Biomolecules Questions and Answers

Biomoleculesoccurs when an antigen and an antibody connect A Agglutination B Guttation C Disintegration D Clotting

BiomoleculesA The neuron to the right shows a cation waiting to rush into the cell during a nerve impulse sodium B nitrogen CI CI C Na chlorine

BiomoleculesIn serine protease catalytic triad mechanism the first and second products that leaves the active site are Amide and carboxylic acid respectively Ester and amide respectively Carboxylic acid and amide respectively Carboxylic acid and ester respectively

BiomoleculesThe H precursor of ABO blood group system consists of proteins on to which sugar molecules are attached to Which among the 4 sugar molecules given below is not present in the H precursor of O antigen Galactose ON acetyl galactosamine Fucose N acetyl glucosamine

BiomoleculesA What term is used to refer to the highlighted epithelium in a blood vessel O epidermis O respiratory epithelium O mesothelium O endothelium 4

BiomoleculesWhich of the following was not a result of the implementation of steam power in American industry during the first half of the nineteenth century O rapid urbanization which caused overcrowding and sanitation problems O the employment of women and children in factories O a transformation of the work force that emphasized mostly unskilled labor laws to regulate the working environments of American workers

BiomoleculesWhich of the following was not a noteworthy work of fiction in the nineteenth century Wide Wide World The Lamplighter Our Nig O Her Revenge

BiomoleculesThe American Party a nativist group exerted fairly significant political power during the 1840s The party was casually known as O the Know Nothings O the Greenbackers the Whigs the Nativists

BiomoleculesA D O A OB OC B o SOD 0 CHO H OH H H H N H Which of the above molecules is a phospholipid N C H H R O N C C OH H

BiomoleculesThis matching question is all related to review material this process leads to an increase of blood vessels Pap smear nucleotide inherited mutation Xy Butter Olive oil Choose hemizygote unsaturated fat amino acids building block DNA homozygous saturated fat angiogenesis early detection of cervical cance germline mutation Choose

BiomoleculesWhen we compare our various bio organic macromolecules we find that the function of proteins is primarily for building blocks for nucleic acids energy storage for movement structure and strength building blocks for lipids hergy production for movement

BiomoleculesLarge polysaccharides differ by Presence of branching All of the above O Chain length The kind s of The kind s of sugar in each polysaccharide

BiomoleculesIf you were told that the carbohydrate had 14 hydrogens then you know the formula for this carbohydrate is C 28H14028 o True o False

BiomoleculesProvide the following information from the picture above Electrons Protons Atomic number Charge Element Symbol Base the charge on the picture NOT gaining losing electrons


Biomoleculesact as antioxidants form structural components of the cell membrane carbohydrates proteins fats provide a quick source of energy for cells and tissues vitamins form tissues growth factors and hormones

Biomolecules3 In eukaryotes there are several different types of RNA polymerase Which type is involved in transcription of mRNA for a protein a RNA polymerase I b 0 primase 0204000 RNA polymerase III d RNA polymerase II

Biomolecules2 If a researcher moves the repressor gene lach and its promoter to a position at some several thousand base pairs away from its normal position which of the following describes the most likely effect on the lac operon The repressor will no longer bind to the inducer The repressor will no longer bind to the operator The lac operon will function normally DO The lac operon will be expressed continuously nceki 2 20 Sonraki Kanat

Biomolecules3 Why did increasing the pressure increase the filtration rate but not the concentration of solutes How well did the results compare with your prediction Recall that during the experiment you were asked What will happen it you increase the pressure above the beaker the driving pressure You answered The filtration rate will increase I rimont to answer a

Biomolecules2 Which solute did not appear in the filtrate using any of the membranes Explain why nt Results if you need to review your results from the Experiment to answer a

BiomoleculesA Structure 1 is called a chromatid Two of them together make a centromere B structure 1 structure 2 chromatid C chromosome

Biomoleculesou are studying three populations of birds Population A has ten birds of which one is brown a recessive trait and nine are red Population B has 100 birds of which ten are brown Population C has 30 birds and three of them are brown Q In which population would it be least likely that an accident would significantly alter the frequency of the brown allele population A population C Opopulation B They are all the same It is impossible to tell from the information given

Biomolecules11 15 8 12 Compare and contrast the evolutionary mechanisms of genetic drift and natural selection In what ways are they the same Different A

Biomolecules18 15 00 42 00 09 00 3 00 7 00 49 41 Listen A fruit fly population has a gene with two alleles A1 dominant and A2 recessive Tests show that 70 of the gametes produced in the population contain the A1 allele If the population is in Hardy Weinberg equilibrium what is the frequency of the homozyous recessive genotype point Question 17 1 point Listen Which of the following scenarios represento selection

Biomoleculesten To apply parsimony to constructing a phylogenetic tree choose the tree that assumes all evolutionary changes are equally probable choose the tree that represents the fewest evolutionary changes either in DNA sequences or morphology choose the tree in which the branch points are based on as many shared derived characters as possible O base phylogenetic trees only on the fossil record as this provides the simplest explanation for evolution fowest branch points

BiomoleculesOrganisms that possess homologous structures probably are headed for extinction by chance had similar mutations in the past have increased genetic diversity evolved from the same ancestor are not related

Biomoleculesowing anatomical structures which is homologous to the wing of a bird fin of a dolphin Oleg of a cricket O tail of a kangaroo wing of a butterfly Question 8 1 point Listen

Biomoleculesphylogeny a true clade consists of all organisms that share similar characteristics all members of sister taxa a single ancestral species and all descendants all ancestral species and at least one descendant all organisms that show derived characters not necessarily the same o

BiomoleculesMacLellan John 12 51 p m Baldness b is an X linked recessive allele If a mom is heterozygous for baldness and the dad is bald what is the chance of a baby boy being born with normal hair Show all 8 steps in your answer

BiomoleculesTo compensate for the loss of in an aquatic environment and to counteract the impacts of gravity in a terrestrial biome plants need and cellulose in their cell walls A buoyancy B gravity C water

BiomoleculesEach of these geometric shapes has a different number of sides Rank these shapes from greatest to fewest number of sides To rank items as equivalent overlap them octagon triangle Greatest number of sides pentagon hexagon square rectangle Reset Help Least number of sides

Biomoleculestogether by the removal of water dehydration synthesis decomposition reaction hydrolysis exchange reaction Question 5 1 point Listen gh which monomers are joined Globular proteins may unfold and lose their function due to a decrease in pH or an increase in temperature True

BiomoleculesGlobular proteins may unfold and lose their function due to a decrease in pH or an increase in temperature True False

BiomoleculesAn atom s atomic number is 8 and its mass number is 18 How many electrons would that atom have 8 Cannot be determined from this information 10 18

BiomoleculesAll of the following are true except one Select the statement that is FALSE regarding positive and or negative feedback Negative feedback is crucial for maintaining homeostasis In negative feedback the response decreases or reduces the original stimulus In positive feedback the response increases or enhances the original stimulus often resulting in an amplifying effect Positive feedback regulates mechanisms that are beneficial to the body whereas negative feedback regulates mechanisms that are harmful to the body

BiomoleculesPredation has been hypothesized as one of the most important driving forces for increasing biodiversity of animals on earth due to escalating arms and race interactic between predators and prey Huntley and Kowalewski 2007 compiled a species lew database of predation intensity as measured by the frequency of common predation traces drillings and repair scars ranging in age from Ediacaran to Holocene Based the graph would you conclude that there is a correlation between biodiversity num of genera and predation frequency Number of Marine Animal Genera 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 Mean Standing Diversity 6000 600 4000 2000 O 0 600 500 400 300 200 100 500 400 0 2 0 16 0 12 0 08 0 04 0 0 Ediac C OS D MP Pm R J 300 Age Ma Median Predation Trace Frequency Drillhole A Repair Scar 200 coccer Y K 100 poco co GOOOX DC LOCO 004400 RETRA og 0 8 Pg Ng 0 6 0 4 0 0 2 0 Frequency of Specimens with Predation Traces

BiomoleculesIt was discovered that certain cellular processes could lead to aging in humans A scientist is trying to discover how to prevent aging in humans Which of the following is an essential question the scientist could answer to help with the research A B C D Why do mutations occur during DNA replication in gametes How can cell division be inhibited to stop uncontrolled cell growth Why are signal transduction pathways affected by Internal and external factors How can the shortening of telomeres be prevented during DNA replication

BiomoleculesWhich of the following explains a difference in gene expression between a eukaryotic and a prokaryotic cell A B C D An mRNA strand in a eukaryotic cell is only composed of introns An mRNA strand in a prokaryotic cell contains both introns and exons An mRNA strand in a eukaryotic cell can undergo alternative splicing in which several proteins can be produced from one gene An mRNA strand in a prokaryotic cell can undergo alternative splicing in which several proteins can be produced from one gene

BiomoleculesDuring DNA replication Okazaki fragments are formed when synthesizing one of the strands of DNA Which statement correctly identifies Okazaki fragments and how they are formed A Okazaki fragments are long DNA sequences on the leading strand which are synthe sized in the opposite direction of the replication fork B C D Okazaki fragments are short DNA sequences on the leading strand which are synthe sized in the same direction as the replication fork Okazaki fragments are long DNA sequences on the lagging strand which are synthe sized in the same direction as the replication fork Okazaki fragments are short DNA sequences on the lagging strand which are synthe

BiomoleculesObserve the process of transduction in the image below Cell 1 is represented by A Cell 2 is represented by B and Cell 1 s DNA is represented by a The blue color represents the components of the bacteriophage m Process of transduction A m B C 2 B n Wo Which of the following correctly identifies a process that occurs during transduction 3 a Genetic information is being transferred between bacterial cells using a pilus During meiosis crossing over occurs which combines the genetic information of Cell A and Cell B Cell A s DNA was inserted into Cell B and incorporated into the genome of Cell B m

BiomoleculesOccasionally environments will experience periods of rapid change Which of the following correctly identifies what may happen to a species well suited to the former environment A Traits favorable in the original environment may be detrimental in the new B C D environment The population may change so much in adapting to the new environment that it is con sidered a new species If the species cannot adapt to the changing environment the species could eventually go extinct Individuals with particular traits that provide an advantage in the new environment will have higher reproductive success

BiomoleculesThe earliest evidence of life on Earth comes from fossils discovered in western Australia that date back around 3 5 billion years Which of the following organisms provides the earliest evidence of life on Earth A B fish viruses C cyanobacteria

BiomoleculesWhich of the following best describes the process of hydrolysis of proteins A B C D The addition of a water molecule forms a covalent bond between amino acids The addition of a water molecule breaks a peptide bond between amino acids The removal of a water molecule breaks a peptide bond between amino acids The removal of a water molecule forms a covalent bond between amino acids

BiomoleculesWhich of the following are true regarding gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes 1 Eukaryotic DNA cannot be transcribed by prokaryotic RNA polymerase II Posttranscription RNA modifications are not necessary in prokaryotic RNA III Eukaryotic DNA contain introns and exons while prokaryotes just contain exons IV Eukaryotic gene expression is continuous while gene expression in prokaryotes is sepa rated into two processes A B C II III and IV I and III III and IV

Biomoleculeslonizing radiation the type of radiation used to perform X rays can damage DNA by break ing weak bonds in the DNA double helix Which of the following best explains how this occurs A B C D lonizing radiation breaks DNA strands in two by breaking covalent bonds between the sugar phosphate backbone molecules lonizing radiation damages the double helix structure by breaking the covalent bonds between the nitrogenous base pairs Ionizing radiation damages the double helix structure by breaking the hydrogen bonds between the nitrogenous base pairs Ionizing radiation breaks DNA strands in two by breaking hydrogen bonds between the

Biomoleculesyellow reen d lue Bag A B grams C Weight change Gain Hypothesis weight gain loss or unchanged Loss gain unchanged 1055 loss 3 N T O 2 3 4 0 min Initial wt 0 31 15 Total Wt 20 07 10 min Change in wt from initial 29 77 1 38 27 39 27 67 28 20 96 89 26 07 28 1 2 04 10 Time Total wt 28 61 20 min 21 67 28 44 Change in wt from initial 2 54 10 52 clock time 0 min If bag loses weight make weight change negative if bag gains weight make weight change positive 1 6 11 State evidence that osmosis occurred Total wt 2 37 30 min 27 74 35 27 68 29 27 33 06 Change in wt from Initial Change in wt from Initial 27 93 3 22 26 64 4 5 29 42 Graph 1 Change in weight of cells due to osmosis Total wt 21 79 1 72 22 4 2 34 3 35 40 min 40 30 39 4 32 20 30 Time in minutes Note You may change the numbers of the vertical axis to better depict your data

BiomoleculesO Identify the structural classification of the joint formed by the highlighted area I