Animal Kingdom Questions and Answers

Animal KingdomHow many sellers are in a monopolistic competition O There are no sellers in a monopolistic competition O There are two sellers in a monopolistic competition There is one seller in a monopolistic competition O There are numerous sellers in a monopolistic competition

Animal Kingdomestion 2 Points 1 erhaps the greatest challenge faced by teachers in the 1920s was a great number of their students did not speak English because they were immigrants to the United States Othere were not enough students to teach Othere were very few resources to teach with O lack of funding for public education Reset Reset but this asses Question 5 Rese 9

Animal Kingdomquestion 10 Points 1 What were the U S interests in annexing Hawall O Tropical fruit Economic interests Site for a naval base Both economic interests and a site for a naval base Complete Later Complete

Animal KingdomComes the message O brothers Remember the Maine Lend your ear to the whisper tis growing more strong Tis a whisper no longer tis sweeping along Through the length and the breadth of this land of the free From city to mountain from mountain to sea And the voice of America tells thee O Spain That the men of our country Remember the Maine Arthur H MacOwen Which of the following best describes the Maine A ship sunk by the United States as a symbolic gesture in remembrance of those who died serving in the Spanish American War A ship sent to Cuba to protect American lives and property during the Second War for Cuban Independence The Main was an American trading vessel which was sunk by pirates off the coast of Spain It was later determined the pirates were acting on orders from Spain

Animal KingdomQuestion 9 Points 1 Why did Austria Hungary declare war on Serbia Austria Hungary was determinted to have a war against Serbia regardless if Serbia met their demands O Serbia didn t own up about its participation in the killing of the Archduke Francis Ferdinand O Serbia tried to ally with Russia for protection All of the choices Reset button v this assessmen Questions 1 5 Reset 9 2 6 10

Animal Kingdom1967 Who famed German foreign policy in the late nineteenth century Germany s foren policy was framed by the German Chancellon Otto von Bismarck Naser Hitam framed the foreign policy of Germany The German foreign policy was framed by Camillo Cavour None of the chokes Complete Late se PAN Ques PP

Animal KingdomQuestion 3 Points Which of the following continent was the war ground for World War I Asia Africa O Europe Antarctica

Animal Kingdomquestion 3 Points 1 What was a consequence of WWI in the United States O Millions of soldiers enlisted and half died Women and African Americans were not allowed to support the War O The Government took an active role in guiding the economy O The League of Nations failed Complete Later Complete C

Animal KingdomBeale and State Street Stores With Mayor Thompson Battling Big Odds Te The the sed OA declaration of the end of World War I M A declaration pertaining to America entering World War I on behalf of the Allies A declaration pertaining to America entering World War I on behalf of the Central Powers A declaration stating that America would remain neutral until further provoked

Animal KingdomQuestion 10 Points 1 Read the excerpts and answer the question that follows I was threatened with lynching after publicly speaking out about the lynching of three friends prompting me to move from Memphis where I was a teacher I moved north to write and lecture against lynching and to fight for civil rights Who am I O W E B Du Bois O Ida B Wells O Booker T Washington William Jennings Bryan Complete Later Complete Reset Reset button w this assessmen Reset Questions 1 5 9 2 LO 6 10

Animal KingdomIn the genotype AaFf the A and a indicate alleles on sister chromatids alleles on homologous chromosomes O different genes on sister chromatids O different genes on homologous chromosomes

Animal Kingdom9 Why are positive and negative controls important in the western blot explain how those results can affect the Ponceau stain and the Western blot data When and why would you use western blot versus the ELISA

Animal Kingdom11 What was the purpose of SDS and NaOH in the plasmid isolation proctocol Why was ethanol Isopropyl alcohol used in the isolation protocol For the plasmid isolation protocol why would you want to run the gel longer What was the purpose of incubating the restriction digestion at 37C and what were the restriction enzymes used What are the four common steps of plasmid isolation Growth lysis separation precipitation

Animal Kingdom10 Why do some Bacteria stain gram positive versus gram negative What structural components are different in bacteria that result in different colored bacteria in the gram stain When and why do you flame the loop in the isolation streak plate w

Animal KingdomParamecium aurelia is an organism that can reproduce both sexually and asexually It does not have cell walls or tissues To which kingdom does it belong O A Animalia OB Fungi O C Protista OD Plantae

Animal KingdomArticulations permitting only slight degrees of movement are Amphiarthroses Synarthroses Diarthroses Synovial joints

Animal KingdomA cell with membrane bound proteins that selectively bind a specific hormone called that hormone s plasma cell endocrine cell O secretory cell target cell regulate

Animal KingdomAll hormones elicit the same biological response from all of their target cells are protein molecules O are carried to target cells in the blood are lipid soluble molecules are produced by endocrine glands O

Animal KingdomWhich of the following is dominated by plants that drop their leaves yearly to conserve water savanna Otropical rain forest temperate broadleaf forest Oconiferous forest desert

Animal KingdomThe oceans affect the biosphere in all of the following ways except Omoderating the climate of terrestrial biomes Obeing the source of most of Earth s rainfall producing a substantial amount of the biosphere s oxygen O removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere regulating the pH of frank

Animal Kingdomvertical strata found in the environment If so in which of the following biomes the number of bird species is determined mainly by the number of would you find the greatest number of bird species O temperate grassland temperate broadleaf forest O desert O savanna Otropical rain forest

Animal Kingdomof a skeletal muscle fiber following is the correct sequence that describes the excitation and Contraction 1 Tropomyosin shifts and unblocks the cross bridge binding sites 2 Calcium is released and binds to the troponin complex 3 Transverse tubules depolarize the sarcoplasmic reticulum 4 The thin filaments are ratcheted across the thick filaments by the heads of the myosin molecules using energy from ATP 5 An action potential in a motor neuron causes the axon to release acetylcholin which depolarizes the muscle cell membrane 05 3 1 2 4 01 2 3 4 5 05 3 2 1 4 02 3 4 1 5 1 3 5 4

Animal KingdomTrue False Question 23 2 points Listen The result of severe damage to the ventral root of a spinal nerve would result in in the tissue or region that nerve innervates a complete loss of sensation and movement O complete loss of sensation Oloss of neither sensation nor movement but only of autonomic control

Animal KingdomDrag the appropriate labels to their respective targets Ora serrata Ciliary body Cornea Iris Pupil Anterior segment 20 Fotocons Reset Ciliary zonule Lens

Animal KingdomWhat is an adaptation A A change to an organism that occurs during its lifetime B A genetic trait that an organism develops through mutati C A structure or behavior that helps an organism survive in environment D An improvement an organism makes to its environment

Animal KingdomWhich structure is found in the inner medula of the kidney Oloop of Henle Bowman s capsule O proximal convoluted tubule glomerulus

Animal Kingdomare bird lungs considered much more efficient that mammal lungs bird lungs have large air sacs for gas exchange but mammal lungs only have small alveoli Obirds have shorter tracheas than mammals Oin bird lungs but not mammals air moves through in one direction only Obird lungs have more alveoli than mammal lungs Obird lungs can expand much more than mammal lungs Question 3 1 point Listen In mammals most gas exchange between the atmosphere and the pulmonary blood occurs in the

Animal KingdomSeveral EPSPS arrive at the axon hillock from different dendritic locations and depolarize the postsynaptic cell to threshold for an action potential This is an example of temporal summation Ospatial summation tetanus the refractory state O an amazing coincidence

Animal KingdomWhat is the resting potential of a typical human neuron O 55mv O 70 mv 0 90 mv 70 mv 55 mv Question 16 1 point Listen IPSPS and EPSPS arriving at the same neuron tend to add together and increase the chance of firing an action potential other and decrease the chance of firing an action potential to the firing of an a

Animal KingdomUse the following information to answer the question Sex TING male Phenotype yellow Number 116 In a Drosophila experiment a cross was made between homozygous wild type females and yellow bodied males All of the resulting F1s were phenotypically wild type However adult flies of the F2 generation resulting from matings of the F1s had the characteristics shown in the figure How is the mutant allele for yellow body inherited It is dominant It is incompletely dominant It is codominant It is recessive

Animal Kingdom21 Which of the following structures are considered part of the nephron Select all that apply The Bowman s capsule The vasa recta the proximal tubule the loop of Henle the glomerulus Question 25 1 point 4 Listen Which of the following statements is are true Select all that apply form of diffusion diffice

Animal KingdomListen Which of the following is NOT a factor in the movement of water into tissues diffusion active transport osmotic gradient fluid pressure pillaries salinity gradient

Animal Kingdom1 toxin that binds specifically to voltage gated sodium channels in axons would be expected to increase the release of neurotransmitter molecules prevent the depolarization phase of the action potential prevent graded potentials have most of its effects on the dendritic region of a neuron prevent the hyperpolarization phase of the action potential Question 18 1 point

Animal KingdomListen oint acetylcholine GABA Which of the following is the most common neurotransmitter in the vertebrate CNS glutamate serotonin terminals dopamine ser W

Animal Kingdominto the cranial nerves spinal cord midbrain telencephalon Question 36 2 points 1 Listen of the heural tube develops are a classification of neurotransmitters that are all widely used in the brain often playing important roles in emotional behaviors O Neuropeptides Biogenic amines

Animal Kingdommoves membrane potential away is short distance depolarization is short distance hyperpolarization opens K or Cl channels Question 9 2 points 4Listen Neurons are functionally connected by transfer between them synapses O myelin muscles which mediate info

Animal KingdomSelect ALL of the following that are true regarding They are more common than chemical synapses The neurons are joined by gap junctions They result in only unidirectional communication between the neurons They allow for very rapid communication between the neurons Question 8 2 points 4 Listen An excitatory postsynaptic potential O moves membrane potential away from threshold is short distance depolarization ir chort distance hyperpolarization

Animal KingdomQuestion 5 1 point Listen Bird beaks can be small medium or large How do think the weight of a beak compares to a jaw with teeth of similar size a beak is lighter than a jaw with teeth it depends on the size of the beak a beak is heavier than a jaw with teeth

Animal KingdomWhat do you think a bird beak with a sharp hook at the end would be good for eating other animals fruits insects seeds Question 2 1 point Listen What do think the functions of a birds heak would be

Animal KingdomListen What do think the functions of a birds beak would be Opicking up food Opreening its feathers carrying nesting material acting as a defensive weapon it could be all of these Question 3 1 point Listen What do think a bird beak that is thick and cone shaped would be best at eatin

Animal KingdomThe body cavity of this female frog is filled with eggs They appear as dark or speckled structures You can also see the curly oviducts to the side of the eggs that appear larger in frogs that are reproducing 18 Label the eggs and oviducts

Animal KingdomTo view internal structures the frog is cut from the lower stomach and up toward the jaw The sides of the frog are pinned back to reveal the organs The most visible and largest organ of the body cavity is the liver which can be seen as three green ish lobes lying in the center Each lobe is named for its location from the frog s perspective The left anterior lobe is on the frog s left side Below it is the left posterior lobe There is a single right lobe on the frog s right side 8 Drag the colored circles to the correct lobe

Animal Kingdomground Layout Theme Transition The small intestine is coiled in the body cavity and held together by a thin membrane called the mesentery This membrane contains tiny blood vessels that carry nutrients from digested food into the bloodstream Embedding in these coils is the spleen shown as a reddish sphere This organ is responsible for filtering the blood and replacing worn out blood cells 14 Label the structures on the diagram small intestine mesentery spleen stomach These are eggs so we know this frog is female

Animal KingdomBackground Layout Theme Transition On this frog you can see the large intestine and small intestine and the reddish spleen embedded in the mesentery To the right of the spleen is a cream colored organ that sits on top of the kidney This is the testis and it is only found in male frogs There is another one that sits on the left side kidney not visible in this image Singular Testis Plural Testes 2 16 Label each of the underlined structures large intestine small intestine kidney spleen testis

Animal Kingdom19 The image shows the female reproductive system Identify each of the following by letter Urinary Bladder Cloaca Eggs Kidney Oviducts A 8 Livingstone BIODIDAC E D Juy 99