Ecology - Organisms & Population Questions and Answers

Ecology - Organisms & Population1 pc 6 1 A population of mosquito larvae is living in a large pond Mosquitofish are a type of fish that eat mosquito larvae Which of the following describes a direct effect on the population of mosquito larvae when mosquitofish are introduced to the pond Odeaths increase Obirths decrease emigration increases immigration decreases

Ecology - Organisms & Population6 1 The cardinal is a type of bird Which of the following would increase the 1 point size of a population of cardinals in a forest O an increase in the birth rate of cardinals O an increase in the death rate of cardinals O increased emigration of young cardinals from the forest ecosystem O increased immigration of cardinal predators into the forest ecosystem

Ecology - Organisms & Population6 1 The graph below shows changes that occurred in the size of a population of animals over a year Which of the following is best supported by the graph Population Size 120 100 80 60 40 20 Population Sizes during One Year 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Month 1 point O Between month 1 and month 5 the immigration rate was zero Between month 4 and month 6 a predator was introduced into the ecosystem and increased the death rate Between month 5 and month 7 the birth and emigration rates decreased and the death and immigration rates increased Between month 8 and month 12 the birth and immigration rates equaled the death and emigration rates

Ecology - Organisms & PopulationC A B D sig There are seven species of sea turtles in the world and six of them are classified as endangered Three species are said to be critically endangered and the hawksbill sea turtle is one of those species Sea turtles are endangered because of human activity If humans choose not to take steps to protect these critically endangered animals they will soon be extinct Every two to five years female hawksbill sea turtles return to the area where they were born to mate They leave the sea and choose an area on the beach to lay their eggs They dig a pit in the sand fill it with about 130 eggs cover it and then retreat to the sea The eggs are now on their own Humans must do something to help the sea turtles One solution is to turn off the lights on beaches where sea turtles nest Another solution is to use turtle safe lighting on the beach These red lights emit less visible light and therefore do not confuse the hatchlings Executing either of these simple actions could improve the likelihood of survival for hawksbill sea turtles After about sixty days the eggs hatch The most dangerous time of the hawksbill s life is now The hatchlings must travel to the sea before they are devoured by predators Crabs and seagulls prey on these hatchlings How do they know where to go Sea turtles are attracted to light Before electricity was invented the brightest light was the moonlight reflecting on the sea Therefore the hatchlings would simply follow the light and end up in the sea Unfortunately things are not as simple anymore Beaches have become popular places filled with houses hotels and condominiums Even at nighttime shorelines are well lit If the lights are on the hatchlings become confused and wander inland toward the bright lights As a result many die before they can find the ocean 555 1 SEQUENCE What do female sea turtles do immediately after they lay their eggs They sit on their eggs They abandon their eggs and return to the sea They cover their eggs with sand They start gathering food for the baby sea turtles to eat 2 A B C CAUSE AND EFFECT How do red lights help sea turtles People set up the red lights in a line and then the hatchlings follow the red lights from their nest to the beach The red lights emit less visible light which makes the beach darker This allows the hatchlings to follow the moonlight to the sca like they are supposed to do People set up red lights on the beach to help female sea turtles Identify the safest place to build their nest 3 FINDING DETAILS IN A TEXT When is the most dangerous time of a hawksbill sea turtle s life A B C D when the sea turtle eggs are buried in the sand when a female lays her eggs when a newly hatched sea turtle enters the sea and must learn to swim when a newly hatched sea turtle leaves its nest on the beach and travels to the sea

Ecology - Organisms & Population14 What are examples of tradition and command in a market system

Ecology - Organisms & PopulationJon went on a school fieldtrip With his classmates they collected a bunch of leeches that they brought back into their classroom s aquarium They numbered each leech in order to study the way they reproduce Jon knows that leeches are a type of annelids but he does not know which kind of reproductive strategy leeches follow Help Jon and his classmates Leeches reproduce by or are budding fragmentation sequential hermaphrodites simultaneous hermaphrodites gemmulation

Ecology - Organisms & Populationgreatest population in 2009 1 0 5 1 0 0 5 0 5 0 1 0 5 Ireland France Spain Russia France Spain Ireland Russia

Ecology - Organisms & Population1 4 This pedigree illustrates the pattern of inheritance of X linked recessive colorblindness in a human family A couple is expecting their first child and have found out from amniocentesis results that it a boy marked What is the probability that this XY child will be color blind 1 2 00 01 O

Ecology - Organisms & Populationalculations Round your answers to the nearest tenth Use the following formulas to calculate the values belov 1 Birth Rate 2 Death Rate Births Total population x 1000 Deaths Total population x 1000 3 Emigration rate Emigrants Total pop x 1000 4 Immigration rate Immigrants Total pop x 1000 5 Natural Rate ofIncrease Births Deaths Total pop 1000ORBirthRate Death Rate 6 Net Migration Rate Immigrants Emigrants Total pop 1000ORImmigration Rate Emigration Rate 7 Population Growth Rate Natural Rate of Increase Net Mi Rate 1000 x 100 Practice Statistics mlto ammal Population Babies born will have ale People died People emigrated bill teve People immigrated og or Calculate the following Values A Birth Rate B DeathRate C Emigration Rate D Immigration Rate 6 Natural increaseRate 31 850 000 1038 000 in 594 000 86 000 53 000

Ecology - Organisms & PopulationUsually which of the following are based on a combination of physical and pathological examinations diagnostic test results and signs and symptoms Disease controls O Disease frequencies Disease definitions Disease distributions

Ecology - Organisms & PopulationTrue or False The purpose of surveillance is to monitor aspects of disease occurrence that are pertinent to effective control True False

Ecology - Organisms & PopulationWhich of the following a key activity of epidemiologists includes three steps developing a definition of disease instituting a mechanism to account for cases of disease within a specified population and determining the size of the population Counting

Ecology - Organisms & Populationo Question 5 Reflect on the concept of health equity and its significance within Healthy People 2030 How does this framework address health disparitie among different populations

Ecology - Organisms & Population1 000 000 800 000 600 000 400 000 200 000 O 1920 O 1910 1950 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 Number of Immigrants Entering the United States 1820 1950 Quest 1 5 9

Ecology - Organisms & Population13 Describe the rate of population growth that would be expected at various parts of the S shaped curve of logistic growth

Ecology - Organisms & Population16 Describe the competitive exclusion principle and its effects on competing species

Ecology - Organisms & PopulationConnect to Prior Knowledge Examine the picture In the center is the border between two countries How might the environmental policies of these two nations be different What could be some possible impacts of these differing policies

Ecology - Organisms & PopulationDo you think Earth has a limit to the number of humans it can sustain

Ecology - Organisms & PopulationThe photo shows a group of snails of a single species with several different shell patterns and colors The snails are preyed on by birds Suppose the environment changes so that the snails are surrounded by lighter colored rocks What is most likely to happen to this snail population A The number of lighter colored snails will increase because they will be harder for birds to see on lighter colored rocks OB The shell colors and patterns will stay the same because one is not more beneficial than the others in the new environment OC The number of brown snails will increase because birds are less likely to eat them because they are small D The population will disappear because snails with any of the shell PREVIOUS

Ecology - Organisms & PopulationWhat is the adaptation of animals BATERI 1425621 MERRE DE SAMPLE SIEGES

Ecology - Organisms & PopulationQuestion 9 of 10 Which statement best describes the second step of primary succession A Shade tolerant seedlings grow into trees that block out the sunlight B Mosses begin to grow and add nutrients and nitrogen to the soil C Grasses and perennials begin to grow D Lichens begin to grow and break down rock to form soil SUBMIT

Ecology - Organisms & Population1 Genus species of bird 2 Common name 3 Protection status and habitat

Ecology - Organisms & PopulationDissection 3 A B C D Cons select answer stomach pyloris ruggae esophagus select answer B D

Ecology - Organisms & PopulationA botanist discovers what she thinks may be a new species of asexual wildflower growing in the Chocolate Mountains in the deserts of CA Which of the following species concepts would not be useful in helping her define this population as a new species O Biological species concept O Ecological species concept O Morphological species concept O Genetic species concept

Ecology - Organisms & PopulationREADING TOOL Compare and Contrast As you read diagram to compare and contrast density dependent limiting factors limiting factors Density Dependent Limiting Factors miting Factor Both Density Independent limit population size Once you have finished the Venn diagram categorize the following scenarios as density depe and density independent limiting factors cenario A A flood wipes out all the plant species that live on a riverbed cenario B A pack of wolves migrates to a new valley and eats all the deer that inhabit that enario C A large population of zebras is killed due to a contagious virus enario D A drought kills many of the deer that live in a valley

Ecology - Organisms & PopulationPopulations in the real world O remain relatively stable over time Omay fluctuate wildly cannot keep increasing indefinitely All of the above are correct

Ecology - Organisms & Populationensily is related to the dispersion of the population may be expressed as the number of individuals in a particular volume of water is usually arrived at through some sort of sampling technique to estimate population size All of the above are correct

Ecology - Organisms & PopulationMore than one of these Dead organisms O Living organisms Nothing they produce their own energy

Ecology - Organisms & PopulationIn a particular country the number of humans is disproportionately comprised of more elderly people Which of the following might you expect An increase in growth rate A decline in growth rate A stead growth rate None of the above

Ecology - Organisms & PopulationWhich of the following is are true about populations A population is an interbreeding group of individuals belonging to the same species O A population is a group of individuals of the same species occupying the same area at the same time A population is a group of individuals of the same species relying on the same resources and being influenced by the same environmental factors All of the above are correct

Ecology - Organisms & PopulationOrganisms living together where one is harmed are most likely in a O Beneficial Mutualistic O Parasitic Commensal symbiosis

Ecology - Organisms & PopulationThe evolutionary advantage of aspect of K strategy is ensuring that your genetics will continue to be inherited A the slow growth rate C maturing late in life B the parental care D having few offspring

Ecology - Organisms & Populationgrow rapidly have multiple offspring and have little investment in parental care A K strategists C Elephants B Humans D R strategists

Ecology - Organisms & PopulationWhich of the following is NOT a characteristic of a K strategist A mature late in life C reproduce later in life B grow at an exponential rate D grow at a slow logistic rate

Ecology - Organisms & PopulationQuestion 12 Spleen cells are taken from a mouse immunized with the LCM virus 2 assays are used to determine antigen specific functional activity of the spleen cells Assay 1 the spleen cells T cells are incubated with macrophages that have been briefly exposed to LCM virus phagocytized the virus production of IL 2 by the T cells is considered a positive response Assay 2 the spleen cells are incubated with LCM infected target cells lysis of the infected target cells is considered a positive response Activity of which cell population is detected in Assay 1

Ecology - Organisms & PopulationBoom and bust population growth is most often seen in A elephant populations B R stategists C K strategists D monogamous organisms

Ecology - Organisms & PopulationAnalyzing the right Staffing and Scheduling levels to meet a given demand falls under descriptive analytics True False

Ecology - Organisms & Populationis the number of organisms per unit area at any given time A Population density B Ecosystem density C Community density D Biome density

Ecology - Organisms & PopulationThe population dispersion type called is driven by the plentiful availability of resources A matrixed B clumped C even D random

Ecology - Organisms & PopulationThe growth of a population is calculated by births immigration A deaths emmigration B deaths emmigration C deaths x emmigration D deaths emmigration

Ecology - Organisms & PopulationThe study of the size growth and distribution of a population to predict change is called d A demographics B ecology C nomographics D ethology

Ecology - Organisms & Population4 Listen What is a lifespan O the oldest age to which a species is known to survive O typical pattern of falling death rates and birth rates due to improved living conditions that usually accompanies economic development O factors that increase people s desire to have babies the average age that a newborn infant can expect to attain in any given society

Ecology - Organisms & Population46 43 50 40 300 37 51 51 41 38 44 45 47 48 42 1 39 10 18297 Percent of population Prereproductive Reproductive 10 ecological footprint reproduction diagram 03 40 71 75 04 65 84 40 61 55 46 50 41 45 36 40 31 35 26 30 21 25 16 20 11 15 6 10 0 5 L 10 0 Percent of population Postreproductive The image is an example of which of the following Oage class histogram Olife expectancy diagram 10 M 85 RE HO 71 74 61 65 154 85 48 50 41 45 218 40 23 36 26 30 21 28 15 20 11 15 6 30 0 5 10 0 Percent of population

Ecology - Organisms & Populationsten Select the characteristics that are exhibited by K selected most individuals die early in life most individuals die late in life slow to maturity produce few young produce large numbers of young mature quickly

Ecology - Organisms & Population1 12 6 Decompostion Photosynthesis Predation Herbivory What type of system is shown in the image O closed system Oopen system all answers are correct none of the answers are correct

Ecology - Organisms & PopulationWhich level of the biological hierarchy considers only the organisms present A community C biosphere B population D ecosystem

Ecology - Organisms & PopulationEnvironmental factors can influence natural selection because they can increase or decrease O the number of chromosomes in an individual O the number of chromosomes in a population O the amount of genetic variation in an individual O the amount of genetic variation in a population

Ecology - Organisms & PopulationWhich of the following is true about phylogenetic trees O trees should always have at least three nodes Othere is only one way to correctly draw a particular tree O trees should reflect the best available evidence the identity of the ancestor must always be known

Ecology - Organisms & Population3 33 points If you were a field biologist and knowing nothing else you observed a parasite feeding on the body of a larger organism This singular observation demonstrates co evolution True O False

Ecology - Organisms & Populationext O Analyzing and Communicating Scientific Information Mastery Test An ecologist is studying the effects that a population of predators is having on a population of prey He used data from the field to produce this line graph Which conclusion can you draw from the graph Population of Prey 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 A 20 40 Population of Predators 60 80 There is no relationship between the population of predators and prey OB The population of prey decreases with a decrease in the population of predators OC The population of prey increases with an increase in the population of predators OD The population of prey decreases with an increase in the population of predators Submit