The Living World Questions and Answers

The Living WorldWhich of the following antibiotics causes inhibition of cell wall synthesis.
a. tetracycline
b. penicillin
c. actinomycin
d. sulfonamides

The Living WorldWhich of the following antibiotics causes disruption of cell membrane function?
a. Bacitracin
b. novobiocin
c. Streptomycin
O d. Penicillin

The Living WorldIn an experiment, banana trees are grown with different levels of sardine oil added to the soil. Which of the following would be a controlled variable?
size of banana fruit grown by each plant
amount of water given to plants
number of banana fruit grown by each plant
sardine oil quantities

The Living WorldWhich of the following antibiotics causes inhibition of protein synthesis.
a. actinomycin
b. sulfonamides
c. penicillins
d. tetracycline

The Living WorldWhich is the correct interpretation of a tube of triple sugar iron (TSI) medium that develops a red slant and red butt?
a. fermentation of glucose only; aerobic protein catabolism
b. nonexistent growth
c. fermentation of glucose, plus lactose and/or sucrose, with sulfur reduction
d. no fermentation; aerobic and anaerobic protein catabolism
e. fermentation of glucose only, with gas production

The Living WorldWhich term best describes a drug that limits the growth and reproduction of microbes, without necessarily killing them?
a. microbiostatic
b. antibiotic
c. microbiocidal
d. narrow-spectrum
e. broad-spectrum

The Living WorldWhat is indicated by the formation of a black precipitate in a tube of triple sugar iron (TSI) medium?
a. bacterial production of hydrogen sulfide
b. bacterial fermentation of glucose only
c. bacterial production of hydrogen peroxide
d. bacterial fermentation of glucose, lactose, and sucrose
e. bacterial production of catalase

The Living WorldWhich statement about the sugar content of triple sugar iron (TSI) medium is correct?
a. TSI medium contains a small amount of glucose, and high amounts of lactose and sucrose.
O b. TSI medium contains high amounts of glucose, and small amounts of lactose and sucrose.
c. TSI medium contains equal amounts of glucose, lactose, and sucrose.
d. TSI medium contains small amounts of glucose and lactose, and a high amount of sucrose.
O e. TSI medium contains high amounts of glucose and lactose, and a small amount of sucrose.

The Living WorldWhat do error bars represent on a graph?
a. the variation in the data
b. the average of the data
c. the number of data points
d. central tendency of the data
e. mistakes made by the researcher

The Living WorldMonosaccharides are:
polyhydroxy aldehydes
polyhydroxy aldehydes and ketones
polyhydroxy acids
polyhydroxy ketones
polyhydroxy bases
polyhydroxy acids and bases

The Living WorldAs stated in the text, many religions do not have images of God or any holy person. Instead, in religions such as Islam and in Protestant Christianity, places of worship are adorned with decorative, abstract patterns.
Questions: Does the lack of religious icons take away from the spiritual experience? Why do you think some religions would steer away from this?

The Living WorldJust about every temple, church, place of worship, and most religious art in general is symmetrical. Some art is composed of geometric designs.
Why is there geometry and symmetry in religious art?

The Living WorldIn which sentence is the modifier placed CORRECTLY, avoiding confusion?
A. Most great innovators are recognized for the contributions they make after their deaths.
B. Most great innovators are recognized after their deaths for their contributions.
C. Great innovators are most recognized for the contributions they make after their deaths.

The Living WorldLine 2: "For sorrow near I did not look" Which is another way to write this line without using inverted syntax?
A. I did not look for sorrow near.
B. For sorrow near looked not I.
C. I looked not for sorrow near.
Upon the Burning of our House, July 10th 1666 by Anne Bradstreet In silent night when rest I took, For sorrow near I did not look, I waken'd was with thund'ring noise And piteous shrieks of dreadful voice. 5- That fearful sound of "Fire!" and "Fire!" Let no man know is my desire. I, starting up, the light did spy. And to my God my heart did cry To strengthen me in my Distress 10- And not to leave me succourless.*

The Living WorldAmerican Romantic writers created an awareness of which of the following issues?
A. Lack of support for westward expansion, lack of funding for military conquests, lack of enough food
B. The problems of rapid population growth, the dwindling number of farmers, the plight of education
C. The cruelty of slavery, the deplorable conditions of industrialization, the state of women's rights

The Living WorldYou can decrease the risk of spreading disease causing organisms by:
a. Hand washing
b. Using appropriate PPE
c. Help clients wash hands after toileting & before meals
d. All of the above

The Living WorldWhich sentence shows the modifier written correctly?
A. When he was 53, Tchaikovsky wrote his famous Symphony No, 6.
B. Tchaikovsky's famous Symphony No. 6 came into being at age 53.
C. At the age of 53 Tchaikovsky's famous Symphony No. 6 was written.

The Living WorldThe following passage from Paragraph 35 of Mark Twain's Life on the Mississippi contains an example of which literary device? P 35: I stood like one bewitched. I drank it in, in a speechless rapture. The world was new to me, and I had never seen anything like this at home.
A. personification
B. simile
C. alliteration

The Living WorldWhich word would be used in describing a gossip that won't stop talking?
A. garrulous
B. conjecture
C. dilapidated
D. tranquil

The Living WorldThe part of the antibody that specify binds the antigen is termed as
Variable region
Constant region

The Living WorldThe beauty of specific immunity is the production of that provides long-lasting protection
Plasma cells that produce antibodies
Memory T cells
Memory B cells
All of these

The Living WorldWhich of the following is the leading cause of blindness worldwide and is relatively preventable?
River blindness
All of these

The Living WorldWhich of the following is currently included in the immunization regimen for children?
"Diphtheria, Tetanus & Pertusis (TDaP)"
"Measles, Mumps & Rhinitis (MMR)"
"Small pox, chicken pox and cow pox (SCC)*
Hepatitis C

The Living WorldThe foodborne disease that involves a neurotoxin that prevents acetylcholine release from motor neurons at neuromuscular junctions is
Gastrointestinal anthrax
Bacillus intoxication
Clostridium perfringens gastroenteritis

The Living WorldYou should wash your hands:
a. Every 10-20 minutes throughout the day
b. Before eating an after toileting only
c. After removing gloves

The Living WorldWhich statements about eclipses are true? Check all that apply.
Earth's shadow creates a solar eclipse.
A total lunar eclipse has a reddish color.
The moon moves between Earth and the Sun during a solar eclipse.
A lunar eclipse occurs during a full moon.
During a partial solar eclipse, half of the moon is covered by Earth.
A solar eclipse occurs during a full moon.

The Living WorldHIV can be transmitted by:
a. Sexual contact
b. Mucous membrane contact with infected blood
C. A & B

The Living WorldMicrobial life has dominated our planet since life first appeared.

The Living WorldWhen do modern humans show up in Earth's timeline?
0.2 million years ago
20,000 years ago
2 million years ago
20 million years ago

The Living WorldThe visible evidence of life is older than the chemical evidence of life on Earth.

The Living WorldWhich type of virus integrates its genetic material into the host genome?

The Living WorldDisease causing organisms enter the body through
a. Mouth & nose
b. Beak in the skin
d. All of the above

The Living WorldEthical and legal standards are important because they:
a. guarantee clients receive safe, quality care
b. provide guidelines for legal behavior only
c. protect Medication Aides
d. Both b and c
e. both a and c

The Living WorldMedication Aides in Virginia are maintained in a registry by:
a. the Virginia Board of Pharmacy
b. the Virginia State Police
c. the Virginia Board of Nursing
d. the Virginia Department of Health

The Living WorldAseptic means:
a. a relatively clean environment.
b. an environment free from disease causing organisms.
c. an environment free from all organisms.
d. you must use gloves at all times.

The Living WorldWhich best expresses the meaning of the following 25 aphorism from Section 12 of Thoreau's Walden?
Sec 12: "What sort of space is that which separates a man from his fellows and makes him solitary? I have found that no exertion of the legs can bring two minds much nearer to one another..."
A. We need to run faster and more consistently toward each other to all come together as mankind.
B. It's not physical distance that separates men but rather the differences in their thinking.
C. If the mind is wandering, it will never get close to others, whose minds are also wandering.

The Living WorldAll meat products sold in interstate commerce must be inspected to ensure its safety and wholesomeness.

The Living WorldThe is the agency responsible for meat inspection.
USDA Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS)
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS)

The Living WorldRank the following milk types from lowest to highest fat content per serving:
(1) whole milk
(2) fat-free milk
(3) reduced fat milk
(4) low fat milk
2, 3, 4, 1
2, 4, 1, 3
1, 2, 3, 4
2, 4, 3, 1

The Living WorldBy law, all fluid milk that crosses state lines must be pasteurized.

The Living Worldoperates a seafood inspection and grading program.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS)
US Department of Commerce, National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)
USDA Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS)

The Living WorldSoft cheese has been frequently associated with outbreaks.
Clostridium botulinum
E. coli O157:H7

The Living WorldEggs are used to keep fat and water from separating in foods such as hollandaise sauce, mayonnaise or salad dressings. Which of the following best describes this function of eggs?

The Living WorldWhat are some functions of proteins?
store genetic information
Speeds up chemical reactions and builds structures in the body.
energy source

The Living WorldWhich of the following is NOT a carotenoid pigment?

The Living WorldLow-fat ice cream often contains more sugar and less fat than standard ice cream

The Living WorldVegetables should not be steamed, but instead boiled for good retention of flavor, texture, color, and nutrient.