The Living World Questions and Answers

The Living WorldLink the following quote, by linguist S.I. Hayakawa, to the correct term and definition: "a statement
about the unknown based on the unknown."
Evidence, the body of facts used to support one's claims
Inference, a conclusion based on inductive reasoning
Claim, the assertion one makes in an argument

The Living WorldThe three most common monosaccharides differ by their chemical formulas but not by their structures, so you can rearrange one to make the others.

The Living World2. Assume that a certain gene has the following DNA sequence of nucleotides:
What would the mRNA strandtranscribed from this DNA sequence look like?

The Living Worldwhy are viruses NOT considered cells? you may explain this in terms of structure, function and/or biochemical activities.

The Living WorldThe only animal to have a closed circulatory system includes the

The Living World1. What are some of the personal traits and characteristics that are associated with effective leaders?

The Living WorldMonomers, like puzzle pieces, can only come together in one specific fashion. This helps to ensure the specificity of life.

The Living WorldThe Red Queen Hypothesis suggests that populations. represent a continual threat to relatively large multicellular organisms such as ourselves and that is a continua populations.
Pathogens such as bacteria, parasites, viruses
New Ecological Niches with New Food Resources
A Changing Environments and Climates
Body Odor

The Living WorldUsing the 10% rule when
studying trophic pyramids, if
the autotrophs produce 100
Joules of energy, how much
energy is passed on to the
A. 15 Joules
B. 10 Joules
C. 0.1 Joule

The Living WorldThe operational sex ratio is...
The percent of males that will be chosen by females to mate when females are choosing mates.
The percent of offspring that will survive to adulthood
The number of males to females available for mating at any one time
the measure of how hard male to male competition is (how likely one male will be killed in competition).

The Living WorldIf a species has a highly risky environment, where predators have a high probability of killing them rather quickly, what would be the evolutionary life strategy which would confer the greatest fitness?

The Living WorldExperiments done to the Hox13a gene in fish suggest that...
The genes needed to form the primitive amphibian hand were not even present to be able to modify unttil after land was colonized by the first amphi
The genes needed to form the primitive amphibian hand were already present in fish, and only needed to be modified to form the primitive hand.

The Living WorldWhat characteristic was observed concerning reproductive success between males and female elephant seals?
Males vary more in their reproductive success than females
Females vary more in their reproductive success than males
Both sexes have equivalent rates of reproductive success because in each case a male and female is required for reproduction.
Most females do not reproduce, but instead a dominant female carries out almost all reproduction

The Living WorldWritten by John Adams just seven years before the U.S. Constitution, this wording appears in a state
constitution that became a model for the federal version. From which state does it come?

The Living WorldWhat reason is suggested by the Authors of the book as a reason why humans are one of the very few animals which has menopause?

The Living WorldIn a gene under selection, the ratio of synonymous to non-synonymous mutations should be the same ratio in a pseudogene which is evolution).
higher than
lower than
equal to
None of the above

The Living WorldIn Greek dramas, the role of the was awarded to the best actor.

The Living WorldOf the gases
listed, which
can be most
easily viewed in
A. nitrogen
B. oxygen
C. carbon dioxide
D. water vapor

The Living WorldA soil sample contains 70% silt, 30% sand, and 0% clay. What type of soil do you have?
A. loam
B. silt loam
C. clay

The Living WorldTwo different types of viruses, virus A and virus B, infect the same cell. This results in the production of progeny/new viruses that have the proteins and genetic material (nucleic acids) of both virus A and virus B. The progeny viruses also have a greater (wider) host range than either virus A or virus B. This is most likely caused by:
antigen shift
antigen drift
phage conversion
transduction (either type)

The Living WorldWhich of the following macromolecules contains carbon? Select all that apply.
Nucleic acids

The Living WorldProchlorococcus release membrane bound packets that contain DNA, RNA, and proteins. What is the name of the packet?

The Living WorldCharles Darwin said himself in On the Origin of Species that the evolution of the eye "seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest possible degree." However, he stated that the idea that the eye couldn't possibly have evolved "can hardly be considered real", thus showing at this early stage in evolutionary research that complex adaptations may stupify the layman but that they simply are the result of th natural selection acting on multiple factors stepwise over time to yield their complex structure.

The Living WorldWhich of the following must be considered when estimating TMRCA (time of most recent common ancestor) for a Species?(I discussed this at length in the Notes of Ch 9.)
The rates of mutation in the sections of DNA being analyzed for the purpose of finding TMRCA.
The average/effective generation time for the species (as a factor in the molecular clock)
Population size for the species (as a factor in the molecular clock)
Whether or not the sections of DNA being analyzed for TMRCA are under selection or not.

The Living WorldGluten is a blend of proteins found in wheat, one of the primary products of the Agricultural Revolution which began over 10,000 years ago and that has brought humanity to its current population size. Suppose a particular mutation in gene X confers the ability to tolerate Gluten and thus provided an advantage to populations which had this mutation in their ability to populate the world. What would you expect to find when you look at this mutation and the DNA close to it on that chromosome which contains it in people who have the mutation?

The Living WorldGene duplication can open the way to new functions by allowing changes to the regulation of paralogs. Mutatuions may change the regulatory regions of a paralog, or the gene encoding the proteins or RNA molecules that bind them. Thus both duplication and protein promiscuity allow for the reprogramming of genes. A gene may start to be expressed in a new organ, for example, or in response to a new signal. It can be added into a different network of genetic interractions and foster a new adaptation. This evolutionary switch is known as ______ It can affect a single gene or a module made up of several genes that work together in a network.

The Living WorldWhen calculating TMRCA for the worldwide human population, do all the parts of the genome (y-chromosome, autosomal DNA, mitochondrial DNA) suggest the same date for humanity?

The Living WorldWhy is it that male seahorses are more picky about which females they mate with than males of most other animal species?
Male seahorses invest more energy as opposed to females in the reproduction of the next generation
Males seahorses are more colorful than females
Male seahorses are far better at inseminating multiple females per generation.
Male seahorses have the fastest sperm of any in the animal kingdom

The Living WorldPhage undergoing the lytic life cycle will do which of the following:
insert (integrate) its nucleic acid/genome into host cell's DNA
does NOT multiply (ie- does not make progeny phages)
shuts OFF expression of its genes and becomes dormant/latent
destroys/kils the host cell

The Living Worldviruses are known to undergo mutations. These mutations are most likely to be caused by?
mistakes made during the assembly step
mistakes made by host ribosomes during translation
mistakes made by viral enzymes such as RNA polymerase and reverse transcriptase
mistakes made by the viruses' own ribosomes
host cell polymerase making mistakes during viral nucleic acid replication

The Living WorldIn retroviruses, transcription of the provirus:
is done by reverse transcriptase
converts viral mRNA/+RNA into viral DNA
represents replication of viral genome/ nucleic acid
occurs during the release step
does NOT occur during the biosynthesis step

The Living Worldhaemoagglutinin (HA):
is unique to retroviruses
is an enzyme that does the "uncoating" step of the life cycle
helps the attachment molecule to bind to host cell by breaking down mucus
is an enzyme that replicates the genome of (-) RNA viruses
is the attachment molecule of the flu virus

The Living Worldwe can stop the ENTRY step of the viral life cycle (not the stages before it) by preventing/inhibiting:
endocytosis or fusion of the envelope with the plasma membrane
the virus's attachment molecules from binding to the host cell receptor
new copies of viral nucleic acid from combining with newly made viral proteins
replication and expression of viral nucleic acid/genome

The Living Worldwhich of the following does NOT explain the host range of bacteriophages:
DNA of eukaryotic cells are too different from viral nucleic acids, which means the virus would not be able to express the genes of host cell to help it to reproduce
Only bacteria have receptors that are bound by the virus's attachment molecules
virus has attachment molecules that recognize/bind surface molecules unique to bacteria
eukaryotic cells do NOT have proteins (e.g., enzymes) and other items that the virus can use for replication (reproduction)

The Living WorldMarissa and Tristan used to be best friends, but what started out as a small disagreement grew and grew into a feud resulting in them no longer being friends. This is best described as a(n)
deescalatory spiral
escalatory spiral
positive spiral
nonassertion spiral
avoidance spiral

The Living WorldWhich of the following lists all parts of the five-number for a box and summary whiskers plot?
Mean, Median, Mode, Range, and Total
Smallest, Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4
Minimum, Maximum, Range, Mean, and Median
Minimum, Quartile 1, Median, Quartile 3, and Maximum

The Living WorldA student predicts that similar ice cubes will melt faster in a microwave than in a pot on the stove. How can this prediction be tested?
Identify and record the temperature of each ice cube before each trial.
Determine the volume of liquid water made by each ice cube.
Observe and record the time for each ice cube to completely change to a liquid.
Measure and compare the volume of the pot and the microwave.

The Living WorldWhat is one physiological process or bodily region that is highly sensitive to pH fluctuations? What everyday changes can be made to influence the pH of this process or region? Ex: stomach or mouth

The Living WorldSoftware used to submit medical claims must meet what set of standards?

The Living WorldWhat is the purpose of an evolutionary tree?
A. to show the age of a species and the fluctuations in its population
B. to show the lineage of species and when they branched off from their common ancestor
C. to show a common structure between living organisms

The Living WorldAs climate change occurs, the carbonic acid increases in the oceans. Which of the following is incorrect?
water becomes more acidic
pH measurement (number) goes up
pH measurement (number) goes down
organism adapt or die

The Living WorldWhen goods, services, or money are received in exchange for a promise to pay a sum of money at a future date, it is called

The Living WorldWhat is the commission created for the purpose of reviewing the effectiveness of state agencies?
A. State Review Board
B. The Watchdog Commission
C. Sunset Advisory Commission
D. Government Waste Control

The Living WorldWhich choice below would represent an organism with two dominant alleles?
A. Bb
B. bb