Biomolecules Questions and Answers

BiomoleculesThere are four types of attachment styles according to attachment theory These are secure attachment avoidant attachment insecure avoidant attachment and resistant attachment a b C secure attachment avoidant attachment disinhibited attachment and resistant attachment secure attachment avoidant attachment resistant attachment and disorganized attachment d secure attachment avoidant attachment disorganized attachment and reactive attachment disorder

Biomoleculestion 38 2 points Listen ich of the following populations are the mo rder a children who have no family history of t

BiomoleculesThe goal of behavior therapy is a to extinguish a patient s fear of an anxiety producing situation by replacing fear with an alternative response b to help patients cope with an anxiety producing situation by replacing fear with an alternative response c to systematically desensitize a fearful situation by replacing fear with an alternative response d to help patients cope with an anxiety producing situation and stop using avoidance behaviors O

BiomoleculesDescribe and give the name of the two main shapes of bacteria observed under the microscope in lab today Edit View Insert Format Tools Table

BiomoleculesAll of the following would be considered zoonoses EXCEPT A Lyme disease B swine flu C anthrax OD rabies F measles rubeola

BiomoleculesWhich is the test shown below and the result Your bacteria Opposite result catalase positive coagulase negative oxidase positive catalase negative coagulase positive

BiomoleculesListen Moraxella should be oxidase positive and should turn the BBL slide purple within the first 15 seconds True False

BiomoleculesStaphylococcus aureus should be positive for should be negative for catalase If the two statements above are accurate then only Staphylococcus aureus should display bubbles with the addition of hydrogen peroxide True False

BiomoleculesBiology 10 General II Drag the item to its correct place Waterproofing insulation fun such as triglycer such as Lipid

BiomoleculesPancreatic acinar cells were selected for the original original Pulse Chase experiment of Dr Palade and his colleagues because almost all of the proteins they produce are Hormones Secreted Similar Enzmes

BiomoleculesQuestion 11 Which of the following are xenobiotics Mark all that apply Oil and petroleum products Dyes Lubricants Pesticides Paint Question 12 JUS Match the column of the bacterial example to its importance in bioremediation Alcanivorax borkumensis Choose

Biomoleculesstion 5 re in the bacterial cell is the ATP synthesized side the cell membrane n the periplasmic space nside the nucleoid estion 6 ich of the following molecules represents a form of energy as a reducing NORDH

BiomoleculesQuestion 3 In competitive inhibition a molecule that is physically similar to the substrate blocks t O allosteric site O active site O product O activation energy Question 4 Match the terms on the left to the correct explanation on the pull down menu

Biomolecules3 Watch the below by answering YES or NO to differentiate cyclic and noncyc answered 4 TABLE 1 Contrasting cyclic and noncyclic photophosphorylation CYCLIC Photoph Both PSI an PSII are involved Only Psi is involved Electron expelled from chlorophyll is cycled back Photolysis of water by the OEC replaces electron to chlorophyll Oxygen is released from the photolysis of water NADP is reduced to NADPH 5 Watch the video on REDOX Reactions Then complete the table

BiomoleculesIdentify the structure shown here at the red arrow that is associated with asexual reproduction

BiomoleculesThe stalk and capsule are structures associated with Lichens Moss gametophytes Mushrooms

BiomoleculesQuestio 1 point The figure below is a longitudinal section of Basidiocarp Archegoniophore O Antheridiophore Gemmae cun

BiomoleculesFor the Lineweaver Burk plot give the equations for the slope and y intercept For the toolbar press ALT F10 PC or ALT FN F10 Mac

BiomoleculesWrite the reaction scheme for Michaelis Menten kinetics For the toolbar press ALT F10 PC or ALT FN F10 Mac BIUS Paragraph v Open Sans ES P E

BiomoleculesIn the original Pulse Chase experiment of Palade and colleagues what was does the or of grains on the y axis represent Proteins RNA Leucine Secretory vesicles

BiomoleculesSucrose is a disaccharide sugar that binds to sucrase During the reaction glucose and fructose are produced The enzyme substrate complex would be represented by sucrose and sucrase sucrase and glucose sucrase and fructose sucrose glucose and fructose

BiomoleculesQUESTION 3 proteins mitochondria ribosomes are composed of two subunits made of RNA and proteins and are responsible for the synthesis of microtubules chloroplasts transport vesicles QUESTION 4

BiomoleculesYour beloved hamster Fred has died Rest in peace Rigor mortis has set in and the muscles are in a state of contraction You know from biology class that the energy from a phosphate from ATP attaches to myosin and results in the contracted state of the muscle Why does the muscle stay contracted after death The ADP molecule binds to myosin and keeps the muscle contracted after death The nerve controlling muscle contraction can be stimulated after death The phosphate falls off of the myosin protein and the muscle stays contracted As long as the phosphate is attached the muscle will stay contracted because the phosphate has activated the myosin protein and it is performing work

BiomoleculesWhat is the maximum value of kcat KM remember units Why is there a maximum value For the toolbar press ALT F10 PC or ALT FN F10 Mac BI

BiomoleculesLabel the catalytic strategies below as covalent catalysis general acid base catalysis or approximation and orientation effects 8 pts In this type of catalysis usually Ser or Thr is A Covalent catalysis used as a nucleophile to attack an electrophilic atom on the substrate B General acid base ca All enzymes employ this catalytic strategy Active site amino acids are positioned precisely to bind to the substrate and bring it together where it facilitates catalysis Zinc ions can function as electrostatic stabilization or serving as an electrophilic catalyst A charged amino acid donates or accepts a proton C Metal ion catalysis D Approximation and o

BiomoleculesWhat model of enzyme activity is being described by the following statement In this model the active site AA are positioned precisely to bind the substrate as it is and the substrate fits into the active site with no conformational changes needed

BiomoleculesConsider the following biological process Sunlight is trapped by plants Plants use the solar energy to produce sugars Sugars are consumed by other organisms The sugars are used to produce ATP The sunlight represents energy Acceptable Formats Give me options

BiomoleculesLabel the Diagram Label the diagrams of cells using the following terms di ransport equilibrium The arrows show the direction o High CO2 levels 8 H O molecules

BiomoleculesRemember the Maine became a popular slogan in American newspapers O Confederation O Yellow journalism O Sepoy lingoiem

BiomoleculesHow long does it take to set up a spar drilling rig from lease purchase to first production O 14 years O 1 year O 2 4 years O 5 years

BiomoleculesThe function of cellular respiration is to O harvesting usable energy from glucose O extract CO2 from the atmosphere O produce carbohydrates Osynthesize macromolecules from monomers

BiomoleculesTo fight COVID 19 the pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly and Co designed and developed a treatment of a monoclonal antibody bamlanivimab that recognizes the spike protein found on the surface of the novel coronavirus The spike protein is required for entry into human cells so the antibody protein binding to it blocks the ability of the virus to infect our cells On Nov 9 2020 the US FDA granted an emergency use authorization for the antibody to be used to fight severe COVID 19 infections By April 2021 the FDA revoked its authorization because the coronavirus had mutated and the antibody was no longer effective at inhibiting the new variants from infecting our cells Based on the finding that new variants of coronavirus are no longer inhibited by the monoclonal antibody bamlanivimab which of the following statements is true about the interaction between bamlanivimab and the mutated coronavirus spike protein O The number of noncovalent bonds between antibody and mutant spike protein increased The number of noncovalent bonds between antibody and mutant spike protein decreased The number of covalent bonds between antibody and mutant spike protein increased The number of covalent bonds between antibody and mutant spike protein decreased O

BiomoleculesParent generation First generation F1 Second generation F2 Ova YYRR Gametes YR YR 1 4 YR 1 4 YYRR Yr 1 4 YYRr yr 1 4 Sperm Yr 1 4 YyRr YYIT YR 1 4 YYTT yr 1 4 YYRr YYRR YyRr YyRr Yyrr 9 16 Yellow round 3 16 Green round 3 16 1 4 YYRR YYRr YYRR yyRr Yellow wrinkled 1 16 YyRr YYTT yyRr YYTT Green wrinkled Y dominant allele for seed color yellow y recessive allele for seed color green R dominant allele for seed shape round 9 What are the genotypes of the original parents P generation 10 11 How many kernels of each phenotype do you have Type Purple Smooth Purple wrinkled yellow Smooth yellow wrinkled Total kernels counted Row 1 18 10 3 2 33 12 What phenotypic ratio do you obtain 13 What did the F1 individuals LOOK LIKE phenotype 14 What was the GENOTYPE of the F1 individuals Row 2 17 8 10 2 37 Ro 2

BiomoleculesO Water constitutes about what percentage of an adult s body weight a 55 b 35 c 40 O d 75 e 60

BiomoleculesWhich of the following is not an essential trace mineral a copper b chromium c nickel d selenium e molybdenum

BiomoleculesWhich term describes vitamins that are inactive in food but become active once inside the body a precursors b cofactors c coenzymes d antioxidants e equivalents

BiomoleculesO Which of the following functions is true of vitamins in general a They are considered macronutrients O b Some yield energy Oc Structurally they are linked together Od They help enzymes participate in the release of energy from carbohydrates proteins and fats e They are not as readily available in food as carbohydrates fats and proteins O O O O