Evolution Questions and Answers

Evolution1 In a two factor cross the longest possible map distance is 50 map units a Explain why this is true b How then can genetic maps show two genes that are 70 map units or more apart 2 What is meant by the word synteny

EvolutionFigure 6 24 is one of the most important unifying figures in the book In words describe the key takeaways from the figure

Evolution1 In tomatoes the shape of the leaf called potato is recessive to a leaf shape called cut A true breeding variety called Mortgage Lifter with cut leaves is crossed to a true breeding variety called Hillbilly with potato leaves and seeds are collected These F plants are grown a What is the genotype of these F plants What is the phenotype of their leaves b The F plants are self fertilized and their seeds are collected These seeds are planted to create an F generation What fraction of the F2 plants are expected to have potato leaves c Planning Experiments Approximately how many seeds have to be planted in order to be confident at a 95 level that at least one seedling has a potato leaf

Evolution8 The Rh blood factor is a single gene trait with Rh negative recessive to Rh positive Two Rh positive parents have an Rh negative child a What must be their genotypes b What is the probability that their next child will be Rh positive

EvolutionWord Bank mortality forty mass forehead tent repentance fasting dust penance cross abstinence palms spiritual prepare 1 The first day of Lent is Ash Wednesday 2 Remember that you are and to dust you shall return 3 The priest applies ashes to the person s fore head in the form of a cross 4 Ashes are a visible symbol of 5 The ashes are made from blessed from the previous year s Palm Sunday mass 6 Starting with Ash Wednesday Lent lasts for forty days 7 The ashes are made in the form of a dust 8 Ash Wednesday is observed by and from meat 9 The ashes are to remind us of our own 10 On Ash Wednesday we set fasting before Easter Jl We attend mass on this day to monly goals to reach

EvolutionThink about the people who lived where you do about 200 years ago What would you be curious to know about their lives What questions would you ask them Type your answer into the box Then click Submit

EvolutionQU Which adaptation specific to becoming multicellular compensates for the destabilizing effect of increased size Think carefully about answer choices Extracellular matrix Tight junctions Cytoskeleton Both ECM and tight junctions All of the above

EvolutionThis figure shows the expression of HoxD genes in tetrapod and fish limbs Predict what you would e C VE TO An fin

EvolutionWhich of the following is consistent with the out of Africa hypothesis Select one O a Homo sapiens have a common ancestor with Neanderthal and Homo erectus from Africa but did not interbreed with them O b Modern Homo sapiens can trace their origin back to Neanderthals O C Modern Homo sapiens can trace their origin back to Homo erectus Od Interbreeding between early hominin species in Europe and Asia lead to the distinctive features of modern Homo sapiens O e Modern Homo sapiens and Neanderthals have no common ancestor more recent than the first mammals

Evolution1 The nucleotide base you will find in RNA but not in DNA is on back of the seantron sheet Assume that a strain of moths carries recessive mutations One causes the antennae to be long 11 and the other causes a yellow spot yy on the wing Short antennae and white spots are the dominant traits In a test cross of a dihybrid the following offspring were found short antennae short antennae long antennae long antennae 2 On the null hypothesis of independent assortment what is the value of Chi Square on back of the scantron sheet EBA E B a e b E b a 801 111 95 11 e Ba 74 e ba 833 e BA 3 Referring again to the above Chi Square problem do you reject or not reject the null hypothesis on back of the scantron sheet white spot yellow spot white spot yellow spot The following two 2 questions refer to the following data from a trihybrid testcross Presence of a dominant allele from the trihybrid parent is denoted by upper case and a recessive allele making the testcross progeny homozygous for the recessive trait is denoted by a lower case letter The genes are presented here in an arbitrary order A 7 19 32 co 28 21 100 Tatal 2000

Evolution16 a True b False The occurrence of recombination events between non sister chromatids is a random process so the occurrence of a crossover in one part of the chromosome can never influence whether or not another crossover occurs near it 17 In analyzing the results of a dihybrid cross in which there is recessive epistasis affecting the phenotypic expression of the genotypes a chi square value of 5 7 would show that the data are a significantly different from the expected b not significantly different from the expected c since no numbers are given for the proportions of each type it is not possible to answer this question

Evolution12 In a sample of newly hatched beetles 26 7 had bright red spots on their wings and 73 3 had dull red spots You hypothesize that this ratio is 1 3 and is the product of a monohybrid cross a These proportions could be validly compared to the predicted proportions using a Chi square test b More information about the parents is needed before a hypothesis can be developed c The prediction cannot be tested with a Chi square analysis of these numbers d A monohybrid produces a 3 1 ratio not a 1 3 ratio so the hypothesis is wrong 13 Assume you are doing a Chi square test on the phenotypes that result from a dihybrid testcross How many degrees of freedom would there be a 1 b 2 c 3 d 4 e This is America so all the degrees are free

EvolutionDiscuss two processes that increase genetic variations within a species Remember to write in complete sentences B I U x X KA RBC

Evolutionstion 3 The pictures below show the forelimbs of six different organisms C D B M F Using this picture which statement is correct A 476 TATL Source Public Domain These forelimbs have similar bones indicating that the organisms all have the same diet These forelimbs have similar bones indicating that the organisms all live in the same habitat These forelimbs have similar bones indicating that the organisms share a common ancestor These forelimbs have similar bones indicating that the organisms evolution happened quickly

EvolutionWhich of the following is true of Darwin s theory of natural selection A B C D Individuals with favorable traits are more likely to survive and reproduce There is no variation in organisms in a population Only a small number of offspring in a population are born All individuals in a population have the same genetic traits

EvolutionScientist think that finches were blown from South America to the Galapagos This process is known as 1 Point O founder effect O natural selection O natural variations

EvolutionWhich is the first step that occurred in the Finches speciation of the Galapagos 1 Point Adaptive radiation in Galapagos finches medium tree finch Camarhynchus pauper small tree finch Camarhynchus parvulus vegetarian finch Camarhynchus crassirostris large cactus finch Geospiza conirostris cactus finch Geospiza scandens sharp beaked ground finch Geospiza difficilis 2015 Encucionandia Britannica inc song and parts cactus seeds large ground finch Geospiza magnirostris mate selection ancestral seed eating ground finch mainly seeds large tree finch Camarhynchus psittacula mainly insects mangrove finch Camarhynchus heliobates competition for food and resources medium ground finch Geospiza fortis arrival of original founding population woodpecker finch Camarhynchus pallidus warbler finch Certhidea olivacea Cocos Island finch Pinaroloxias inornata small ground finch Geospiza fuliginosa

EvolutionNew mutations led to different beak sizes How was this an advantage 1 Point 3 4 They could all eat the same food sources to reduce competition It allowed finches to take advantage of different food sources and reduce competition it allowed them to fly from one island to another

EvolutionP purple flowers and p pink flower What is the predicted phenotype and genotype for the offspring if the female is heterozygous and male is homozygous recessive The mom has flowers that are purple with pink stripes What type of inheritance does this problem follow This can be handwritten

Evolution1 genoty A 2 different forms of genes for a single trait B 3 gene that is always expressed E 4 gene that is expressed only in the homozygous state C5 genotypes made of two different alleles Circle the choices that are examples of each of those words 6 Homozygous dominant AA Gg KK mm 7 Homozygous recessive 8 Genotypes in which dominant gene must show AA Dd EE ff Jj RR d ee 9 Genotypes in which recessive gene must show aa Gg Ff KK rr Oo 2 Ff D d Dd d HH Dd Dd Oo Ss Tt Part B Punnett Squares 10 Examine the following Punnett squares and circle those that are correct A a D D d Dd dd DD AA Uu A 99 e heterozygous D homozygous E recessive Rr TT Uu 10 a Aa Aa ci Dd dd 11 What do the letters on the outside of the Punnett square stand for 12 What do the letters on the inside of the Punnett square stand for ww A a Aa 13 a Aa a aa aa 13 In corn plants normal height N is dominant to short height n Complete these four Punnett squares different crosses Then circle all of the homozygous dominant offspring Put an X through all th porrive offspring unshaded

EvolutionName Mother Baby ests think their ba DNA fingerprinting technology does not exist yet type O the father has blood type AB and the baby has blood type B acist Name Mother Baby The Postman The UPS driver The waiter The cable guy Hairdresser Cabdriver a Mother s genotype b Father s genotype AB c Baby s genotype A or Bo d Punnett square showing all possible genotypes for children produced by this couple e Was the baby switched No 6 Two other parents think their baby was switched at the hospital The mother has blood type A the father has blood type B and the baby has blood type AB a Mother s genotype b Father s genotype light attendant 7 Based on the information in this table which man could not be the father of the baby Justify your answer with a Punnett square c Baby s genotype d Punnett square that shows the baby s genotype as a possibility e Was the baby switched Blood Type Type A Type B Type O or Type AB Type A Type B 8 Based on the information in this table which man could not be the father of the baby Justify your answer with a Punnett square A A B Bo or Blood Type Type O Type A Type O Type AB Type A Type B O Ao Bo 9 Explain why blood type data cannot prove who the father of a baby is and can only prove who the father is not Blood type date can eliminate because the

EvolutionB b C c 15 D e E d BIOL 1001 Midterm Clare W2023 Group 14 Scal Tomato Horse Fern Giraffe Hippopotamus Whale y With reference to the tree above which of the following is the best statement of relationships A A seal is more closely related to a horse than to a whale B A seal is more closely related to a whale than to a horse C A seal is not at all related to a whale D A seal is the common ancestor of horses and whales E A seal is equally related to a whale and to a horse b X C Sponge Mouse Mushroom a e sorte est alorneli uprava le finest to 76 o mi averlomori Lins quogelis most be on one sing angguloro d 036 21 olene Yacle motare gniwollt odite noul w ony Inanimot verendistatic Gears on lon ei an With reference to the tree above which node is the most recent common ancestor of a mushroom and a sponge A a 0319419

Evolution23 In class we discussed several modes of speciation Which of the following statements is correct A Parapapatric speciation is a special form of speciation often involving islands B Allopatric speciation requires an environmental gradient C Paripatric speciation is frequently found going up mountain sides D Sympatric speciation may involve processes like whole genome duplication E Speciation with a geographic barrier is rare e 2023 Not for distribution or sale Property of York Uniu

Evolution9 Drift is best described as A A process where only the most fit individuals survive B A process which is much stronger than selection C A process that only works in large populations D A process of evolution by random events E A process which alters genotype not allele frequencies Populations that form on islands often form from a sudden dispersal of a small number of individuals from the mainland e g birds blown to an island by a storm Assuming the environm is the same you might expect the following to have a strong effect in this situation A Diversifying selection B Natural selection C Assortative mating Sympatric speciation d

Evolution7 6 PILAVI Smith B Pteronotus parnellii mesoamericanus Smith C Pteronotus parnellii mesoamericanus Smith orie D Pteronotus parnellii mesoamericanus smith E P parnellii mesoamericanus smith qurg 6 25 mg neitssup and Both Darwin s and Lamarck s ideas regarding evolution suggest which of the following A Acquired physical characteristics can be inherited B The main mechanism of evolution is natural selection C The interaction of organisms with their environment is important in the evolutionary process D The giraffe s long neck is the result of many generations of stretching E Individuals cannot change the traits they are born with A The trait is discontinuous B The trait has two different phenotypes in the population C The trait is not normally distributed D You suspect the trait is polygenic E The trait is in Hardy Weinberg equilibrium e2023 Not for distribution or sale Property of York University You are a biologist trying to assess the genetic basis of a trait You have decided to use quantitative characters This means that LOY 200013 190011 002

EvolutionConsider this data adapted from Fire and Mello paper Gene Size bp N2 wild type No mutations fem 1 loss of function mutation fem 1 fem 1 fem 1 fem 1 Exon Exon Exon Intron 531 531 531 556 Injected RNA none Sense Antisense Sense Antisense Sense Antisense Phenotype Hermaphrodite Female a hermaphrodite that can t make sperm a b C d

EvolutionQ5 1 Which of the following is FA If a genetic disease reduces fert the allolo will likely o

EvolutionWhich pattern of natural selection may eventually lead to speciation stabilizing balancing disruptive directional

EvolutionIn a population there is a mix of green eyed and blue eyed individuals The blue eyed individuals decide to have a party but don t invite the green eyed individuals While at the party a giant meteor strikes the group and all of the blue eyed individuals are incinerated The next generation is mostly green eyed with just a few blue eyed individuals born from heterozygous parents This is a very exaggerated example of which force of evolutionary change natural selection genetic drift gene flow mutation

Evolution8 Which one of the answer choices below is NOT a principle of natural selection O The organisms most well adapted to their surroundings will live long enough to reproduce There is variation in populations Organisms don t need to compete for resources within a population Organisms inherit characteristics favorable or unfavorable from their parents 1

Evolution13 ESS Volcanoes and Mountains 1 If you assume that the Himalayas will continue to be uplifted at the current rate of 1 cm per year how long will it take the mountains to rise another 500 m 2 Assuming a rate of uplift of 1 cm per year how much higher could the Himalayas be in one million years 3 If the convergence of tectonic plates is causing the Himalayas to rise is elevation what common surface processes are working to decrease their elevations 4 Will the Himalayas continue to rise in elevation forever Explain your answer D Continental Accretion 1 Terranes Ferranes any crustal fragments that has a geologic history distinct from that of the 2 How does the process of accretion work Of large crustal fragment as a mature island are 3 Mountains from accretion 4 How does the theory of plate tectonics help explain the existence of marine fossils in sedimentary rocks on top of the Himalayas 5 A geologist collects rock samples as she travels inland from the alaska coast First she finds rock from an island arc then a rock from oceanic crust the rock from a microcontinent What can she infer about the origin of the land in this area Explain

Evolution1 2 pts Show the complementary nucleotide strand that will form during replication DNA DNA TACTGCATA CGT

Evolution2 6 pts Show what the complementary mRNA nucleotide bases and what the complementary tRNA nucleotide bases will be in protein synthesis You can use the genetic code table in the ebook the ppt notes or a reputable online source DNA mRNA tRNA amino acids TACTGCATA C GT

Evolution4 Would you expect a population in which most members survive for a long time to produce few or many offspring Which would be most advantageous to the population as a whole Give an example of such a species

EvolutionWhich of the following is NOT a form of coevolution A Gradualism C Mutualism B Commensalism D Parasitism

EvolutionSystematics or Phylogeny studies the relationships of organisms A physical C evolutionary B inferred D genetic

EvolutionIn the geologic time scale evolution is more difficult to see compared to evolution A macro micro C giga nano B micro macro D natural artificial

EvolutionWhen a novel trait evolves in a population it may lead to speciation What are these types of traits called A Derived characteristics C Hybrid infertility traits B Temporally isolated traits D Adaptive radiation

EvolutionA volcano wipes out an entire population of lizards This is an example of A the Bottleneck Effect C a Small Population Effect B the Founder Effect D Sexual Selection

Evolutionnswer the following questions related to the video and your opinion What is personal genetic testing 2 Would you want to know if you were at risk for a serious disease Why or why not 3 What are actionable genes What are possible actions a person could take 4 What are some benefits to personalized genetic testing and medicine 5 Can you think of any downsides to personalized medicine 5 What kinds of measures would you be willing to take to prevent a disease that genetic tests reveal you are at increased risk for

EvolutionA Atu0524 visN 0 5KB Atu0525 visR A The above figure from Xu et al 2013 shows the genetic organization of two genes visN and visR in the A tumefaciens genome Using transposon mutagenesis the researchers identified a role for these genes in production of an exopolysaccharide called the unipolar polysaccharide UPP The black arrowheads in the figure above indicate locations where transposons inserted into or near these genes Based solely on the information in this image what do you know about these genes

Evolution1 Use the below pedigree chart to answer the following three questions Muscle type is not a sex linked characteristic 5 a b C d 6 7 8 9 12 M 10 11 What is the genotype of individual 3 and 4 13 14 Place the genotypes of each individual below its symbol Can either individual 8 or 9 be homozygous male Explain the family relationship that 12 has with 2 male O female female Fast twitch muscles dominate over slow twitch muscles

Evolution1 In pea plants yellow seeds Y are dominant and green seeds y are recessive A pea plant with yellow seeds is crossed with a pea plant with green seeds The resulting offspring have about equal numbers of yellow and green seeded plants What are the genotypes of the parents 1 In another cross a yellow seeded plant was crossed with another yellow seeded plant and it produced offspring of which about 25 were green seeded plants What are the genotypes of both parents

Evolutionthe 1950 s a young woman sued film star director Charlie Chaplin for parental support of her illegitimate child Charlie Chaplin s blood type was already on record as type AB The mother of the child had type A and her son had type O blood a Complete a Punnett square for the possible cross of Charlie and the mother Page 9

Evolutiona Briefly describe ONE development that contributed to the passage of New Deal legislation in the 1930s b Briefly explain ONE effect of New Deal legislation on the role of the federal government in the United States economy c Briefly explain ONE difference between the role of the federal government in the United States economy during the Gilded Age and the role of the federal government in the United States economy in the 1930s

EvolutionThis histogram presents data on the lengths of housefly wings Wing lengths are recorded to the nearest 0 1 mm Number 30 25 20 15 10 5 3 7 3 8 3 9 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 5 6 Wing length mm Which range in the histogram represents the mode phenotype for this population A 4 7 4 8 B 4 3 4 4 Housefly Wing Lengths C 5 5 5 6 D 3 7 3 8

EvolutionWhich situation is the most likely result of directional selection in a population A Environmental changes cause young frogs to have an intermediate weight B Most limpet shells are dark or light in color and not an intermediate shade C Environmental changes cause birds with larger beaks to become more common D Most adult females have an average height

EvolutionUse the following passage to an It has been hypothesised that pe deadly genetic condition cystic fi more resistant to the deadly dise Q5 9 A person who is heterozu

EvolutionAll alicies associated WILIT Submit SIL Q5 3 Someone has handed y a population over time Based following is most likely true 1 0