cycle 2 5 points 2 acetyl CoA 2 carbons 6 H Where does Krebs cycle take place Be very specific 2 5 points In prokaryotic cells In eukaryotic cells

Plant Physiology - RespirationPart 1 Aerobic Respiration A Net equation of cellular aerobic respiration in prokaryotic cells vs eukaryotic cells Make sure to write the number of molecules that react For example 6 02 6 points In prokaryotes Glucose In eukaryotes Glucose enzymes enzymes

Plant Physiology - RespirationWhere are the proteins of the electron transport chain located mitochondrial outer membrane mitochondrial matrix mitochondrial intermembrane space mitochondrial inner membrane

Plant Physiology - RespirationSelect one a 6 Organization for Matter and Energy Flow in Organisms Question 4 Which step of cellular respiration is responsible for producing the most amount of ATP 81 O Krebs cycle O Electron transport chain O Glycolysis O Calvin cycle

Plant Physiology - Respiration1 Two types of electron carrier molecules NADH and FADH2 are produced during glycolysis and the Krebs cycle Select one 81 Which option describes how these molecules are used during the electron transport chain O They are used to combine with pyruvate to create another glucose molecule O They are broken down to produce water and hydrogen O They are used to transport carbon dioxide out of cells O They power ATP synthase to produce ATP

Plant Physiology - RespirationNADH FADH RESPIRATION NADH FADH Electrons Electron transport chain and chemiosmosis NADH Acetyl CoA Krebs cycle ATP Glycolysis Glucose Pyruvic acid CO H O FERMENTATION Pyruvic acid or derivative NADH Fermentation Formation of fermentation end products

Plant Physiology - RespirationMeasuring percent dissolved oxygen DO in an aquatic environment is a way to follow energy production as oxygen is a byproduct of produces sugar energy which A cellular respiration B photo synthesis C chemi sythesis

Plant Physiology - RespirationSelect one 81 61 Organization for Matter and Energy Flow in Organisms Question 7 Which statement correctly describes cellular respiration 81 O Glycolysis and the Krebs cycle do not produce any ATP energy O Only humans perform cellular respiration The electron transport chain produces the most amount of ATP energy compared to the other steps of cellular respiration The body cannot produce any ATP energy from glucose without oxygen

Plant Physiology - RespirationEnergy from passing high energy electrons down the steps of the electron transport chain is harnessed to move protons via active transport into the mitochondrial intermembra space How does this help mitochondria to produce energy O The movement of protons sets up an electrochemical gradient that drives ATP synthesis in the mitochondria O The protons receive electrons from the NAD and FAD O The protons are transferred to oxygen in an energy releasing reaction O The protons pick up electrons from the electron transport chain on their way through the inner mitochondrial membrane

Plant Physiology - RespirationAfter glycolysis and the citric acid cycle but before the electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation most of the energy from the original glucose molecule is stored in which of the following O acetyl CoA O pyruvate O NADH O glucose

Plant Physiology - RespirationWhich of the following processes produces the most ATP O citric acid cycle O glycolysis O aerobic respiration oxidative phosphorylation O fermentation

Plant Physiology - RespirationThe Krebs cycle is an aerobic process meaning it needs what to take place A B C D ATP Carbon dioxide Glucose Oxygen

Plant Physiology - RespirationWhere does cellular respiration get the energy to make ATP O A B C D Chemical energy from sugars Light energy from the Sun Energy stored in the covalent bonds of water molecules Energy stored in the covalent bonds of carbon dioxide molecules

Plant Physiology - RespirationCellular respiration is a mirror image of photosynthesis meaning that the chemical reaction is the reverse Below is the chemical reaction for photosynthesis Which of the following would be the correct chemical reaction for cellular respiration 6 CO2 6 H O C6H12O6 6 02 A B C D 6 CO2 6 H O C6H12O6 6 0 6 CO2 6 H2O 6 CO2 6 H2O C6H12O6 6 O2 6 CO2 6 H O C6H12O6 6 CO2 6 CO2 6 H O

Plant Physiology - RespirationWhich of the following paths is possible fowllowing glycolysis All of the above are possible further paths Substrate level phosphorylation Amino acid fermentation Lactic acid fermentation

Plant Physiology - RespirationSuppose you have labeled the pyruvate with 14C in its keto group Where would you find the labeled carbon at the end of one turn of the TCA cycle Compound 1 El 4 Compound 2 E2 Compound 3 E3 Compound 4 E4 to Compound 5 E5 Compound 6

Plant Physiology - Respiration1 What are the 2 products of pyruvate in both and aerobic anaerobic conditions 2 Is NADH reduced by hydrogenase True or false

Plant Physiology - Respirationus Beijernik considers Mayers findings and filters sap from infected tobacco plants to find the poison or what he called A a toxin B a protist C a virus D a cell

Plant Physiology - RespirationPhotons of light are used to split during photosynthesis A water molecules C oxygen molecules B pyruvate D carbon dioxide molecules

Plant Physiology - RespirationRespiratory System Explain the functions of the organ system List and explain the major organs and their function in each system Describe the basic structure of at least one organ in each system Describe a disease associated with each system Name of disease description of disease mode of action How the system helps the body to maintain homeostasis

Plant Physiology - RespirationA cell is performing aerobic respiration After glucose has been fully oxidized to carbon dioxide via glycolysis pyruvate processing the citric acid cycle but before the story of the electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation where is the majority of the energy that was originally found in the glucose pyright 2022 O In the CO2 generated O In oxygen O In the ATP produced via glycolysis and the citric acid cycle v

Plant Physiology - RespirationPlease select the best terms to complete the following sentence In photosynthesis photosystem II produces Select and the Calvin cycle produces Select Select sugars NADH NADPH ATP CO2 photosystem I produces Select

Plant Physiology - RespirationThe energy held in the chemical carbon carbon and carbon hydrogen bonds of organic molecules represents be harvested by a cell via its central metabolic pathways Othermal O electromagnetic O kinetic O potential energy that ca

Plant Physiology - RespirationE coli is a species of bacteria that under the appropriate growth conditions is capable of growing using fermentation anaerobic respiration or aerobic respiration Which of these processes yields the least amount of energy per glucose molecule for E coli O They all yield the same amount of energy O Anaerobic respiration O Aerobic respiration O Fermentation

Plant Physiology - RespirationAs electrons move down the electron transport chain they give up energy What is this energy used for Oto pump protons across the membrane to make ATP directly through substrate level phosphorylation to form oxygen as a waste product to give the drive to directly attach ADP to P

Plant Physiology - RespirationREADING TOOL Compare and Contrast As you read your textbook compare and fermentation and cellular respiration using the Venn diagram Make sure to list the similarities in the center of the diagram Cellular Respiration Fermentation

Plant Physiology - RespirationWhich reaction is catalysed by the enzyme RuBisCO O a carboxylation of ribulose 1 5 bisphosphate O b conversion of glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate to ribulose 5 phosphate O c phosphorylation of ribulose 5 phosphate O d reduction of 1 3 pbisphosphoglycerate O e phosphorylation of 3 phosphoglycerate

Plant Physiology - RespirationA physiologist observes that as a subject exercises their rate of breathing increases The physiologist then comes up with a possible explanation for this observation In other words she Multiple Choice O O C rejected the hypothesis collected data based on her experiments and rejected the hypothesis tested the hypothesis through experimentation developed a hypothesis

Plant Physiology - RespirationIn step 1 of the citric acid cycle citrate is generated by the enzyme citrate synthase The enzyme combines 1 two carbon acetyl group from acetyl CoA and the four carbon oxaloacetate What is the source of energy tha drives this reaction forward a high energy phosphodiester bond a transfer of high energy electrons a high energy thioester bond the heat of molecular collision

Plant Physiology - RespirationWhat three mechanisms regulate the activity of enzymes required for the Calvin Benson Cycle phosphorylation of enzymes by RuBisCo kinase reduction of disulfide bonds that inhibit enzyme activity enzyme activators that are present at higher levels in the light enzyme inhibitors that are expressed at higher levels in the absence of light increased pH in the thylakoid lumen and increased Mn2 in the stroma activation of enzymes owing to elevation of pH and Mg2 in the stroma oxidation of reduced thiols by reduced thioredoxin dephosphorylation of enzymes by RuBisCo phosphatase

Plant Physiology - Respiration2 a Some cells that use the Kreb s cycle and the respiratory chain can also thrive using fermentation under anaerobic conditions Explain how these cells are still able to function under these conditions

Plant Physiology - RespirationBiology 1 Humans are aerobic organisms which means that oxygen is required to sustain human life What purpose does oxygen serve a lt gets added to sugar molecules to burn these carbohydrates and release their energy b It serves as an electron acceptor so that other electron carriers can be regenerated c It is converted into CO to release the potential energy stored within fuel molecules d None of the other answer choices are correct e More than one of the other answer choices are correct

Plant Physiology - Respiration2 Which of the following statements about intracellular ATP ADP AMP and cAMP concentrations are true circle ALL that are true I pt each correct i If the net yield of ATP from glycolysis is 2 ATP molecules glucose and the net NTP ATP GTP requirement for gluconeogenesis is 6 NTP glucose the net NTP consumption should glycolysis and gluconeogenesis occur in the same cellular compartment of the same cell at the same time is 8 NTP turn of the cycle ii A bacterial cell exclusively fermenting glucose to form lactic acid will have a net yield of 1 ATP for each lactic acid molecule produced iii In reactions generating ADP some of the resulting ADP disproportionates to form ATP and AMP keeping AMP levels approximately constant while allowing ADP to accumulate as an intracellular hunger signal iv If the ATP ADP ratio were too high ATP could not be formed from ADP via the conversion of 1 3 bisphosphoglycerate to 3 phosphoglycerate as the chemical potential energy made available from this conversion would be insufficient to allow for the formation of more ATP

Plant Physiology - Respiration44 Buring which step of cell respiration is the majority of ttp made A Electron transport cycle B citric acid ciple ci glupolyis D prip reaction

Plant Physiology - Respirationa Distinguish between complementation and recombination b Explain supplementation and its use in identifying steps in biochemical pathways

Plant Physiology - RespirationTrue or False For each statement write T for True if the statement is true or F for False if the statement is false in all organisms fatty acids The glyoxylate cycle allows the net synthesis of glucose from fatty acids NADPH is required for fatty acid biosynthesis but not beta oxdation of

Plant Physiology - RespirationWhich of the following statements about F1Fo ATP synthase is FALSE O The y subunit moves up and down in the membrane O The Fo is embedded in the membrane The F1 is the site of ATP synthesis There are an equal number of a and B subunits O The number of c subunits varies in different species

Plant Physiology - RespirationWhich enzyme in the citric acid cycle is not coupled with an oxidation reduction reaction succinate dehydrogenase isocitrate dehydrogenase malate dehydrogenase a ketoglutarate dehydrogenase O citrate synthase

Plant Physiology - Respiration1 In a cell why must NADH be reoxidized How does this happen in an organism tha uses respiration Fermentation