Anatomy of Flowering Plants Questions and Answers

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsRead the excerpt on Young Italy then answer the following question Young Italy was founded by Giuseppe Mazzini as a secret society to work for Italian unification His goal was to spread the message of democratic nationalism among the Italian people To do so he believed that they needed education in what liberal democracy was and aid in developing a sense of nationalism Young Italy successfully spread Mazzini s message throughout all of Italy and was instrumental as a basis for the unification of Italy in the next generation Although Young Italy had thousands of members and branches in all parts of Italy they were loosely organized Communications between the individual members and between branches was informal and subject to frequent breakdowns because of police harassment and the hardships of travel Even Mazzini was not known nationally although police files in the various states began to mention him more frequently The loose organization was advantageous however when police attempted to repress the organizations The local nature also allowed Young Italy leaders to appeal to local concerns to gain followers without being restricted by national doctrines Even so police repression caused a splintering of Young Italy during the 1830s Mazzini was able to rebuild his organization during the 1840s however Members of Young Italy and similar secret societies came from all classes but often tended to be well educated They were encouraged to belong to other groups in order to direct them toward the goals of Young Italy and were often recruited from students at universities and lyceums Membership was restricted to those under 40 years old Members were sworn to secrecy The Young Italy organization was founded by the ardent nationalist and political theorist O Camillo Benso di Cavour

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsNationalism is Difficult to define and never means the same thing to differe cultures Only defined in geographic and not ethnic terms O Closely defined to people of the same ethnicity living in different geographic locations A person s loyalty to one s own nation and its interests

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsEdit View Insert Format Tools Table 12pt v Paragraph V BIUA V 2 T The genetic biodiversity the species has can be vital to helping it live and survive in the harsh conditions of any given habit Diversity can help the species maintain a healthy immune system so in turn it can fight off any potential diseases As the species continues to evolve they are usually able to maintain and learn to adapt over time helping the species survive in harsher sungival com

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsThe wolves and moose of Isle Royale are the focus of the longest running study of a predator prey system in the wild Both are recent arrivals to Isle Royale moose swam to the island in the early 1900 s Wolves followed decades later traveling over the ice from Canada in the 1940 s About 40 years into the study the wolf population crashed when humans introduced the canine parvovirus Additional factors over the years have impacted both populations At one point during the study the moose population collapsed during the most severe winter on record followed by an outbreak of moose ticks WOLVES 50 40 30 20 10 O O Point A Point C O Point B 1959 Point D Moose and Wolf Populations E WOLVES MOOSE A 1969 B 1979 1989 YEAR C 1999 D 2009 2500 2000 1500 What point on the graph represents the outbreak of moose ticks and a drastic decline in the moose population 1000 500 MOOSE

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsThe model shows the lac operon found in a prokaryotic cell The lac Operon in E coli lac operon 2 3 Genes for enzymes Enzyme Enzyme Enzyme 2 3 How is structure 2 involved in regulating the transcription of the lac operon A Structure 2 is the repressor which prevents the operon from being transcribed B Structure 2 is the operator which codes for the enzymes that break down lactose C Structure 2 is the enhancer which regulates the rate of transcription of the operon D Structure 2 is the promoter where RNA polymerase attaches and begins transcription

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhich factor do scientists think determines whether the gene for darker pigments in a snowshoe hare s fur is expressed OA Oxygen concentration OB Nutrient availability OC Hours of daylight OD Temperature during development

Anatomy of Flowering Plantsb Would you say your conflict resolution style has changed as you got older How so

Anatomy of Flowering Plantsc Have contextual factors pandemic stress racism culture finals week discrimination stressors etc influenced your conflict resolution style

Anatomy of Flowering Plants1 a What is your predominant conflict resolution strategy Include your score for each conflict resolution style here also

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsA high energy compound that takes part in most energy exchanges in a cell is B The process by which the DNA molecule copies itself is called

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhy does Lawrence Solan believe that the Supreme Court misused the dictionary in the case against Chapman

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhich kind of map has the most detail A a globe B a city map C a state map 16

Anatomy of Flowering Plantsis a combination of atoms that when added to a carbon skeleton or organic compound confer unique properties and reactivity on the compound or molecule Copy Paste and name 5 functional groups

Anatomy of Flowering Plants16 Organic chemistry is the chemistry of compounds that contain 17 Copy and Paste Alinear carbon chain Aringed carbon molecule

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsC BIOL1001 P Biology II Evolution Ecology building a cladogram to udy the evolution ou notice you have the trait among only a few to be

Anatomy of Flowering Plants5 True or False According to Gay Williams definition of euthanasia if treatment is withheld from a patient because it is not reasonable to believe the treatment will save the patient s life this is nevertheless euthanasia 6 True or False According to Rachels most contemporary philosophers find a problem with Utilitarianism in that they do not regard happiness as the sole value to be promoted

Anatomy of Flowering Plants7 Which of Gay Williams arguments is the following a counter example to The biological goal of the male sex organs is to make a baby So it would be immoral to use a condom or have a vasectomy But this is absurd A Argument from Nature B Argument from Self Interest C Argument from Practical Effects

Anatomy of Flowering Plants2 What effect does not permitting euthanasia according to Rachels have on health care workers and the health care system

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhich of the following is NOT a domain 1 Both Bacteria and Protista 2 Archaea 3 Bacteria 4 Protista

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsYou notice a 100 bill on the ground and your heart starts to pound a Stimulus b Receptor c Effector

Anatomy of Flowering Plants4 Match the term with the definition Sensory neurons Motor neurons Interneurons a Carry impulses away from the CN b Found within the CNS c Carry impulses toward the CNS

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhat are the differences between weather and climate Compare and contrast weather and climate

Anatomy of Flowering Plantsand concepts bring order and organization to our perceptions and experiences Multiple Choice O O Hierarchies Data designs Schemas Networks

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsConsider the fire fighting measures shown Why does sodium require a Class D fire extinguisher instead of one that might spray water A The sodium will react with the water causing a flash fire B The sodium will react with the water creating an acid C A regular fire extinguisher might break the sodium down D It may create table salt sodium chloride

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhich of these is an example of a physical property A Sour milk is the result of an increase in lactic acid B A rusting car fender is the result of oxidation C Copper has a higher density than iron D Sodium and Chlorine react to form table salt

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhy must plants do cellular respiration like animals How is cellular respiration dependent upon an animal s respiration rate Complete the following table Environmental Factor Oxygen levels Carbon dioxide levels Temperature How does this affect photosynthesis How does this affect cellular respiration

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhich two statements correctly relate DNA amino acids and proteins A DNA provides the genetic information used to build proteins B Proteins are macromolecules made from one or more chains of amino acids C DNA is used to build an amino acid sequence during transcription in the nucleus D Proteins are macromolecules made from one or more chains of DNA

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhich sentence describes how a protein s structure relates to DNA s structure OA A protein s structure is based on its number of polypeptides which is based on the number of strands in the DNA that codes for the protein OB A protein s structure is based on its anticodons which is based on the number of codons in the DNA that codes for the protein OC A protein s structure is based on its amino acid sequence which is based on the nucleotide sequence of the DNA that codes for the protein OD A protein s structure is based on its nucleotide sequence which is based on the amino acid sequence of the DNA that codes for the protein

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsBased on the information you know about the Federalists and Anti Federalists what information should be changed in the statement below Justify explain how you know your answer in two or three complete sentences When it was time for the Constitution to be ratified two groups arose The Federalists supported the new weaker government created by the Constitution The Anti Federalists opposed the Constitution They were afraid the new national government created by the document would be too weak

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsA student is researching the benefits and risks associated with transgenic organisms in agriculture Record an X in each row to identify whether the statement describes a benefit or a risk associated with transgenic organisms cross pollination with native organic plants decrease in the consumer price of meat human hormonal effects from consumption increase in crop tolerance from pesticides Benefit Risk

Anatomy of Flowering Plantshow would you assess the success of the Colorado Militia s campaign 3rd Colorado Cavalry Regiment Did Col J M Chivington accomplish what he set out to do Explain

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsThe atomic number of Silicon is 14 Based on this information is silicon more likely to form covalent bonds ionic bonds Explain your reasoning max 2 points

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsGD STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION OF PLASMA MEME Fill in the blanks by choosing the You are stranded on a lifeboat wit water and You are dehydrated and have to Water intoxication occurs when y your ce

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsCaveolin Clathrin Endocytosis Exocytosis Pinocytosis Potocytosis Receptor mediated endocytosis 4 Definition Bringing materials inside of the cell Bringing solutes and droplets of fluid into the cell Protein that coats the inside of a plasma membrane during potocytosis Bringing materials into and out of the cell in a process called transcytosis Removing materials from the cell to the extracellular space Bringing specific materials into the cell using receptors that bind specific materials Protein that coats the inside of a plasma membrane during receptor mediated endocytosis

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsMark each statement as True False regarding the concept of active transport Secondary active transport uses the energy of ATP In secondary active transport an electrochemical gradient is created that drives ions down their concentration gradient taking other ions against their concentration gradient Amino acids and glucose can enter the cell by secondary active transport Secondary active transport stores high energy phosphates in the mitochondria for ATP production Tru O O

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhich of the following historical documents can be considered a secondary source O O O A survey analysis and interpretation of several battle action reports conducted by a historian The personal journal of a historical figure A series of photograph taken by a war reported in the middle of a battle

Anatomy of Flowering Plants11 At what velocity was a sprinter initially traveling if she experiences an acceleration of 2 6 m s2 NE and ends with a velocity of 19 m s NE after 4 8 seconds V VF at 12 A juggling circus clown accelerates on his unicycle at a rate of 2 5 m s2 West If his initial velocity is 16 m s East and he accelerates for 4 1 seconds what is his final velocity Hint look carefully at the directions in this problem Think about what it means to have an acceleration in the opposite direction of the initial velocity a 2 5m 52 VF Vitat

Anatomy of Flowering Plants0 How long would it take a garden snail to increase its velocity from 23 cm min East to 37 cm min East if its rate of acceleration is 5 cm min2 East Vr

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsThis type of microscopy uses prisms in optical pathway that shear the beams of light Confocal microscopy Differential interference microscopy Bright field microscopy Scanning electron microscopy O Transmission electron microscopy

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhen you create a transgenic mouse through genetic engineering the altered version of the target gene is first placed into O Embryonic stem cells O Germ line cells O Somatic cells O A hybrid embryo O A pseudopregnant mouse

Anatomy of Flowering Plants1 Refer to Figure 4 2 below Which electromagnetic wave example represents a shorter wavelength Example 1 Example 2 www Figure 4 2 Two Electromagnetic Waves In this part of the lab we will focus on the forms of energy emitted by the Sun There are several forms of electromagnetic radiation in the Universe Figure 4 3 All objects with temperatures above absolute zero 273 15 degrees Celsius 459 67 degrees Fahrenheit radiate energy proportional to its temperature The Sun emits radiation at all wavelengths but 99 of the energy received at the Earth is in the infrared visible light or ultraviolet parts of the electromagnetic spectrum Of this radiation received by our planet 48 is infrared radiation 44 is visible light radiation and 7 is ultraviolet radiation Note that infrared radiation is sometimes called longwave radiation or thermal radiation and ultraviolet radiation is sometimes called shortwave radiation or UV radiation

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsAlyssa is observing two cells X and Y Each cell is from either a plant or an animal She records some of her Observations in a chart Cell Observations Cell X Cell Y has lysosomes lacks lysosomes lacks a cell wall has endoplasmic reticulum has ribosomes has a nucleus Which additional observation will Alyssa most likely make Cell X has a cell membrane and Cell Y does not Cell Y has a cell membrane and Cell X does not Cell Y has a larger vacuole than Cell X Cell X has a larger vacuole than Cell Y

Anatomy of Flowering Plants3 How is the inheritance of traits on different chromosomes compare to those found on the same chromosome

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsCivics Reasoning DIRECTIONS Answer the questions below in the spaces provided 1 Evaluating Political Systems How did the laws of Hammurabi address the concepts of guilt and innocence 2 Evaluating Public Policies Why do you think criminal law and civil law are dealt with separately in both ancient and modern times 3 Analyzing Ways of Protecting Public Rights The American legal system has also been designed to place the burden of proof on the accuser What does this tell you about American judicial ideas 4 Evaluating Citizens Effectiveness Why do you think it is so important that a judge or jury fully doubt means

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsTranslation is the process of creating a strand of message RNA from the DNA transcript True False