Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics) Questions and Answers

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)In the 1950s the scientists Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase carried out an experiment using bacteriophages which are viruses that infect bacteria During the experiment the scientists allowed bacteriophages that had been labeled with a radioactive element to infect bacterial cells After carrying out their experiment the scientists concluded that bacteriophages inject DNA a type of nucleic acid but not protein into host bacterial cells during infection To be able to form this conclusion which of the following radioactive elements did Hershey and Chase most likely find inside infected bacterial cells Choose 1 answer B Radioactive hydrogen Radioactive phosphorus Radioactive carbon Radioactive sulfur

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Directions The table lists the hair color and genotype of six individuals where black hair is dominant over blond Use the table to answer any questions that follow HAIR COLOR A B C D D Mr Johnson Mrs Johnson Mr Valdez Mrs Valdez Mr Ellwood Mrs Ellwood 11 If Mr and Mrs Johnson had four children together what color of hair would the children likely have B C Name black blond blond black black blond 12 If Mr and Mrs Ellwood had four children together which of the following would likely represent the children s genotypes All 4 of the children would have black hair Only 3 of the children would have black hair and 1 child would have blond hair All 4 of the children would have blond hair Only 2 of the children would have black hair and 2 of the children would have blond hair A Only 2 of the children would be heterozygous Bb and 2 of the children would be homozygous bb All 4 of the children would be heterozygous Bb Only 3 of the children would be heterozygous Bb and 1 child would be homozygous bb All 4 of the children would be homozygous bb Hair color homozygous homozygous heterozygous heterozygous heterozygous homozygous Alleles

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Having two eyebrows is dominant E over having one large eyebrow e Also having six fingers F is dominant over having five fingers f What is the probability of each phenotype if a man that has one eyebrow and twelve fingers total heterozygous has children with a woman that is heterozygous for both traits

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)The population of a cactus species in a particular area has two to seven spines with an average of four spines per square centimeter of surface area per square centimeter are more easily eaten by the wild boars thriving in the area Over time the population of this cactus species in this area have centimeter of surface area This is an example of a genetic drift b stabilizing selection c directional selection d disruptive selection

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Assume that brown eyes is dominant to blue eyes use B and b for the alleles and that right handedness is dominant to left handedness use R and r for the alleles If one parent has brown eyes homozygous dominant genotype and is left handed and the other parent has blue eyes and is right handed heterozygous genotype what is the probability that they will have a child who has brown eyes and is left handed Use both Punnett squares provided Punnett Square for Eye Color Punnett Square for Handedness

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Polydactyly is an autosomal dominant disease in humans use P and p for the alleles Phenylketonuria is an autosomal recessive disease in humans that causes mental retardation use H and h for the alleles If a male who does not have polydactyly and has phenylketonuria has a child with a female who has polydactyly assume she has the heterozygous genotype and is a carrier for phenylketonuria what is the probability that their child will NOT have either disease Use both Punnett squares provided Punnett Square for Polydactyly Punnett Square for Phenylketonuria

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)4 You are given a pack of wolves and asked to over several generations breed them into chihuahuas Based on what you know about evolution by natural selection which would be the best way to make the docile trait more common in this population a Raise each generation of wolves in close contact with humans b Breed only the most docile wolves in each generation c Show wolves videos of humans speaking calmly d Feed wolves kibble so they don t have to hunt

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Using your calculations for Salad what is the CFU per mL in the original sample 20 X 105 2 000 000 CFU mL 125 X 104 1 250 000 CFU mL 125 X 10 4 0 0125 CFU mL 125 X 104 X45 about 5 600 CFU mL

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)8 Why are phylogenetic trees best viewed as a working hypothesis a Discovery of new evidence may require us to update trees to better reflect evolutionary relationships b Once established phylogenetic trees never change c Discovery of new species will alter the relationships among existing species on a tree d All of the above 9 On a phylogenetic tree an outgroup is used to a Provide an example of a taxon not at all related to the ingroup b Establish which traits are shared derived traits for the ingroup c Increase the parsimony score of the tree d Show how long ago taxa diverged from a common ancestor

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)On a scratch piece of paper use a Punnett square to complete a dihybrid cross between two parents with the following gametes Male SR SR Sr and sr Female SR SR Sr and sr Determine the percentage of the offspring that will have a genotype of SSrr 6 18 56 0 100g

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)C 0 00 0 11 F Generation G Gg Gg G Gg GB Speed 1x Punnett Squares G B F Generation GG Pa Gg B 65

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)C 0 00 0 07 Speed 1x Two Generations of Pea Plant Crossings Key Genotype R r Phenotype White Flower Allele Purple Flower Allele Paused

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)A couple has 3 children a 14 year old daughter and 2 sons ages 12 and 10 If the mother and daughter are both known to have a genetic disorder what would the pedigree of this family look like Use the arrows to expand each option and see the full pedigree Hint Remember the following 1 which shape designates a male and which designates a female 2 what shows that an organism is expressing a trait 3 make sure the offspring are in the correct birth order C 0 00 0 29 Speed 1x Paused

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)A man who is red green color blind Xby marries a woman who has normal vision XBxB She is neither color blind nor a carrier for this recessive trait Which statement would best describe their probable offspring B normal vision b color blind Hint Reference the Punnett square below and remember what genotype you would need in order to express the colorblindness trait Punnett square XBXB Xb Y X XB XBXb XBY Xby XB XBXb XBY

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)C 0 00 0 40 red green color blindness which is predominant in males cross of red flowered snapdragon and white flowered snapdragon produce a blended pink flowered snapdragon skin color and height ABO blood type there are 3 Speed 1x a multiple alleles b sex linkage d C incomplete dominance polygenic trait Paused

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)spring that are tt C 0 00 0 00 A 0 were tt neterozygous tall plants What is the percentage of off Speed 1x 104 Pause

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Which of the following describes allopatric speciation A when a physical barrier is formed that separates a population and prevents gene flo between them B when a new specie arises within the current population du to behavior changes mechanical issues C when a new speci arises that is a hybrid of two surrounding populations

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Which of the following is NOT a source of heritable variation A identical twins B mutations C sexual reproduction

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)How do DNA analogs act to inhibit replication of an RNA viru They don t O Creating DNA RNA hybridizations O Stopping RNA polymerase

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)A B C D LOD Score LOD Score LOD Score 22222223229 150 160 22 LG 7 Agouti LG 1 LG 14 Mctr Linkage Group Position CM What type of analysis is shown Above Rostrum Cheek Eyebrow Earbase Dorsum Rump Tail

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Mom is type O blood and dad is type AB blood This means that 4 there is a 25 chance they have a child with AB blood 1 and 4 1 there is a 25 chance they have a child with type O blood 1 2 3 and 4 2 they cannot have a child with type O blood 3 they cannot have a child with type AB blood 2 and 3 Previous

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)In the pedigree below what is the relationship between individuals 1 and 37 HO 34 mother and daughter uncle and nephew aunt and niece grandmother and grandson

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)How many possible outcomes does a dihybrid cross have A 4 B 8 C 16 D 2

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Which sentence explains how a flood could lead to speciation A It could increase gene flow by bringing in individuals from other habitats B It could open up a new niche for a population to fill in the habitat C It could increase the mutation rate among existing populations D It could increase the amount of available food decreasing competition

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Which sentence describes an example of a spontaneous mut O A Radiation causes chemical bonds to form between cytosines B An incorrect nucleotide is added during the process of DNA replication OC RNA polymerase cannot read a bent DNA strand and adds the wrong RNA nucleotide O D Compounds insert themselves into the double helix SUBMIT

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)When it comes to genetic probabilities the outcome of one event has what kind of effect on the next event A It causes the same outcome to occur B It has no effect on the next outcome C It decreases the likelihood of the same outcome

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)What are the two different types of alleles A dominant and recessive B genetic and nuclear C anterior and posterior

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Eye color in fruit flies is sex linked What does this mean A The gene for eye color is on the Y chromosome B The gene for eye color is on one of the sex chromosomes C The gene for eye color is on both the X and Y chromosomes D The gene for eye color is on chromosome 12

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Which of these is NOT a sex linked disorder A color blindness B muscular dystrophy C codominance D hemophilia

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)os Miffin Harcourt Pulling Source Human Chicken Salmon Wheat Yeast E coli Adenine to Thymine to Guanine Cytosine 1 56 1 75 1 45 1 29 1 43 1 43 1 22 1 18 1 67 1 92 1 05 0 95 Adenine to Thymine 1 00 1 06 1 02 1 00 1 03 1 09 Guanine to Cytosine 1 00 0 91 1 02 0 97 1 20 0 99 b The ratio of cytosine to thymine is nearly 1 1 c The ratio of adenine to guanine is nearly 1 1 d The ratio of adenine to thymine is nearly 1 1 Purines to Pyrimidines 1 00 0 99 1 02 0 99 1 00 1 00 ANALYZE The numbers shown in the table are ratios For example the ratio of adenine to guanine in humans is 1 56 to 1 or 1 56 1 The 1 is assumed and not shown What do you observe about these ratios Select all correct answers a The ratio of cytosine to guanine is nearly 1 1 EXPLAIN Chargaff found that the proportion of adenine guanine cytosine and thymine varied from organism to organism How does Chargaff s work support the idea that DNA is the molecule of inheritance

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)15 What makes up the E coli lac operon a operator and three genes coding for lac enzymes AD UUO b promoter repressor operator and three genes coding for lac enzymes c promoter operator and three genes coding for lac enzymes d promoter operator and repressor genes e lactose lac enzymes and associated operator and promoter regions 6 Which process is performed by the plac activation pathway of the lac operon a transcriptional control b post transcriptional control c translational control d e one mechanism of h post translational control 0901

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)X X X X X X X Y X Y X Y R red eyes r white eyes What would be the result of a cross between a white eyed female Xr Xr and a red eyed male XRY A All males will be white eyed B All females will be white eyed C All males will be red eyed

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)2 The sequence of the coding DNA strand for a protein coding region is shown below 5 ATG GGA GTC TTG ATT TAA 3 Consider the following scenarios separately and write out the resulting polypeptide sequence labeling the N and C termini for each polypeptide a no mutation b deletion of nucleotide 4 c deletion of nucleotides 4 6 d a transition at nucleotide 11

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)If R red eyed and r white eyed what would be the result of a cros between a white eyed female Xr Xr and a red eyed male XR Y Hint Draw a Punnet square A 100 red eyed females B 100 white eyed males C both a and bare correct

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)If eye color is sex linked and R red eyed and r white eyed which of the following indicates homozygous recessive A XR XR B XR Xr C XR Y D Xr Xr

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)In order for a female fruit fl to have white eyes what mu be her genotype A XR Xr B Xr Xr C XR XR D Xr Y

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)PREDICT Use the information in the paragraph above and the terms below to identify the final result for each experiment live S bacteria live R bacteria heat killed S bacteria heat killed S bacteria live R bacteria lives dies EXPLAIN What evidence suggested that there is a transforming principle ASK What further questions would you ask based on Griffith s experimental results

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)In a certain flowering plant flowers can either be white or red Red is dominant to white and is coded by the gene A Also present is a repressor protein R that inhibits gene A from functioning Suppose two heterozygous plants are crossed to each other AaRr What fraction of the progeny can be expected to be red flowered the right answer is 3 16 but can you provide an explanation

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)How many genes are needed to control a trait that uses simple inheritance A more than 50 B millions C only one

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Which choice below shows the correct genotype for the black fish R Orange r black C 0 00 0 10 Speed 1x

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)4 In humans ABO blood types refer to glycoproteins in the membranes of red blood cells There are three alleles for this autosomal gene IA IB and i The IA allele codes for the A glycoprotein The IB allele codes for the B glycoprotein and the i allele doesn t code for any membrane glycoprotein IA and IB are codominant and i is recessive to both IA and IB People with type A blood have the genotypes IAIA or IAI people with type B blood are IBIB or IBI people with type AB blood are IAIB and people with type O blood are ii If a woman with type AB blood marries a man with type O blood which of the following blood types could their children possibly have A A and B B AB and 0 C A B and 0 D A B AB and 0

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)possible genotypes for each of the 4 blood types Type O Type A Type AB Complete the following crosses You MUST show ALL of your work to receive ANY credit A man with AB blood is married to a woman with AB blood What blood types will their children be and in what proportion Type B A man who has type B blood genotype homozygous is married to a woman with type O blood What blood type will their children have A woman with type A blood genotype AO is married to a type B person genotype BO What blood types their children have A woman with type A blood is claiming that a man with type AB blood is the father of her child who is also type AB Could this man be the father Show the possible crosses remember the woman can be heterozygous or homozygous A man with type AB blood is married to a woman with type O blood They have two natural children and one

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)diagram at the top of the page The plants in the P generation are pure br ing What is another term that could describe these plants 0 00 0 15 A C B hybrid homozygous Speed 1x Paused

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)flowers CH Pistil 0 3 C 0 00 0 00 PUNNETT SQUARE o BB Bb B Pollen Bb bb Speed 1x b Pause

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)flowers Pisti PUNNETT SQUARE CHW 0 00 0 21 Bb B Pollen Bb bb Speed 1x nenotypes of th Paused

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)experiments Select all that apply pea plants roen vs Dw pra plump vs wrinkled pod FC4H 0 00 0 20 A B Traits that Mendel observed round vs wrinkled peo Speed 1x Peas were the only thing available at the monastery Pea plants are easy to grow green vs yellow pod purple flower Paused

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)C 0 00 0 43 One trait will mask or cover up an other trait Two alleles fora trait separate during gamete formation Alleles for different traits separ in Speed 1x a Principle of Dominance C 10 b Principle of Independent Assortm Principle of Segregation Paus

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)4 Imagine that you are a doctor in a maternity ward During your last shift 20 babies were born 10 had blue eyes and 10 had brown eyes Remember genc are the two alleles given for each trait written with a letter For this activity B brown eyes b blue eyes Phenotypes are the physical appearance of the Considering the possible genotypes you listed in question 3 what traits would the parents of brown eyed and blue eyed children have to have Explain yo answer by creating a table like the one below and completing the Punnett square to show the genotypes Create a table by clicking on the Insert Table icon which looks like a grid on the far right Genotypes Phenotypes B b T

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Imagine that you are a doctor in a maternity ward During your last shift 20 babies were born 10 had blue eyes and 10 had brown eyes Remember genotypes are the two alleles given for each trait written with a letter For this activity B brown eyes b blue eyes Phenotypes are the physical appearance of the trait What percentage of babies have Brown and Blue eyes to find percent divide total number of blue eyed babies by the total number of babies born You should get a decimal number Just use the first two numbers as the percent If your answer is 25 you would have 25 You must write your answers using your own words Note

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)A homozygous dwarf tomato plant with a hairy stem was crossed with a homozygous tall tomato plant with a hairless stem Assume normal Mendelian genetics applies to these traits Explain how the genes are carried in the subsequent generations using the following symbols to represent the different alleles Recessive allele for a dwarf tomato plant t Dominant allele for a tall tomato plant T Recessive allele for a hairy tomato plant h Dominant allele for a hairless tomato plant H Complete the following details Phenotypes of parent plant Genotypes of parent plants All possible gametes All possible genotypes of F1 Phenotypes of F1 First cross dwarf with hairy stem crossed with tall with hairless stem These F1 plants were then cross pollinated seeds collected and grown the following year Complete the Punnett square below to show all possible genotypes of the F2 generation of tomato plants gametes