Ecology - Environmental Issues Questions and Answers

Ecology - Environmental Issues11696 127 ml 916 2536hvduche 997 farlW EI 18 Which type of UV has the shortest wavelength being seotui scopul is a UVA Scopulg 920 920102 d 520002 970tlsm 92016 3 misleg s uliem gaopulo b b UVB c UVC d UVZ to yns inemist jon 29ob jeni mai ne 096 121 gruHWA

Ecology - Environmental Issuesmeaning 1960s China accused the that it had revised or abandoned the revolutionary aspects of Marxism in favour of a more moderate less revolutionary approach After Nikita Khrushchev became leader of the Soviet Union he began carrying out a limited de Stalinisation in the USSR and also tried to achieve peaceful coexistence with the West This led the CCP to believe that the Soviet Union was departing from orthodox Marxism especially regarding foreign policy and doing deals with capitalist states These arguments eventually split the international communist movement into pro Moscow and pro Beijing parties However in the early 1970s Mao was also prepared to do deals with the imperialist USA thus showing that Maoism s strong nationalist sentiments at times meant he put China s national interests above those of Communist principles and the goal of world revolution Just like the Soviet Union s leaders Mao often put national interests before ideology Capitalism Essentially this is an ideology based on the belief that the most important parts of a country s economy such as banks industries and the land should be owned and controlled by private individuals and or companies An important part of this belief is the view that the state or government should not be involved in the economy In fact in its early liberal or classical phase in the Industrial Revolution it was believed that apart from providing an army and grudgingly a police force the government should not even provide social welfare This it was argued helped ensure freedom Although most capitalist states eventually developed as liberal political democracies this was not always the case Several capitalist states such s Hitler s Germany in the 1930s and 1940s or Pinochet s Chile in the 970s and 1980s were decidedly undemocratic An indication of how apitalism can be decidedly undemocratic is provided by terms such as ate capitalism bureaucratic capitalism or authoritarian capitalism three of these terms have been applied to China since 1949 o liberal capitalism he 1980s a more extreme version of capitalism emerged which ted Keynesian economics and which in several ways harked back me early form of classical unregulated capitalism In most Western states the welfare capitalism that had emerged by the mid 20th century came increasingly under attack In opposition to the welfare state a return to liberal capitalism was called for instead These moves involved calls for a small state i e one that allowed private firms to take over the provision of various public utilities and welfare services in which taxation of profits was reduced and the rights of trades unions were restricted At first the economic policy associated with this rolling back of the state was often called Monetarism and was quickly adopted by Reagan s governments in the US and by Thatcher s in Britain Such policies were based on the ideas of Friedrich Hayek and Milton Friedman and other theorists linked to the Chicago School of Economics who increasingly argued for an unrestricted capitalism and the privatisation of most publicly owned social services During the 1990s these policies were applied in post Soviet Russia and in the former East European states and this application was often called economic shock therapy Since then these kinds of ideas and policies have usually been referred to as neo liberalism and have been associated with the austerity and privatisation programmes in many Western states following the 2008 banking failures These ideas have also been closely associated with the spread of economic globalisation Dictatorship of the proletariat This Marxist term has three main specialist meanings which in many ways are very different from the usual meaning of dictatorship Firstly in relation to the revolutionary period immediately following the overthrow of capitalism it refers to the dictatorship that would need to be exercised over the old minority ruling class This would involve repression of counter revolutionaries and class enemies to ensure they did not try to overthrow or undermine the revolution and so regain their power However a more significant meaning is dominance or hegemony not harsh and repressive rule According Marxist theory in any class divided society the dominant ideas are always those of the dominant class or classes In a capitalist society these were the private owners of banks factories and land Thus Marx described the parliamentary democracy of late 19th century Britain as the dictatorship of the

Ecology - Environmental IssuesMatch the objective to this paragraph Always work with at least two people present in the lab room never alone If one person gets hurt the other person can help or call for emergency assistance 33 Explain why the buddy system is used in laboratory environments 34 Explain why various flammable and combustible materials should be available in limited quantities in laboratories 35 Discuss the considerations that must be taken into account when measuring flammable materials and transferring them from one container to another 37 Explain the reasons for good housekeeping in the laboratory 38 Demonstrate good housekeeping by maintaining a clean and orderly workspace 39 Identify and demonstrate the appropriate use of PPE for a given laboratory activity 40 Identify and demonstrate the appropriate use of common laboratory safety equipment e g safety shower eyewash station fire blanket fire extinguisher 41 Describe and demonstrate methods to prevent spills including situations involving falling containers or when transferring and transporting chemicals 42 Describe and demonstrate the appropriate use of common laboratory devices for heating e g Bunsen burners hot plates alcohol burners candles heat guns laboratory ovens 44 Describe the precautions needed when using any electrical equipment including inspection of cords and connections grounding and switches

Ecology - Environmental IssuesIn Week 4 we will focus on these ten Safety objectives Carefully read all the objectives in the list and select answer yes for this question Note the original objective numbers and headings are used to help students locate the objectives in the ACS Safety booklet if desired In the following questions match each objective to the paragraph summarizing the key information covered in that objective Each objective should match one paragraph Week 4 Objective List M General Concepts 33 Explain why the buddy system is used in laboratory environments 34 Explain why various flammable and combustible materials should be available in limited quantities in laboratories 35 Discuss the considerations that must be taken into account when measuring flammable materials and transferring them from one container to another 37 Explain the reasons for good housekeeping in the laboratory 38 Demonstrate good housekeeping by maintaining a clean and orderly workspace 39 Identify and demonstrate the appropriate use of PPE for a given laboratory activity 40 Identify and demonstrate the appropriate use of common laboratory safety equipment e g safety shower eyewash station fire blanket fire extinguisher 41 Describe and demonstrate methods to prevent spills including situations involving falling containers or when transferring and transporting chemicals 42 Describe and demonstrate the appropriate use of common laboratory devices for heating e g Bunsen burners hot plates alcohol burners candles heat guns laboratory ovens 44 Describe the precautions needed when using any electrical equipment including inspection of cords and connections grounding and switches Yes I have read all the Safety objectives for this week No I have not read the Safety objectives for this week

Ecology - Environmental Issues7 Only 2 people have been recorded to have died from this tsunami outside of Japan However wave heights of 2 9 m almost 10 ft were recorded in several locations such as Russia and Chile Why were there far fewer deaths in areas away from Japan

Ecology - Environmental Issues15 Suppose a small economy produces only smart TVs In year one 10 000 TVs are produced and sold at a price of 700 each In year two 12 000 TVs are produced and sold at a price of 720 each What is the growth rate of real GDP and nominal GDP

Ecology - Environmental IssuesChoose the correct answer Sarcasm characterized by exaggeration and violent language is called O manic sarcasm O raging sarcasm O deadpan sarcasm

Ecology - Environmental IssuesMatch each property of water with its effect on living organisms High heat of vaporization High solubility of ions and polar molecules A wide variety of substances can move freely and interact within cells Hydrophobic exclusion The temperature of living organisms is relatively stable Lakes freeze from the top down allowing fish and other life to survive below the surface High specific heat Ice is less dense than liquid water Evaporation of water is often used to cool body surfaces Nonpolar molecules tend to aggregate or organize in ways that minimize their contact with water

Ecology - Environmental IssuesEconomic growth Mec Serv Education Which of the following best completes the diagram according to the lesson Foreign investment and access to sea ports Foreign investment and public land ownership Developed property rights and

Ecology - Environmental IssuesFrom Captain Cousteau Audubon May 1990 17 What is the central idea of this passage O The sun and its heat O Global warming in Antarctica O Human activity The fragile nature of all things in life

Ecology - Environmental IssuesSelect one of the learning materials from Learning Materials 3 In 250 300 words explain how the learning materials connect with the public health approach PHA

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhich of the following represents the merits of offshoring A Improved quality B Lack of customer focus C Increased efficiency D Time zone differences O A and C O A and B O Band D

Ecology - Environmental Issuesson Posttest Question 4 Points 3 Choose the correct answer The Taft Hartley Act of 1947 established the National Labor Relations Board O outlawed certain strike tactics O outlawed yellow dog contracts guaranteed the right of free

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhich of these conflicts can be seen in a work of fiction O Man vs man O Man vs circumstances O Man vs society O All of the choices

Ecology - Environmental IssuesSelect all the correct answers A coastal town has an active volcano nearby Numerous chemical factories are also located near the coast Which two types of pollution effects would this town face the volcano may make loud sounds causing sound pollution the factories may dump their waste in the sea water causing water pollution smoke from the volcano may deposit on land in large amounts causing land pollution the factories may use bright lights causing air pollution smoke emitting from the volcano may cause respiratory problems in humans and animals

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhich of these is the best summary of the paragraph Maya Angelou has been called America s most visible black female autobiographer by scholar Joanne M Braxton She has written her autobiography and poetry Maya Angelou is a well known African American writer She has written six volumes of autobiography which brought her international recognition She was nominated for a National Book Award and a Pulitzer Prize She has been awarded more than 30 honorary degrees

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhy does the government try to regulate the use of money in political campaigns Regulations exist to sway the O election to the advantage of one political party People worry that candidates O could buy their way into public office Groups or individuals could use money donations to exert undue influence on possible future officeholders Both people worry that candidates could buy their way into public office and groups or

Ecology - Environmental IssuesSome people believe the state and local elections elections should be run separately from national elections What are they trying to avoid The coattail effect The states not having to pay for national elections An annual cycle of elections O through separate elections that might increase voter turnout Straight ticket voting

Ecology - Environmental IssuesMatch the terms used in Video 4 4 with their meanings Concordance Correlation coefficient Threshold trait Quantitative trait locus QTL Complex trait Quantitative trait Variance I II III I trait exhibiting continuous variation instead of discrete phenotypic categories a quantitative measure of variability around the mean that is observed for a group of values a complex trait that is scored as binary gene affecting the phenotype for a complex trait when the phenotypes for two individuals are the same a quantitative measure of how well correlated pairs of values in a dataset are

Ecology - Environmental IssuesChoose the correct answer We analyze the main text to O better understand it O identify and infer the author s message O know what the text is about O All of the choices Complete Later Complete

Ecology - Environmental IssuesQuestion 2 Points 3 Who was the founder of the Fruitlands O George Ripley O Bronson Alcott O Nathanael Hawthorne O David Henry Thoreau

Ecology - Environmental IssuesEdna s arrest and imprisonment made the Hartford newspapers When she returned to her job in the filing department of the Travelers Insurance Company her admiring co workers greeted her with a large sign reading VOTES FOR WOMEN The company president wasn t pleased When I came back Batterson the president called me down to his office He said You know Miss Purtell you re liked very well here but we don t want you to be talking about suffrage I said to him Mr Batterson during work hours I ll take care of my job But once I get in that elevator what I talk about is my business not yours And on our coffee break that s our coffee break and I ll talk about anything I want What was the purpose of the march on August 6 O To attempt to free the women who had been arrested To call for President Woodrow Wilson s resignation O To protest the Senate s failure to vote on an amendment

Ecology - Environmental IssuesPoints 1 Which of the following explains inference O Inferences are educated guesses based on appropriate evidence O The inference is the conclusion that the writer has mentioned in the text O The inference is the precise information stated in the text O Inference involves identifying direct information in the text

Ecology - Environmental IssuesOOC OOC Q information presented in this lesson which answer best completes this diagram Paved streets O Dug sewers Constructed Houses Created public transportation O Sanitized Water How cities responded to issues regarding sanitation

Ecology - Environmental Issuesthe correct answer The characters in Kiss Me Kate have O different names to those O similar names to those shorter names than those Olonger names than those in The Taming of

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhat is the main goal of Clean Air Act O Increasing automobile production O Encouraging DDT use O Regulating industrial pollution O Banning industries

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhich technology do environmental scientists use to track the health of the Amazon rain forest A Environmental DNA eDNA surveillance OB Global Positioning System GPS C Unmanned aerial system UAS OD Geographic information system GIS

Ecology - Environmental IssuesIf The Lady or the Tiger had been written in 1st person through the king s eyes which of these events did he not know about and so would be omitted from the story A This the arena was the king s semi barbaric method of administering justice B How often in the princess s waking hours and in her dreams had she started in wild horror C This semi barbaric king had a daughter she was the apple of his eye THE LADY OR THE TIGER by Frank R Stockton 1 In the very olden time there lived a semi barbaric king whose ideas though somewhat polished and sharpened by the progressiveness of distant Inhil

Ecology - Environmental IssuesQuestion 42 Points 3 How does a person s sense of political efficacy affect his or her voting behavior O One might vote because he she believes the vote will make an impact OA person may not vote because he she feels an individual vote doesn t matter One might vote because he she believes the vote will make an impact Also a person may not vote because he she feels an individual vote doesn t matter O None of the choices Questic 1 5 9 13 17 21

Ecology - Environmental IssuesXingjiang Tibet Xizang Cemed to be part Or mg O Xinjiang Tibet Taiwan Inner Mongolia Nei Mongol Yinchuan Ningxia Tayan Shanxi Lanzhou Qinghai Xining Lhasa Gansu Xan Hotho Beijing Shenyang Liaoning Heilongjiang Harbin Changchun Jilin Hebei Tianjin Shijiazhuang Jinan Shandong Shaanxi Henan Jiangsu Hefol Naning Shanghal Chengdu Hubei Anhui Hangzhou Sichuan Chongqing when Zhejiang Nanchang Guizhou Hunan Jiangxi Fuzhou Fujian aipel Gulyang Kunming Yunnan Guangxi Guangdong Taiwan Guangzhou Nanning Hong Kong Macau Halkou Hainan What province did the Chinese Nationalists flee to in May of 1949 Dalmad Governed by the Republic of China

Ecology - Environmental IssuesThe units of concern for which type of scientist are groups of people living in the community rather than separate individuals visiting a healthcare facility Basic scientists Clinical scientists Environmental scientists Public health scientists

Ecology - Environmental IssuesPrompt Consider a problem taking place in your community and view it geographically How does this problem affect your city on both a large scale and a small scale Read Less

Ecology - Environmental Issueshat does an indicator species tell us about the health of an ecosystem

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhat is an ecological footprint and how is it related to an area of land

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhat is the difference between renewable and nonrenewable resources

Ecology - Environmental IssuesMatch the receptor to the type of stimulus that it responds to Nociceptors Photoreceptors Chemoreceptors Mechanoreceptors Thermoreceptors 1 touch pressure vibration and stretch 2 changes in temperature 3 light energy 4 chemicals 5 pain causing stimuli

Ecology - Environmental Issues10 100 Soil Texture Triangle U S Department of Agriculture 20 30 40 Clay Separate SO 60 70 sandy clay XXX sandy clay loam sandy loam loamy sand sandy 80 90 100 clay 10 Xclay loam loam 20 30 8 85 Sand Separate A soil sample contains 70 silt 30 sand and 0 clay What type of soil do you have A loam B silt loam C clay

Ecology - Environmental Issuesfelon 1 O S1 O S2 4 The image above is a result of DNA finger printing test comparing samples found on the crime scene felon to suspect samples S1 S2 S3 which of the suspects is the likely culprit 52 S 3

Ecology - Environmental IssuesThe table below shows the crude and age adjusted rates for Mortality from Accidental Poisonings between two populations Population A Population B Crude Rate per 10 000 Adjusted Rate per 10 000 35 49 25 35 Which of the following is the best response Oa More information is needed to make an interpretation Ob The comparison of the adjusted rates was confounded by age Oc The comparison of the crude rates was confounded by age d The comparison of the crude rates was not confounded by age

Ecology - Environmental Issues5 Give the scientific name 6 What type of sample is this slide made from

Ecology - Environmental IssuesQuestion 2 of 22 A population of lizards with two common phenotypes for color is introduced into an environment One phenotype is brown and the other is green The environment is typically dry most of the year with brown grasses and soil Hawks and coyotes hunt the lizards for food If the environment remains stable which phenotype is likely to become more common and why A Brown because brown lizards will be more likely to survive and reproduce B Green because green lizards will become better at hiding from predators O C Brown because this phenotype was caused by a mutation that can be inherited D Green because green lizards will have less competition for resources

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhat does the Constitution demand of the president Select one O a Faithfully execute the laws of the land O b Enforce the will of the people Oc Check the powers of the Judicial Branch O d Follow the orders and the directions of Congress All legislation passed by Congress is sent to the president for approval Select one O True O False The president s primary role is to t Select one O a Advise and consent on O b O C Sign or veto O d Create debate and approve Enforce administrate and carry out the laws of the land

Ecology - Environmental Issues3 The two greenhouse gases that have the greatest impact on climate change are A chlorofluorocarbons and water vapor B methane and water vapor C nitrous oxide and methane D methane and carbon dioxide

Ecology - Environmental Issues1 punctuation of an introductory transitional phrase A In spite of its difficulty students receive literacy and writing benefits from reading Shakespeare B In spite of its difficulty students receive literacy and writing benefits from reading Shakespeare C In spite of its difficulty students receive literacy and writing benefits from reading Shakespeare D In spite of its difficulty students