Cell Cycle and Cell Division Questions and Answers

Cell Cycle and Cell Division10 Describe in detail how the spindles interact with the chromosomes 11 Why is it important for certain cells like skin cells to perfectly replicate their chromosomes while it is important for other cells like sperm and egg cells to increase their variety What is important about each Please answer in at least 4 well thought out sentences

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionFigure 1 Base your answer to the question on the diagram below and on your knowledge of biology The diagram represents the reproductive cycle of a squirrel species with 40 chromosomes in each zygote Young squirrels Adult squirrels 1 fertilization meiosis mitosis 4 mutation Sperm Eggs A Zygotes Refer to Figure 1 and answer the following Question A process that could be represented by A is 201

Cell Cycle and Cell Division24 A dog gave birth to the three puppies shown in the photograph below One of the puppies has darker fur on its face than the other two et callss 12 sritasol Which two biological processes account for this difference between the puppies SS a meiosis and recombination b meiosis and cloning c mitosis and differentiation d mitosis and cloning nts neaubong atamp bro bro zizolant b

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionThe figure below shows the normal pattern of chromosomal separation during Meiosis I and M which distribution of chromosomes would you expect in the resulting gametes Melosis I Melosis II X Normal XX Normal X Normal 00 00 00 00 Nondisjunction here

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionQUESTION 3 Identify the structure s indicated on the chromosomes shown This whole structure

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionQUESTION 4 Identify the structure s indicated on the chromosomes s

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionStage of cells of cells Time min Time hr Interphase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Total of cells of cells total of cells 36 x 100 100 The average time for onion root tip cell to complete a cell cycle is 24 hours 1440 min Using the equations below fill in the table 1440 24

Cell Cycle and Cell Divisionalse 3 pts each Indicate whether the statement is true or false If true explain why it is true and or give examples to support it If false explain why it is fals 10 Between meiosis I and meiosis II meiosis II is more similar to mitosis

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionWhich of the following is used during animal cell cytokinesis that is not used for mitosis Dynein Kinesin Myosin Dynein and kinesin

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionWhich type s of microtubules undergo end polymerization during anaphase Select all that apply astral polar kinetochore None of them

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionWhich of the labeled structures in the diagram below are kinetochore microtubules OE C B D AF OF TA B1 C IME F

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionWhich of the following does NOT specifically require microtubules Mitosis Plant cell cytokinesis Animal cell cytokinesis

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionPaclitaxel is an effective cancer chemotherapy agent because it inhibits microtubule depolymerization It must therefore prevent DNA Replication Spindle assembly O Segregation of chromosomes during anaphase ODNA condensation

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionWhich type s of microtubules undergo end depolymerization at anaphase Select all that apply astral polar None of them kinetochore

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionWhich of the following would be likely to arrest cells during metaphase A mutation in the gene encoding cohesin that makes it resistant to protease activity Something that stabilizes the plus ends of microtubules preventing depolymerization A compound that inhibits dynein like motor proteins Any of the above

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionWhy are the events of mitosis so important to the cell They ensure that each daughter cell inherits the correct type and number of chromosomes They ensure that DNA is not damaged before replication They ensure that there is time for the dividing cell to grow so that each of the daughter cells is of sufficient size They ensure that all of the DNA is replicated before cell division

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionWhich of the labeled structures in the diagram below is a centromere A B A B C D None of the above D E F

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionImagine you have become a world famous oncology researcher and you discovered a novel mutation in a G1 S cyclin that is found in some of your patients Which of the following cyclin mutations would be expected to lead to uncontrolled cell cycle progression One that increases its affinity for Cdk One that increases its GTPase activity One that makes it more susceptible to proteases increasing its rate of degradation One that increases its kinase activity

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionIn which phase s of the cell cycle is the status of the DNA assessed and if there are any problems the cell cycle is arrested Both G1 and G2 S G2 G1 OO M

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionThe image below shows a gel electrophoresis of DNA from a population of cells This population of cells must be undergoing 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 Cytokinesis Mitosis Apoptosis Necrosis

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionMatch each definition to the correct term below The region of the chromosome where the two copies are held together after A Centriole DNA replication This may be near the center of the chromosome B Centromere C Cohesin D Centrosome E Chromatid F Kinetochore G Chromatin The central body responsible for maintaining and organizing the microtubules of the mitotic spindle replicates during S phase so each daughter cell inherits one One of two identical copies of a chromosome after duplication The microtubule based triplet structure within the central body that nucleates formation of new microtubules A specialized complex of proteins that coalesces at the beginning of mitosis at the centromeres of the sister chromatids that helps to anchor the microtubules and senses the signal at the spindle assembly checkpoint Chromosomal DNA condensed by spooling around histones as it is observed in Eukaryotic cells Protein that holds the sister chromatids together Is degraded at the spindle assembly checkpoint

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionWhich of the following would be expected to prevent cytokinesis in plants but not in animals Inhibition of dynein Inhibition of kinesin OOO Inhibition of myosin Inhibition of either dynein or kinesin

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionSeveral vinca alkaloids from the Madagascar periwinkle are effective anti cancer compounds Vinca alkaloids inhibit microutuble polymerization They therefore inhibit proliferation by preventing Segregation of chromosomes during anaphase DNA Replication DNA condensation Spindle assembly

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionImagine that you discover a novel mutation in a G1 S cyclin that is found in some of your patients with esophogeal cancer Which of the following cyclin mutations would be expected to lead to uncontrolled cell cycle progression One that makes it resistant to proteases One that decreases its GTPase activity One that decreases its affinity for Cdk One that increases its kinase activity

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionWhich of the following does NOT happen during M phase Nuclear envelope breakdown Nuclear envelope reformation Separation of homologous chromosomes Separation of sister chromatids

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionWhy is a cell that results from fertilization genetically different from the cells of the parents OA Because the cell has an incomplete set of chromosomes B Because the cell is a combination of two parents gametes C Because the cell now contains twice the number of chromosomes D Because the cell develops mutations as a result of sexual reproduction

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionWhat does ploidy refer to and what does 2n mean If a 2n 2 cell underwent mitosis what would be the result If that same cell underwent meiosis what would be the result If a 2n 2 cell underwent nondisjunction during mitosis what would be the result including a description to showcase your understanding of this concept

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionWhich of the following is necessary in order for natural selection to act on a population OA equal chance of survival for all individuals OB asexual reproduction through mitosis OC selective pressures that favor certain individuals OD decrease in diversity through genetic drift

Cell Cycle and Cell Division6 Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis with respect to their genetic outcomes

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionIn people with xeroderma pigmentosa thymine dimers are formed which distort the structure of the DNA double helix causing problems during DNA replication and increasing the risk of skin cancer It is due to a defect in the enzymes which would normally repair the results of UV radiation induced mutations transversion substitution nucleotide excision repair mismatch repair transition substitution

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionIn the nucleotide which was coding for the amino acid glutamate cytosine was deleted This is an example of a an spontaneous silent point induced mutation

Cell Cycle and Cell Division68 To what level of structure do a helices belong A secondary B primary C tertiary D quaternary 63

Cell Cycle and Cell Division1 Prophase I a Did homologous chromosomes synapse in prophase of mitosis b Crossing over increases genetic variability Why is this 2 Metaphase I How does the arrangement of chromosomes here differ from that in metaphase of mitosis 3 Anaphase I a What is the difference between anaphase I and anaphase of mitosis b What happens to the chromatids of each chromosome during anaphase I

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionWhat is the name for what is happening at the red arrow in this white fish Telophase

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionThrough the process of meiosis sex cells are produced that are OA unique with a half set of genetic information OB unique with a full set of genetic information identical with a half set of genetic information identical with a full set of genetic information O C SOD

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionOne of the stages of mitosis is shown above Which diagram below best represents the stage of mitosis that comes next SK VV VV f 704

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionIf you were to remove O2 completely from the cell s atmosphere how would it affect the Citric Acid Cycle It would increase its activity because O2 is a product of the Citric Acid Cycle It wouldn t affect it because O2 is not used in the Citric Acid Cycle It would decrease its activity because O2 is required for the reoxidation of NADH and FADH2 It would decrease its activity because O is a reactant in the Citric Acid Cycle

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionGC rich boxes Octamer boxes CAAT box mall nuclear pre RNA ATTTGCAT nonessential eukaryotic promoter sequence that binds cellular factors to increase the efficiency of transcription may be present several times in a promoter GGCCAATCT essential eukaryotic promoter sequence involved in binding transcription factors Molecules synthesized by RNA polymerase III tha have a variety of functions including splicing pre mRNAs and regulating transcription factors GGCG nonessential eukaryotic promoter sequence that binds cellular factors to increase the efficiency of transcription may be present several times in a promoter

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionDrag and drop the terms to complete the description of structure of DNA 1 The currently accepted model of the 2 The two strands that make up the double helix are complementary and 3 Deoxyribose sugars and 4 A purine always pairs with a 5 During cell division each daughter cell receives a copy of the DNA by a process known as DNA 6 Most prokaryotes contain a single 7 Most eukaryotic chromosomes contain a structure of DNA was proposed by Watson and Crick in nature form the backbone of the structure and the nitrogenous bases are stacked inside A pairs with T and G pairs with C chromosome in an area of the cytoplasm called the DNA molecule packaged into replication circular anti parallel pyrimidine nucleosomes double helix phosphates linear nucleoid

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionIf a cell is in G1 and never gets a green light at this checkpoint it will A start the cycle over B proceed to apoptosis C skip the cycle D proceed to G2 to grow

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionHow many cells in the field of view to the right are in anaphase A B C 0

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionMitosis and meiosis are processes involved in cellular reproduction Which of the following describe and event that results from mitosis but NOT meiosis two stages of cell division four daughter cells that are produced from each parent cell daughter cells that are identical to the parent cell replication of cellular genetic material

Cell Cycle and Cell Divisionaitosis The diagram shows a cellular process that occurs in organisms What is the name of this process endocytosis meiosis phagocytosis

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionWhich of the following phrases best describes cancer controlled cell owth caused by utations in genes at control the cell cycle absence of cyclins in the DNA miltiple gene mutations on a chromosome of DNA A presence of genetic defects caused by hereditary disorders

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionWhen both inside and outside of a cell have the same amount of water it is said that the cell has reached a state of osmosis diffusion hypertonic equilibrium

Cell Cycle and Cell Divisionc that stores water utrients and waste products What is the function of this organelle Structures that transport and ship proteins like UPS Cite of cellular respiration also known as the powerhouse of the cell Regulates what enters and leaves the cell

Cell Cycle and Cell Divisionprogression through the cell cycle by Cyclins O Promote activating Cdks Prevent activating Cdks O Prevent inactivating Cdks O Promote inactivating Cdks

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionSimple diffusion in a cell does not require energy but its rate can be increased by a A volume increase B thinner membrane C low solute concentration D catalysts

Cell Cycle and Cell Division21 What did the gunters purchase on ebay and for what purpose 22 How did the Sixers cover up the

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionRow 1 2 3 4 Formation Formation Growth of of Egg of Sperm Embryo mitosis mitosis meiosis mitosis meiosis mitosis meiosis mitosis meiosis meiosis meiosis mitosis row 4 Which row in the chart indicates the correct process for each even indicated row 2 row 1 row 3