Ecology - Ecosystems Questions and Answers

Ecology - EcosystemsThe role of ExPortal in Streptococci is to a serve as a secretion system and a chaperone b mark proteins for destruction O c foron S S bonds needed for protein structure d anchor proteins to the nucleoid e secrete proteins to the periplasmic space

Ecology - EcosystemsMutations that inhibit the function of photosystem I but not photosystem II would result in a plant cell that could still generate O produce O 2 ATP and NADPH O produce CO 2 and ATP O produce O 2 ATP and NADP O produce ATP and NADP O produce ATP andNADPH

Ecology - EcosystemsUnifying Concepts and Processes One of the most important steps in analyzing data taken from an ice core is to compare it with data taken from another ice core that came from somewhere far away Why do think this comparison is important

Ecology - EcosystemsChoose the correct answer The word vape came into popular usage because more people started smoking electronic cigarettes because more people quit smoking electronic cigarettes because more people started smoking regular cigarettes

Ecology - EcosystemsC 0 00 0 05 Speed 1x Pelagic Photic Zone 0 200 m O Paused Mid Water Zone 200 1000 m

Ecology - Ecosystems1 Autobiographical texts such as Narrative of Life of Frederick Douglass An American S utilize key details from the author s perspect Identify a strong opinion that Douglass sha

Ecology - EcosystemsA group of fish that are the same species are O An individual O A population A community An ecosystem Different species of fish crabs grass and jellyfish in the ocean are an example of O An individual O A population O A community An ecosystem 1 point 1 point

Ecology - EcosystemsQUESTION S A calorie is the commonly used unit of chemical energy It is also the unit of O light O magnetism O sound O heat O radioactivity QUESTION 6 The ultimate source of energy for humans comes from what source O The sun O Plants O Water O Air

Ecology - EcosystemsHow does a COMPETITIVE INHIBITOR decrease the rate of an enzyme reaction by binding at the active site of the enzyme O by changing the shape of an enzyme O by changing the free energy change of the reaction by acting as a coenzyme for the reaction

Ecology - EcosystemsThe following are the functions of membrane proteins EXCEPT Transport of molecules across a membrane Involved in signal transduction Involved in cell cell recognition Involved in synthesis of DNA molecules

Ecology - Ecosystems4 Mark each statement as true or false and correct the false statements so they read as true Monosaccharides must be converted to disaccharides before being metabolized by fermentation pathways Before it can be fermented lactose must be split into simple sugars by the enzyme glucosidase Sucrose is a disaccharide made up of fructose and glucose A bacterium may conduct oxidative phosphorylation as well as fermentation

Ecology - EcosystemsGreat white shark Orca killer whale Order of food chain Consumers herbivore Consumers omnivore Consumers carnivore Order of food chain Cougar borbivore Bull kelp Producers Decomposers Detritivores Ecosystem Colorado Rocky Mountains 10 pts Coyote Sea urchin Pika Sea otter Spotted coralroot Producers Morel fungus

Ecology - EcosystemsABO Story B Which of the following pedigrees describe the genotypes of the members of the family described in ABO Story A U MPHN M 1 MPHN Family A Genotype 100 jpg PHD PIHh PIHh 1 Hh 2 I PIHH Question 4 1 GH 2 Pilh 2 PPHH 4 5

Ecology - EcosystemsWhich of the following is a question about blology Select all that apply Check All That Apply How have rocks In the Grand Canyon changed over the last million years How much carbon dioxide does an Industry release into the atmosphere each year How does water pollution affect fish in a lake How has a species of bacteria changed since doctors started prescribing antibiotics Why are Earth s poles colder than the equator

Ecology - EcosystemsB 12 Identify the structure labeled A 13 Identify the structure labeled B

Ecology - Ecosystems16 What is the natural rate of unemployment if the frictional structural and cyclical unemployment are 1 5 2 and 4 respectively

Ecology - Ecosystemsestion 49 Listen A clade is a grouping of species whereas a taxon is a groupi regardless of the species they belong to True False

Ecology - EcosystemsWater cycle 1 Transpiration The evaporation of water from Carbon Cycle 2 Photosynthesis Plants 3 Respiration Animals and plants break down 4 Decomposition Bacteria and fungi break down Carbon Dioxide from the air to make to get and put it in the Nitrogen Cycle 5 Nitrogen fixing bacteria Take nitrogen from the 6 Nitrification Changing Nitrogen into a form plants and animals can 7 Assimilation Plants absorb Nitrogen from the 8 De nitrification Change Nitrogen in the 9 Which cycles are disrupted by people and how Water yes no How Carbon yes no How litrogen yes no How and release carbon dioxide and release carbon dioxide into a

Ecology - EcosystemsChapter 5 is on the Integumentary System What does integumentary mean Ooiling O secreting O tanning covering

Ecology - Ecosystems5 You want to park uphill on a two way road and there is no curb Which direction do you turn your front wheels Straight ahead Right toward the side of the road Left toward the center of the road O O

Ecology - Ecosystems2 The elimination of wolves Canis lupus from Yellowstone National Park in 1926 and their reintroduction in 1995 provided the opportunity to examine ecological interactions with elk Cervus elaphus The National Park Service made efforts between the 1920s and 1968 to reduce the size of elk herds by culling selective killing because of concerns about overgrazing The graphs provide the trends for the numbers of wolves and elk in Yellowstone National Park from 1900 to 2004 High Number of wolves Number of elk Low 1900 High Low 1900 Wolves eliminated 1926 1920 1940 1920 1940 CONT 20 1960 End of elk culling 1968 1960 Wolves reintroduced 1995 1980 1980 2000 2000 Year a Outline the changes in elk population between the years 1930 and 2004 3

Ecology - Ecosystems3 The blackberry Rubus fruticosus is a plant that grows in deciduous woodlands in many parts of the world A 30 m transect was laid out in a woodland to investigate the relationship between light intensity and blackberry growth The percentage cover of blackberries and the light intensity were measured at 26 positions along this transect Blackberry growth cover 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 H 200 TOT D 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Light intensity lx a Outline how these results indicate that blackberry distribution is limited by light intensity 2 b Distinguish between the transfer of matter and energy in closed ecosystems 1 c A pyramid of energy represents the amount of energy taken in by each trophic level per unit ime and per unit area Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the use of pyramids of

Ecology - EcosystemsFood Web uto or het net net 1 Choose one food chain from the above food web to fill in the energy pyramid with the following information type of heterotroph carnivore tertiary amador Secondary herbivor Primary trophic level Identify the 1 Producers leafs and grapes energy Ol 1 10 2 Primary Consumers mouse grasshopper squiral 3 Secondary Consumers Mouse 4 Herbivores Grass hopper and Squiaral 5 Carnivores fox owl snack frog 6 Omnivores Mouse 7 What elements are missing from this food web decomposer Fox frog detritivore mouse

Ecology - EcosystemsWhat did the Voting Rights Act of 1965 address It outlawed voting practices O being used to disenfranchise African Americans It changed the minimum voting age from 18 to 21 It added Washington D C to the presidential electorate It eliminated paying a tax as a condition for voting

Ecology - EcosystemsDemocratic socialism is defined as a political system of elected representatives that act as the gatekeepers for shared ownership of property a political system common to western European nations where O the government imposes heavy taxes but pays for all essential services for the population a type of economic system in which voters choose socialism as their preferred method for obtaining goods and services a type of economic system in

Ecology - EcosystemsWhich combination of policies keeps the economy in balance O Foreign and domestic O Monetary and domestic Consumer and producer O Monetary and fiscal

Ecology - EcosystemsPlant cells unlike animal cells are characterized by the presence of a cell wall and contractile vacuole cell wall and central vacuole Onucleus and cell wall nucleus and contractile vacuole cell wall and ribosomes

Ecology - EcosystemsWhich of the following sentences uses pun O Jane is the apple of my eye It took a few seconds for Jack to fade off to sleep Without pointless geometry life is Jackson found it hard to spend time without doing anything

Ecology - EcosystemsWhich of the following is an example of alliteration O Dressy daffodils O Buzz crackle O Birds caroled O Fur coat

Ecology - EcosystemsHow is the aggregate demand curve similar to the individual demand curve Both show direct relationships O between quantity and domestic output Both show inverse relationships O between quantity and price or price level Both show the change in demand as time passes and tastes change Both represent the individual s O total demand for goods and

Ecology - EcosystemsHow long must the real Gross Domestic Product GDP show no growth to be considered a recession O At least six months O At least one year At least one quarter three months Any temporary trough in GDP is called a recession

Ecology - EcosystemsQuestion 10 When are wages Points 1 workers paid higher When workers simple job When workers hazardous job perform a perform a O When workers are uneducated O When workers are sick

Ecology - EcosystemsWhich of these is the best summary of the paragraph about pyramids The Great Pyramid of Khufu at Egypt is the tallest pyramid in the world It is the only one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World that remains It is built entirely of limestone on a square base with sides measuring about 230 m covering 13 acres Its four sides face the four cardinal points at an angle of 52 degrees Of the original height of 146 5 m only 137 m is left at present due to the theft of the fine quality limestone to build houses and a mosque in Cairo Pyramids are the largest Fru IKO 0 th The fallort

Ecology - EcosystemsNORTH AMERICA Tobaca Avecado Peppers Sweet Potato Turkey Pineapple Peanut Potato Tomato Corn AMERICAS TO EUROPE AFRICA AND ASIA Cacao Bean Beans Vanilla ATLANTIC OCEAN Sugar Cane Honeybee Citrus Fruits Grape Banana EUROPE AFRICA AND ASIA TO AMERICAS EUROPE Grains Wheet Rice Barla Livestock Cattle Sheep Pig Horse Diseas Smar Influ Typh Meas Dipl Whoo Coup AFI

Ecology - EcosystemsHow might an author slow the pace of a particular passage in a story By using more dialogue By eliminating descriptive language OBy introducing new characters O None of the choices

Ecology - Ecosystemsanswer t could be said that Okonkwo in Things Fall Apart represents O None of the choices O Christianity O modern society traditional society

Ecology - EcosystemsKhloe wanted to be the first woman to live to 120 but she was just diagnosed with heart failure What kind of conflict is Khloe having A external conflict man vs fate B external conflict man vs man C external conflict man vs nature

Ecology - EcosystemsWhen developping the embryo of a goat divides into an exponential number of blastomeres completes a series of divisions that produce smaller cells transforms into a blastula that do not contain a blastocoel become polarised due to the presence and location of the yolk

Ecology - EcosystemsRead the excerpt from the story Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain and answer the question that follows That night we went down the lightning rod a little after ten and took one of the candles along and listened under the window hole and heard Jim snoring so we pitched it in and it didn t wake him Then we whirled in with the pick and shovel and in about two hours and a half the job was done We crept in under Jim s bed and into the cabin and pawed around and found the candle and lit it and stood over Jim awhile and found him looking hearty and healthy and then we woke him up gentle and gradual In the text above the narrator uses the O first person point of view O second person point of view O third person point of view O second person and third person point of view 2 25 29 33

Ecology - EcosystemsQuestion 28 What is the connotative meaning of the word sunrise Points 2 O Final stage of any period O Beginning stage of any period Middle stage of any period O All of the choices

Ecology - EcosystemsI wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o er vales and hills When all at once I saw a crowd A host of golden daffodils Beside the lake beneath the trees Fluttering and dancing in the breeze Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the milky way They stretched in never ending line Along the margin of a bay Ten thousand saw I at a glance Tossing their heads in sprightly dance What is the genre of the above selection Drama O Non fiction Fiction Poem

Ecology - EcosystemsCilia differ from flagella in that Ocilia are anchored only in the proteins of the cell membrane flagella are anchored in a special structure called the basal body cilia are typically more numerous and shorter than flagella cilia contain nine microtubule doublets surrounding a central pair of microtubules flagella contain only nine microtubule doublets O cilia are composed of microfilaments and flagella are composed of intermediate filaments the protein filaments of cilia are naked those of flagella are wrapped in an extension of the cell membrane

Ecology - Ecosystems20 m Hyphae extend outward into the soil Hyphae extend inward between cells Hyphae form a dense continuous sheath around root STARK STATE SITATH Hyphae extend outward into the soil Hyphae extend inward penetrate cell wall and contact plasma membrane A depicts arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus B depicts endophytic fungus A depicts arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus B depicts ectomycorrhizal fungus A depicts ectomycorrhizal fungus B depicts endophytic fungus A depicts ectomycorrhizal fungus B depicts arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus 10 um