Animal Kingdom Questions and Answers

Animal KingdomWhich two phyla comprise the Ecdysozoans group Annelida and Arthropoda Nematoda and Mollusca Platyhelminthes and Arthropoda Nematoda and Arthropoda

Animal KingdomWhich of the following invertebrates is thought to be most closely related to humans an insect like a grasshopper a segmented worm like an earthworm an echinoderm like a sea urchin a mollusc like an octopus

Animal KingdomLister Most animals reproduce cycle sexually haploid asexually diploid asexually haploid rexually diploid and the stage usually dominates the li

Animal KingdomAgainst which hard structure do the circular and longitudinal muodes of work shell bristles hydrostatic skeleton endoskeleton cuticle

Animal Kingdom49 Listen Most animal phyla belong to the clade amniotes bilateria lophotrochozoa deuterostomia protostomia

Animal KingdomHow can cnidarians such as sea jellies survive in the water with no gills or lungs Othey must periodically rise to the surface to get air Otheir cells don t need oxygen since they move so little Othey have special oxygen pumps in their cells Otheir body walls are extremely thin Othey don t have a nervous system whil

Animal KingdomWhich of the following is NOT shared by birds and non bird reptiles O endothermic metabolism Oscales made of keratin Obackbone of vertebrae O amniotic eggs Ogill structures in the embnin

Animal KingdomThe most recent common ancestor between a fish and an earthworm most likely had which trait Obilateral symmetry O closed circulation Onotochord

Animal KingdomWhat is the probable sequence in which the following clades of animals originated from earliest to most recent 1 tetrapods 2 vertebrates 3 deuterostomes 4 amniotes 5 bilaterians 03 5 2 1 4 05 3 4 2 1 05 3 2 4 1 05 3 2 1 4 03 5 4 2 1

Animal KingdomCephalization is most commonly associated with Osessile animals Oradial symmetry Obilateral symmetry

Animal KingdomIn animals with true tissues the ectoderm gives rise to the muscles O outer body covering Olining of the digestive tract and organs O the head O the animal s endor

Animal KingdomWhich of the following is unique to animals the structural carbohydrate chitin nervous conduction and muscular movement Ocells that have mitochondria the ability to move

Animal KingdomAccording to the evidence collected so far the animal kingdom is O not a true clade Opolyphyletic Omonophyletic paraphyletic

Animal Kingdomthe total number of muscle fibers cells available for contraction the length the number of neurons innervating it the shape Question 34 2 points 40 Listen A term such as extensor in a muscle s name refers to the muscle size O the muscle shape the action of the muscle

Animal KingdomListen Which of the following describes echinoderms Digestion occurs completely outside of the organism Tubefeet provide motility in most species Hemolymph circulates in the water vascular system They have an exoskeleton of hard calcareous plates They are found in both freshwater and saltwater environments

Animal KingdomPart 2 Identify organisms from the different classes of Echinodermata Holothuroidea Crinoidea Ophiuroidea Holothuroidea Asteroidea Echinoidea Holothuroidea

Animal KingdomWhat structure is labeled as 17 1 2 Floating rib Sternum False rib True rib 3 4 56 Page 46 of 50

Animal KingdomMatch the letter to the correct structure A A B D 60 000 C B M C Choose nucleus of the flame cell tubule of flame cell flame cell cilia of flame cell nephrostome of flame cell nephridiopore of flame cell intake slits of flame cell

Animal KingdomUsing this picture fill in the structure at letter B Flow chart for movement of water in sponge canal system Ostium in Porocyte A Prosopyle B 35 C 35 Excurrent canal D Osculum Outside the body

Animal KingdomWhat is the most obvious difference in the forelimb of the human versus the bat cat or pigeon the number of phalanges an obvious wrist joint an opposable thumb the presence of the ulna and radius bones

Animal KingdomA localized group of organisms that belong to the same species is called a Opopulation community ecosystem family

Animal KingdomVertebrata Class Ch Vertebrata Class Mammalia Select correct subphylum class of Chordata Vertebrata Class Crocodilia Urochordata Cephalochordata Vertebrata Class Crocodilia Vertebrata Class Agnatha Vertebrata Class Aves Vertebrata Class Mammalia Vertebrata Class Chondrichthyes Vertebrata Class Amphibia Vertebrata Class Osteichthyes Vertebrata Class Testudines Select correct subphylum class of Chordata hyes

Animal KingdomA B C D anterior adductor muscle anterior foot retractor muscle gills posterior foot retractor muscle E posterior adductor muscle F mantle labial palps foot DE Name of structure Identified G H Function of Structure Identified

Animal KingdomName of Structure A stomach B C D E F G anus tube feet radial canal ring canal mouth digestive glands Function of Structure

Animal KingdomExternal Anatomy A B C D EF F G LL F G H A I spiracle spine 1st dorsal fin external nares 2nd dorsal fin select answer lateral line B J H I K Figure 1 External features OJ OK OL M C ON M L D mouth select answer rostrum pectoral fin clasper select answer caudal fin E N 1st dorsa clasper 2nd dors spine perivic fla spiracle caudal fis rostrum lateral lin external pectoral

Animal KingdomPart 4 Bony Fish External Anatomy A B CDE C D EE E F GH H I A select answer dorsal fin caudal fin nostril pectoral fin anal fin lateral line operculum eye pelvic fin select answer select answer H I FI

Animal KingdomA B C D E Fes select answer select answer gill heart gill rakers internal spiracle gill pouch select answer

Animal KingdomDissection 5 ABCO C D select answer select answer cloaca rectal gland colon A 4

Animal KingdomDissection 2 A alalu nlulu B C D E F C D select answer select answer select answer select answer select answer select answer B A E

Animal KingdomDogfish Internal Anatomy Features Dissection 1 ABC C Dissection 2 select structure peritoneum liver gall bladder select structure A B

Animal KingdomA select answer anus stomach B C mouth DEE Name of Structure radial canal ring canal digestive glands F tube feet G D select answer select answer RR Y B F E G Function of Structure

Animal KingdomPart 5 The five classes of Arthropods Below each image select the correct taxonomic Class of Arthropod Select the class of Arthropod Select the class of Arthropod Select the class of Arthropod Select the class of Arthropod Select the class of Arthropod Select the class of Arthropod Select the class of Arthropod Select the class of Arthropod Select the class of Arthropod

Animal KingdomInternal Anatomy A A B C CDEFG D G H B Select Select Select Select Select Select Select Select C D G E H F

Animal KingdomPart 2 Identify the usca species Use the following website dichotomous key to identify the Mollusca pictured below After dentifying the genus species and common name research the cephalopod and describe where it is commonly found and what is normally feeds on https en wikibooks org wiki Dichotomous Key Cephalopoda Genus Species Common Name Where it is found What it feeds on

Animal KingdomABC A B C DEFGHIT J K L M A M E B F L K Select the Correct Label Thorax Antennae Jumping Legs Ovipositor Palpa Abdomen Compound Eye Tympanum Walking Legs Head Spiracles J C MEI G H

Animal KingdomPart 1 Identify the Class of different Mollusca Select the Class of Mollusc Select the Class of Mollusc Select the Class of Mollusc jestes dones Select the Class of Mollusc Select the Class of Mollusc Select the Class of Mollusc

Animal Kingdomtypes of protists would be considered fungus like What makes them fungus like Provide an example

Animal KingdomCnidaria A D H E F A B C D E F G H I J tentacle bud endoderm basal disk cnidocyst nematocyst gastrovascular cavity mesoglea select answer ovary testes mouth tentacle gastrovascular cavity ovary testes bud cnidocyst endoderm nematocyst basal disk mesoglea select answer

Animal KingdomSelect ALL of the following that are true regarding the functions of the integumentary system Dendritic cells and dermal macrophages phagocytize foreign invaders Melanin provides a chemical barrier against UV radiation damage Skin secretions are basic which slows bacterial multiplication The skin is a physical barrier as it is continuous stratified keratinized and blocks most water and water soluble substances

Animal KingdomQuestion 7 of 22 A population of frogs is split between two ponds during a long term drought Pond A has several predators that can catch frogs Pond B lacks predators and has plenty of food Which adaptation is most likely to increase over time in pond A s frog population OA A larger body size B The ability to swim faster C The ability to croak more loudly to attract mates D The preference for worms as a food source instead of insects 20

Animal KingdomThe is an area of actively dividing cells that produces hair basal layer hair follicle hair matrix hair papilla

Animal KingdomPut the following layers of skin in order from most superficial to deep Stratum spinosum Stratum granulosum Stratum basale Papillary dermis Reticular dermis

Animal KingdomWhat is the most common cell in the epidermis O keratinocytes squamous fibroblasts