Anatomy of Flowering Plants Questions and Answers

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsFood production uses what percentage of drinkable fresh water on Earth O 50 60 O 10 20 O 20 50 O 70 80

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsThe most current ethical guidelines for research on human embryonic stem cells suggest that researchers should Use embryos expressly created for research and not for reproduction with informed consent of the donors and for research of major scientific value that cannot be attained by other means Use spare embryos from IVF that have been frozen and abandoned for more than 5 years Use embryos expressly created for research and not for reproduction with informed consent of the donors Use spare embryos from IVF treatment with informed consent of the donors and for research of major scientific value that cannot be attained by other means

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhat is the example of polysemy in this sentence Her pupils are large and bright pupils O large

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsO The right not to have a child and access options for preventing or ending pregnancy The right to parent a child in a safe supportive environment All answers are correct O The right to decide if and when to have a child

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsInformed consent in medicine and research requires all of the following except O The participant patient must be of sound mind and body This must be a voluntary decision not based on any element of coercion duress or fraud Medically accurate appropriate information should be discussed including risks and anticipated benefits of th procedure or alternative treatments Participants patients must always be compensated monetarily for their contributions Adequate information must be provided to reach comprehension and informed decision

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsThe result of Griswold v Connecticut 1965 was that Contraception became legal for all women in the U S O Prescribing contraception became illegal in the U S Contraception became legal for all heterosexual married women in the U S Contraception became legal for all women who already had children in the U S Contraception became legal for all women who had the prior approval of their husband in the U S

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsAccording to the California Uniform Parentage Act of 1975 giving birth is proof of maternity O True False

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsNon invasive prenatal testing NIPT involves O Taking a sample of fetal cells directly from the placenta for genetic analysis Testing a cell from an IVF embryo before deciding whether or not to keep it for uterine transfer Doing genetic analysis on fetal DNA found in the amniotic fluid Doing genetic analysis on fetal DNA found circulating in the bloodstream of the pregnant person

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsBuck v Bell effectively outlawed forced sterilizations in the United States False True

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsIVF routinely costs from 12 000 20 000 per cycle and is often not covered by insurance in the United States These high costs translate into unequal access to this technology an ethical concern most closely associated with which bioethical principle O Autonomy and informed consent Non maleficence

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsIn November 2018 a scientist in China announced that he had used CRISPR technology to edit the CCR5 gene in early embryos at least two of which were ultimately born Lulu and Nana This fo of CRISPR editing is known as Somatic gene editing O Germline gene editing

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhich of the following best characterizes the CDC s approach to data collection and reporting on IVF in the United States The CDC requires fertility clinics to submit data on success rates and conducts annual visits to ensure compliance with pre set IVF regulations The CDC has no role related to IVF The CDC works with Congress to develop and implement rules regarding the number of embryos that can be generated the types of genetic tests that can be conducted etc The CDC collects and publishes data from fertility clinics that respond to requests for information

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsThe CRISPR Cas9 system a tool for altering genetic code exists in nature as A form of immunity bacteria use against viruses A mechanism used by viruses to escape natural immunity of their hosts It doesn t exist in nature CRISPR was developed in the lab A DNA repair mechanism in mammals

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhat is one problem with defining words by creating a list of essential characteristics O The list may not be complete O The list may only be true sometimes not always O It s hard to know what to include in the list All of the above

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsOne way to define words is by prototype which is the idea that some things represent concepts better than others For example sparrows at least in the U S are more prototypical birds so they represent the definition of bird better than penguins do O True O False

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsThe sentence I need a pen is ambiguous if there is no context for this utterance O True O False

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsThe word mountain has a fuzzy boundary The word lemon does not O True O False

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsThe word elbow is an example of homonymy Elbow pasta an elbow bend in a pipe and the body part elbow are all clearly related even though they are different things O True O False

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsThe factor directly controlled manipulated by the experimenter is usually termed the dependent variable the extraneous variable the independent variable the control variable

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsIn the context of an experin means that S subjects are assigned at random to different cover stories subjects are selected at random from a large population of potential subjects subjects are assigned to only one experimental condition each subject has an equal chance to be in any condition in the study

Anatomy of Flowering Plantsof Studylib Classification of Org Template Rolle Classification Examine the table questions Taxon Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species 7 Which two orga

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhich of these are threats study Dr Rivera wondered whether lack of sleep is related to weight He asked the 24 junior high school students in his gym class to keep a diary for one month and to record in it the number of hours they sleep each night and their weight that day At the end of the month Dr Rivera collected the diaries and compiled data for each student linking weight to the number of hours of sleep on the day preceding He discovered that students who got the most sleep had the highest weight and those with the least sleep had the lowest weight Dr Rivera concluded that poor sleep habits reduce teens weight Lying out of ignorance Social desirability bias

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhat is the independent variable in the hypothesis Cartoon watching increases aggressive behavior in children but not adults subject s age cartoon watching aggression both subject s age and cartoon watching are independent variables

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhat message does Jefferson express in the opening paragraph of his second inaugural address He sets out the principles by which he will conduct his second term in office He says in his first term that he stuck to the principles he laid out in his first inaugural address O C He says that in his first term he acted upon the principles laid out in the Declaration of Independence He reassures the audience that his second term in office will be smoother than his first term O A OB O D

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsProduces rRNA and components of the ribosomes Most prominent organelle surrounded by the nuclear envelope genetic material is found here Synthesizes proteins Contains ribosomes synthesizes assembles and modifies proteins that will be exported from the cell No ribosomes involved in fatty acid lipid metabolism Processes sorts modifies packages proteins and synthesizes lysosomes Sacks of digestive enzymes that break down molecules bacteria and organelles Primary storage site for water food salt pigment waste in plant cells Usually only one per cell Small numerous in animal cells Involved in storage Plant cell vacuoles Lysosomes Smooth endoplasmic reticulum Nucleolus Golgi apparatus Animal cell vacuoles Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum halous Ribosomes

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsDrag and drop the terms to classify the characteristics of cilia and flagella into correct categories Cilia Flagella Cilia and Flagella Move in a whip like motion Long hair like structures Short hair like projections Used to move sperm cells or the Euglena Arrangement of 9 2 microtubule Usually occurs singly or may be a few Line passageways or move single celled organisms such as Paramecium

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsIf not should they 14 Do you think that GMOs should be limited in our food supply only be implemented into crops as opposed to livestock 15 Explain your answer above 16 If you or a loved one needed an organ transplant and had the choice of putting your name on a waitlist or using one from a chimera what might you choose and why

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsView Passage 1 Based on the information from the passage and diagram select the best course of action a swimmer in a rip current can take to save him herself O Swim against the current to prevent it from pulling you out to sea once the current lets up swim to shore O Instead of fighting the current swim parallel to the beach until you are free of the current then swim to shore at an angle away from the rip current with the incoming waves O Quickly dive below the rip current and swim underwater until you are clear of the current once you are free surface and swim to shore O Instead of fighting the current swim with the current out to the point where the

Anatomy of Flowering Plantsjective Understand the Nature of Science Understand that science investigations use a variety of methods and do not always use the same set of procedures understand that there is not just one scientific method Science findings are based upon evidence The Scientific Method Conclusion 00000 Conclusion 1 Page

Anatomy of Flowering Plantsexplain saltatory conduction and the role myelin plays in saltatory conduction

Anatomy of Flowering Plantsexplain the mechanism of an action potential describe a voltage gated Na channel and a voltage gated Kt channel

Anatomy of Flowering Plantsdifferentiate between different glial cell types and explain their function within the nervous system

Anatomy of Flowering Plantshttps stgeorgegazette com https topalertnews com OR USE A WEBSITE FROM RESEARCHING YOUR QUARTER 3 PROJECT TOPIC Methods to take into consideration Author publisher The source of the information The purpose of the story The story s objectivity and accuracy Reliability and credibility of sources Audience Who is this source targeted to Using My Methods to Evaluate Websites Name of Website Source either link or publication name List the methods you used to evaluate the credibility of the websites and what conclusions you came to based on each method 1 2 3

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhich of these can RAPIDLY pass directly through the phospholipids of the plasma membrane without the help of a transport protein Lipid soluble molecule DOOXX Cytoplasm C Glucose B Wator A only B only C only D only D Hydrogen ion

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsNon Acid fast bacteria will not be decolorized by a acid alcohol and will therefore retain the carbolfuchsin red dye True False

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsOne vegetative cell can produce MANY endospores each endospore being able to many new vegetative cells when conditions are favorable True False

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsThe flagella stain allows one to see flagellar arrangements True False

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhat are some powers denied only to the State Governments Home ME S S Canes

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhat are Concurrent powers O Powers shared by the Legislative Executive Branches O Powers shared by the national state governments O Powers shared by the national government state legislatures Powers shared by state legislatures the Supreme Court

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsBased on what you just learned if a state law is in conflict with a national law a state judge must O refer the matter to a municipal court O uphold the Constitutional law O uphold the state law refer the matter to a federal court

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhat are some powers denied to both the State and National Government 2 points

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhat is the relationship between enumerate powers implied powers and the Necessary Proper Elastic Clause

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhich of the following is NOT a concurrent power O Power to collect taxes O Make enforce the law O Power to grant marriage licenses O Power to maintain the courts

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhich of the following IS a reserved power O Taxation O Establishing public schools O Regulating Trade O Power to declare war O Other

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsWhat are implied powers O Powers directly given to the states O Powers indirectly given to Congress O Powers directly given to Congress O Powers indirectly given to the states O Other

Anatomy of Flowering PlantsO They produce toxins deplete diluted oxygen and increase the temperature of the water O They are unsightly and can be toxic to pets O They can be caused by growth of Pfiesteria piscicida fish killer O All are correct Question 7 Diatoms are photosynthetic unicellular and colonial plant like protists that significantly contribute to atmospheric oxygen Which of the following is peculiar to these cells compared to another photosynthetic cell the euglena Mark all that apply O Diatoms have cell walls of crystallized silica and euglena do not have cell walls Diatoms do not change their cell shape and euglena do O Diatoms are aquatic and euglena are terrestrial 0 25 pts and qualona don