Cell: The Unit of Life Questions and Answers

Cell: The Unit of LifeThe structures of a cell nucleus and the surrounding endoplasmic reticulum are shown below Rough endoplasmic reticulum Nucleus Nuclear envelope OC Nuclear pore Ribosomes Which statement best describes how the nucleus the rough endoplasmic reticulum and ribosomes interact during protein synthesis OD Smooth endoplasmic reticulum OA The ribosomes gather amino acids and deliver them to the nucleus where they are processed by the rough endoplasmi reticulum to synthesize proteins OB The nucleus provides the genetic information needed to direct the synthesis of proteins by ribosomes that are located or the rough endoplasmic reticulum The ribosomes provide the genetic information needed to direct the synthesis of proteins by the rough endoplasmic reticulum that is located on the nucleus The nucleus gathers amino acids and delivers them to the ribosomes where they are processed by the rough endoplasmic reticulum to synthesize proteins

Cell: The Unit of LifeQUESTION 7 One of the main differences between growth factor signaling receptor tyrosine kinase receptors and epinephrine signaling G protein coupled receptors is that Epinephrine signaling involves enzyme cascades while growth factor signaling does not Epinephrine signaling is more likely to have a short term reversible effect Only epinephrine signaling involves a GTPase Only epinephrine signaling involves kinase activity

Cell: The Unit of LifeWhich of the following is a result of crossing over Identical daughter cells Genetically diverse daughter cells Inability to undergo mitosis O Double duplicated DNA int Saved

Cell: The Unit of Life1 a What are the complementary bases for each base that is listed below Write out the full names adenine cytosine guanine thymine b What are the three components that make up the DNA nucleotide

Cell: The Unit of LifeWhich of the following is true for both GPCR signaling and steroid hormone signaling An extracellular signal is transduced to an intracellular response They may have widespread effects because they may be secreted into the bloodstream Both of the above They involve enzyme cascades

Cell: The Unit of LifeQuestion 13 The human X and Y chromosomes include genes that determine an individual s sex Oare both present in every somatic cell of males and females alike are about the same size and have approximately the same number of genes are almost entirely homologous despite their different names Previous

Cell: The Unit of LifeWhy did the locals have concerns with what Polan Springs was doing in their town Give at least 2 examples 2 points

Cell: The Unit of Life13 The maximum buffering capacity of a buffer is nearest the pka of the buffer 14 Sudan IV is an indicator for the presence of DNA 15 Chromoplasts are organelles that store starch in potato cells for the presence of carbohydrates

Cell: The Unit of Life5 Assume you are studying the relationship between recombination of genes alleles and visible physical exchange in the chromosomes to repeat the classic experiment of Curt Stern Chromosomes have allelic and physical differences as shown Which of the five choices to be inherited from the father would allow you to correlate recombination and physical exchange if it were heterozygous with the chromosome shown as already being inherited from the mother a 1 b 2 c 3 d 4 e 5 From the mother r b plus 1 R 20 b 2 r b 97 3 R B 4 R B 5 r b

Cell: The Unit of Life9 In analysing the nucleotide composition of an unknown sample of nucleic acid you find that uracil makes up 26 of the bases From this information what proportion of the bases will be cytosine a 24 b 26 c 48 d 52 e you cannot determine the proportion of cytosine in these molecules from the data given in the problem

Cell: The Unit of LifeThe Article says Three billion Yahoo e mail accounts had been hacked Hackers got people s names e mail addresses and birthdates Other information had also been stolen Which must mean almost the same as stolen A Given B Taken C Saved D Lost

Cell: The Unit of Life2 Discuss neurulation and state the significance 3 Describe the functions of the extra embryonic membranes 4 List tissue that result from each germ layer

Cell: The Unit of LifeWhat is the basic unit of structure and function of all living organisms O mitochondrion O DNA O nucleus cell

Cell: The Unit of LifeGametes Tetrad Disjunction Ova egg cells Melnsis Sexual Reproduction Vocabo 7ygole Haploid cel Fertilization Synapsis Gonads Hermaphrodite Gametogenesis 4 Sex cells 5 1 When egg and sperm meet inside of the female s body 2 A cell that has only one set of chromosomes Jestes External Fertilization 3 The first diploid cell formed by the fusion of the ess and sperm The male gamete Formenogenesis Hondogon Sens Spotte Internas 8 The female gamete 6 When egg and sperm meet outside the female s body usually a watery environment 7 When paired chromosomes split apart in Anaphase 1 of meiosis 9 Contains 4 chromatids when homologous chromosomes are paired up during meiosis 10 A cell that has 2 sets of chromosomes 11 Chromosomes that have matching genes and lengths They originate one from each parent 12 A type of cell division that occurs in the ovates and testes forming haploid cells 13 The coming together of homologous chromosomes during prophase I of meiosis 14 The process of making gametes

Cell: The Unit of Lifeten When observing a bird skin cell in G2 under a microscope you count 160 total chromatids How many chromosomes does a male chicken have in its sperm cells 80

Cell: The Unit of Lifeving result O The sister chromatids would not be pulled apart The sister chromatids would not be duplicated The homologous chromosomes would not be pulled apart The sister chromatids would not line up in the middle of the cell Question 2 1 point undergoing anaphase II What would be the Listen Which of the following is a result of crossing over Genetically diverse daughter cells Identical daughter cells ility to undergo mitosis

Cell: The Unit of LifeBe able to identify on a diagram and know the function of these cell organelles Plasma membrane Nucleus nuclear envelope chromatin Ribosomes Endoplasmic reticulum smooth ER and rough ER transport vesicles Golgi apparatus Lysosomes Vacuoles in plants and animals Mitochondria Chloroplasts Cytoskeleton microtubules cilia and flagella

Cell: The Unit of LifeQuestion 3 Points 3 Which of the following concepts of government was NOT brought by the English O Limited government O Ordered government Totalitarian government O Representative government B0000

Cell: The Unit of LifeSHILING Which of the following wavelengths would disrupt cell structure and function gamma rays radio waves visible ven questions O infrared rays W Fra HADD

Cell: The Unit of Life1 Think about what you already know about to answer the Supporting Question Write about any connections you have made text to self text to text text to world Why do you think it is important to learn about this concept Question Why have citizens had to fight for their civil rights

Cell: The Unit of LifeA Record your results in the table below For cach medium and the result of the metabolic test 1 point Species S epidermis S aureus E coli P aeruginosa Mannitol Salt Yes halophilic and can ferment mannitol Produces yellow color colony Yes halophilic and can ferment mannitol Produces yellow color colony MacConkey agar S epidermidis Yes ferments lactose and appears red pink Yes ferments lactose and appears red pink B Does your result for E coli agrees with the literature Please justify your answer 1 point 3 2 Use of differential and selective media MacConkey agar No cannot ferment lactose No not halophilic and cannot ferment mannitol No cannot ferment lactose No not halophilic and cannot ferment mannitol S aureus Mannitol Salt Agar F S epidermidis S aureus

Cell: The Unit of Lifech of the following is true of the reaction between glucose and NaCN in the presence of HCI HO HO OH HO HO OH A The products of the reaction are OH HO NaCN HCI OH CN OH B The product of the reaction is OH OH H O OH slow addition OH OH CN C No reaction is possible because there is no reactive functional group on the cyclic form of glucose D No reaction is possible because the HCl reacts with the hemiacetal before the cyanide ion is able to attack

Cell: The Unit of LifeWhere would you expect to find electron transport chains in a prokaryote a Along the inner mitochondrial membrane b Along the cell wall c Along the outer mitochondrial membrane d Free floating in the cytoplasm e Along the plasma membrane

Cell: The Unit of Life3 Describe how the regulation of gene expression affects cells in multicellular organisms a How is it possible that the cells in a multicellular organism can have different structures and functions Explain the role of DNA in the regulation of gene expression 3 points b How does the developmental history of a cell affect which genes are expressed once the cell becomes specialized Give an example 2 points

Cell: The Unit of LifeHow does fertilization increase genetic diversity within a species A Alleles form new combinations by crossing over after gametes combine B It produces many different combinations of chromosomes from a single individual C Gametes from different individuals combine forming new combinations of alleles D It produces gametes with unique combinations of alleles that can be combined during sexual reproduction

Cell: The Unit of LifeWhich ingredient sets the stain Crystal violet lodine Acetone alcohol Safranin

Cell: The Unit of Life13 A sequence of amino acids with a relatively high hydropathy is very likely to function by B being on the protein surface D being embedded in a cell membrane A making a protein soluble C being at the active site of an enzyme 14 The Handou pind 13

Cell: The Unit of LifeOn average prokaryotic cells are 1 um in diameter and eukaryotic cells range in size from 10 100 um in diameter What is the main limiting factor for cell size Explain thoroughly

Cell: The Unit of LifeWhich characteristic of living cells do viruses lack View Available Hint s They lack nucleic acid transcription They lack a complete replication apparatus They lack structural proteins O They lack nucleic acids to transmit viral characteristics

Cell: The Unit of Life1 refers to the fraction of the population having a specific disease at a given time On the other hand 2 refers to the fraction of the population that contracts a specific disease during a given period Prevalence Incidence

Cell: The Unit of Life7 This organelle is found in plant and animal cells converts glucose into ATP is the site of cellular respiration 8 This organelle contains chromatin fibers which form chromosomes carries the genetic instructions for the cell

Cell: The Unit of Life5 This organelle converts sunlight energy into chemical energy is found in plants and algae is the site of photosynthesis 6 This organelle maintains cell shape can move other organelles around the cell is made of microtubules which can form cilia and flagella

Cell: The Unit of LifeWhat is the green spiraling str OCytoskeleton O Endoplasmic reticulum O DNA wwwwww

Cell: The Unit of LifeThe clear areas around the bacteria shown below represent what structure 0 O Endospore O Capsule Ribosomes O Flagellum

Cell: The Unit of LifeWhich of the following stages do anaerobic and aerobic cellular respiration have in commor chemiosmosis citric acid cycle Oglycolysis oxidative phosphorylation

Cell: The Unit of LifeQuestion 14 1 point What process is being observed by the organism shown here

Cell: The Unit of LifeComplete the chart by matching each part of homeostasis with its function Complete el cuadro haciendo coincidir cada parte de la homeostasis con su funci n Receptors Receptores Control Center Centro de Control Effector Efector 6 11111 III 11111 11111 I 1111 DRAG DROP THE ANSWER receives information and triggers the body s response recibe informaci n y desencadena la respuesta del cuerpo sensors like nerve cells that detect changes in the body sensores como las c lulas nerviosas que detectan cambios en el cuerpo regulated by a part of the brain that signals how to

Cell: The Unit of LifeE XOQE One important organelle that helps maintain homeostasis in the cell by controlling the type and amount of substances that go in and out of the cell is Un org nulo importante que ayuda a mantener la homeostasis en la c lula al controlar el tipo y la cantidad de sustancias que entran y salen de la c lula es membrana celular cell membrane Question 1 8 Previous B mitochondrion mitocondria nucleus nucleo Dcytoplasm citoplasma NEXT BOOKMARK

Cell: The Unit of Life2 During which stage of a cell s cycle de the replicated chromosomes thicken and become visible 3 In animal cells which structure is thought to produce the spindle fibers that help separate the sister chromatids during anaphase 1 Is this structure found in plant cells

Cell: The Unit of Life2 Refer to Model 1 a In what cell organelle does cellular respiration occur

Cell: The Unit of LifeA sequence a gene is different gene is described as C C A G T A What is different between these two molecules Select one O O O O The two sequences have different amounts of phosphate groups There is no molecular difference between the two molecules Each has a different sequence of nitrogenous bases Each is made from a different sugar either ribose or deoxyribose

Cell: The Unit of LifeAn isomerase produces a sec Aldolase produces dihydroxy The enzyme hexokinase phos Isomerase produces fructose Phosphofructokinase produc

Cell: The Unit of LifeActive transport occurs gradient across a cell membrane 1 toward 2 against 3 away from 4 passively against 5 in between the concentration

Cell: The Unit of LifeFor each trial compute the mol of titrant molarity x L and keep the number of significant figures to 4 Trial 1 12 49 mL 0 0025 mol NaOH Trial 2 12 32 mL 0 0025 mol NaOH Trial 3 11 87 mL 0 0024 mol NaOH COMPLETE Because the moles of titrant should equal the moles of analyte at the equilibrium point copy these values into the row of the data table marked mol of analyte Compute the concentration of HCI for all three trials using the formula molarity mol L Trial 1 20 61 mL HCI 0 121 M Trial 2 20 06 mL HCI 0 125 Trial 3 19 67 mL HCI 0 122 COMPLETE M RETRY M Compute the average concentration molarity of HCI for all three trials M

Cell: The Unit of LifeQ5 3 Someone has handed you the following graph of changes in the frequen a population over time Based on the graph and without any other information following is most likely true Allele Frequency 1 0 Submit 0 75 0 50 0 25 0 0 0 00 10 Time generation 20 The allele does not offer any fitness advantage and the population is small The allele does not offer any fitness advantage and the population is large The allele offers a selective advantage and the population is small The allele was introduced at a very low frequency and the population is large

Cell: The Unit of LifeUse the following passage to answer the next three questions has been hypothesised that people who are heterozygous for the a deadly genetic condition cystic fibrosis which among other sympton more resistant to the deadly disease tuberculosis 25 9 A person who is heterozygous for the cystic fibrosis allele move community where no one previously carried the allele If the cystic fibr against tuberculosis the same way the sickle cell allele protects agains happen to the frequency of the cystic fibrosis allele in the community of a The cystic fibrosis allele should disappear from the population beca with the allele is not enough for it to proliferate b The cystic fibrosis allele should increase to a relatively high frequency heterozygotes with the allele will be more likely to survive than others The cystic fibrosis allele should become fixed in the population due to

Cell: The Unit of Lifedy autosomal recessive deafness a biologist subjects a group of mice to diation to induce mutations with the objective of disrupting a gene involved in aring Assume the radiation identified by the radiation arrow specifically pacted the adenine nucleotide changing its state thereby giving it chemical operties resembling a guanine Among the following choices which one best presents the induced mutation after two rounds of replication 1 mark What are e benefits of induced mutations for experimental purposes 2 marks A ATGC TACG Radiation C ATGC TACG Radiation ATGC TACG ACGC TACG ATGC TACG ACGC TACG ATGC TACG AGGC TCCG ATGC TACG ACGC TACG B D ATGC TACG Radiation ATGC TACG Radiation ATGC TACG ACGC TACG ATGC TACG ACGC TACG ATG TAC ATG TAC AT TA AC TG

Cell: The Unit of LifeQuestion 7 n cyclic photophosphorylation plastocyanin sends the electron back to O NADPH molecules O ATP molecules O carbohydrates O hydrogen ions