Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics) Questions and Answers

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Suppose you have the following map of three genes on the same autosome Gene 1 has two possible alleles Gene 1 Wild type dominant allele A Mutant allele a Gene 2 has two possible alleles Wild type dominant allele B Mutant allele b Gene 3 has two possible alleles Wild type dominant allele C Mutant allele c Gene 2 RF between Gene 1 and Gene 2 10 25 RF between Gene 2 and Gene 3 23 75 Gene 3 The distance between two loci RF value gives the expected crossover frequency between the two loci Such crossovers include both the single AND double crossovers Suppose we obtained the following results 1 You test cross an individual of genotype AaBbCc Calculate the expected frequency of double crossovers 2 Calculate the expected single crossover frequency between Gene 1 and Gene 2 3 Calculate the expected single crossover frequency between Gene 2 and Gene 3

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Your goal is to map three genes G1 G2 and G3 Assume that all three genes are located on the same autosome Gene G1 has two alleles Dominant allele X Recessive allele x Gene G2 has two alleles Dominant allele Y Recessive allele y Gene G3 has two alleles Dominant allele Z Recessive allele z You are crossing two breeding flies The female is triple homozygous wild type and the male is trip homozygous mutant 1 Write the genotypes of each of the two parents and the genotype of the F1 flies 2 Suppose we obtain the following phenotypic ratio from the F1 fly test cross Phenotype XYZ 321 Phenotype XYZ 66 Phenotype XyZ 102 Phenotype Xyz 18 Phenotype XYZ 15 Phenotype xyz 112 Phenotype xyz 59 Phenotype xyz 308

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)In a given strain of fly you are studying the inheritance of the body color and wing surface that are assumed to be autosomal traits Assume that each trait is controlled by a single gene with two alleles B and b alleles for the body color gene and W and w alleles for the wing surface gene The parental cross is between a true breeding female fly with yellow body smooth wing and a true breeding male fly with red body and wrinkled wings All the F1 flies have a red body and smooth wings a Taking the dominance pattern into account write the allele phenotype correspondence for body color and wing shape using the symbol B b for body color and W w for wing surface for example B yellow body b red body b Write the parental genotypes female and male and the genotype of the F1 flies c Crossing several pairs of F1 offspring i In the F2 offspring what is the expected red body smooth wings red body wrinkled wings yellow body smooth wings yellow body wrinkled wings ratio ii Suppose that the data below represents the actual numbers you obtain from the cross Compare it to your expected ratio in part i and provide a clear explanation for the discrepancy in case it does not match your expectation Body Color Red Yellow Red Yellow Body Color Wing Surface Red Yellow Red Yellow Smooth Smooth Wrinkled Wrinkled d Assuming the loci of the two genes are on the same chromosome In order to evaluate the distance between the loci you perform a few crosses between the F1 offspring flies and flies with yellow body and wrinkled wings Using the data from the following table calculate the distance between the genes for body color and wing surface Wing Surface Number Smooth Smooth Wrinkled Wrinkled 300 150 150 0 Number 396 102 98 404

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)In sweet peas two genes called A and B control the expression of the purple pigment in the petals This is the pathway White Pigment Enzyme from gene A Blue Pigment Enzyme from gene B Purple Pigment a Assuming the first reaction is disrupted in a pure breeding plant what would be the color of the petals b Assuming the second reaction is disrupted in a pure breeding plant what would be the color of the petals c Crossing the plants in part a and b what will be the color of the petals in F1 d Crossing the plants in F1 what ratio of purple blue white plants would you obtain in F2

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)2 In many mammals including rabbits there is a hair texture known as angora in which the hair is long and soft Angora rabbits are highly prized for the quality of their fur A rabbit breeder has four rabbits an angora male an angora female a short haired male and a short haired female The sex of the rabbits is not relevant to the solution He made the following crosses with the outcomes shown Angora female X angora male Angora female X short male Short female X angora male a Which phenotype is dominant all angora all short 4 short and 5 angora b What are the genotypes of each of the parents c If the short female and the short male were mated to each other what fraction of the offspring is expected to have short hair d Even for experts the sex of rabbits is very difficult to determine but the breeder wants to keep the males and females separate as much as possible When the mating in part C is performed a litter of five rabbits is born What is the probability that at least

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)5 In a sequence of double stranded DNA 2 000 000 of the total bases consists of the base T what is the number of base C A 1 000 000 B 2 000 000 C 4 000 000 D not enough information for an answer 5 Which enzyme functions in elongating the new RNA strand and is considered the primary enzyme for transcription A DNA polymerase B helicase C single stranded binding protein D RNA polymerase

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)1 The following DNA template indicates the first 7 base pairs for the beta amyloid pro cell membrane of neural cells Complete the double stranded DNA molecule by adding the complementary bases This would represent DNA replication TAC CTA CGT CTT DNA Template color the 7 rectangles in light blue TAC CTA CGT 2 Transcription 2 Transcription Step DNA is copied into mRNA After the DNA strand opens at the hydrogen bonding between complementary bases to expose the template of the gene it is copied onto RNA by the enzyme RNA polymerase to eventually make the mRNA molecule This mRNA molecule will be used as the template to assemble the amino acids during protein synthesis Complete the Transcription step below by writing the complementary RNA nucleotides from the DNA template Note DNA A T G C RNA A U G C RNA copy color the 7 rectangles in orange AAA CTT TCT AAA GTG TCT GTG

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)20 Which one of the following statements does not apply to a prokaryote and its genome a the genetic material is in the form of a DNA histone protein complex b prokaryotes are generally haploid c its linkage group is often circular d there is only one linkage group present e all of these are correct statements 21 In which of the following situations will the genotypic ratio and the phenotypic ratio not be the same a monohybrid test cross b incomplete dominance c monohybrid cross d co dominance e dihybrid test cross

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Which of the following enzymes plays the largest role in error correction during DNA replication helicase b DNA polymerase I c primase d DNA polymerase III e fixase

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Unattached earlobes are controlled by a dominant allele E while attached earlobes are controlled by a recessive allele e It a homozygous dominant individual for unattached earlobes mates with a heterozygous dominant indindual for unutach w which their possible offspring Their offspring have a 100 chance of having unattached earlobes Their offspring have a 0 chance of having unattached earlobes Their offspring have a 25 chance of having attached earlobes Their offspring have a 75 chance of having attached earlobes C D C D

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)35 2 List what each of the following symbols stands for in human pedigree ii iii and iv 8pts

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)1 In Mendelian garden pea experiment yellow seed color Y was dominant and green seed color y was recessive Also in terms of seed texture round seed texture R was dominant over wrinkled seed r texture Answer the following questions i Explain clearly and concisely the dihybrid cross between YYRR and yyrr using punnett square to get the F1 generation ii Supposing selfing of two individuals from F1 generation occurs use punnett square to explain the genotypic and phenotypic ratios of F2 generation 10pts

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)36 Use this pedigree chat to answer questions 3 i iii Queen O A B i How many children does this couple Queen and King have ii How many are alive iii What do A B and C stand for Verdana 10pt I they have 5 children II Only 3 children are alive BIU B King A O Ix 10pts

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)8 There are three alleles that determine blood type A B and O Examine the illustration which shows all of the alleles for blood type in the gene pool of a population A A 0 0 0 B 0 A A 0 A B 0 A A A 0 0 A A B B 0 0 0 A 0 A 0 O A A a How many allele copies are in this gene pool 1 point A 0 A B O B A A b What is the frequency of the O allele Show your work 2 points What is the frequency of the Ballele Show your work 2 points

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)5 Use an example to describe how an internal or external environmental factor can affect the way genes are expressed in the cells of a developing embryo Include a description of the role of transcription factors 4 points

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)4 Describe the regulation of gene expression in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells a Describe how gene expression is regulated in prokaryotes in response to a change in their environment such as the availability of lactose Include the terms operon operator promoter and repressor 4 points b Are transcription factors involved in the regulation of gene expression in

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)2 Protein synthesis has two main steps transcription and translation a How is RNA polymerase involved in transcription 1 point b Identify the three types of RNA shown in the models and describe how each is involved in translation Then explain how translation relates to the essential functions in a cell 5 points A B Ling C

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)DNA mRNA A U GAC GUA UG CA tRNA TACTGCATA C GT amino acids UAC UGC AUA CGU Tyrosine Cytosine Isoleucine Arginine 3 2 pts Indicate the codons and anticodons for the sequences above codon 1 anticodon codon 2 anticodon codon 3 anticodon codon 4 anticodon

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Q5 7 In a population where the proportion of individuals who are susceptible to malaria genotype HbA HbA is 0 53 and the population is assumed to be at Hardy Weinberg equilibrium what proportion of the population should be heterozygous HbA Hbs

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Great white shark outgroup Midas cichlid S American Jungfish W Indian coelacanth Western clawed frog CCTTT CO33Q 0000 Use the molecular DNA data in the table to answer the following the Western awed frog is most closely related to the

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Draw a model to explain how the boys in the video and anyone with DMD acquired it and how this relates to their physical symptoms HINT looking to see how the gene gets passed down how a mutated gene affects protein synthesis which leads to symptoms Use https sagemodeler concord org

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)DNA Replication Worksheet Use the diagram to answer the questions to the right 7 9666 The diagrams below show the steps of DNA replication Put the steps in order 1 3 1 Which of the labeled DNA strands are the parent strands 2 Which of the labeled strands are newly synthesized DNA 3 What nucleotide will be added to strand B next 4 What nucleotide will be added to strand C next 5 What holds the bases in strands A and B together 6 What holds the backbone of strand A together 10 What is the first step in DNA replication 8 14 15 16 11 What enzyme matches the bases of free nucleotides to the bases on the parent strand 12 If the DNA double helix were a twisted ladder what would the sides of the ladder be made of 13 What would the rungs of the ladder be made of Complete the table below NUCLEOTIDE BASE 9 ABBREVIATION T C A 18 19 20 COMPLEMENTARY BASE

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Use the following passage to answer the next It has been hypothogina

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)A blue eyed man 1 whose parents were brown eyed 2 3 marries a brown eyed woman 4 whose father was brown eyed 5 and whose mother was blue eyed They have one female child who is blue eyed 7 Blue eyes are recessive Make a pedigree chart based on the above information Label the genotypes of the individuals in the chart a b

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)1 Predict the offspring when two pink Four o clock flowers are crossed a Complete a Punnett square for this cross b What is the predicted genotypic ratio for the offspring b What is the predicted phenotypic ratit for the offspring

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)1 In pea plants the round seed allele is dominant over the wrinkled seed allele and the yellow seed allele is dominant over the green seed allele The genes for seed texture and those for seed color are on different chromosomes A plant heterozygous for seed texture and seed color is crossed with a plant that is wrinkled and heterozygous for seed color R round r wrinkled Y yellow y green a Construct a Punnett square for this cross A

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Examine the following pedigree chart of color blindness In humans color blindness is caused by a recessive sex linked allele On the diagram label the genotypes of the individuals 1 16 5 6 2 O female male 7 8 13 14 Normal Colorblind 9 3 10 15 16 4 11 12

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Suppose a newborn baby was accidentally mixed up in the hospital In an effort to determine the parents of the baby the blood types of the baby and two sets of parents were determined Baby 1 had type O Mrs Brown had type B Mrs Smith had type B Mr Brown had type AB Mr Smith had type B Draw Punnett squares for each couple you may need to do more than 1 square couple a b To which parents does baby 1 belong Why Hint you may want to refer to your Punnett squares

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)allele codes for brown coloring The Wallele codes for white coloring The B2 allele codes for black coloring Examine the illustration of the gene pool for a population of this species B B W W B B B B B B B B B B B B B W B B B w B B B B B B B B W W B B B B B W W B W B W B B B B W B B B B a How many allele copies are in this gene pool 2 points b How many copies of the Wallele are present in the gene pool What is the frequency of the Wallele Show your work 3 points c How many copies of the B allele are present in the gene pool What is the frequency of the B allele Show your work 3 points d How many copies of the B2 allele are present in the gene pool What is the frequency of the B2 allele Show your work 3 points

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)3 A population has the following genotypic distribution Genotype Number of individuals TT 24 Tt 78 tt 15 a What is the total number of allele copies in the population Hint Each individual has two alleles 2 points b What is the frequency of the Tallele Explain your calculations 2 points c What is the frequency of the t allele Explain your calculations 2 points 4 Describe quantitative characteristics and give an example Then describe what a histogram can tell you about the distribution of

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)1 Relate alleles to genetic variation and gene pools a How does the number of alleles for each gene in a population relate to the population s genetic variation 2 points b Describe a population s gene pool in relation to its alleles 3 points 2 The gene for coat color in a species has three alleles The B allele codes for brown coloring The Wallele codes for white coloring The B2 allele codes for black coloring Examine the illustration of the gene pool for a population of this species B B W W B B w B B B B B B B B B B B B W B W W W B B B B B B B B w W W B B B W W B w B W B B B B B B w B B B B B W B B B B a How many allele copies are in this gene pool 2 points b How many copies of the Wallele are present in the gene pool What is the frequency of the Wallele Show your work 3 points c How many copies of the B allele are present in the gene pool What is the frequency of the B allele Show your work 3 points d How many copies of the B2 allele are present in the gene

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)This graph shows the heights of 50 17 year old male students Heights were recorded to the nearest centimeter cm Heights of Male Students Number of students 8642 NO 18 16 14 12 10 8 4 2 0 158 165 166 173 A 190 cm 197 cm Which range of heights represents the tallest 8 of 17 year old male students B 182 cm 197 cm C 174 cm 181 cm 174 181 182 189 Height cm D 166 cm 189 cm 190 197

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)A certain gene in a tree species determines how long it takes for a seed to germinate In one population the alleles for this gene are T1 T2 and T3 The numbers of individuals with each of the possible genotypes are shown in the table Genotype T1T1 T1T2 T1T3 T2T2 T2T3 T3T3 A 66 B 33 C 50 Number of individuals D 25 50 What is the frequency of the T1 allele 60 40 50 55 45

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)You are part of a team of scientists that is working to characterize new flowering plants You are specifically interested in whether these plants are eudicots or monocots Check all of the features below that will help you to distinguish between the two 1 type of reproduction used 2 number of flower organs 3 embryo shape 4 flower color

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)oil alall Auflab 3 How does initial allele frequency affect the chances of that allele being lost or fixed by genetic drift 30 olm mit Set up driftR with zero mutation rate fitness of all three genotypes 1 migration rate 0 number of populations 50 population size 100 and 200 generations Now see how initial allele frequency affects the likelihood that an allele will be lost or fixed by drift Start with an allele at frequency 0 1 and work your way up to 0 9 Each time you run the simulation keep track of the results in a table like the one below Initial p Percent of initial populations where allele Percent of initial populations where allele A was lost funA was fixed 100 Looking at those results Jogoq 250b s booditg il sdt 1911s oxie nouslugon Siihh oftensy d Jaut omil 15 vo voruuport alolls oqa tadi boodig a How does initial allele frequency affect the likelihood that an allele will be lost from a population just by genetic drift Again this might be clearest if you graph initial allele frequency on the x axis against the dependent variable of interest on the y axis dsdt bootlikselil orts 152 sie no ucorp2ob well d

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)age however the couple decided to have genetic tests done to know if their child might be afflicted with a genetic condition Among the various tests karyotypes of somatic cells were performed for each parent The figures below show chromosomes from the father and the mother Chromosome 2 is stained with a pink dye Father Mother a What specific type of chromosomal anomaly is exhibited in the mother s karyotype Provide an explanation why the mother does not show any symptoms associated with the chrom

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Now complete the Punnett Squares below to show the two possible genetic crosses for the parents shown above and the possible offspring they could produce Use IA IB and i for the alleles 0 5 point A AB AB F phenotypic ratio for Cross 1 1 1 B BB B BB BB B

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)1 0 5 point Color blindness b is a recessive trait located on the X chromosome for sex First give the genotypes that are associated with each phenotype Use the following alleles XB Xb and Y Phenotype Colorblind Normal Vision Genotypes Xb Then complete a Punnett square showing the possible genotypes of children born to a colorblind mother and a father with normal vision Phenotypic ratio for daughters

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Unit 1 Essential Question Why is it possible for two genetically related people to have different phenotypes such as skim color or genetic disorder

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)If a DNA strand contains the sequence 5 ATTCCGGATCGA 3 which of the following is the sequence of the complementary strand of DNA 5 TCGATCCGGAAT 3 O 5 TAAGGCCTAGCT 3 5 ATTCCGGATCGA 3 5 TAACCGGTACGT 3

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Continue clicking through to learn about pigeons the breeds and their heritable traits Listen carefully to the segment on the sex chromosomes for the pigeon 18 What is the genotype of a male pigeon What is the genotype of a female pigeon LEVEL ONE Your first step is to breed a female pigeon Select your pigeon parents first then select the gametes of the correct allele type and click hatch 19 Which allele did you choose from the father Which allele from the mother What is the resulting genotype of the female pigeon you made You will now follow the same steps to breed a male pigeon After you have hatched a male pigeon press continue LEVEL 2 This level will focus on inherited traits Looking at the example birds that a crest and no crest 20 By looking at the genotypes and phenotypes of crested vs non crested pigeons which trait is the dominant trait Which trait is recessive How do you know Explain LEVEL 3 You will now make a male with no crest Select your parents Then select the gametes Z or W and also select the allele of the crest type you want for your resulting gametes by clicking on the phenotype of the crest type Select hatch to see if you were correct 21 Are sex and crest inherited separately or are they linked Explain in your own words Continue to make a male with a crest LEVEL 5 You will now make a female with a crest This problem will take two generations Make and hatch your first generation recording each step below In your answers let s call the allele for no crest C and the allele for crest c 22 What were the genotypes for the type of crest of your parent generation you chose Father genotype Mother genotype 23 What were the phenotypes of the crest of your parent generation Father genotype Mother genotype 24 What are the possible genotypes of the progeny F1 generation of the parents listed above Make a Punnett square using the grid below to work out your answer and copy and paste into your answers document What are the possible phenotypes Monohybrid Cross of Parent Generation

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)11 Copy the sequence of mRNA codons you determined in Step 1 into the table below Then use the mRNA codon table to determine the corresponding sequence of amino acids Write the first three letters of each amino acid in the table 2 points mRNA codon

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Use the space provi and anyone with D 1 How does somed person s parents or

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Christie s Phenotype Blue eyes blonde hair Free ear lobes mid digit hair roll tongue Eye Color Christie s Genotype bb hh EE DD TT Mid Digit Hair Joe s Phenotype Blue eyes Blonde hair Attached ear lobes No mid digit hair Rolls tongue Hair Color Joe s Genotype bb hh Ee dd tt Tongue Rolling Ear Lobes hazel green or blue is the likelihood that an e is its physicall both parents alleles white horse and a black ed from parent to offsp when he looked at the he or an organism that is s are generally reg is its genetic m one spec white flower a em that is rent versic

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Name Match the Parents with the Children You will meet four sets of parents who are missing their children Using the characteristics listed below you will match the children to their parents First you need to complete the table with which trait is dominant or cessive Characteristic Eye Color Hair Color b Ear Lobe b Mid digit hair Tongue Rolling Blue eyes Blonde hair Attached ear lobes No mid digit hair Can t roll tongue Devon s Phenotype Eye Color b b P Phenotype d Brown eyes Blue eyes Brown Hair Blonde hair Free ear lobes Attached ear lobes Mid digit hair Who are the parents In the tables below each parent has been listed their phenotypes and genotypes Complete a Punnett Square for each of the sets of parents to see what their children could have Couple 1 Devon Deo No mid digit hair Able to roll Can t roll tongue Devon s Genotype Mid Digit Hair d bb hh ee dd tt d Genotype BB or Bb h h bb HH or Hh hh EE or Ee ee DD or Dd dd TT or Tt tt Dominant or Recessive Deo s Phenotype Blue eyes Brown hair Attached ear lobes No mid digit hair Rolls tongue Hair Color H h Tongue Rolling T t t Deo s Genotype bb Hh T e e ee dd TT Ear Lobes e e

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)What is one weakness in the theory that a nucleic acid was the hereditary molecule in the first protocells There are no nucleic acids with catalytic activity Complete nucleotide monomers have not been shown to form under abiotic conditions They cannot provide a template for their own polymerization They require outside energy for polymerization

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)ATGACGGATCAGCCTCAATACGAATTGGCGTTTAAGGCGGATGCGCCGTAA 1 Write the sequence of the mRNA for the Mutant 3 strain 2 Write the amino acid sequence of the polypeptide that corresponds to the Mutant 3 strain 3 Calling the following mutant Mutant 4 Write the sequence of the DNA coding strand from a transversion nonsense mutation affecting the seventh 7th codon 4 Write the sequence of the DNA template strand for the Mutant 4 strain 5 Write the sequence of the mRNA for the Mutant 4 strain 6 Write the amino acid sequence of the polypeptide that corresponds to the Mutant 4 strain 7 How many possible open reading frames can you identify in the mRNA sequence or coding DNA sequence of the Mutant 4 strain

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)In humans free earlobes are dominant to attached ear lobes What would the phenotypes and genotype of the offspring be if a homozygous free eared person mated with a homozygous attached earlobe person Parent s genotype Offspring s Genotype frequencies G Ratio 91 Offsprings Phenotype frequencies attached earlobes I

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Indicate whether each of the following descriptions better applies to cDNA C genomic DNA G or both B Your answer would be a five letter string composed of letters C and G only e g CGCGC The starting material is mRNA It can be amplified using polymerase chain reaction It can be used to produce libraries This is used in the diagnosis of Covid19 infections The starting material contains intron and exons O CBGBB CBBCG O BGGBC OCBBGG

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)In prokaryotes how many molecules of ATP can be generated from the complete oxidation of glucose to CO and H 0 2 38 4 36