Structural Organization in Animals Questions and Answers

Structural Organization in AnimalsIn human development the brain and spinal cord arise from this embryonic tissue splanchnic mesoderm endoderm neural tube notochord

Structural Organization in AnimalsThis is a nitrogenous waste product specifically produced by muscle cells Urea Creatinine Aspartame

Structural Organization in AnimalsMaximum bone density or mass is achieved by about what age in life O 30 40 20

Structural Organization in AnimalsThe direction of motion of conductor in Fleming s right hand rule is given by O index finger O thumb O forefinger O little finger

Structural Organization in Animals46 Which of the following is are true statement s about glutamine A It carries nitrogen and carbon between tissues thus avoiding high toxic levels of NH4 in blood B It is a nitrogen source for glutamate synthase C It is a nitrogen donor in many biosynthetic reactions D All of the above 46

Structural Organization in Animals2 Cyanobacteria have evolved photosynthetic features not found in green sulfur bacteria These include A cytochrome bc B synthesis of NADH C an oxygen evolving complex D electron acceptor P700 E All of the above 12

Structural Organization in AnimalsHow does urbanization affect state spending Higher urbanization results in less state spending O Lower urbanization results in more state spending Higher urbanization results in more state spending Urbanization does not affect state spending

Structural Organization in AnimalsThe domain that contains unicellular organisms that live in extreme environments is

Structural Organization in AnimalsThe structure in Figure 19 1 represents a an O virus O methanogen O archaevirus O bacterium ED Figure 19 1

Structural Organization in AnimalsYou run a two sample t test to compare the amount of CREB expressed in a group of mouse brain samples average CREB concentration 7 26 ng ml compared to a group of rabbit brain samples average CREB concentration 7 35 ng ml After running the t test you get a p value of 0 29 What can you conclude about CREB expression in brain between mice and rabbits O There is significantly higher CREB expression in rabbit brains compared to mice brains O There is significantly higher CREB expression in mice brains compared to rabbit brains There is no significant difference in CREB expression between mice brains and rabbit brains Cannot make any conclusions with the current information

Structural Organization in Animals1 A An is characteristic of children at age five OA choice of same sex playmates OB awkwardness with emerging motor skills O C understanding of the ramifications of one s actions OD desire to play with children of different ages

Structural Organization in Animals7 Early Head Start is an example of OA a nurturing environment OB private curriculum O C private preschool OD biological effect

Structural Organization in AnimalsThe microbes discovered in Lake Whillans and Pitch Lake represented a few of the general categories of microbial life Drag the images and or descriptions to their corresponding class to test your understanding of the main types of microbes Prokaryotic organisms used in genetic engineering due to their simple genetic material Cysts in tissue Bacteria Photosynthetic Photosynthetic organisms that may be used to produce alternative fuels Protozoans Fungi Used by humans in the production of some antibiotics Viruses Spores Ciliate Bacilli Helminths Require electron microscopy for visualization Algae Source CDC Source CDC Source National Human Genome Reasearch Institute Source Dr Libero ajello CDC

Structural Organization in Animals1000 Flow Speed cm s 100 10 1 0 1 Clay TOO O Silt Transportation TO O 2 Refer to Figure 15 1 Sand Erosion 0 1 Grain Size mm Figure 15 1 Hjulstr m Curve 268 10 Coarse Material Deposition OOT a What is the minimum speed of water that will erode clay particles b What is the minimum speed of water that will erode sand particles c Why do you think the speeds to erode clay and sand particles are different Explain your response in one sentence 1000 d You are exploring a creek bed and come upon a rock which has been transported downstream The rock is the size of a bowling ball 8 inches 215 millimeters How fast must the water have been moving to transport that rock e You are studying a river that is flowing at 1 meter second there are 100 centimeters in 1 meter What size materials would you expect to see i eroding

Structural Organization in Animals3 Persons studying male bluegill a type of fish reproductive behavior have discovered three different methods of male reproduction territoriality sneaking and satellite behavior We hypothesize that these long standing differences are hereditary Which of the following predictions would follow from this hypothesis a Sneaking males should have sneaking sons b The reproductive success of the three types must be different c The environment should have no effect on the development of sneaking behavior d The presence of satellite males should lower the fitness of those females whose eggs they fertilize

Structural Organization in AnimalsThe image shows a unicellular organism called a paramecium Contractile vacuole Oral groove Cilia Food vacuole How are the paramecium s cilia a structural adaptation A They are actions that an organism takes that make the organism more likely to be eaten by predators B They are physical features that help the organism survive by allowing it to move around and get food C They are actions that an organism takes to help the organism perform cell division D They are physical features that help the organism survive by allowing it to make food through photosynthesis

Structural Organization in AnimalsUse your notes and textbook pages 40x10 to complete the following VOCABULARY Use the terms listed below to complete the following Choices may be used more than once Speciation Geographic isolation Reproductive isolation Polyploidy Gradualism Punctuated equilibrium Adaptive radiation Divergent evolution Convergent evolution 1 Occurs when a physical barrier divides a population Speciation 2 May result in immediate reproductive isolation 3 Occurs when two groups of organisms have different mating seasons 4 The idea that speciation occurs rapidly with long periods of genetic equilibrium in between 5 A process that produces two species from one is known as 6 Occurs when formerly interbreeding organisms can no longer mate and produce fertile offspring 7 The idea that species originate through a gradual change of adaptations 8 A mountain range separates two groups of squirrels and over time each small population develops its own gene pool Many flowering plant species and important crops such as wheat cotton and apples originated by this 10 The evolution of sea lilies supports this idea of speciation rates 11 An ancestral species evolves into an array of species to fit a number of diverse habitats This pattern of evolution is commonon islands Ex Hawaii s honeycreepers

Structural Organization in AnimalsThe mouth leads into a short esophagus connected to the saclike cardiac stomach When a sea star eats the cardiac stomach everts through the sea star s mouth and starts digesting the contents of its prey Above the cardiac stomach is the pyloric stomach which takes up partially digested tissues The pyloric stomach leads to a short intestine Each arm contains one pair of digestive glands Identify the digestive system Q To which stomach do the digestive glands attach

Structural Organization in AnimalsQ How does the structure of the uropods correlate to its function

Structural Organization in AnimalsObtain a preserved crayfish and place it in a dissecting pan You will draw the exterior and interior of the crayfish in the boxes following the dissection instructions Make sure to label the bolded structures on your drawings as you go though the dissection Identify the chitinous exoskeleton Arthropods are distinguished by metameres repeating body segments that fuse to form different body regions tagmata tagma sigular There are two tagmata in the crayfish The first is the cephalothorax fusion of the head and the thorax which is covered by a carapace The second is the abdomen which consists of several metameres that go all the way down to the tail Q Is each region specialized for its function Q Which body region of the crayfish is most obviously segmented

Structural Organization in AnimalsQ6 6 How does the average fat stores for moose when there are no wolves on Isle Royale compare to average fat stores when there are many wolves Average fat stores without wolves is similar to that with wolves Average fat stores depends on how many wolves were initially introduced Average fat stores tends to be higher without wolves than with wolves Average fat stores tends to be lower without wolves than with wolves

Structural Organization in AnimalsCreate a dichotomous key of your own You can create it for any class of organism or make up your own There should be a minimum of 3 steps in the key The following website may be helpful in addition to the video in the lab activities folder https creately com blog diagrams what is a dichotomous key

Structural Organization in Animalssources you use to your list 4 Which animal species did you choose Where does it live 1 point 5 Describe your animal What kinds of adaptations does it have How do those adaptations help it survive List at least one of each type of adaptation behavioral structural and reproductive 3 points 6 Describe the group structure of your animal in detail Describe its group behaviors Include evidence to support your answer 5 points 7 Explain how the group behaviors affect both the individuals in the group and the species overall ability to survive 4 points

Structural Organization in AnimalsMarlene has just learned about a disturbing consumer product test conducted on animals called the lethal dose 50 LD50 test She has determined that as gruesome as the test seems to be so long as the positive effects of the testing outweigh the negative it is morally justifiable Which of the following positions would Marlene be able to hold consistently with the judgment she has just made about animal testing Immanuel Kant s position Ren Descartes s position the utilitarian position Tom Regan s position Eating meat contributes to countless health problems including obesity high cholesterol high blood pressure and diabetes Eating some kinds of meat violates the central tenets of the world s most popular religions Eating meat supports the cruel and inhumane practices of factory farms and thus contributes to the pain suffering and death of animals

Structural Organization in AnimalsThe atrioventricular valves are closed when the ventricles are relaxed O heart is completely relaxed OP wave of an electrocardiogram appears Oright atrium is contracting ventricles contract

Structural Organization in AnimalsA can be used to test the statistical significance of the difference between two sets of numbers A Chi Square Analysis C Natural Fitness Analysis B H W Equilibrium Algorithm D Pie Squared Routine

Structural Organization in AnimalsMonoecious Dioecious helminthes are hermaphroditic they are capable of fertilizing themselves

Structural Organization in AnimalsThe largest organ of the body is the brain skin the heart the respiratory system

Structural Organization in AnimalsIn a bacteriophage DNA is contained in what structure Sheath Tail fiber Base plate Capsid

Structural Organization in AnimalsSelect the term or terms that correctly completes the statements A When the swallowing reflex is activated the Click to select Click to select B At the same time muscle contractions raise the Click to select cover the opening into the Click to select directing it to the Click to select C When the food enters the esophagus Click to select Click to select which causes the Click to select preventing food from entering the Click to select D At the junction of the esophagus and stomach the Click to select esophagus Click to select nasal cavity soft palate lower esophageal sphincter stomach esophagus pharynx cartilagious epiglottis contracts upward which prevents food from entering in the wall of the esophagus moves the food toward the larynx pyloric sphincter peristaltic contractions and prevents regurgitation of food back into the to

Structural Organization in Animalsmagine a protein as a straight rope Now tie the rope in a knot That could symbolize a Acceptable Formats protein Give me options

Structural Organization in AnimalsColumn 1 1 mouth 2 pharynx 3 esophagus 4 stomach 5 duodenum 6 jejunum 7 ileum 8 colon Column I 1 sigmoid colon Match the term in Column I with its description in Column II 2 rectum 3 anus 4 appendix 5 liver Column 6 gallbladder 7 common bile duct 3 pancreas A Organ that receives food from the esophag and sends it to the intestine B Third part of the small intestine C Throat D Second part of the small intestine E Large intestine F First part of the small intestine G Opening that is the beginning of the digestive system H Tube that carries food to the stomach Column II A Opening of the colon to the outside of the body B Sac that stores bile C S shaped lower portion of the large intestine D Organ that makes bile stores sugar and produces proteins to clot blood E Gland that makes both digestive juices and insulin hormone F Small sac that hangs from the beginning of the large intestine G Tube that carries bile from the liver and gallbladder to the intestine

Structural Organization in AnimalsD O hydrogen O ionic bonds covalent bonds and hydrogen bonds O ionic O covalent Question 41 Which functional group is not present in this molecule HO 0 H H H NH H OH carboxyl Obydroxyl

Structural Organization in AnimalsWhich of the following is a correct sequence of levels in life s hierarchy proceeding downward from an individual organism O organism organ system tissue cell organ O nervous system brain nervous tissue nerve cell O nervous system nervous tissue brain O brain nervous system nerve cell nervous tissue

Structural Organization in AnimalsChemical changes in a substrate are due to the facilitation of chemical reactions by enzymes How does the induced fit model of enzymes and substrates explain their function A B C D The chemical reaction proceeds as substrates bind to the enzyme The enzyme modifies its shape to fit the substrate inducing the transition state of the substrate The enzyme is not changed during the reaction but induces a change in the substrate The transition state of the substrates are induced by the dynamic changes within the en zyme and the substrate

Structural Organization in AnimalsWhich of the following is NOT a domain in the three domain system O a animalia Ob bacteria O c archaea d eukarya

Structural Organization in Animalsis true EXCEPT re multinucleated giant cells are located near the blood vessels have the ruffled border ossess osteolytic activity re derived from osteocytes h of the following is characteristic only for the ac muscle cell eripheraly placed nuclei oss striations rcomeres tercalated discs wer of dense irregular connective tissue that ds the entire skeletal muscle is the arcolemma erimysium domysium imysium erning the N 15 which of the following produce collagen typ proteoglycans and other molecules and m vesicles A Osteocytes B Osteoblasts C Osteoclasts D Osteoid 17 Which of the following proteins forms filaments A troponin B myosin C tropomyosin D vimentin 19 Z discs are to skeletal muscle as are to smooth muscle A myofilaments B sarcomeres C transverse tubules D dense bodies 20 which of following muscle tissue are pre histological slide bellow A Skeletal B Cardiac C Smooth

Structural Organization in AnimalsThe cells at the tip of the arrow are
A) sclerenchyma cells
B) sclereids with primary walls AND evenly thickened secondary cell walls
C) collenchyma cells
D) parenchyma cells

Structural Organization in AnimalsWhich of the following is NOT correct about the layers of the skin?
Dermis contains some exocrine glands.
Epidermis is superficial to the dermis.
Dermis is made up of living and dead layers of cells.
Epidermis is made up of the epithelial tissue.

Structural Organization in AnimalsChoose the sentence with the correct comma placement.
A. I need oil, butter, and eggs, from the grocery store.
B. I need, oil, butter, and eggs from the grocery store.
C. I need oil, butter, and eggs from the grocery store.

Structural Organization in AnimalsWhich of the following is NOT a type of tissue?

Structural Organization in Animalslatent infection by animal viruses is most similar to which of the following events:
Lysogenic life cycle in bacteriophages
lytic life cycle in bacteriophages
antigen shift
persistent infection by animal viruses
antigen drift

Structural Organization in AnimalsAs a leader, Tom likes to make sure those he oversees are happy by offering a lot of praise and encouragement. He doesn't like conflict and doesn't offer much constructive criticism. As a result, his team is not performing well. Which area of the leadership grid does this represent?
middle-of-the-road management
impoverished management
authority obedience
country club management
team management

Structural Organization in AnimalsFrom the video titled "Mosquitoes might save lives, thanks to bacteria", researchers are trying to control the spread of a viral disease spread by mosquitoes. What disease are they trying to control? What bacteria are they using? How does the bacteria interfere with the spread of the disease?

Structural Organization in AnimalsWhat benefit does the Hawaiian Bobtail Squid enjoy from its symbiotic relationship with Vibrio fischeri? microbial induced countershading
better absorption of nutrients from food
increased vascularization of intestinal epithelium
All of these are correct.

Structural Organization in AnimalsThe size of a cell is limited by the
lack of building materials
size of the organism
relationship between the volume of the cell and its surface area
job it does
materials it has to exchange

Structural Organization in AnimalsThe following statements contain information regarding the roach population.
Which of the above statements most closely illustrates overproduction?
A. Roaches that live to maturity may mate and produce offspring.
B. A population of roaches contain some pesticide-resistant roaches and some that are not resistant to pesticides.
C. Many roaches do not survive because they come in contact with pesticides.
D. Roaches lay many eggs.

Structural Organization in AnimalsReview the following sources, then answer the question below.
1. "His Excellency: George Washington" by Joseph J. Ellis
II. George Washington's memoir
III. "Washington, George" in the Encyclopedia of American Studies
You are writing a paper on George Washington. Which of the sources above follow the "primary, secondary, tertiary" order?

Structural Organization in AnimalsWhich of the following is a major difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic
Prokaryotic cells have no phospholipids; eukaryotic cells do.
Eukaryotic cells have a plasma membrane, whereas prokaryotic cells do not.
Prokaryotic cells have no DNA; eukaryotic cells have DNA.
Most prokaryotic cells have no internal membranes; eukaryotic cells do.