Biomolecules Questions and Answers

Biomoleculesstion Select all that apply An amino group is present in all amino acids and contains a carbon atom an OH group two hydrogen atoms a nitrogen atom a double bond to an oxygen

BiomoleculesBecause phospholipids are partly and partly they are able to form bilayers and these bilayers form the basic structural of biological membranes

BiomoleculesWhat is a major difference between saturated and unsaturated fatty acids O The presence of a carboxyl group in one but not the other O The number of carbon atoms O The presence of nitrogen in one versus the other O Solubility in water O The presence or absence of carbon carbon double bonds

BiomoleculesAn amino acid found only in bacteria O A lipid involved in storing carbon and energy that may be saturated or unsaturate O A type of nucleotide found in RNA but not DNA O A type of lipid with a characteristic four ring structure O An amino acid used as a signaling molecule

BiomoleculesMultiple Choice Question B HO HO 0 HO III H HHH H HHHHHHH 1 1 1 C c c c C C C C H I I H H HHH 1 I HH I II HHH C H 1 The fatty acid in C is unsaturated How could it be converted to the straight structure in A and E O Remove the upper hydrogen atoms from carbons 4 and 5 counting from the left wh would remove the kink in the molecule O The structure in C cannot be converted into a straight structure O Remove upper hydrogens atoms from carbons 3 and 6 counting from the left to bal ance out those missing from carbons 4 and 5 O Add hydrogen atoms to carbons 4 and 5 counting from the left which would saturate all carbon atoms

BiomoleculesWhat is a phospholipid O A type of triglyceride that contains phosphate groups O An amphipathic molecule used to construct membranes O A hydrophobic molecule involved in cell signaling O A sterol involved in maintaining membrane fluidity O A hydrophobic molecule used for energy storage

BiomoleculesPropanol and isopropanol are isomers This means that they have O O the same molecular formula but different chemical structural arrangements and properties different molecular formulas but the same chemical properties the same molecular formula and the same chemical properties the same molecular formula but represent different states of the compound

BiomoleculesWhich of the following effects is produced by the high surface tension of water O O Lakes don t freeze solid in winter despite low temperatures Only a water strider insect can walk across the surface of a small pond Only a ball floating on water ball floating on water and insect walk on water on surface of the pond

BiomoleculesA compound is defined as O A substance consisting of two or more different elements in a fixed ratio A substance that cannot be broken down to other substances anything that occupies space and has mass the smallest unit of matter that still retains the properties of an element

BiomoleculesWhich of the following statements is FALSE for the class of biological molecules known as lipids They are soluble in water They are an important constituent of cell membranes They contain more energy than proteins and carbohydrates They are not true polymers They contain fats and steroids

BiomoleculesWhich of the following is FALSE about proteins O A defensive protein is an antibody Contractile proteins are present in muscle A structural protein is used for support Starch is a storage protein

BiomoleculesMelanin is made from two molecules of which amino acid O alanine glycine threonine tyrosine

BiomoleculesThe subcutaneous tissue below the skin is known as the O cellulite O dermis O deep fascia

BiomoleculesWhat is the minimum distance you must maintain when parking near a railroad crossing according to the regulations 25 feet 35 feet 50 feet

BiomoleculesAt what blood alcohol concentration BAC level is it illegal to drive 0 08 or more 0 02 or more 0010

Biomolecules6 Use the chemical formula of sucrose C 2H22O11 and aspartame C 4H 8N O5 to calculate their molecular weights Molecular Weight of Sucrose g mol

Biomoleculesndicate whether each of the following statements about covalent bonds 8 8 Bohr Model 8p 8n 8 io 8 1 A water molecule is held together by two single polar covalent bonds Click to select 2 Because oxygen has a greater electronegativity than hydrogen water molecules are polar with two partial negative charges near the oxygen atom and one partial positive charge near each hydrogen atom Click to select 3 Atoms differ in their affinity for neutrons a property called electronegativity Click to select B 4 In general electronegativity increases from left to right across each row of the periodic table and also increases down each column Click to select 5 In a nonpolar covalent bond there is an equal sharing of electrons between two atoms while polar covalent bonds involve an unequal sharing of electrons Click to select 6 A single molecule of oxygen O is held together by two double nonpolar covalent bonds Click to select 7 A covalent bond is formed when two atoms share one or more pairs of electrons Click to select 8 Polar molecules are electrically neutral but the distribution of charge within the molecule is not uniform Click to select 9 Although C and H differ slightly in electronegativity this small difference is negligible and C H bonds are considered polar Click to select B 10 Of the 4 most common elements found in living organisms nitrogen has the highest electronegativity and therefore the greatest affinity for electrons Click to select B

BiomoleculesSatire is not intended to be taken literally O is intended to be taken literally is only accessible to a privileged few can only be written about governments

BiomoleculesHigh heat of vaporization Hydrophobic exclusion High solubility of ions and polar molecules Ice is less dense than liquid water High specific heat A wide variety of substances can 1 5 Lakes freeze from the top down 4 5 The temperature of living organisms 2 5 Nonpolar molecules tend to aggregate 5 5 Evaporation of water is often used to 3 5

Biomoleculesm the oceans when surface water moves away from the coast what happens it is steadily replaced by nutrient rich water moving up from the ocean bottom in a process called upwelling it evaporates causing a humid low pressure system causing a cyclone it cools and loses its ability to carry oxygen the anoxic water sinks along the continental shelf causing upwelling surface water is colder but higher in oxygen while the water at the bottom is warmer denser and higher in nutrients as the surface warms becomes denser and begins to sink displacing nutrient laden water at the bottom in a process called upwelling

BiomoleculesA concentration ratio products to reactants less than Keq means that the reaction will proceed to the right to generate more product that the reaction will proceed to the left to generate more reactants The reaction is at equilibrium The reaction will not proceed

BiomoleculesEnergy requiring reactions can occur in biological systems because they can be coupled with reactions that are unlikely not spontaneous endergonic exersonic

BiomoleculesA spontaneous reaction O could occur but might take a very long time will never occur has an overall positive free energy change has to occur immediately

BiomoleculesWhich sequence reflects the locations that a secretory protein will visit on its way from its production to its secretion outside the cell smooth ER rough ER Golgi complex secretory vesicle rough ER Golgi complex smooth ER ER vesicle nucleus Golgi complex rough or smooth ER secretory vesicle rough ER ER vesicle Golgi complex secretory vesicle rough ER secretory vesicle Golgi complex ER vesicle Question 10 0 75 points Listen Which of the following groups of organelles contain acid hydrolases catalase and detoxifying enzymes for drugs respectively lysosome peroxisome smooth endoplasmic reticulum lysosome mitochondria Golgi complex nucleus peroxisome rough endoplasmic reticulum mitochondria rough endoplasmic reticulum smooth endoplasmic reticulum

BiomoleculesWhat is the most likely mechanism of cell death if a culture of cells is exposed to a toxin that compromises the form and function of the nucleolus The cells will likely die due to depletion of cellular ATP The cells would likely die due to all exocytosis stopping The cells will likely die due to a decline in protein synthesis The cells would likely die due to the stopping of intracellular transport

BiomoleculesIt is known that the enzyme pepsin breaks down protein We would also expect the enzyme pepsin to use hydrolysis True False

BiomoleculesHemoglobin is a type of protein that is responsible for transporting oxygen in the body True False Question 13 0 5 points Listen An unsaturated fat has the maximum number of hydrogens attached to the carbon backbone True False Question 14 0 5 points Listen The sequence of amino acids in a particular protein is determined by the sequence of DNA nucleotides in the gene for that protein

BiomoleculesAn economic theory that examines the relationship between the Fed and the economy The argument that money O should be backed by gold reserves principle that the government has the right to set the value of its currency The The theory that the national debt will never be paid as long as inflation continues to reduce the purchasing power of the dollar

Biomolecules8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 A 0 B C D Unemployment 4 Unemployment 6 Given what you have learned in this lesson which line is most accurate on the graph above As inflation decreases unemployment increases As inflation fluctuates so does unemployment

BiomoleculesQuestion 23 1 point Listen Other tissues cannot rebuild and instead fill in the damaged space with collagen fibers This process is called fibrosis Which types of tissues typically undergo fibrosis when they have been damaged epithelial and connective tissues cardiac and skeletal muscle smooth muscle and skeletal muscle epithelial tissues and neurons Question 24 1 point Listen In the Chapter 4 Summary it states that epithelial tissues are avascular Do epithelial tissue contain blood vessels yes no

BiomoleculesListen Pseudostratified columnar epithelium commonly found in the respiratory tract often has at the apical side cilia point mitochondria its nucleus microvilli Question 10 1 point Listen Why is the vagina lined with stratified squamous epithelium for metabolism for increased surface area for absorption for protection Question 11 1 point Listen What kind of epithelium lines the urinary bladder transitional stratified elu

BiomoleculesWhat characterizes the third person limited narrator The third person limited Onarrator speaks directly to the reader The third person limited O narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of one character The third person limited O narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of all characters The third person limited O narrator uses such pronouns as

BiomoleculesThe Ocell membrane nucleus is the boundary that separates the amoeba organism from its surroundings contractile vacuole food vacuole pseudopodia

BiomoleculesMultiple pl tlines are O None of the choices plots of lesser importance than the main plot in a story various central plots which O occur at the same time throughout a story various subplots which occur at O the same time throughout a story

BiomoleculesQuestion 5 Points 3 What can you infer about the mayor in One of These Days O He is mild mannered and weak O He is dedicated to his work O He is fair and attentive O He is violent and corrupt

BiomoleculesWhat crop will we be working with this week for the Testing Hypothesis lab Select one O Sweet potato O Onion O Strawberry O Corn O Cauliflower

BiomoleculesCrossing over occurs during which stage of the cell cycle Select one O Metaphase II O Prophase II O Mitosis O Prophase I O Metaphase I

Biomolecules20 s Complete this concept map to assess your knowledge of the levels of the four types of macromolecules Enzymes Cholesterol Waxes include membrane component Lipids steroid Nucleotides Phospholipids Starch RNA Amino Acids Monosaccharides include Carbohydrates Glucose double stranded DNA Proteins Nucleic Acids composed of include EE creating composed of single stranded Help

Biomoleculesb Molar Solutions Calculate the formula weight for sucrose Carbon C Hydrogen H Oxygen 0 Formula Weight XXX X II 11

BiomoleculesWhat is the name of the legal document which binds all members of a partnership together O Partnership pact O Partnership charter O Partnership contract Partnership agreement

BiomoleculesWhat fiscal policy might the government enact to help curb increasing unemployment Increase business taxes to stave off stagflation Lower rates on savings accounts to discourage leakage Give tax credits to businesses investing in new plants Enact legislation that extends unemployment benefits

Biomolecules5 How many grams of NaCl are required to prepare 60 mL of a 19 solution 23 35 5 58 5

Biomolecules3 How many grams are NaCl are required to prepare 200 mL of a 3 10 M solution 23 35 5 58 5

BiomoleculesThe product life cycle is the time period the product O may be used by the consumer before it becomes obsolete the time period from the product s introduction to the market and ends when the product is taken off the market the time period between product design and release to the market which could be several months or years the time period the FDA takes to complete testing and certifying a particular product for

BiomoleculesThe language of a play may use many of the same devices writers use in like similes metaphors and imagery communicate ideas O poetry O costume design O literature None of the choices to

BiomoleculesPalmitic acid H Olelc acid trans H Olela acid cis HO Condition Cyclopropane fatty acid HO Increase the amount of cis unsaturated fatty acids Increase the amount of hopane or hopanoids in the membrane Increase the amount of cyclized fatty acids in the membrane Increase the carbon chain length of the fatty acid External condition Temperature goes from 15 C to 43 C Composition of free fatty acid fractions The compositions were determined as previously described 6 and are expressed as percentages of the total radioactivity 10 000 to 50 000 epm Palmitoleio cia Vaccento cis 13 Ricosenola Myriatio Palmitic Stearle Acid Arachidio Behenlo 4 0 42 4 17 0 1 0 11 6 20 3 4 1 1 0 LWI 43 3 2 10 5 2 8 5 6 28 3 Strala 15 3 0 40 7 10 6 1 0 25 8 17 1 2 8 38 9 9 9 1 1 1 0 LWS 43 3 7 11 8 2 5 8 7 44 2 20 5 2 0 1 0 Table from JOURNAL OF BIOLOQICAL CHEMISTRY Vol 250 No 17 Issue of September 10 pp 7074 7077 1975 Makes membrane More Makes membrane Less Fluid fluid

Biomoleculesgren Translate the DNA sequence in the atrium just the sequence that is part of the double helix et me that you ha nder mptions Mogading G C T A TA GC CG T G CH 123830