The Living World Questions and Answers

The Living WorldD E 7 Blank 1 This picture is a posterior view of the mammalian heart Name the vessel labeled C A

The Living WorldHU AU Blank 1 This picture is an anterior view of the mammalian heart Longitudinal section Name the structure labeled E

The Living WorldIdentify the tunic X in the blood vessel shown below Tunica media Smooth tunic Lumen Z X Y I

The Living WorldIdentify the formed element shown at the arrow O plasma white blood cells red blood cells O platelets

The Living World120 80 mm Hg Blank 1 In the above blood pressure the 120 component represents

The Living WorldFast twitch fibers react instantly when triggered but quickly use up their energy and tire out True False

The Living World3 The structure identified by the 3 in the starfish above is the a ambulacral groove b stomach c podia d mouth 2 O e gonads

The Living World5 4 a stomach c arm 3 The structure identified by the 5 in the dissected starfish above is the b ambulacral ridge O d gonads 2 e pyloric cecum 1

The Living WorldChoose the correct answer A is a lawmaker who owes their allegiance to a political party O trustee O partisan O politico

The Living WorldWhat was the theoretical thinking behind the Framers instituting a bicameral legislature O It was seen as a way to diffuse the power of Congress OIt was seen as a way to weaken the power of Congress O It was seen as a way to grant equal power to all of the states O It was seen as a way to strengthen the power of Congress

The Living WorldPOSSIBLE POINTS 1 25 A particular fossil is found in the same rock layer with a fossil fish This means that the fossil is most likely older than the fossil fish about the same age as the fossil fish younger than the fossil fish no evidence observed

The Living World3 points What are the expected impacts of rapid climate change on water resources relative to agriculture Mountain snow will melt too quickly causing flooding in agricultural fields Extra water will remain in the form of snow on mountains making it unavailable to farmers We will no longer have a reservoir of water in the form of mountain snow to fill rivers throughout the year Glaciers will form as mountain snow accumulates

The Living WorldUsing the atmospheric data estimate how many years that it took for CO to go from 300 to 400 ppm Enter the numerical value only 70 800 000

The Living WorldRefer to the chart titled CO2 and Temperature Fluctuations During the Past 800 000 Years What is the cause for the significant changes seen at 0 years before present The planet is moving toward a naturally occurring period of warmth High numbers of humans exhaling carbon dioxide Agriculture and industry add more carbon dioxide than naturally occurs The planet is moving toward a naturally occurring ice age

The Living World3 points Using the atmospheric data estimate how many years that it took for CO to go from 200 to 300 ppm Enter the numerical value only Type your answer

The Living WorldWhat are some potentially severe impacts of rapid climate change Heat waves Severe storms More snow in the winter Droughts Earthquakes Floods Rise in sea levels

The Living WorldWhat are the primary ecological effects of acid rain Select all that may apply Lowers the pH of surface water Embeds particulates into the lungs of organisms Blocks oxygen within the environment Erodes limestone Leaches aluminum from soil into surface water

The Living World10 8 points Match each layer of Earth s atmosphere with its description or function Stratosphere Troposphere Mesosphere Thermosphere Blocks harmful radiation from the sun Contains ozone that blocks some of the suns UV light Contains our weather and living organisms Burns up meteors and asteroids as they approach Earth

The Living WorldWhich substances below are considered criteria pollutants Select all that may apply Methane Particulate matter Gound level ozone Lead Carbon monoxide Carbon dioxide Nitrogen oxide Sulfur dioxide

The Living WorldWhat agreement led to the discontinued use of chlorine based aerosols which had damaged the ozone layer EPA Clean Air Act of 1990 Montreal Protocol Clean Air Act of 1970

The Living WorldAcid precipitation has a pH Answer than normal rain Answer Carbon dioxide lower sulfuric and nitric acid rain has a pH of about 5 6 due to Answer Acid carbonic acid Normal Answer Basic rain has a pH of 4 2 4 4 due to higher Answer

The Living WorldMatch each word phrase with its description Primary pollutant Thermal inversion Acid precipitation Secondary pollutant Criteria pollutants Precipitation with a pH lower than normal Pollutants that cause the most environmental damage and health hazards Pollutants directly released into the atmosphere from the source Formed when primary pollutants react with gases in the atmosphere The reversal of normal temperature patterns within the atmosphere

The Living WorldHow is the title of Eudora Welty s narrative A Worn Path a symbol of the central character The path represents the life of the nurse It consists of the nurse s everyday journey and all that is in her path The path represents the life of Old Phoenix grandson It consists of his everyday journey and all that is in his path The path represents the life of Old Phoenix It consists of Old Phoenix s everyday journey and all that is in her path The path represents the life of the hunter It consists of the hunter s everyday journey and all that is in his path

The Living WorldWhich of the following is true O There is a correlation between periodontal disease and heart diseas O Heart disease is caused by the presence of bacteria in the blood O Heart disease causes periodontal disease O Periodontal disease causes heart disease

The Living WorldSome hares have the same coat color all year long Others have white coats in the winter and brown coats in the summer Variations in their genes influence when individuals begin to grow the different coat colors A region with snowy winters has started experiencing later arrival of snow Which type of hare is most likely to increase in future generations of the population A Hares that grow a brown coat earlier in the spring B Hares that grow a white coat later in the fall OC Hares that have a brown coat all year D Hares that have a white coat all year

The Living WorldIt is possible for a plant to have flowers that are both incomplete and perfec 1 True O2 False

The Living World1 Which of the following occurred as a result of the Montgomery Bus Boycott Separate buses were used for black passengers and white passengers The laws concerning segregated seating on public transportation were overturned Buses stopped running entirely in Montgomery The police enforced racist seating policies even more rigidly

The Living WorldQuestion 9 Points 1 How are interest groups and political parties alike O They nominate candidates They focus on winning the elections O They unite for political reasons They are concerned on a wide range of issues

The Living Worldstion 8 Points 2 What is a positive effect of having private interest groups Private interest groups stimulate interest in public affairs Private interest groups provide specialized information to government Private interest groups stimulate interest and provide specialized information to government Private interest groups routinely support policies that are advantageous for a majority of Americans

The Living WorldQuestion 7 Points 1 How do political parties and interest groups differ Interest groups nominate candidates for public office Interest groups are focused on issues rather than candidates Political parties are private organizations that are not accountable to the public Interest groups are concerned with winning elections

The Living WorldQuestion 5 Points 3 Which of these is not among the characteristics of an interest group The interest group focuses on issues The interest group is a private organization The interest group nominates candidates for office The interest group is concerned with influencing government policies

The Living WorldWhat is the main function of interest groups Interest groups try to influence the actions of government Interest groups coordinate political conventions O Interest groups create laws O Interest groups use propaganda

The Living WorldQuestion 1 How is a public interest group different from that of a private interest group Points 1 A public interest group takes public money A public interest group seeks policies to benefit all or most people A public interest group seeks policies that affect only public institutions OA public interest group is a government organization

The Living WorldPoints 2 What is the strongest predictor of political knowledge O Family O Education O Religion Government

The Living WorldQuestion 1 Points 1 What two factors play the most significant role in the formation of a person s opinion O Family Race O Both family and school Both race and ethnicity Complete Later Complete

The Living WorldThe mass media refers to eight industries that provide forms of communication but does not include O the Internet O telephones newspapers O movies Complete Later Complete Q 9 1 5

The Living WorldHow do peer groups affect your attitudes and ideas They reinforce them They have no affect on them They shape them They both reinforce and shape them Complete Later Complete

The Living Worlddi Below is a picture from a herd of wild horses in Wyoming Large populations of animals that reproduce sexually display different characteristics Which statement best explains the differences in the appearance of the horses in this population Different characteristics are due to egg and sperm each having two recessive genes C D A B Different traits come from independent assortment of chromosomes in gamete formation The traits carried by the female parent are dominant over the traits carried by the male parent Genes in each generation of a population mutate and create different physical characteristics

The Living WorldIn a protected grassland preserve there are herds of antelope and zebra and a pride of fifteen lionesses with cubs A conservation program for lions plans to move the pride to a national park fifty miles north What effect would this have on the stability of this grassland preserve The herbivorous animals would initially thrive but eventual overgrazing would lead to starvation or migration The herbivorous animals would thrive and continue to live on the grassland for many generations The herbivorous animals would also migrate to the national park because ecosystems tend to maintain balance The herbivorous animal populations would decline as they are now easy targets for hunters and other predators C D A B D

The Living WorldQuestion 19 An enzyme known as amylase is found in the saliva of humans This enzyme helps to begin the process of digesting starch molecules in the foods we eat Which of these BEST describes how enzymes like amylase help in the process of igestion C D A B Amylase contains the DNA molecules necessary to assemble the proteins needed for digestion Amylase is a catalyst that speeds up the chemical process of breaking down food molecule Amylase breaks down the food molecules directly by forming powerful acids Amylase acts as a buffer to keep the pH of foods a consistent level

The Living WorldGenetic engineering has produced goats whose milk contains proteins that can be used as medicines This effect was produced by inserting foreign genes into fertilized goat eggs injecting foreign genes into the goats udders genetically modifying the nutritional needs of the goats offspring mixing foreign genes into the milk C D A B

The Living WorldThe presence of some homologous structures in vertebrates suggests that these vertebrates A D B C all develop at the same rate may have a common ancestor evolved from different animals that appeared on Earth at the same time all develop internally and rely on nutrients supplied by the mother

The Living WorldIn horses the allele for straight hair H is dominant and the allele for curly hair h is recessive A horse breeder mates a homozygous dominant mother with a heterozygous male What is the chance that the offspring will have straight hair A B 100 75

The Living WorldAll but one of the factors may cause an animal species to be placed on the endangered species list The factor that does not directly contribute to the endangered statu pollution from human sources introduction of non native animals to the range of the animal introduction of the animal into places that it has previously gone extinct habitat loss because of city construction A D B C

The Living WorldQ12 Using the data see table please answer the following question How many students are married AND older than 30 years old Put your answer in the box Data Table Characteristics for 10 Health Care Students ID No Student 01 Student 02 Student 03 Student 04 Student 05 Student 06 Student 07 Student 08 Student 09 Student 10 Gender Male Female Female Female Female Female Male Female Female Female Age in Years Marital Status 27 51 41 26 27 47 49 42 37 50 Married Married Married Married Single Divorced Divorced Married Married Married Degree Earned BS MS MS BS BS MS MS MS BS BS Q12 How many students are married AND older than 30 years old Put your answer in the box

The Living WorldThe Article says Some people carefully check the information they publish These are usually trusted sources respected news websites universities and other schools government websites scientific organizations The author uses this passage mostly to A argue about different facts shared by truste sources B give examples of different kinds of trusted sources C give examples of sources that do not check information

The Living WorldQuestion 14 1 point Structures B C D and E below are all A D E O Hydra B Anemones Strobila C F

The Living WorldThe behaviour of a logistically growing population is difficult to distinguish from that of an exponentially growing population when the population is Select one O a at a density close to one half of K O b at a very low density O c at a density greater than K O d at a density just below K