Cell: The Unit of Life Questions and Answers

Cell: The Unit of LifeSelect the statement s that correctly reflect s cell size As a cell increases in size its surface area to volume ratio decreases Only smaller molecules pass through the plasma membrane A cell s surface area plasma membrane increases faster than its volume cytosol Above critical size a cell cannot let in or out materials fast enough to function normally The shorter the distance substances have to travel in the cell the quicker cellular processes can occu Cells that are long and thin flattened or contain microvilli decrease the surface area of the cell

Cell: The Unit of Life3 4 points Briefly describe the path a protein made by ribosomes that are attached to the endoplasmic reticulum will follow through the endomembrane system in order to be exported from the cell Include in your answer which other organelles the protein will move through how the protein is moved from one organelle to another and the process that a cell would use to export the protein

Cell: The Unit of Lifeexplain how neurons integrate multiple signals explain spatial and temporal summation

Cell: The Unit of Lifeexplain the changes that occur when neurotransmitters bind to their receptors

Cell: The Unit of Lifeexplain the role of Ca in neurotransmitter release explain how neurotransmitters are released on a molecular level

Cell: The Unit of Lifeexplain the structure of a synpase explain the historical experiments of Katz that determine the role of Ca in neurotransmitter release

Cell: The Unit of Lifeexplain the historic experiments of Hodgkin Huxley tha determined the mechanism of an action potential

Cell: The Unit of LifeNeuron Multiple Sclerosis MS Meninges Receptors Term X Cell body Stimulus Carebrospinal fluid Endorphins Dendilte Threshold Cerebrum Reflex Axon Synapse Cerebellum Reflex arc Myelin sheath Neurotransmitters Medulla Homeostasis Definition Any of your 5 senses that receive messages Part of the brain that controls breathing blood pressure heart rate The pathway that an impulse travels includes a sensory receptor a sensory neuron motor neuron and an effector Neurotransmitters that make you feel happy and dull pain Keeping the Internal body conditions stable A quick automatic response to a stimulus Second largest region of the brain responsible for muscle movement coordination and balance Chemicals released by one neuron to transmit an Impulse across a synapse to another neuron The minimum level of a stimulus that is required to activate a neuron An autoimmune disease that destroys the myelin sheath of the neuron Any change in the internal or external environment that causes the nervous system to respond Cells that transmit impulses The space between 2 neurons An Insulating membrane around the axon Extensions that come out of the cell body carry impulses from the environment or from other neurons toward the cell body A long fiber that carries impulses away from the cell body The largest part of a neuron contains the nucleus and much of the cytoplasm Bathes the brain and spinal cord and acts as a shock absorber

Cell: The Unit of LifeQuestion 1 Points 2 Which of the following is an example of uniform motion A moving roller coaster car A moving Ferrari in a Formula 1 race A cruising aircraft with different velocity An oscillating pendulum clock

Cell: The Unit of LifeQuestion Completion Status QUESTION 1 Life is arranged in a hierarchy of structure Complete the following analogy based on the hierarchy Molecules are to atoms as tissues are to cells Ocells are to tissues atoms are to organs tissues are to organs organ systems are to organism QUESTION 2 Choose the correct definition of adaptations none of these are correct finitionn

Cell: The Unit of LifeMembranes facilitate the production of ATP by separating an area with high H concentration from an area of low H concentration When exploring this cell in the Interactive Visual Activity where did you find ATP synthase embedded in a membrane Select all that apply C endoplasmic reticulum chloroplast mitochondria nualqu

Cell: The Unit of LifeVertical evolution arises from all of the following except O 1 genetic mutations 02 gene duplication O3 bacterial conjugation O4 sexual reproduction

Cell: The Unit of LifeQuestion 1 Points 1 What is the solubility of sugar at 20 C in 500 ml of water O 80 g O 180 g O 1000 g 100 g

Cell: The Unit of LifeWhich of the following statements is are correct with respect to the property of liquids They are compressible They have definite shape They have definite volume All of the choices

Cell: The Unit of LifeIdentify which structures are equivalent to the L configuration 3 H N H C H CH3 COOH NH NH CH3 COOH H H CH3 H H NH CH3 COOH CH3 NH COOH Macmillan Learning Feedback to the back and s carbon in a New stereochemistry determined from substituents If th counterclockwise is S and if the or configuration is Determine wheth or S configuration same determinati five structures Alternatively a qu comparing Fische look at what happ stereochemistry w molecule A rotati direction will give enantiomer while in the plane of the the same enantiom

Cell: The Unit of Life1 According to the quote how much power does the Constitution give to the federal government 1 According to the quote all powers that remain are given where The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite James Madison

Cell: The Unit of LifeO Cytopathic Effects O Cancerous cells O Stem cells Question 7 0 5 pts A bacteriophage 24 nm in length was added to a bacterial culture to allow the infection of the cells One of the researchers noticed that the culture was contaminated with nematodes What pore size filter should be used to separate the phage from the prokaryotic cells O A pore size smaller than the size of the bacteria but greater than the phage O A pore size smaller than the nematode s size but greater than the bacteria

Cell: The Unit of LifeWhat is happening in this bacteriophage s life cycle Please match the two columns 1 Step No 1 Step No 2 Step No 4 Step No 5 Step No 6 5 2 Choose Choose Choose Choose Choose 4 3 O

Cell: The Unit of Life13 AKS 8a Which of the following correctly states the function of stem cells A Undifferentiated cells that can become any type of cell Ex blood muscle skin cells B Undifferentiated cells that can grow uncontrollably C Undifferentiated cells that cannot become any type of cell D Undifferentiated cells that are only found in embryos

Cell: The Unit of LifeEnd of replication Answer Bank DNA polymerase joins the paired nucleotide to the growing end of the new DNA strand A free nucleotide pairs with its complementary base on the template strand DNA ligase joins the fragments of the daughter strand that cannot be synthesized as a single piece Ilianna ontabrzes the unwinding of the DNA double helix

Cell: The Unit of LifeRound to ONE decimal place if necessary Map measurement 1 5 inches Map scale 1 24 000 Earth distance FEET

Cell: The Unit of LifeO donates its 2 electrons to another atom shares its 2 electrons and bonds with another atom has only 2 electrons in its first shell and 4 in the second shell O has 4 electrons in its first shell and 2 in the second shell Question 47 How many electrons does carbon share in order to complete its valence shell 02 01 04

Cell: The Unit of LifeWhich if the following apply to lysosomes Select one or more a Lysosomes have a single membrane that is continuous with the nuclear membrane b Lysosomes are only found in plant and fungal cells They are not found in animal cells c Lysosomes are produced from merging vesicles which bud from mitochrondria d The pH of the lysosome lumen is maintained via proton pumps in the membrane

Cell: The Unit of LifeWhich statement best describes the interaction that occurs as a result of the binding of a ligand to a ligand gated ion channel receptor A B C D ligand extracellular environment gate closed inactive ligand gated lon channel receptor The process permanently opens or closes the ion channel ions cytoplasm The process causes G proteins to bind with GTP and become activated The process alters the membrane potential by changing the intracellular ionic concentration The process removes three sodium ions from the cell and brings in two potassium ions

Cell: The Unit of LifeNeighboring cells in living tissues adhere interact and communicate through direct con tact Molecules do not flow between the endothelial cells in the brain capillaries of most an imals Which of the following statements correctly explains the junctions between endothe lial cells A Tight junctions are found within cells that are pressed close to one another bound by specific proteins making a water tight seal B C D Flagella fasten cells together into strong sheets with anchorlike filaments that are often found in organs that stretch Gap junctions provide channels in which cytoplasm can flow from one cell to another Plasmodesmata are perforations of cell walls that allow water and small solutes to pass freely from cell to cell

Cell: The Unit of LifeWhich of the following is responsible for the majority of ATP production during cellular respiration A B C D the movement of potassium ions against a concentration gradient in the sodium potas sium pump the active transport of electrons through a channel the movement of protons along the concentration gradient to form water and ATP the movement of electrons against a concentration gradient to form CO2 and ATP

Cell: The Unit of LifeWhich of the following best explains the relationship between catabolic and anabolic chemical reactions in a metabolic pathway A B C D Catabolic reactions use energy to make more complex molecules whereas anabolic re actions produce energy and break down molecules into simple complexes Both catabolic and anabolic reactions make simple compounds however catabolic re actions produce energy whereas anabolic reactions use energy Catabolic reactions release energy by breaking down complex molecules into simpler compounds whereas anabolic reactions consume energy and make more complex mol ecules from simpler ones Both catabolic and anabolic reactions use simple compounds to make more complex molecules however anabolic reactions do not use energy whereas catabolic reactions do

Cell: The Unit of LifeArtificially induced apoptosis controlled cellular death is found to be an effective treat ment for some forms of cancer Which of the following describes the most likely mechanism by which apoptosis might be induced A B C D by causing lysosomes to release digestive enzymes into the cytosol by causing ribosomes to increase the rate of protein synthesis by triggering the division of mitochondria in the cell to increase ATP production by increasing the expression of membrane bound glucose protein channels

Cell: The Unit of LifeThe plasma membrane model below shows two proteins in their inactive and active states Membrane Transport A B C extracellular space D OO protein 1 intracellular space According to the diagram which is the most likely function performed by protein 2 200 JD transporting a small neutral particle across the cell membrane via active transport transporting an ion across the cell membrane via active transport ATP transporting an ion across the cell membrane via facilitated diffusion transporting a small neutral particle across the cell membrane by simple diffusion protein 2

Cell: The Unit of LifeCarbon dioxide most likely enters a cell through which of the following processes A active transport through membrane proteins B C D simple diffusion through the membrane active transport through aquaporins facilitated diffusion through membrane proteins

Cell: The Unit of LifeIndicate which of the following is characteristic during a Resting Potential Greater concentration outside of cell Greater concentration inside of cell Difference in charge across membrane Sodium Potassium Pump collects 2 of these ions for each 3 of the other type that it ejects Na K 70mV Na

Cell: The Unit of Life25 In resting condition free Ca ions a Are accumulated in cytoplasm b Are accumulated in sarcoplasmic reticulum in nucleus in mitochondria c Are accumulated d Are accumulated

Cell: The Unit of Life18 What is Saltatory conduction of nerve impulse A Saltatory conduction is the propagation of action potentials along myelin increasing the conduction velocity of action potential b Saltatory conduction is the propagation of action potentials along myelindecreasing the conduction velocity of c d b c Saltatory conduction is the propagation of action potentials along myelinated axons from one node of Ranvier to the next node increasing the conduction velocity of action potential Salunory conduction is the propagation of action potentials along myelinated axons from one node of Ranvier to the next node decreasing the conduction velocity of action potential 19 During first phase of action potential Depolarization Permeability of ions is not changing Permeability for K and Cl ions decreases for Na stays the same Permeability for K and Cl ions stayes the same for Na ions increases Permeability for K and Na ions stayes the same for C1 ion decreases

Cell: The Unit of Lifea b c d 4 Hyperpolarization is caused by Potassium ions Sodium ions Hydrogen ions Chlorine ions 5 During refractory period a Potassium and Sodium ion channels are open b Sodium voltage gated channels are closed c The refractory period of a neuron is the time in which a nerve cell is unable to fire an action potential impulse d Potassium voltage gated channels are open

Cell: The Unit of Lifea b c d 21 Which of the following statement is correct Membrane resting potential potential difference between membrane surfaces caused by selective permeability of the membrane and separation of charges Membrane resting potential is equal distribution of charges Membrane resting potential potential difference between membrane surfaces caused by selective permeability of the membrane and equal distribution of charges Membrane resting potential is depolarized state of the membrane 22 Importance of refractory period consists in one of the following It links impulses of irritation together and provides propagation of a neural impulse in both directions Prevents overlap of neural impulses and provides propagation of neural impulse in only one direction from Excited site to resting site Blocks impulses of irritation in both directions Provides propagation of impulses of irritation through the axon in both directions

Cell: The Unit of Lifein bot 23 Equilibrium potential b c a Stops net movement of ions across the membrane down the electrochemical gradient Causes the movement of ions across the membrane against the concentration gradient Initiates the movement of ions across the membrane down the concentration gradient Initiates the movement of ions across the membrane against the concentration gradient d 24 Capacitive and Ohm s resistance of the membrane causes a Equal distribution of charges across the membrane generation of electric gradients and potential differences across the membrane possible modulation of membrane potential b Unequal distribution of charges across the membrane generation of electric gradients and potentiall difference across the membrane possible modulation of membrane potential c Equal distribution of charges across the membrane generation of electric gradients and potential difference across the membrane possible propagation of membrane potential d Unequal distribution of charges across the membrane generation of electric gradients and potentia difference across the membrane possible propagation of membrane potential

Cell: The Unit of Lifea b 3 Size of the charge b Permeability of cations tege a d c d 4 Diffuse potential depends on 5 Electrogenic pumps a They do not contribute in the formation of transmembrane potential They participate in the formation of transmembrane potential Maintain only concentration gradient b They increase transmembrane potential Permeability of anions Permeability of cations and anions 6 What are conditions for Donnan equilibrium Donnan equilibrium takes into account electroneutrality sum of permeable ion concentrations are equal the both sides of membrane In physiological conditions intracellular and extracellular compartments are in equilibrium conditions Donnan equilibrium takes into account electroneutrality multiplication of permeable ion concentrations equal on the both sides of membrane Donnan equilibrium takes place when membrane is permeable for large organic molecules impermeable for nonorganic ions

Cell: The Unit of Lifeb c d a coge b c d 5 1 What determines potential difference Stored energy in the cell Current in the membrane Summarized membrane resistance Osmotic balance 2 Ionic current in the membrane is positive if Cations move out the cell Anions move into the cell Cations move into the cell Anions move out the cell 3 Nerast equation is correct for Only for ions in equilibrium state Only for ions in non equilibrium state For ions in equilibrium and nonequilibrium state For permeable ions

Cell: The Unit of Lifea b c d 8 Threshold stimulus causes Activation of K non gated channels Rapid activation of K voltage gated channels Rapid activation of Na voltage gated channels Rapid inactivation of Na voltage gated channels 9 Which of the following statements is true a Membrane permeability to K ions in a living cell is 50 100 times lower than permeability to Na ions in absence of K ions in the surrounding area membrane permeability to these ions will be very high D Membrane permeability to K ions in a living cell is 50 100 times higher than permeability of Na ions in bsence of K ions in the surrounding area membrane permeability to these ions will be very high Membrane permeability to K ions in a living cell is 50 100 times higher than permeability of Na ic though with the lack of K ions in the surrounding area membrane conductivity to these ions will be very lo Membrane permeability to K ions in a living cell is 50 100 times lower than permeability of Na ions in absence of K ions in membrane surrounding area membrane permeability to these ions will be very low

Cell: The Unit of Lifeb c d 13 During first phase of action potential Depolarization Permeability of ions is not changing Permeability for K and Cl ions decreases for Na stays the same Permeability for K and CI ions stayes the same for Na ions increases Permeability for K and Na ions stayes the same for CI lon decreases 14 If irritation stimulus is strong above threshold b a large amount of Na ion channels open that is enough for reversal of membrane potential Small amount of Na ion channels open that is not enough for reversion of membrane potential large amount of Na ion channels open that is still not enough for reversion of membrane Small amount of Na ion channels open that is enough for reversion of membrane potential 3 15 Which of the following channels are active in the phase of repolarization Voltage gated K channels and non gated K channels Voltage independent Na channels and Na channels Only voltage independent K channels Only voltage gated Na channels

Cell: The Unit of Life19 Membrane resting potential is Only for excitable cells Only for non excitable cells For all type of cells and differs for each cell For all type of cells and equals for each cell

Cell: The Unit of LifeO Meiosis Mitosis Binary Fission Regeneration Parthenogenesis Question 9 Which of the following is found in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes Choose all that apply O Deoxyribonucleic acid Ribosomal ribonucleic acid 0 5 pts O Peptidoglycan O Phospholipid bilayer

Cell: The Unit of LifeYou are a super scientist and are busy at work examining a cell with a super fancy microscope when you see there are mitochondria present Immediately you know a This is a eukaryotic cell C b This is a prokaryotic cell c Yikes This is a pathogenic cell d This cell has 70s ribosomes 5 16 JC DEC F 71 V Search 6 B H lip JC N 8 e M 100 K 453 r

Cell: The Unit of Life5 What type of interaction is formed between membrane lipids and proteins Between peripheral proteins and phospholipid heads Van der Waals forces between hydrophobic amino acids of integral proteins and lipid tails electrostatic interaction Forces of surface tension Between peripheral proteins and phospholipid heads electrostatic forces between hydrophobic amino acids of integral proteins andphospholipid tails Van der waals interaction Covalent bonds 6 What is function of adhesive proteins Transport of molecules and ions Transmission of signals Cell to cell communication Enzymatic function in the membrane

Cell: The Unit of Life13 What is hypotonic solution a If the solution outside has not osmotically active particles b If the solute concentration outside the cell is higher than inside the cell and the solutes cannot cross the membrane then that solution is hypotonic to the cell If the solute concentration outside the cell is lower than inside the cell and the solutes cannot cross the membran then that solution is hypotonic to the cell If the solute concentration outside and inside the cell is equal and the solutes cannot cross the membrane then thi solution is hypotonic to the cell a 5 14 What is similarity between simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion Each transport uses transporters but the rate of the transport is different They both involve movement down the concentration gradient and saturation phenomenon takes place They both involve movement against the concentration gradient and saturation phenomenon takes place They both involve movement down the concentration gradient and velocity of the transport depends on size of concentration gradient

Cell: The Unit of Lifeacross cellular membranes 23 Which statement is correct for H K pumpe Hand K iones are transported against the concentration gradient This enzyme uses metabolic energy to transport pump 1H ourward and IK inward H K pump is antiporter Hand K iones are transported down the concentration gradient This enzyme uses metabolic energy to transport pump 1H outward and 2K inward Hand K iones are transported against the concentration gradient This enzyme uses metabolic energy to transport pump 2H outward and 2K inward H K pump is symporter J Hand K iones are transported against the concentration gradient This enzyme uses metabolic energy to transport pump 1H outward and 1K inward H K pump is symporter b D 24 How glucose is transported in cell membrane Only via facilitated transport GLUT transporters Only via primary active transport GLUT transporters Only via secondary active transport Glucose Na cotransport Via facilitated passive transport GLUT transporters and secondary active transport Glucose Na cotransport

Cell: The Unit of LifeWik 2 3 14 concentration than the solution inside the paramecium C Based on the internal and external solute concentrations do you think the paramecium will swell up or shrink in this solution Explain your reasoning 2 Observe Click Play and observe the size of the paramecium A What do you notice B What happens after about 16 seconds 3 Observe Click Reset 2 Set the Water solute concentration to 2 00 This is a hypertone solution because it has a higher solute concentration than the solution inside the paramecium Click Play What happens to the volume of the paramecium now