Anatomy of Flowering Plants Questions and Answers

Anatomy of Flowering Plants2 Identify the correct order of classification from least inclusive to most inclusive O Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species O Kingdom Domain Phylum Order Class Family Genus Species Species Genus Order Class Family Kingdom Phylum Domain Species Genus Family Order Class Phylum Kingdom Domain

Anatomy of Flowering Plants5 Question 5 8 NEXT BOOKMARK Which example is NOT affected by the process of homeostasis in the human body Que ejemplo NO es afectado por el proceso de la homeostatis en el cuerpo humano blood pressure presion sanguinea B body temperature temperatura del cuerpo atmospheric pressure presion atmosferica calcium levels niveles de calcio amount of H20 cantidad de H20

Anatomy of Flowering Plants3 Homeostatic mechanisms Mecanismos homeost ticos keep variables exactly at the set point mantener las variables exactamente en el punto de ajuste help to keep a relatively constant internal environment in the body ayudan a mantener un ambiente interno relativamente constante en el cuerpo act to keep values out of the normal range actuar para mantener los valores fuera del rango normal usually operate by positive feedback Por lo general operan mediante sobrealimentacion positiva B

Anatomy of Flowering Plantsb Give two processes which occur during interphase and which are necessary for nuclear division to take place of the cell and of the DNA

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsSanger sequencing uses which of the following to determine the nucleotide sequence by terminating replication ATP dNTPs Primers ddNTPs

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsZoe glared at her soccer opponent from across the field She had practiced all week but still she had to conceal the growing lump of fear inside Was she good enough to defend Star her greatest rival Meanwhile Star kept her focus on the soccer ball visualizing her first play and identifying the path she would take to the goal The narration style in the writing above has the effect of Select one O prompting readers to empathize with Zoe understanding only her perspective creating a contrast between the two characters mindsets before the soccer game O prompting readers to understand only Star s perspective O showing readers the similarities between the two characters s mindsets before the soccer game

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhich lobe of the cerebral cortex is responsible for speech and conscious thought occipital temporal O parietal corpus callosum frontal

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsBy which one of the following methods is a stronger stimulus coded by neurons differently from a weaker stimulus O A stronger stimulus results in greater depolarization A stronger stimulus results in more action potentials unit time OA stronger stimulus results in faster traveling action potentials OA stronger stimulus results in hyperpolarization of the neuron A stronger stimulus results in prolonged influx of Nations and a delay before repolarization

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsThe three main branches that represent our classification of all living things include bacteria eukaryota and A fungi C protista B archaea D animalia

Anatomy of Flowering Plants12 Which of the following violates the Hardy Weinberg theorem A There are mutations in a population B There is no sexual selection in a population C There is no gene flow through migration in a population D There is no natural selection in a population

Anatomy of Flowering Plantsfeeling compelled to speak to the police He says in effect that the Miranda warning didn t make things much better One reason could be that subsequent Supreme Court cases weakened the protections offered in Miranda v Arizona which becomes apparent when examining the language in the Miranda decision written by Warren 1966 and contrasting it with the Davis decision written by O Connor 1994 and then the Berghuis decision written by Kennedy 2010 In this paper I will discuss Supreme Court cases that have weakened the Miranda rights and make clear why Chemerinsky as well as Solan and Tiersma have questioned their effectiveness and what could be done to safeguard the rights of the accused Sources to Consult Barnes R 2010 June 2 Supreme Court Suspects must invoke right to remain silent in interrogations Washington Post http www washingtonpost com wp dyn content article 2010 06 01 AR2010060102114 html noredirect on Berghuis v Thompkins n d Justia https supreme justia com cases federal us 560 370 Chemerinsky E 2016 June 27 Why have Miranda rights failed Democracy A Journal of Ideas https democracyjournal org arguments why have miranda rights failed Davis v United States n d Justia https supreme justia com cases federal us 512 452 Miranda v Arizona n d Justia https supreme justia com cases federal us 384 436

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsAs a group take position and write a stance on one of the listed persuasive topics Be sure to talk about it thoroughly with your team as everyone needs to be in agreement before writing it down Should adolescents be tried and punished as adults in the criminal justice system Why or why not Are videogames having a negative impact on adolescents

Anatomy of Flowering Plants3 What is one thing you could do better and one way you can do better at it One thing that I could do better is

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhat occurs during the follicular phase of the ovarian cycle 1 Estradiol is secreted from the follicle 2 The primary oocyte completes meiosis I Progesterone is secreted from the corpus luteum 3 4 The secondary oocyte completes meiosis II 5 The secondary oocyte begins meiosis II

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsPhosphoglycerate kinase produce Enolase in a dehydration synthesi Pyruvate kinase produces two mol Two molecules of glyceraldehyde Mutase produces two molecules o

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsIn seedling grows O 1 garden beans O2 onions O 3 peas O 4 4 corn the cotyledon remains underground as a

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsThe Casparian strip prevents apoplastic movement through epidermal cells 1 True 2 False

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsPlasmodium falciparum sporozoites produce merozoites in the human O 1 liver O2 spleen O 3 blood 4 lymph glands 5 brain

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhich of the following diseases is NOT caused by endospore forming bacteria 1 botulism O 2 Strep throat O 3 lockjaw 4 anthrax 5 tetanus

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhich of the following is not true of endotoxins Lipid A is the actual toxic portion of the LPS endotoxin Effects of an endotoxin include fever and hypotension Someone experiencing serious endotoxic effects could experience shock and disseminated intravascular coagulation They are released when Gram positive bacteria are killed or lysed All of the above statements are true of endotoxins

Anatomy of Flowering Plantswhich synthesis is proceeding in both directions with four segments of newly synthesized DNA Which of these are the leading strands 5 3 a b d G 3 5

Anatomy of Flowering Plants44 2 points n al of behavior therapy is to extinguish a patient s fear of an anxi fear with an alternative response

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsIf a fly landed on animal feces picked up Salmonella on its feet and then transferred the bacteria to food by walking on it the fly would best be termed a OA mechanical vector B biological vector pathogen D fomite E zoonosis

Anatomy of Flowering Plantsthe most correct answer for completing one organisms that share a common ancesto groups of common ancestor

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhat substrate is added to detect catalase A hydrogen peroxide B rabbit plasma OC oxygen D water

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsThen soon with the emblem of truth What is the emblem of truth in this line A the water from the well B the well s wooden bucket the well s white pebbles Dthe deep stone well

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsName CVC SEGMENTING Break the word into beginning middle and ending sounds and write each sound in the box C e Tors P 9 D V D 9 9 O X

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsA common species of moss is Polytrichum Rhizopus O Coprinus Marchantia

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhich of the following is are found in eukaryotes but not bacteria Both ribosomes and phospholipids 000 Mitochondria Phospholipids Ribosomes

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsA mutation alters the active site of an enzyme Which of the following statements best describes its outcome The metabolic pathway the enzyme participates in will be halted All these will happen of an enzyme s active site is mutated The enzyme will not be able to catalyze its reaction because the substrate cannot bind The transition state will not be able to occur

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsAn important step in the evolution of eukaryotes is described in the endosymbiotic theory Due to the fact that they contain their own DNA the and were once believed to be independent prokaryotes Of the two was believed to have evolved first Golgi ER ER mitochondria chloroplast chloroplast nucleus ER nucleus nucleus mitochondria mitochondria mitochondria chloroplast mitochondria QUESTION 8 If the entropy of a system is increasing this means that organized

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsQUESTION 1 Together with motor proteins serving as tracks actin filaments microtubules Golgi apparatus nuclear pores mitochondria help to transport vesicles and organelles throughout the cytoplasm by

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhat is the most important factor that will lead to global energy sustainability Figuring out how fusion can be harnessed O Finding more petroleum reserves Discovering a new energy technology

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsRadiation exposure to workers inside a nuclear power plant is Will negatively affect your health after 10 years No worse than levels outside Double the levels outside O Triple the levels outside

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsNatural gas is very difficult to store How is the gas captured at sea between Iran and Qatar transported O Natural gas is frozen into a solid Natural gas is trapped in balloons and floated to shore O Natural gas produces electricity and the energy is sent to shore Natural gas is frozen into a liquid then moved on ships

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsSolar power can be described as Free to build and free to use The most powerful type of power plant for its size Expensive at the start but cost effective over time Cheap to start but costly to keep running

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhat waste product s are given off by geothermal plants Steam and natural gas Water and steam Sulphur and carbon dioxide Methane and carbon

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsHow much of the United States electric generation comes from coal O 10 80 50

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsClean coal is a technology that captures and sequesters the pollutants released by burning it Why isn t this technology used in all coal plants O It is expensive and reduces carbon emissions by only a small percentage O Energy companies are moving away from coal produced energy Capturing pollutants would require all new coal plants to be built Carbon emissions are not a concern when using coal to produce energy

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhich of the following statements accurately describes ways to minimize nutrient losses when storing or preparing foods a Fruits that have been cut or juiced should be stored in airtight containers in the refrigerator b Use frozen vegetables sparingly as the nutrient content is lower than that of fresh vegetables c Microwaving vegetables causes the greatest loss of nutrients over other cooking methods d Most fruits should be stored at room temperature to prevent vitamin loss Oe To minimize vitamin loss cut fresh fruits and vegetables and then rinse in water

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhich of the following terms refers to the potential for a substance to cause harm if enough is consumed a bioinsecurity b food insecurity c riskiness Od toxicity e hazard

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsAbout how long must you wash your hands with warm water and soap to reduce the potential for microbial contamination a 10 seconds b 20 seconds O c 1 minute d 45 seconds e 2 minutes

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhich of the following accurately describes minerals O a Minerals in food can be destroyed by acid O b The body absorbs each mineral from foods in much the same way O C The body needs about 200 milligrams of each trace mineral each day O d Major minerals are more important than trace minerals e When a food is burned all the minerals are found in the ash

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhen is sushi safe to eat O a After a master chef has examined it for harmful microbes b When fresh fish is labeled of sushi grade c After the fish has been frozen for 6 hours d When it is wrapped in seaweed and combined with fresh vegetables e When cooked seafood and other ingredients are combined

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsOHydroxyapatite consists of crystals of calcium and phosphorus a True b False

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhich is an example of a protein that regulates the flow of fluids and ions in and out of cells a iron potassium pump Ob iron sodium pump Qc potassium magnesium pump d sodium potassium pump e calcium magnesium pump

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhich of the following defines potable water O a Water to which fluoride has been added b Water suitable only for use on lawns and gardens O c Water that is filled with contaminants d Water that must be boiled before drinking e Water fit for drinking

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsLabels on bottled water must identify the water s O a treatment method Ob contaminant content Oc source Oid pH O e fluoride content

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhich of the following statements about the GRAS list is true a Items on the list have never been removed therefore it is most trustworthy b Substances on the list must not have been found to be a carcinogen in any test on animals or human beings c It was established by the FDA in 1958 Od Public outcry is not a sufficient reason to review a substance on the list Oe There are only three substances currently on the list salt sugar and caffeine O