Biotechnology: Principles and Processes Questions and Answers

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesTo study motor function on microtubules scientists can create purified stable fluorescently labeled microtubules and motors different colors and watch movement of the kinesin walking along the microtubule using a fluorescence microscopy This allows scientists to analyze the kinetics of kinesin movement velocity of movement what regulates movement etc A How might you expect that molecular biologists create stable and labeled microtubules for this experiment B Based on what you know about how kinesin motor activity is regulated by ATP ADP and nucleotide release what do you think would happen if you added only ADP to this rather than ATR12

Biotechnology: Principles and Processesstatus as their skills constantly was where stone masons gathered shared ideas and relaxed 2A 3 On a Medival castle work site Carpenters built 4 A furnace or bloomery is used for 5 The temperature in the furnace has to get over 6 A degrees to melt iron and steel needs to be compacted in order to be folded to then be made into 7 Metal is quenched in water to 8 One watermill could produce as much grain as 9 According to the Domesday book there were 10 Blacksmiths were believed to have made 11 Tenants on a lord s land would have had to use the 12 Each castle s measurements were 13 14 You slice the top of an uncooked loaf of bread to 15 The purpose of a fire in a bread stove is to people grinding it by hand watermills in England by 1080 CE with the to grind their flour and and based on the are chiseled into frames as a code to make it easier to reassemble the wood on the castle walls for the lord for the sem at the site

Biotechnology: Principles and Processes10 11 9 8 6 7 Hand Instruments Instrument used to remove soft dentin and decay from the tooth Multifunctional instrument with the sharp point at the tip sensitive to distinguish areas of calculus or decay on the surface of the teeth This instrument measures the sulcus of pocket depth of the periodontium of each tooth Instrument used to carry place and retrieve small objects such as cotton pellets gauze and cotton roll instrument used for a variety of purposes indirect vision reflecting light onto a surface retraction of tongue and soft tissue such as lips and cheek This double ended instrument is designed to pack freshly mixed amalgam and carry it to the prepared tooth Instrument used to contour or remove excess material interproximally Chapter 34 with the dish and claw like end Instrument used to carve the restorative material on the occlusal surface material restorative material Instrument with smooth working end and used to smooth the surface of a preparation This instrument is also plugger used to pack down freshly placed amalgam into the H Instruments are designed specifically for the placement of composite restorative

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesQuestion 15 If the recombination frequency between P and O is 7 4 and between N and O it is 7 9 what is the likely order of these genes on the chromosome if the distance between N and P is 15 7 N O P O P N Sither P O N or N O P 0 5 pts OO N D

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesYou are working as a cytogeneticist a scientist who looks for and evaluates chromosomal and genetic abnormalities and you have been asked to look at cell samples from a woman who is experiencing infertility You first stain the cells to look for Barr bodies and you find that she has two Barr bodies in each cell Which of the following is a possible conclusion about her sex chromosomes She is genotype XXX She has only a single X chromosome A She is XXY with a non functional Y chromosome

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesIn pure labor markets sellers of labor services are main buyers of labor services and companies workers companies government Oworkers companies government companies

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesThe ciliary action of the cells lining the lumen of fallopian tube are responsible for transporting an egg from the ovaries to the uterus Which cytoskeleton structures are linked to this movement Microtubules Flagella Microfilaments Intermediate filaments

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesA Describe the process that would generate a mouse conditional knockout of Nanog in primitive hematopoietic cells It is not necessary to understand the function of primitive hematopoietic cells to answer this question B Why is a conditional knockout approach required for studying Nanog in mouse primitive hematopoietic cells

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesI Objective Experimental Setup Plant Handling Duration and Data Collection To examine the effects of different soil mass levels on the number of leaves on each branch of Marigold Tagetes plants Four pots with different levels of soil mass 5 cm 7 5 cm 12 cm and 15 cm The constant variables included same amounts of water similar location sites and sunlight exposure Pots located on the balcony containing the Marigold plants They all receive the same kind soil and are kept outside the entire day time of the IA experiment Leaves are hand counted in every trial Continuous experiment for approximately 1 5 months With 4 specific records of data collection days August 8 10 16 20 and 25 Sufficient doto

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesHerbicides are chemicals used to kill or inhibit the growth of unwanted plants and weeds Many herbicides work by blocking electron carriers or reducing their ability to carry electrons in the light dependent reactions One such chemical is DCMU 3 3 4 dichlorophenyl 1 1 dimethylurea DCMU is an algaecide and herbicide that works by blocking the electron binding site of plastoquinone This means that photosystem II is unable to transfer electrons from the splitting of water to plastoquinone This effectively shuts down the linear flow of electrons in the light dependent reactions a Identify the molecule produced in the light dependent reactions that would be most affected by the shutting down of linear electron flow b Connect how the molecule affected in part a is used in the Calvin cycle c Describe what would effectively happen to the Calvin cycle as a result of exposure to DCMU

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesWhich of the following statements referring to the schema of a replication bubble is true 5 3 A C E H B D O A and D are leading strands C and B are lagging strands A and B are lagging strands C and D are leading strands A and C are lagging strands B and D are leading strands OA and D are lagging strands B and C are leading strands O A and B are leading strands C and D are lagging strands O A and C are leading strands B and D are lagging strands F 3 5

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesThe heart is a n O tissue epithelial O tissue connective O organ connective organ muscle organ epithelial Previous composed mainly of tissue

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesIf you tear your Achilles tendon you are damaging ECM rich tissue O connective O epithelial O nervous O muscle

Biotechnology: Principles and Processes0 5 p In the citric acid cycle some intermediates are used in other metabolic reactions Which of the following adaptations would need to be made by a cell in response to this O Cells would have to use energy sources other than glucose for metabolism O Some oxaloacetate would need to be produced through an alternative pathway to combine with acetyl CoA O Some citrate would need to be produced through an alternative pathway to combine with acetyl CoA O The citric acid cycle would eventually shut down when it ran out of int

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesQuestion 7 Where does the Calvin cycle occur O chloroplast stroma Othylakoid lumen O chloroplast outer membrane thylakoid membrane O chloroplast inner membrane

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesIf you have an unknown culture that contains two different bacterial species typically found in the environment what media would you choose first for your first transfer from the TSB OTSA plate O Selective media plate OEZ media plate Enriched media plate

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesDNA sequencing The PCR amplification that occurs during a sequencing reaction results in linear amplification though conventional PCR amplification with two delineating primers gives exponential amplification 3 Marks a What does linear amplification mean 1 Mark b How many strands of DNA are amplified from a one single double stranded template after 26 cycles of 1 a conventional PCR amplification and 2 a sequencing PCR amplification 2 Marks

Biotechnology: Principles and Processesa The pBR322 derived ORI of pTAC MAT Tag 1 dictates the number of plasmids found in a cell What is a reasonable range for the copy number value to expect for the pTAC MAT Tag 1 T7 plasmid you will purify in this lab 1 Mark b The pTAC MAT Tag 1 vector caries a gene conferring a resistance to ampicillin can you name another selectable marker antibiotic resistance found in other vector What is the mechanism of action of the gene product 2 Marks

Biotechnology: Principles and Processes13 This data was collected after a culture of E coli was initially exposed to different concentrations of different disinfectants Its ability to grow in the presence of each disinfectant is evaluated column initial The E coli is then subcultured into media that does not contain the disinfectant and its ability to grow after the disinfectant is removed is evaluated column subcultured Which of the following disinfectants exhibits ONLY bacteriocidal activity at all effective concentrations growth No growth Concentration 1 10 1 20 1 100 1 1000 1 5000 Initial Disinfectant 1 a Disinfectant 1 b Disinfectant 2 c Disinfectant 3 d Disinfectant 4 Subculture Initial Disinfectant 3 Disinfectant 2 Subculture Initial Subculture Initial Disinfectant 4 Subculture 14 Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the control of microbial growth via irradiation a Irradiated foods are dangerous to consume and the FDA has banned them from being sold within the US b Exposure to UV gamma rays electron beams and X rays works causes damage to the cell s nucleic acids c Gamma radiation is the most effective way to neutralize prions d UV exposure has been shown to be extremely effective at penetrating surfaces 15 Which of the following statements is TRUE in regards to the stress induced toxin antitoxin system in E coli In this system MazE is the antitoxin and MazF is the toxin a Maze is synthesized continuously but MazF is synthesized only when the cell is under stress b Peptide fragments from G6PD will cleave mRNA and result in the cellular stasis c The stress response will result in the cell discontinuing synthesis of both MazE and MazF but the more stable MazF will persist in the cell for longer than MazE and can begin cleaving mRNA molecules d The stress response will result in the cell discontinuing synthesis of MazE but not MazF herefore MazF is free to begin cleaving mRNA molecules

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesYou are working on the trp operon in a lab and are working with two mutants In Mutant A the operator region of the operon carries a mutation that decreases affinity of the repressor for the operon Mutant B expresses a trp repressor protein that cannot bind tryptophan but still has good affinity for the operator a super repressor Determine whether the following would be true in Mutant A Mutant B neither or both These mutants will show a wildtype normal phenotype at all tryptophan concentrations if a non mutated trp repressor could be inserted in the genome and expressed from it These cells die if tryptophan is omitted from their medium due to lack of tryptophan availability In the absence of tryptophan RNA polymerase holoenzyme can access the promoter of the trp operon in these cells In these cells tryptophan binds directly to the DNA regulating RNA polymerase Choose Choose Choose Choose

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesIn early experiments on RNA interference it was discovered that a 20 to 25 nucleotide long single stranded RNA ssRNA whether sense or anti sense meaning matching the sequence of the mRNA or a complementary sequence to the mRNA injected into cells did not work particularly well in gene silencing Instead it was shown that a 20 25bp double stranded RNA dsRNA that was made up of the sense and anti sense strand base paired together was very effective at silencing the mRNA it matched Moreover it was shown that only a small amount of that dsRNA was required to silence a large number of target mRNAs These are interesting observations given that RISC only uses a single stranded piece of RNA siRNA or miRNA in gene silencing and does so by binding in a 1 1 ratio of RNA guide to mRNA Provide an explanation for each of these observations based on what you know about how cells work and the mechanism of RNA interference

Biotechnology: Principles and Processes1 Sleeping is an adventure for astronauts 2 Some astronauts like to float free in the Shuttle to sleep gently bouncing off a wall once in a while 3 Other astronauts sleep better if they are zipped into a sleeping bag 4 This feels more like sleeping in a bed on Earth 5 There s even a little pillow they can fasten to their heads with a strap 6 Astronauts have a hard time staying clean in space 7 There is no shower or bathtub on the Shuttle so astronauts have to take sponge baths 8 They can brush their teeth the regular way but have to be careful that toothpaste globs don t drift away 9 All the trash and garbage has to be brought back to Earth 1 Choose the sentence that would most likely appear as the last sentence in the passage OA Altogether life on a Shuttle is little harder than life on Earth OB Also life on a shuttle is a little harder than life on Earth OC OD For example life on a Shuttle is a little harder than life on Earth In the same way the astronauts take time on the Shuttle to play

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesEntropy increases 6 1 2 4 45 A 1 Example Requires energy Types of reactions 2 Example Releases energy 4 Reactions Type of molecule 7 8 Conformation change Competitive Inhibitor binds to 9 A 8 Lowers activation energy 5 A Enzymes ADP POATP C Exergonic D Catalyst Non competitive Inhibitor binds to ATPADP PO 4 Inhibition 10

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesRANDOM ASSORTMENT or Independent Assortment At metaphase 1 tetrads line up randomly at the metaphase plate Sometimes all the paternal or all the maternal chromosomes face the north pole of the cell Most often there is a random mix of some paternal and some maternal chromosomes facing the north side There is no way to know which way the maternal and paternal chromosomes will go These northbound chromosomes eventually end up in half of the gamete cells and the southbound chromosomes end up in the other gamete cells If a cell only has one type of chromosome then there are only 2 possible arrangements of chromosomes at the metaphase I plate These 2 arrangements result in 2 different types of gametes If N number of type of chromosomes then the number of possible chromosome combinations in gametes 2 Show and draw how different arrangements of the 3 types of pop bead chromosomes at the cell equator at metaphase I could lead to 8 different combinations in the genetic information of gametes Indicate color and size of chromosomes clearly 1000

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesSuppose that the peptide Ala Met Lys Ser is reacted with phenylisothiocyanate at pH 8 0 followed by mild acidification which is the first cycle of the Edman method Which of the following would be released OPTH Ser and the peptide Ala Met Lys O The labeled peptide Ala Met Lys Ser PTH PTH Ala and the peptide Met Lys Ser O PTH Ala PTH Ser PTH Lys and PTH Met

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesQuestion 5 Karl Popper suggested that scientists use imaginative preconception which means that successful scientists O do not keep records of experiments that fail O do not need to do experiments to test their ideas O only perform applied research O often predict the outcome of experiments O cannot predict the outcome of experiments

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesWhich media is not considered a combination differential media a Urea broths b SIM medium c TSI slants d MIO medium Hey liso sitoed adi gord 226q of liema oc

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesPROCEDURE ead the case sections and perform the analyses as structed At the Patient s Bedside A 68 year old man is brought to the emergency department ED of the hospital where you work He reports a severe stabbing pain in his lower back nausea without vomiting and blood in his urine CT scan imaging revealed two kidney stones renal calculi in the left kidney as well as one stone lodged in the urethra and another stuck in the distal portion of the left ureter He is running a fever and has underlying health conditions such as diabetes and heart disease The ED doctor orders urine and blood samples to be collected for microbiological analysis as well as for other tests Once the samples are collected the doctor starts the patient on a broad spectrum intravenous antibacterial drug and admits him for inpatient hospital care In the Clinical Microbiology Lab Day Same Day as Sample Collection You are responsible for analyzing the patient s urine sample and detecting the pathogen of interest You start with a Gram stain of the centrifuged urine sample You observe the following via light microscopy Fig 47 3 FIGURE 47 3 Gram Stain of Centrifuged Urine Sample gram Negative Tod s 1 Gram property 2 Cell shape 3 Cellular arrangement Single 4 Assuming oil immersion microscopy with a 10x ocular and 100x objective what would the final magnification be for the image 1000 5 Based on the Gram stain and morphological information you can make an informed decision about your next steps For each of the following state if you would or would not perform the procedure and explain the reasoning behind your decision Remember performing unnecessary tests takes time and costs your lab money so you would only perform tests that would help you further narrow down the bacterium s identity a Inoculate the sample onto mannitol salt agar MSA b Test the bacteria for coagulase c Test the bacteria for oxidase d Perform an acid fast stain e Inoculate the sample onto eosin methylene blue agar EMB At the Patient s Bedside The infectious disease specialist familiarizes themselves with their newly admitted patient s case In the meantime the assigned urologist also visits the patient They consult on the care plan for their shared patient Their plan primarily centers on removing the lodged kidney stone within the next 12 hours while simultaneously managing the infection that has developed The infectious disease doctor states that the Gram stain data suggests a narrower spectrum drug might be a more desirable option as compared to the broad spectrum drug started in the ED

Biotechnology: Principles and Processes1 It is a Friday afternoon and you head to the lab to inspect the Simmons citrate agar bacterial samples that you inoculated on Wednesday of the same week The samples were all grown at 37 C You do not observe any growth in the tube for your test sample nor for the negative control However the positive control grew just fine You decide your tested bacteria cannot utilize citrate as a sole carbon source Planning to dispose of the samples on Monday you simply place the samples in a test tube rack at room temperature in the biosafety hood where they will be safe until your return When you return to the lab on Monday you notice that your unknown sample has abundant growth and the media is completely blue Your negative control sample still does not exhibit growth and remained green Based on this what can you conclude about your test specimen Be sure to explain your reasoning and provide details from the scenario that support your conclusion

Biotechnology: Principles and Processes2 Which of the following is indicative of a positive test result for citrate utilization Select all that apply a The media appears green and growth is absent b The media appears blue and growth is present c The media appears green and growth is present d The media appears blue and growth is absent

Biotechnology: Principles and Processes4 The citrate test determines if a bacterium a Metabolizes citrate b Requires a carbon source c Requires a nitrogen source d Produces acidic metabolic byproducts e Is a pathogen

Biotechnology: Principles and Processes6 Assume you see gas in the Durham tube and after adding Reagents A and B a red color develops Based on these observations what can you conclude Select all that apply a The bacterium is an obligate aerobe b The bacterium makes nitrate reductase c The gas observed may be due to a fermentation reaction d The organism is not Neisseria gonorrhoeae e You must add zinc to the media before making any conclusions

Biotechnology: Principles and Processes1 Choose the false statement s about the phenol red test select all that apply a It can detect if an organism ferments a specific sugar b It is a differential medium c It is a selective medium d It is inoculated with a mixed culture e It may contain multiple sugars in the same sample tube

Biotechnology: Principles and Processes7 You have designed primers for PCR Which of the following is incorrect A You should have poly AAAAAA at 3 end B The annealing temperature of both primers should be similar C High GC content D the annealing temperature is about 5 degree below Tm allo

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesQuestion 1 0 25 p In the reaction 6CO2 6H 20 C 6H 120 6 60 2 which side should energy be placed on the right side this is an endergonic reaction neither side the reaction is in equilibrium O the right side this is an exergonic reaction the left side this is an exergonic reaction the left side this is an endergonic reaction

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesRead the instructions on Writing a methods section Using these gu methods section for the experiment you performed today 2 points

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesWhat is the m u map units distance between Mu and Phi 4 3 3 8 17 0 0 0 3 41 8

Biotechnology: Principles and Processes3 8 17 0 0 3 41 8 Question 23 You are a plant breeder interested in using heirloom varieties of tomatoes In particular you are now focused on a region of one of the plant s chromosomes where two genes of interest are located One of them Cr affect the ability of the plant to grow upright and self supported as opposed to procumbent creeping trailing spreading over the ground surface The other gene is responsible for miniature size fruits cherry Ch vs large heavy fruits Procumbent phenotype Cr is dominant over upright Cr and large fruit Cht is dominant over miniature Ch You get the following numbers of offspring from your dihybrid testcross Crt Cht 105 Cr Ch 110 Crt Ch 43 Cr Cht 42 How would you calculate the distance between these genes in cM O 85 300 x 100 O215 300 x 100 O 85 1000 x 100 4 5 pts O42 300 x 100 O 85 215 x 100

Biotechnology: Principles and Processes2 About ten o clock as I was walking home three guys jumped me I couldn t tell who they were They all wore Frankenstein masks And they shoved me to the ground nd kicked me a few times page 79 a cared about someone something b tricked deceived confused or puzzled someone c attacked suddenly unexpectedly

Biotechnology: Principles and Processesrepeated identical segments also called annuli similar in annelids and arthropods separated by septal

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesWhy are enzymes required for cellular metabolic pathways Select 3 correct answer s The enzymes that are present in a cell determine which metabolic reactions can occur in the cell A single enzyme can convert one substrate into many different products An enzyme lowers the activation energy and therefore increases the rate of a reaction A cell can regulate metabolic pathways by controlling the enzyme concentration in the cell Enzymes are consumed by metabolic pathways when reactants are converted to products

Biotechnology: Principles and Processesestion 4 Match the microscope type to the correct description Transmission electron microscope Scanning electron microscope Confocal microscope Fluorescencce microscope Differential interference contrast microscope Phase contrast microscope Dark field microscope Bright field microscope Save Answer A Components of the microscope bring light waves out of phase and produce differences in contrast and brightness B A beam of electrons is spread across the surface of a specimen and topography can be seen C A beam of electrons is sent through a specimen D Light is transmitted through a specimen providing limited contrast Sometimes staining a specimen will enhance contrast but can only be done on fixed specimen E Polarized light is sent via two beams that have different paths through the sample F Light from a laser is focused on a point and scanned across a fluorescently stained specimen in two directions G Light is directed at an angle toward the specimen and a special condenser lens transmits only the light reflected off the specimen H Fluorescent stains absorb light at one wavelength then emit another Question 4 of 4

Biotechnology: Principles and Processesmonetary gain is justified and further promoted Private individuals and firms not the government own most of the property resources Market institutions have completely addressed production and distribution problems The important consequence of the right of private property is that it encourages investment innovation exchange maintenance of property and economic growth An economy is largely dis embedded from political or social intuitions Question 7 3 points Listen Why does the reported estimated unemployment rate underestimate the unemployment issue in our economy O unemployment rate differentiates between part time and full time workers labor force participation rate is a better indicator for labor market unemployment rate does not count cyclically unemployed workers count discouraged worker as unemployed

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesYou want to recreate the experiment by Louis Pasteur so you take an environmental sample boil it in water to kill microbes but you find microbial growth occurred anyway Why 2 pts A The presence of endospores abiewola merio eoa B The presence of fruiting bodies of bacteria C The presence of anaerobic bacteria The presence of some microbes by spontaneous generation due

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesHow many microliters of the PCR buffer do you need to add to the PCR reaction No need to add the microliters unit to your answer just the number PCR Components H O PCR Buffer MgCl2 dNTPs Forward primer Reverse primer DNA template Tag DNA pol Total volume Concentration of the stock sample 20X 75 mM 20 mM 5 M 5 M 0 01 ng L 1 U L Target concentration in reaction tube 1X 1 5 mM 0 2 mM 0 2 M 0 2 M 0 1 ng 50 L 5 U 50 L Volume per reaction 50 L

Biotechnology: Principles and Processes1 What is the purpose of using Ammonium Sulfate Precipitation in protein isolation and how does it work 2 Why is it necessary to perform further purification steps after ammonium sulfate precipitation in protein isolation 3 How does ion exchange chromatography contribute to the purification of proteins from spinach leaves and what property of proteins does it exploit 4 Explain the role of NaCl in ion exchange chromatography and how it helps to elute proteins from the column 5 What analytical technique is used to determine protein concentration during ion exchange chromatography and why is this important in the process

Biotechnology: Principles and Processes8 Drawn below is part of the tertiary structure of a protein showing the positions of two amino acids aspartic acid and lysine Replacing lysine with another amino acid in the protein may change the shape and function of the protein Replacing lysine with which type s of amino acid s would lead to the least amount of change in the tertiary structure of this protein Interactions that determine the tertiary structure of proteins CH Hydrogen bond be chain and puppe donde www Pomp 04 1 Die bond

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesBelow is a polynucleotide is this DNA or RNA Why Is this a double stranded ds or a single stranded ss molecule Label the 5 and 3 end s of this molecule The convention is to write nucleic acid sequences in the 5 to 3 direction Thus wha nucleotide sequence of the polynucleotide shown using 1 letter abbreviation What type of bond maintains the structure of the primary structure

Biotechnology: Principles and Processesestion 5 molecules removes a unit of water from a system and joins two molecules together 2 points is when water is forced into a bond breaking it and forming two smaller Save Ansva

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesWhich molecule undergoes simple diffusion Na Glucose Amino acid Carbon dioxide Question 2 0 75 points Listen Saturated fats contain more double bond than unsaturated fats contain more hydrogen atoms than unsaturated fats contain more carbon atoms than unsaturated fats contain less hydrogen atoms than unsaturated fats