Reproduction in Organisms Questions and Answers

Reproduction in Organisms2 bud shown in the diagram below was produced by asexual reproduction Bud Which process is responsible for the formation of the bud 1 fertilization 2 recombination 3 mitosis Thyciosis

Reproduction in Organismsprevent donkeys and horses from mating prevent fertilization of gametes from members of closely related species only occur in asexual organisms are necessary in order for speciation to occur Question 13

Reproduction in Organisms2 Briefly describe what types of reproductive barriers exist that isolate gene pools of species and prevent successful interbreeding a 2 points List and briefly describe two prezygotic barriers

Reproduction in Organismsammonite are compared with modern species such as the nautilus to determine ancestral relationships 1 point Ammonite b These images show the embryos of vertebrates at early stages of development Identify similarities among these different species and explain how the similarities provide support for the theory of evolution 2 points Chicken embryo at 4 days Mouse embryo at 11 days Nautilus Human Gly Asp Val Glu Lys Lys lle Pig Gly Asp Val Glu Lys Lys lle Chicken Gly Asp lle Glu Lys Lys lle Fruit fly Gly Asp Val Glu Lys Lys Leu Model of human embryo at 35 days c Similar amino acid sequences for the enzyme cytochrome c are found in many different species The chart shows the amino acid sequences for a segment of cytochrome c found in humans pigs chickens and fruit flies What does this information suggest about the ancestry of these organisms What does it indicate about the relationships between humans and the other species listed Use mathematical comparisons in your explanation 2 points Phe lle Met Lys Cys Ser Gln Cys Phe Val Gln Lys Cys Ala Gln Cys Phe Val Gln Lys Cys Ser Gln Cys Val Gln Arg Ala Gin Cys

Reproduction in Organisms4 What is there about this species that is unusual as compared to the reproductive behavior of most species a The means by which females manage to enlarge their abdomen which requires a special and still mysterious abdomen inflating device b The fact that the members of one sex have evolved a truly bizarre display to induce the opposite sex to mate with them The fact that females have to persuade apparently choosy males to mate with them The fact that many females have to wait for a mate which reduces the reproductive potential of the species c d

Reproduction in Organismsns Dash Omegha Dashboa Converg Applying Development Time Limit 1 30 00 Time Left 1 13 2

Reproduction in OrganismsQuestions for Plant Cell Mitosis 1 How many chromosomes are in an onion cell 2 How many daughter cells are produced from each mitotic cell division 3 How many total chromosomes does each daughter cell have 4 Which phase of the cell cycle did you see most often in the onion root tip

Reproduction in OrganismsA population of bacteria is treated with an antibiotic Because of variation in the population of bacteria what is a possible outcome of the treatment The population will be better able to obtain a food source C D A B All of the bacteria will be resistant to the antibiotic Some of the bacteria may be resistant to the antibiotic and survive The population will increase rapidly

Reproduction in OrganismsSperm are much smaller than eggs Why Check all likely explanations 1 Sperm need only provide DNA whereas eggs must provide cytoplasm proteins and mitochondria for the embryo 2 Sperm contain only half the DNA of an egg 3 Smaller sperm were selected because they could swim faster and reach the egg first 4 Sperm seem smaller because they are long and thin but they actually contain an equal amount of cytoplasm 5 Sperm are small to avoid being recognized by the female s immune system

Reproduction in OrganismsSlime molds and Entamoebas belong to Amoebozoa Supergroup Even though they are under the same category they differ in their mode of nutrition and life cycle Use the diagram of the slime mold life cycle to identify what these two organisms share 8 Amoebas aggregate into a structure called a slug 7 New haploid amoebas are released 00 Meiosis 6 Zygote grows and undergoes meiosis and multiple rounds of mitosis Haploid and Asexual Reproduction fusion 2n Fertilization 10 Migration stops and the aggregate forms a fruiting body at the end of a stalk 9 Slug migrates at a rate of 2 mm per hour 5 Two amoebas fuse to form a zygote nucleus 4 Germination gives rise to amoeba which divide to form more individual cells plasmodium mature spores Spore germinates 1 Mature fruiting body generates spores Meiosis 2 Mature fruiting body releases spores Both amoeba and slime mold have amoeboid cells involved in reproduction O Both amoeba and slime mold produce spores Both amoeba and slime mold ingest pre formed organic molecules O Both amoeba and slime mold produce fruiting bodies

Reproduction in Organisms7 AKS 8a Which of the following is the BEST reason an individual who agrees with therapeutic cloning for he purposes of study and therapy might cite to support their argument A Therapeutic cloning places an altered human cell in a woman s uterus In contrast reproductive cloning takes place in a laboratory and cannot lead to a human being B Therapeutic cloning holds great promise to alleviate human suffering and advance human knowledge C The processes for therapeutic cloning and reproductive cloning both share a fundamental act of destroying a human embryo a potential life D The embryos used in therapeutic cloning research are babies with functional organs

Reproduction in Organismsuterine cycles 2 Cycle Ovarian Uterine PRE OVULATION OVULAT POST OVULATION ION In a table given below mention what happens in each phase of the ovarian and uterine cycle both in pre ovulation and post ovulation 4 3 Sharks typically reproduce sexually A particular female shark however gave birth in a zoo despite having no recent contact with a male shark 10 a Identify the type of cell division that produces eggs and sperm in animals such as sharks b Female sharks can store sperm after mating and then wait to fertilize their eggs Scientists investigated whether the female shark in the zoo did this Describe how DNA analysis can determine if the shark reproduced using stored sperm or if she reproduced asexually Be sure to include the source s of DNA being analyzed and the results of the analysis in your answer

Reproduction in OrganismsThe term semelparity a refers to an organism with a Type I survivorship curve O b best describes an organism who only produces offspring twice during th lifetime Oc best describes an organism who repeatedly produces offspring over the course of their lifetime d best describes an organism who only produces offspring once in their lifetime

Reproduction in OrganismsThe sperm of frog population A cannot fertilize the eggs of frog population B because the receptors on the egg for the arriving sperm do not recognize it. Thus these two closely related species of frogs cannot produce offspring. The isolating mechanism is:
A prezygotic
B. postzygotic
C. temporal/chronological
D. alopatric

Reproduction in OrganismsWhile studying meiosis and mitosis for her genetics test, Marisa made notes of
the kinds of cells produced from these processes with examples from the body.
Which pairing of the cell produced during meiosis and example is correct?
A) haploid cell: egg cell
B) haploid cell: hair cell
C) diploid cell: sperm cell
D) diploid cell: liver cell

Reproduction in OrganismsWhich statement is factual?
Asexual reproduction produces offspring that are identical to the parent.
Sexual reproduction allows for diploid gametes to combine to increase genetic variation.
Asexual reproduction leads to the formation of haploid gametes.
Sexual reproduction does not require the production of gametes.

Reproduction in Organisms7. Which of the following is the common feature of asexual reproduction patterns observed in living things?
A) Formation of individuals with different gene combinations
B) Formation of two new individuals when replication is
complete C) Division of the cytoplasm by node
Occur with bud development
E) Its basis is based on ONA mapping

Reproduction in OrganismsE - Which evidence best supports the claim that jellyfish reproduce? 1. Jellyfish can make more jellyfish to continue their species. This is done with female jellyfish making eggs and then releasing the eggs when mature, at the same time male jellyfish will fertilize the eggs floating by. 2. Jellyfish babies are called "planulae". Soon the free-floating planulae will sink to the bottom of the ocean and attach on a hard surface, like a rock. They will develop tentacles and become a polyp and then soon a medusa, which is an adult jellyfish. 3. Jellyfish use their tentacles to obtain their food. If something swims by, it could get caught by the stinging cells on jellyfish. The jellyfish will then bring their food up to their mouths to ingest it. Why is your chosen evidence the best evidence for reproduction as a characteristic of life: R- Which reasoning supports the claim that jellyfish are living? 1. Jellyfish are alive because the evidence supports the claim. 2. The reason why jellyfish are alive is because they have all of the characteristics of life and to be considered living, organisms must have all characteristics. 3. The jellyfish eating is the jellyfish obtaining and using energy which is a characteristic of life and if a thing has at least one characteristic of life, it must be living.

Reproduction in OrganismsA kangaroo is a diploid animal that has 8 homologous pairs of chromosomes in a
typical somatic cell.
How many chromosomes would a kangaroo with the following chromosomal
composition have?

Reproduction in OrganismsNormally adipocytes appear empty because light goes through the stored fat the same way it
goes through glass. Fat and glass have a similar refractive index. When adipose tissue is
treated with sudan black or osmium the fat is stained black. Observe the stained slide and draw
it in the space below.
![[?] reproduction requires less energy expenditure, but provides less genetic diversity reproduction.
Non- sexual
Reproduction in Organisms[?] reproduction requires less energy expenditure, but provides less genetic diversity reproduction.
Non- sexual

Reproduction in Organisms13. What are sex chromosomes?
a. one chromosome that determine the organism's sex
b. a pair of chromosomes that determine the organism's sex
c. a pair of genes that that determine the organism's sex
d. 22 pairs of chromosomes that determine the organism's sex

Reproduction in OrganismsNow let's make a prediction: which of the following treatments do you expect to inhibit fertility in the rabbits? Remember the negative feedback loops from the animation earlier.
a) Only high progesterone because it will inhibit LH and FSH secretion
b) Both high testosterone and high progesterone treatments. Both will inhibit LH and FSH secretion
c) High GnRH because it will cause high and constant production of LH and FSH
d) Only high testosterone because it will masculinize the female rabbit

Reproduction in Organisms: Why is it necessary to return the tubes to ice after heat-shocking?) (1 mark)
(a) The tubes need to be kept on ice to prevent protein degradation.
(b) The plasmids are unstable upon entering the bacteria and need to be kept cold to
prevent it moving around.
(c) Placing the tubes on ice closes the pores created by heat-shocking on the bacterial cell
(d) DNA will denature if kept at high temperature. Returning the tubes on ice will stabilize

Reproduction in OrganismsIn vertebrate animals, spermatogenesis and oogenesis differ, in that
oogenesis produces one functional ovum, whereas spermatogenesis produces four functional spermatozoa.
spermatogenesis begins before birth.
spermatogenesis is not complete until fertilization occurs.
oogenesis produces four haploid cells, whereas spermatogenesis produces only one functional spermatozoon.
oogenesis begins at the onset of sexual maturity.

Reproduction in OrganismsWhich of the following principles of a free enterprise system best explains why the businesses in an industry cannot maintain an artificially high price?
producer sovereignty
property rights
open opportunity

Reproduction in OrganismsNormally menstruation results from which of the following events?
Blood levels of FSH fall off
Decreased blood levels of estrogen and progesterone
Blood levels of estrogen and progesterone increase
The corpus luteum secretes estrogen

Reproduction in OrganismsWhich of the following is true regarding binary fission?
Question 3 options:
The nuclear envelope breaks down during prophase.
Chromosomes are separated during anaphase.
The circular chromosome is replicated.
DNA is synthesized during S phase of the cell cycle.

Reproduction in OrganismsWhy should organisms reproduce more offspring than will survive? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.
That way parents can give their favorite name to many kids so they know the name will "live on".
some offspring aren't well adapted to the environment.
then parents can choose the prettiest to take care of.
some offspring will be eaten by predators.
some offspring will not make it to adulthood.

Reproduction in OrganismsWhich of the following best explains why fertilization in sexual reproduction enhances genetic variability more than would be expected in asexual reproduction?
Genetic variability is produced through a high mutation rate
Genetic variability is produced through mitotic cell division
Offspring receive genes which may be recessive
Offspring receive genes from both parents

Reproduction in OrganismsThe event that occurs in bacteriophage multiplication that does not occur in animal virus replication is...
adsorption to the host cells
injection of only the viral nucleic acid into the host cell
host cell synthesis of viral enzymes and capsid proteins
assembly of nucleocapsids
replication of viral nucleic acid

Reproduction in OrganismsDuring the "stationary phase" of a bacterial growth curve, bacteria are...
not dying neither reproducing
not doing anything
reproducing at the same rate than dying (food is becoming limited)
reproducing at a higher rate than dying

Reproduction in OrganismsIn which part of a sponge's body does fertilization occur?
the ostium.
the mesohyl.
the spicule.
the amoebocyte.
the spongin.