The Living World Questions and Answers

The Living WorldIf people are described as fugitives from justice which statement is most likely to be true of them Base your answer on the meaning of fugitives 0 00 0 21 A C B They are being held in jail Speed 1x They have run away to avoid arrest They have committed a minor crime lo Paused

The Living Worldacteria prosehagent promotishigo 11 What factors could limit the population of gypsy moths growing exponentially in northern Ontario during the summer months 2 marks Mbni ainuco telpolold

The Living Worldexism S wens woy nistop fansmur 3 What quantitative measures might an ecologist use to represent the changes in population over time 1 mark

The Living World3 Why did Ray Bradbury choose science fiction as the genre in which to convey his ideas What strong social statement is he making about the future of humanity in a technical word What does he feel society and its individuals must do to prevent the destruction of the species

The Living World1 B t n canl h crelerde II Ribozom III H cre eperi IV H cre zar 1 Golgi cisimci i eklindeki yap ve organellerden hangileri ortak olarak bulunur A Yaln z I B Yaln z III C I ve IV D II ve IV E II III ve

The Living World2 Granger spokesperson for the group on the railroad tracks tells Montag Right now we have a horrible job we re waiting for the war to begin and as quickly end When the war s over perhaps we can be of some use in the world Based on what you ve read of the world these men live in do you believe that the books they carry inside themselves will make a difference Might this difference be positive or negative

The Living World1 Ta y c proteinler kullan labilir II ATP harcanmadan ger ekle ir III Cans z ortamlarda ger ekle emez verilenlerden hangileri yanl t r A Yaln z I B Yaln z II C Yaln z III D I ve II E I II ve

The Living WorldConcluding statement 1 Montag turns to books to rescue him instead they help demolish his life he loses his wife job and home he kills a man and is forced to run for his life Does he gain any benefits from books If so what are they Montag Right now

The Living Worldfrom Fahrenheit book describes why montag decide to read dover beach to mildreds friends what the message

The Living Worldfrom Fahrenheit book what was the turning point for montag what finally drove him abandoning his job killing his boss and going on the sun

The Living WorldShort answer Provide the answer to 6 of the questio can cause a serious complication known as hemolytic uremic 1 The figure shows hamburgers A known pathogenic strain of syndrome HUS when ingested with contaminated ground meat Why is this strain so critical to human health 2 What are the defensive mechanisms used by bacteria against phage infections List three examples and briefly describe one

The Living WorldWhy are Starr and Uncle Carlos so close O He taught her how to play basketball O He stepped in when her father went to prison He s a cop so she feels safe when he s around He takes her out of school all the time At the funeral April Ofrah speaks What does she reveal about the stat of Khalil s investigation They still have interviews to do They ve placed One Fifteen on paid leave The police have no intention of arresting One Fifteen the foro

The Living World14 Chaperones allow correct folding of a protein in the Peroxisomes before mov to the Golgi True or False

The Living World30 Which protein modification occurs on intermediate filaments to regulate their state i e being built up or broken down a nitrosylation b ubiquitination c phosphorylation d all of the above

The Living WorldTranscription begins with a n A initiation sequence C addition of RNA primer B elongation sequence D re zipping of the DNA

The Living World28 The formation of a secondary tumor from an original primary tumor site includes which of the following IMPORTANT sequence of steps occurring respectively in the order they would occur a Cancer cell detachment vascularization intravasation b Vascularization cancer cell detachment intravasation c Circulation of primary tumor cell cancer cell detachment intravasation d Extravasation cancer cell detachment vascularization

The Living World23 Which organelle requires both a pore dependent and Rab GTP GDP signaling to allow protein entry a Mitochondrial pore complex b Nuclear pore complex c Endoplasmic reticulum d all of the above e none of the above

The Living World2 An NLS is important for which process a Golgi to ER transport retrieval b ER to Golgi transport c Nuclear import d Vesicle transport to plasma membrane e all of the above

The Living World9 Microtubules form which important structures in the M phase of the cell cycle a Contractile ring b Vesicles c Lamellopodia d Mitotic spindles

The Living World18 Which protein can arrest the cell cycle and cause a cell to die apoptosis in response to unrepairable DNA damage a RAS GTP b Kinase D c p53 d GDP kinesin

The Living World10 The cell cycle uses which correct sequence of events a M phase G2 phase S phase G1 phase b M phase G1 phase S phase G2 phase c S phase G1 phase G2 phase M phase

The Living World5 KDEL is important for recognition of proteins that must be retrieved back to which organelle a Nucleus b Mitochondria c ER d Peroxisomes

The Living WorldHow does the production of organic food differ from conventionally grown food Select all that apply Only insect predators can be used as pest control in organic foods Only naturally occurring pest control is permitted Organic farming uses only special organic seeds Only compost and manure are permitted for fertilizer GMO s are not used in organic farming

The Living WorldWhy do the populations of invasive species grow so quickly Invasive species keep the ecosystems in equilibrium Invasive species require more energy than other organisms O O Invasive species don t have predators within the introduced area Invasive species are prey to many animals

The Living WorldThe ozone layer shields the inhabitants of Planet Earth from O global warming O acid rain O air pollution O the greenhouse effect O ultraviolet radiation from the sun

The Living Worldcentages of Alleles in Population 33 3 33 3 PWO QCP 33 3 HWK Which sentence is true about the distribution of the alleles in the population A The three alleles have equal frequencies B The PWO allele has the greatest frequency C The QCP allele has the lowest frequency

The Living Worlda used as a nutrient by Azotobacter b Myxobacteria c Agrobacterium d Streptomyces e Bdellovibrio 38 About replication of SARS COV2 which is false a Two ORFs are first translated into the replication transcription complex b The genome is replicated by the replicase c Most of the subgenomic RNAs are translated into structural proteins in the rough ER d Assembly of the virus takes advantage of the secretory pathway e The virus exits through fusion with the plasma membrane of the host cells 39 Several viruses initially infect the respiratory tract However they can be carried by the bloodstream to the skin where they cause characteristic skin rashes Which characterizes smallpox a Macule b Papule c Vesicle d Pustule e Crust 40 Concerning the normal microbiota which is false a Promotes oral tolerance b Produces vitamins for the human host c In mutualism members of the normal microbiota benefit and the host is unharme d Aids in the process of digestion of high fiber foods e Competes against pathogens

The Living World2 What are the defensive mechanisms used by bacteria against phage infection examples and briefly describe one

The Living WorldCompare and contrast how the maintenance of surgical suites and the use of surgical protocols have changed since the early 1800s You will find some information in Chap 1 in your text

The Living Worldph a capsule made of a Escherichia coli b Staphylococcus aureus c Streptococcus pyogenes d Bacillus anthracis e Klebsiella pneumoniae 30 Which is typically involved in attachment of bacteria to human host cells a Flagella b Fimbriae c Plasma membrane d Capsule e Peptidoglycan 31 During the early localized infection is characterized by the appearance of the so called bull s eye rash or erythema migrans at the site of bite by the vector a Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome b strep throat c Rocky Mountain spotted fever d Lyme disease e diphtheria 32 Sulfanilamide is an antibiotic that targets of bacteria a translation of mRNA b synthesis of the cell wall c synthesis of nucleic acids d plasma membrane e folic acid pathway

The Living World3 Most cases of food botulism are caused by improperly home made canned foods What is called the bacterial species that causes this type of food poisoning What causes it

The Living WorldWhat does the Streak Plate Technique and Pour Plate Technique have in common They are used to isolate colonies They are used to count colonies Colonies on these plates are found only on the surface of the agar

The Living World33 Koch s postulates are scientific criteria meant to uncover the causative agents of infectious diseases Which is false a The pathogen must be present in every case of the disease and absent in healthy people b Must be isolated and grown in pure culture c When injected into a susceptible host the same disease may be reproduced d The same pathogen must be isolated and grown in pure culture from the experimentally diseased animal 34 According to the WHO about one third of the world population is infected by M tuberculosis However in US the disease of tuberculosis is one example of disease a sporadic b endemic c epidemic d pandemic 35 is a potential weapon of bioterrorism and the causative agent of a potentially fatal zoonosis The respiratory disease begins with inhalation of the endospores released by an infected animal a Francisella tularensis b Variola virus c Yersinia pestis d Bacillus anthracis e Clostridium tetani 36 During the curve bacterial cells do not actively multiply but they adjust to the culture conditions phase of the growth a lag log stationary death prolonged decline

The Living World3 2 indicated in the figure label the cellular components Clearly indicate endotoxin 4 The figure shows the envelope of Gram negative bacteria Using the brackets and numbers 1 1 2 3 5 Of toxins A B toxins are classified according to the cell type they target Indicate the tree general types of A B toxins and their respective targets

The Living World12 Antibod make pathogens more susceptible to phagocytosis specifically they help in the step of a Chemotaxis b Recognition and attachment c Engulfment d Phagosome maturation e Digestion and exocytosis 13 Urban living rodents and programs combined with the use of antimicrobials have almost eliminated plague in US caused by Yersinia pestis a kissing bug betick c flea d mosquito e mite control 14 Fluoroquinolones like ciprofloxacin prevent replication of DNA in bacterial cells by targeting the enzyme that removes supercoiling of DNA a DNA helicase b DNA ligase c DNA polymerase d DNA gyrase e DNA primase 15 Lysozyme in tears or mucous membranes targets which structure s in bacterial cells bo a Pili b Capsule C Flagella d Plasma membrane and E Peptidoglyoon

The Living World8 Which is one example of artificial active immunization a Immune response to a pathogen that invades the human body b Administration of immunoglobulins after exposure to rabies c Immune response to a pathogen occurring after second exposure d Transfer of the IgG from the mother to the fetus e Administration of a toxoid against Clostridium tetani 9 Which are the most difficult to eliminate from contaminated items a Endospores b Mycobacteria c Protozoan cysts d Enveloped viruses e Vegetative cells 10 Of phage which is false a Can carry out lytic or lysogenic infection b Lysogens become immune to superinfection by the same type of phage c The phage inserts randomly within the host bacterial chromosome d Diphtheria toxin is one example of lysogenic conversion e Excision results in the lytic cycle of the phage Convalescence atency ecurrence 11 Varicella zoster causes chickenpox and shingles When immunity weakens a person may experience which of the following Incubation period Illness

The Living World10 What is antigenic shift in which virus does it occur and what could possibly be the impact on the human population

The Living WorldUsing your calculations for Yogurt and Hamburger which food has more CFU per mL in the original sample I can t determine because they don t both have proper numbers of colonies on the same dilution plates Yogurt had 225 000 CFU mL Hamburger had 29 500 000 CFU mL Hamburger had more CFUs per ml 0 2 Using 10 5 plates for both Yogurt and Hamburger because there are correct numbers for those plates hamburger had 295 compared to 2 colonies

The Living WorldTemperate Deciduous Forest Tundra In which biome do you live assuming you live in Pennsylvania Describe the plant life climate characteristics that support your conclusion Answer in 2 to 3 complete sentences

The Living World34 Is this population in Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium Justify your answer 2 points

The Living WorldWhich technique is best used to count isolated colonies Pour plate Streak plate Serial dilution

The Living World12 Scientists have attempted to calculate Earth s carrying capacity Which of these did scientists find a ecological demand equals ecological supply b ecological demand is less than ecological supply c ecological demand is greater than ecological supply d ecological demand is proportional to ecological supply e ecological demand and supply cannot be measured 13 Which of these often occur when trees are removed from rainforests a The climate is regulated b Mudslides carry away the soil c The wealth of the country increases d The ecosystem becomes more stable e Most of the land is rich and used for farming 14 Over the years the destruction of forests has been associated with the rise of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere How are the two related a The trees release carbon dioxide when they are cut b The process of cutting wood from trees adds carbon dioxide to the air c Fewer trees means less photosynthesis and therefore more carbon dioxide is left in the air d Respiration by the trees that remain adds more carbon dioxide than photosynthesis can remove e The soil that remains contains a great deal of carbon dioxide which is

The Living World21 Which process does the diagram illustrate a biomagnification b monoculture c overexploitation d pollution e toxicity Increasing mercury concentrations Birds and Mammals X Predator Fish 474 Small Fish and other Aquatic Species Insects and Zooplankton Phytoplankton and Bacteria 22 The world wide human population most closely resembles which growth pattern a exponential b infinite d logistic e stable c linear

The Living WorldSE 8 Describe the process es by which the number of encoded human proteins exceeds the number of transcription units

The Living World0 00 0 30 C A B Speed 1x The people who left the cult were shunned by the remaining members and treated as heretics people who constantly and habitually break the law Pa people who do not believe in a given set of religious rules