The Living World Questions and Answers

The Living WorldIn the mechanism of action of peptide hormones which one is the next step that follows binding of a peptide hormone to its receptor O A receptor mediated activation of downstream effectors of a signal transduction cascade B transfer of the peptide hormone receptor complex to the nucleus C diffusion of the peptide hormone into the cytosol of its target cells O D up regulation of intranuclear transcription factors when they bind to remodeled chromatin E internalization of the hormone via endocytosis mediated by the target cell membrane

The Living WorldWhich of the following best describes an application oftware A program that controls the operation of the entire computer O An internal device used to store data A set of programs designed to carry out specific tasks to serve the users O The physical components of the computer

The Living WorldWhich one is the most important property of a steroid hormone in its gaining access to its receptor A the specificity of its binding to its receptor a protein embedded in the target cell s membrane B the hormone s tertiary structure i e how its polypeptide folds O C the diffusibility of the hormone across the lipid boundary of its target cell s membrane D the specificity of binding to its receptor outside of the target cell before entering it O E the irreversible binding of the hormone to its target cell s external surface

The Living WorldFill in the blanks During male sex differentiation blank 1 of M llerian duct tissue bind the peptide hormone called anti M llerian hormone AMH This initial step leads to 2 of the cell s apoptotic pathway thus causing blank 3 A blank 1 cytosolic receptors blank 2 activation blank 3 M llerian duct growth OB blank 1 tumor suppressor genes blank 2 turning off blank 3 Wolffian duct degeneration OC blank 1 Ras proteins blank 2 turning on blank 3 cell growth and division genes O D blank 1 intra nuclear transcription factors blank 2 down regulation blank 3 chromatin remodeling OE blank 1 transmembrane receptors blank 2 up regulation blank 3 programmed cell death

The Living WorldA n business O entrepreneur O tycoon is a person who starts his her ov O impresario

The Living WorldWhich one is a non maternal age related cause of the phenotype known as Down syndrome in babies that have a total of 46 chromosomes in their karyotype OA non disjunction in germ line cells undergoing meiosis O B loss of heterozygosity OC spontaneous mutation of DNA in non germ line cells D reciprocal translocation between non homologous chromosomes E Robertsonian translocation

The Living WorldWhich one is the basis of a tumor achieving a malignant status as is evident in the progression of a benign colon polyp to malignant colon cancer A multiple mutations to proto oncogenes and or tumor suppressor genes B over expression of mitogen receptors OC heterozygosity of the tumor suppressor gene RB1 D activation of DNA replication during S phase O E genes of effectors down stream from Ras D and the RB1 gene

The Living WorldThe simple view of data arranged in rows and columns in a table is called a O dialog box launcher

The Living WorldWhich ONE is a likely cause of triploidy in man OA nondisjunction during the first division of meiosis OB nondisjunction during the second division of meiosis C lack of cytokinesis during first mitosis after fertilization O D fertilization of an egg by two sperm i e dispermy O E nondisjuction during first mitosis after fertilization

The Living WorldWhich one gives the site of action and the mechanism of action of pRB the gene product of tumor suppressor gene RB1 A site of action cell surface mechanism of action binds releases transcription factor E2F B site of action cell nucleus mechanism of action acetylates histone core proteins OC site of action cytosol mechanism of action binds releases transcription factor E2F OD site of action cell surface and cytosol mechanism of action phosphorylates transduction cascade protein ras OE site of action cell nucleus mechanism of action binds releases transcription factor E2F

The Living WorldWhich ONE gives the commonly observed defect in cancer cells after both RB1 genes are mutated resulting in the genotype rb1 rbi O A PRB is no longer produced as a gene product cancer cells lack pRB OB transcription of RB1 gene is upregulated increasing the rate of production of pRB in cancer cells O C pRB mis folds causing its E2F binding site to exclude E2F OD the product of rb1 gene is capable of binding substantially more E2F than normal O E upstream regulators of pRB including Ras become constitutively activated

The Living WorldUp regulation Down regulation O A up regulation enzyme phoshatase down regulation enzyme ATP ase reactant O B up regulation enzyme phosphatase down regulation enzyme protein kinase In the figure protein modification by phosphorylation dephosphorylation is shown for a hypothetical cytosolic effector The effector is symbolized by a circle green indicates active state red indicates inactive state The circle s up stream regulator is symbolized by the square Which one identifies the cytosolic enzymes that are catalyzing these two reactions O C up regulation enzyme protein kinase down regulation enzyme protein kinase O D up regulation enzyme protein kinase down regulation enzyme phosphatase O E up regulation enzyme ATP ase down regulation enzyme phosphatase product product

The Living WorldWhich of the following demonstrates active listening O Do not be open minded to receive the message O Increase distractions

The Living WorldWhich of the following tabs contains Use Presente View O Insert O Design Animations

The Living WorldTo be prepared to get and keep employment is know as O employability O genuineness Orealness

The Living WorldWhich statement made by the patient who is taking lithium carbonate Eskalith indicates that further teaching is necessary Answers A D A B C I will be sure to remain on a low sodium diet I will not be able to breastfeed my baby Lithium has a narrow margin of safety so toxicity is a very real concern D I will have blood levels drawn every 2 to 3 months even when I have no symptoms

The Living Worldkey to move to the next slide in Press Presenter View of MS PowerPoint 2013 O Spacebar

The Living WorldWhat is the default option to print a presentatio under Settings O Print Current slide O Print Hidden slide O Print All slides

The Living WorldHow do we insert a box at the same level as another box but after it Click Add Shape After Click Add Shape Before

The Living WorldHow do Trees Get Their Mass Exit Ticket Carbon is released into the atmosphere when Fossil fuels are burned 111 carbon dioxide in the atmosphere Carbon is released into the atmosphere during respiration plants are eaten by animals used in photosynthesis to produce carbohydrates III Carbon Dioxide in decaying matter and waste Carbon Dioxide in fossil Fuels coal oil decaying plants produce 1 Explain in a couple of sentences how carbon moves through an ecosystem Use the picture above as a guide Please include photosynthesis and cellular respiration in your answer 2 What is most of the mass of a tree made up of 3 What can happen if there is too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

The Living WorldThe image given below shows the options under the A Shadow A Reflection A Glow A Bevel A 3 D Rotation abc Transform

The Living WorldWhich one of the following options adds a New slide in PowerPoint 2013 On the Home tab click New slide

The Living WorldWhich group contains the Notes Page commar button in MS PowerPoint 2013 O Presentation Views

The Living WorldO Click Slide Show at the bottom of the window O Click Comments at the bottom of the window O Click Reading View at the bottom of the window Click Notos at the bottom of the window

The Living WorldWhere do you find the organization chart layouts in M PowerPoint 2013 O Matrix O Pyramid O Hierarchy O Cycle

The Living WorldIf you want all slides in the presentation to transitio the same way click in the group O Duration Transition to this slide O Duration Timing O Apply to all Transition to this slide

The Living WorldWhich of the following command button is used t remove a transition O None O Flash

The Living WorldWhat is the use of Duration box in Timing group O Remove a transition Replace a transition Set the speed and timing of transitions

The Living WorldWhich of the following is not a benefit of outlining O Keep track of the points you want to cover Visualize the relationships among the ideas Clarify the structure of your ideas Avoid hasty generalization fallacy All of the above are benefits of outlining

The Living WorldThe only direct physical evidence we have of those species that may have been our ancestors comes in the form of Oliving primates O religious scriptures PBS and BBC documentaries the fossil record

The Living WorldWhich PowerPoint feature adds special effects to modify the appearance of the slides and the timing between each slide O Color schemes O Animation O Transition settings

The Living WorldThe image given below contains the in MS PowerPoint 2013 Sound No Sound Duration 01 00 Apply To All O Preview Advance Slide Timing On Mouse Click After 00 00 00 O Transition to this slide

The Living WorldOhumans from a biological perspective human behavior only humans from biological and cultural perspective Ohumans from a cultural perspective

The Living WorldBiological anthropologists view how humans come to be the way they are as the result of O what their genes make them environment has very little effect their biological makeups which primarily define who they are Otheir environment genes have very little effect Oboth evolutionary history and their own individual life histories

The Living WorldIn the context of biological anthropology a disadvantaged social environment includes one O with poor quality nutrition Owhere most people do not know how to read O with minimal access to technology O with no transportation system

The Living WorldThe adoption of agriculture resulted in an increase in health generally Owidespread weight gain a decrease in infectious disease increased infectious discasc

The Living WorldFunctional adaptations occur at the individual level only during childhood are important population level genetic changes Oare biological adjustments within an individual s lifetime including developmental adaptations and acclimatization O involve using material culture to make living possible in certain settings

The Living WorldWhich of the following is an evaluative thesis a Walking and running are both great forms of exercise but running offers far more cardiovascular benefits O b Both pigeons and crows live just about everywhere in the world but the two birds look and behave differently O c Creating a painting and writing a poem are both alike and different O d Broccoli and brussel sprouts both offer high fiber vitamin C and iron but differ in their appearances and flavors

The Living WorldFor each question there is one correct answer and a color associated with that answer On the coloring page each question number section should be filled in with that colort 1 6 Newton s Ist Law of Motion is also know as the Law of Momentum LIGHT BLUE 2 Volume ORANGE Inertia PURPLE Newton s 3 Laws can describe and predict the object of just about any Mass YELLOW Balanced Unbalanced DARK BLUE LIGHT GREEN ore force YELLOW 3 An object at rest stays at rest an object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon what type of force Physics GREEN More mass DARK PINK VMotion DARK BLUE Marta is trying to pull a wagon loaded with rocks What can she do to increase he wagon s acceleration Large PURPLE Less force ORANGE a action force and its reaction force e equal and in the direction What units are used to measure force Meters LIGHT BLUE 1st Law ORANGE Kilograms RED 7 A sea scallop moves by shooting jets of water out of its shell What Law does this illustrate 1st Law DARK BLUE 2nd Law LIGHT BLUE Bozy 2nd Law LIGHT BLUE Newtons DARK BROWN 8 Pushing a full grocery cart is much harder and requires more force than pushing an empty cart What Law does this illustrate 2nd Law LIGHT BLUE 3rd Law PINK 3rd Law DARK GREEN q On Earth a kangaroo jumping will eventually return to the ground due to the unbalanced force of gravity What Law does this illustrate 1st Law DARK GREEN 3rd Law ORANGE 10 What is the measurement of mass in motion called It is also another name

The Living Worldn his essay Common Sense Paine fears that they might be in danger of being ruled by a ruffian in case they don t act then Whom does the word ruffian refer to O William Henry O William Blake O Willlam the Conqueror O William Wordsworth

The Living WorldWhich of the following is an explanatory thesis O a Email is a good way to keep in touch however writing a hand written letter is more satisfying Ob Working two part time jobs is more stressful more challenging and less lucrative than working one full time job O c Susan is a strong candidate for president but Helen is even stronger d The South Pole and the North Pole are both very much alike but also very different