The Living World Questions and Answers

The Living WorldWhat will happen if all of the frogs in a population die e frogs predators will ase and the frogs prey will decrease 2 The frogs predators will decrease and the frogs prey will increase We better all pray becaus there isn t anymore frogs

The Living WorldImagine that parents have a child that grows to be significantly taller than either of them What best explains this result O Incomplete dominace O Codominance O Polygenic inheritance O Pleiotropy Gene linkage

The Living WorldIf a somatic cell in G1 has 24 chromosomes how many chromatids would be visible at the start of mitosis O 48 O None O 12 24 0 36

The Living WorldWhat is occuring when one yeast cell a type of fungus divides into two identical yeast cells O sexual reproduction O meiosis O gametogenesis Ofertilization O asexual reproduction

The Living WorldIf a healthy woman who is a carrier for sex linked hemophilia has a child with a healthy man what are the odds that a female child would have hemophilia O 100 O 75 O 50 0

The Living WorldHow does runoff have a detrimental effect on water quality and the living organisms dependent on that water source

The Living World4 This graph shows the downward trend of sea ice over 32 years Average Monthly Arctic Sea Ice Extent July 1979 to 2011 Extent millions of square kilometers 11 5 11 0 105 0 10 0 9 5 9 0 8 5 8 0 7 5 1978 1981 1984 1987 1990 1993 1996 1999 2002 2005 2008 2011 Year Based on this data how many square kilometers were present in 2014 Between 8 and 9 million km Choose one More than 10 5 million km Less than 7 5 million km 8 million km

The Living World6 What movie has Wade found himself in when he enters the Copper Gate what does he need to do to complete the gate challenge 7 Why is Halliday s Almanac so important based on the Copper Key and Gate challenges 8 Why is Wade s dream at the end of the chapter included in the novel What literary device can it be labeled and why 9 What is a Flicksync What movie would you ho intorostod in if you woro to USO

The Living Worldof Horrors HINT I r k 13 Explain the origin of their names and what they were called collectively 14 Define quatrain Copy the Jade Key quatrain here 15 INFER What would IOI do to Wade if he ignored their business proposition that he was urged to learn about in the letter s signe by Nolan Sorrento

The Living WorldIn this part of the lab you will analyze data to find out how the same initial squirrel population changes after a highly toxic species of mushroom producing fungus begins to grow in the forest where the squirrels live Procedure and Data 8 points 1 Under Mutation Rate select High 2 Under Environmental Change select Toxin 3 Select Start 4 To perform a trial click the forward arrow under the timeline to observe changes that occur in the species every 10 000 years Read about the new traits that appear in the population because of mutations Observe any changes reflected in the pie chart data table or illustration Note The squirrel in the illustration represents the most common phenotype 5 Click the forward arrow until the simulation ends either at year 100 000 or sooner if there is an extinction 6 In Data Table 3 record the letter of the most common enzyme in the final population its frequency percentage and the number of individuals with this trait and the total final population for this trial Observe when the final mode trait appeared as a mutation and observe the other digestive enzymes that are present at year 100 000 7 After you have collected your data select Reset Select the same mutation rate and the same environmental change and select Start to begin a new trial 8 Repeat Steps 4 through 7 until you have collected data for 20 trials 8 points Data Table 3 Changes in Digestive Enzyme Frequencies Mutation rate High Environmental change Toxin Trial 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 Mode enzyme at year 100 000 Frequency of mode trait at year 100 000 Number of individuals with mode trait at year 100 000 Total population at year 100 000

The Living World5 What game must Wade now play on Halliday s computer to open the Copper Gate

The Living World1 Describe the avatar that appears as Wade 1 exiting the Tomb of Horrors 2 What are the consequences of being killed while in the OASIS 3 Where did Art3mis get her name 4 What tip does Wade give Art3mis as he leaves the Tomb of Horrors in order to win the Copper Key

The Living WorldAccording to Figure 13 3 the maximum thickness of the earth s crust is kilometers

The Living WorldAccording to Table 12 4 gneiss used to be before it had undergone metamorphism O coal shale limestone

The Living Worldexplain some the main factors that led to the start of the American Civil War as well as the rise and fall of the Reconstruction Period

The Living WorldWrite 3 paragraphs answering the following questions What is the Jim Crow What is the new Jim Crow How does the new Jim Crow differ from the old Jim Crow How does mass incarceration relates to social class and racial inequality G D give please Please don t copy and paste Please type the answer also Include a bibliography list of sources used Your answers to the questions must be of substantial quality in order to get points Substantial quality includes a demonstration that you have completed the required readings and videos and thought critically about them Your answers must be original use your own ideas and words Do not copy from any website or written material from another person without proper citation Grading criteria Students can gain up to 5 points per paragraph written and 5 points for the bibliography list of sources consulted Each paragraph must demonstrate that the student completed the required readings and videos Each paragraph must contain a direct reference or quotation to some of the required readings Each paragraph must be original using student s own work or ideas A complete list of used sources must be included after the 3 paragraphs Sources must be listed using APA or ASA format 0 A plagiarism check software will be used Plagiarism will result in a grade of 0 You may consult the following sources What was Jim Crow A Brief History of Jim Crow

The Living WorldThink of an example of a way that a child 3 6 years demonstrates preoperational thought Next submit a two 2 paragraph description 7 10 sentences each paragraph that includes the child s age and what they said and or did that demonstrates preoperational thinking You must make it clear in your written paragraphs why your example demonstrates

The Living WorldThe greatest percentage of those killed in civil war in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the 1990s were O Croats O Bozniaks O Serbs Albanians

The Living WorldThe violence committed against the Bosniak and Croatian citizens of Bosnia during the initial stages of the war 1992 included rape torture forced displacement murder and robbery These crimes became known as O homicide O ethnic cleansing discrimination All of these answers are correct

The Living Worldinson American Literature B Semester f the following is an example of satire host says Thirty seven people were wounded in an f any substances host says The President of the United States anno

The Living Worlde connecting a planet to the Sun sweeps out equal areas in equal times regardless of where the planet is in its orbit Kepler s Second Law Planet on elliptical orbit Sun B 1 These three C areas A B and C will be equal 2 if these time intervals are equal From Kepler s second law what can be said about the size of the blu shaded areas in the orbit depicted below 1 Both segments cover an equal area of space 2 The segment to the right of the focus covers a larger area of space 3 The segment to the left of the focus covers a larger area of space Answer

The Living World3 2 Which of the following is not a characteristic of a sonnet It has fourteen lines It has seventeen syllables Its rhyme scheme depends on the type of sonnet It is written in iambic pentameter HUNDE N

The Living WorldESTION 11 intend to clone a human gene into a bacterial expression vector as depicted be teria correct orientation

The Living WorldQUESTION 6 The image below shows an agarose gel where DNA fragments were loaded into th ethidium bromide wells 7242 TOU 6369 5686 4822 4324 3675 2323 1929 Lanes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The Living WorldQUESTION T You are testing for Coronavirus in patient samples with reverse transo the highest viral load Amplification Curves 6 500

The Living Worldh a field on summer s day a grasshopper was hopping about chirping and singing to its great to an ear of com he was taking to the nest why not come and chat with me said the grasshopper instead of tolling and molling in that way a helping to lay up some food for the writer said the ant and recommend you do the same Why bother about winter said the grasshopper We have got plenty of food at present But the art went on its way and continued its tol when the winter came the grasshopper had no food and found itself cold and very hungry while it saw the ants distributing every day com What has the grasshopper learned Owhy do today what you can put off unal tomorrow

The Living WorldRead the passage Sophie s soccer team posed for another photo They all grinned and held up their trophy as parents and friends gathered around snapping pictures Everyone was so proud of the top team in the leaguel It had taken a lot of work to become this good Sophle remembered when the season first started The players had all wandered around the field like lost sheep Their coach had been very patient but demanded that they work hard to learn how to play They had kicking and passing drills and ran laps around the field Each girl learned how to play a different position on the team Yes Sophie thought to herself It was a lot of work but it was definitely worth it What does the simile wandered around the field like lost sheep help the reader understand O1 The players did not know what to do or where to go O2 The players did not want to run or work very hard 3 The players were stubborn and did not want to learn to play 4 The players stayed close together and did not want to separate

The Living WorldRead the paragraph I have an older brother His name is Michael For as long as I can remember Michael has always been the rebel of the family Michael does what Michael wants when Michael wants to He does not listen to anyone Sometimes his stubbornness gets him in trouble but most of the time his crazy ways are pretty funny For example one time Michael decided he wanted a pet My mom suggested a goldfish or maybe even a bunny but NO not for Michael Michael wanted a pet earthworm and he knew exactly where to find his new pet The next thing we knew our backyard was full of little holes and Michael s fingernails were full of dirt Michael dug up 10 earthworms to keep as pets The look on my mom s face when she saw Michael covered in dirt smiling and holding 10 earthworms in his hands was priceless Based on the paragraph which is the meaning of the word rebel 1 someone who likes to dig in the dirt 2 someone who doesn t follow the rules 3 someone who always gets into trouble A someone who acts in a very funny way

The Living Worldead the passage Tracy did you know that some cows drink 50 gallons of water a day That s enough to fill a bathtubl Brandi stated Really Tracy replied That s interesting How did you learn that I found it in Fascinating Facts about Farm Animals answered Brandi Did you know that chickens can fly for only a few seconds at a time What does the italic type tell the reader about the words Fascinating Facts about Farm Animals O1 They are the title of a book 2 Brandi wants to stress those words 3 They are words from a foreign language 4 Brandi is speaking the words in a loud voice

The Living World36 Which is true about the side chains of residues in an a helix A They extend above or below the pleats B They point toward the center of the helix C They extend radially outward from the helix axis D They hydrogen bond extensively with each other

The Living World33 How many monomers are there in an oligomeric protein designated a 2y2 A 2 B 5 C 4 D 3 E not given 33

The Living World31 Site directed mutagenesis is used to study enzymes by A changing the pH of the environment B producing enzymes with different amino acid residues C changing the location of the active site D producing enzymes with modified R groups

The Living World26 Which is not true about sheets A In antiparallel sheets the hydrogen bonds between adjacent strands are nearly perpendicular to the backbones of the strands B The side chains of all amino acids point to the same side of the sheet C The range of allowed phi and psi angles is broader than for those in the a helix D The polypeptide chains in the sheet are nearly fully extended 26

The Living World23 On the energy diagram below which point represents a transition state energy A Point 1 2 reaction coordinate B Point 2 3 C Point 3 D Point 4 23

The Living WorldWhich of these is NOT a use for DNA fingerprinting Identify endangered and protected species as an aid to wildlife officials Differentiating between identical twins Establish paternity and other family relationships Match organ donors with recipients in transplant programs Detect bacteria and other organisms that may pollute air water soil and food

The Living World3 How do both the botulinum toxin and the tetanus toxin prevent you from breathing Answer

The Living World4 Which type of hemolysis do you think gives pathogens greater virulence Why Answer

The Living World1 Does a pathogen s infectious dose affect its pathogenicity Why or why not Answer

The Living World3 Which statement is false about regulatory enzymes that are controlled allosterically A They are often larger than other enzymes B They have more than one binding site C They often catalyze the first step in a reaction pathway D They are always less active when a modulator is bound to them 3

The Living WorldApproximately how much water does the average person in the United States use directly each day 30 50 gallons O200 300 gallons 80 100 gallons 10 20 gallons OOO0

The Living WorldImagine your facility has been impacted by a cybersecurity event It may be beneficial to collect metrics during your recovery process both to understand what should be measured and to implement the processes to collect relevant data What metrics would you capture and why are they important Rubrics

The Living Worldprocess that you have been learning about is called natural selection A heritable increases fitness tends to become common in a population because 1 individuals that have this t are more likely to survive and reproduce and 2 their offspring generally have the same trait Evolution is defined as a change over time in the inherited characteristics of a population Naturalselection plays a major role in evolution A deer eats from a cactus plant A few weeks later the cactus with thorns has flowers A few months later Natural selection occurs in all types of organisms Explain how natural selection is occurring inthe example shown in these drawing Use evidence from the picture to claim that evolution leads to adaptation of populations Use evidence support how heritable traits have changed over time

The Living WorldWhen describing the variety of different species and their interactions with each other is a defined geographic area you are describing a an habitat biome abiotic environment ecosystem