Evolution Questions and Answers

EvolutionPrompt WHY DID THE WHITE BEAR DISSOLVE IN WATER C HB CH LCO CH x Lay CH BECAUSE IT WAS POLAR 1 Explain the meme pictured above 2 Compare and contrast mixtures and solutions 3 Salt and sugar both dissolve in water Which do you prefer salty or sweet

EvolutionChapter 22 Social Domestie Pone Pages 667 704 Vocabulary On pages 667 704 there are a variety of content vocabulary words found in the left and right hand columns highlighted yellow or gray that have to do with the Political Parties and Voting Match the words below with the proper definition or description Refugee w 13 has been done 21 a mixed economy b tariff c subsidy d trust e monopoly f oligopoly g security h collective bargaining i closed shop j right to work law k price supports 1 citizen suit m renewable energy n income security program o unemployment insurance p medicare q public housing r citizen s status t naturalization u visa v asylum w refugee 25 1 Several corporations combine their stock 2 Program through which government buys crops 3 Government regulates private enterprise 4 Only members of a union may be hired 5 Wind solar geothermal 6 A financial instrument sold as a way to borrow money 7 Legal process in pursuit of citizenship 8 One producer controls the market little or no competition 9 Members of a political society or nation 10 The condition of a person in the eyes of the law 11 Business or government agency sued to enforce the law 12 How labor contracts are negotiated 13 Person fleeing country to escape persecution or danger 14 Government subsidized housing 15 Grant or gift 16 Supplemental health care for those over 65 17 Humanitarian protection 18 Provides financial help for people out of work 19 Document issued by government of country entry possible 20 Government program helps elderly ill and unemployed 21 Only a few firms dominate a particular industry 22 State labor law requires all workplaces to be open shops 23 Tax placed on an import to increase its price

EvolutionWord count 250 350 In Solan s article When Judges Use the Dictionary he claims that the majority opinion by the Supreme Court in the Chapman case did not use the dictionary properly Explain this in detail by doing the following 1 Describe what the Chapman case was about 2 Did the Supreme Court decide Chapman was guilty or not guilty How did the justices use the dictionary to support their decision 3 Why does Solan believe that the Supreme Court misused the dictionary in this case To answer this you must refer to what Solan believes a dictionary can do and what it cannot do and talk about the extent to which definitions describe what a word means

Evolutioni j k a b n C d e h f Pages 386 436 Vocabulary On pages 386 to 436 there are a varie vocabulary words found in the left and right hand columns highlighted yellow or gray that have to do with the Federal State Court System and the Supreme Court Match the words below with the proper definition or description Impartial c 1 has been done Plea Bargain Grand Jury Majority Opinion VX Dissenting Opinion Precedent Statute Law Clerks Judicial Restraint Originalism Living Constitution Judicial Activism Contentious Appellate Litigation Judicial Review Unconstitutional Impartial 1 Adversarial System Inquisitorial System Plaintiff 1 Unbiased 2 A group that determines if a case can be prosecuted 3 Lower court judges must follow when making decisions 4 Lawsuit that occurs at the Appeals Court level 5 Attorneys who assist Supreme Court judges 6 Court can get involved in political and social issues 7 Courts should avoid overturning laws passed by Congress 8 Civil trial person who brings suit 9 Power to declare laws unconstitutional 10 Supreme Court justices all agree on outcome 11 Supreme Court nominee likely to cause disagreement 12 Not consistent with the nation s constitution 13 Trial system that is a contest between opposing sides 14 States the reasons for disagreement of majority opinion 15 Looks closely at the original understanding of laws 16 Pretrial agreement between prosecutor and defendant 17 Constitution is Dynamic 18 A law written by the legislative branch 19 States the decision of the court 20 Trial system in which Judge plays active role

Evolution7 Which of the following sequences of hypotheses about the transmission of traits is most chronologically accurate a pangenesis preformationism epigenesis b preformationism epigenesis pangenesis c epigenesis preformationism pangenesis d pangenesis epigenesis preformationism e epigenesis pangenesis preformationism

EvolutionMatch the correct term to the description creates the judicial branch whose main job is to interpret the laws introduction of the Constitution that states the purpose of the document explains how to amend the Constitution explains general and miscellaneous provisions such as oaths of office and the supremacy clause creates the executive branch whose main job is to enforce the laws creates the Legislative branch whose main job is to make the laws establishes relations among state government explains how the Constitution will be ratified Choose Choose Article IV Article VI Article V Article VII Article II Article III Article I Preamble Choose Choose Choose

EvolutionMatch the correct term to the description the first 10 amendments of the Constitution changes to the Constitution there are currently 27 supported ratification of the Constitution and wanted a stronger national government did not support ratification of the Constitution they felt the national government was too strong and did not protect our rights eventually agree to ratify the Constitution if a Bill of Rights is added Choose Choose Anti Federalists Amendments Federalists Bill of Rights Choose

EvolutionWhat components mix together to form soil Select all that may apply Water Dirt Humus Air Living organisms Fertilizer Rock particles

EvolutionFill in the Blank eugenics refers to a set of practices aimed at encouraging certai people with desired traits to reproduce one word

EvolutionCase Study Bacterial Transformation The Spanish flu outbreak which lasted from 1918 1919 was one of the most severe pandemics in recent history it is believed to have infected over 500 million and killed over 50 million people worldwide this is more than any other pandemic including COVID 19 This flu was caused by the HINI virus and was unusually deadly For the scientific community the outbreak of the Spanish Flu began a race to create a vaccine Vaccines prevent deadly and or dangerous diseases by working with the body s immune system to reduce the risk of infection and develop immunity against the disease two One of the leading causes of death for patients infected with the flu was a pneumonia infection in their lungs Due to this a British scientist named Frederick Griffith decided to focus his work on creating a vaccine to prevent pneumonia infections Pneumonia is caused by the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae Streptococcus pneumoniae forms the S strain and the R strain The S or smooth strain is covered with an outer coat known as a capsule and is highly virulent meaning it is able to cause the disease The R or rough strain has a rough appearance because it lacks a capsule and is therefore nonvirulent meaning it does not cause the disease Griffith was interested in researching ways to manipulate or change the S strain bacteria to alter its virulence Specifically he wanted to heat kill the cells to determine if that would reduce their virulence He planned to inject healthy mice with both the S and R strains 1 What is a possible hypothesis for Frederick Griffith s experiment Griffith Iypothesized that a chemical component from the vinulent S cells had somehow transformed the R cells into the more virulent S form To begin his experiments Griffith injected healthy mice with living S strain cells The mice contracted pneumonia and died Next Griffith injected healthy mice with living R strain cells The mice did not not contract pneumonia and they lived 2 Are these the results you would have expected given the information you know about the R and S strain bacterial cells Why or why not Yes because when harmless R bacteria were combined with harmless heat Killed S bacteria and inject into a mouse Not only did the mouse develop pneumonia and die R strain bacteria must have taken upd transforming princ From the heat Killed s bacteria which allowed them to transform Pito smooth coated bacteria and become 3 If both R and S cells are strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae why is it that the tradit Leaked the mice to develop pneumonia while the R strain did not This is because the DNA from the heat Killed SS 5 strain was able to be taken up by the R Strain This DNA gave the R strain its virulence and allowed it to infect the mouse cells and cause oneumonia and death Next Griffith took S strain cells and heated them The heating killed the cells He then took the heat killed S strain cells and injected them into a new set of healthy mice The mice did not contract pneumonia and they continued to live 4 Are these results what you would expect Why or why not Down With S Lastly Griffith took the heat killed S strain cells and mixed them with the living R cells He injected this mixture of cells into a new set of healthy mice The mice contracted pneumonia and died 5 Are these results what you would have expected Why or why not Griffith took samples from the mice that were injected with the mixture of heat killed S strain and living R strain cells To his surprise he found living cells with a capsule 6 If the S strain cells were heated and killed how was it possible for Griffith to find living cells with a capsule inside of the mice 7 Use the chart below to summarize Griffith s results Bacteria Result Living S cells Living R cells Heat killed S cells obuk Mixture heat killed S cells and living R cells ME After the surprising results of this experiment Griffith hypothesized that something in the heat killed S strain cells must have changed the R strain cells so that they were able to produce capsules and therefore become highly virulent Furthermore Griffith found that these living cells were able to reproduce and pass on their capsule and virulence to subsequent generations He now knew that whatever had changed these cells was heritable During this time very little was known about DNA so Griffith was never able to determine what caused the change in the bacteria but he termed this phenomenon transformation Griffith s surprise results did not lead to a vaccine but his work was not done in vain This famous experiment was a significant contribution to the scientific community because it helped spur other scientists to discover that DNA was the transforming principle We will come back to this important study later in the unit when we look at transformation more closely For now we will focus on learning more about DNA and the discoveries that this experiment led to 8 Review the experiment conducted by Griffith Identify the control group the experimental group and independent and dependent variables in Fords

EvolutionData can be quantitative or qualitative Experimental data is compared to the control data to look for any significant differences Additionally it is good practice to replicate an experiment when collecting data Replication is the number of times an experiment is repeated Remember that a scientist cannot draw a conclusion based on one single experiment The experiment must be repeated many times in order to form a definite conclusion Bear in mind that the data obtained from each replicate will not be exactly the same due to experimental and human error Thus many times the results obtained from each repeat are averaged and statistically analyzed before the data are represented 9 Explain how replication was involved in the corn experiment

Evolution1 Populations can have variety despite being the same species If a population has different expressed traits this can be due to different inherited alleles The frogs below are the same species but they have different shades of green based on their inherited alleles In a particular environment lighter green frogs are easier to se by predators Explain how natural selection could lead to a change in allele frequency OT

EvolutionClick on the gray dotted lines to create cladogram lines Turtle Frog Tuna Human Worm Gorilla Chicken Reset F Show parsimony score Best possible parsimony score 7 Newer Older Some species have no ancestors Create a cladogram using the information in the table Characteristic 3 HER Amnion Bipedal Skeleton Four limbs Mammary glands Egg with shell Turtle Frog Organism Tuna Human Worm Gorilla Chicken t V

EvolutionWhat are reserved powers Powers that are not denied to the national government O Powers that are not denied to the state governments O Powers that are denied to the national government OPowers that are denied to the state governments O Other

EvolutionThe Northern leopard frog Rana pipiens and Southern leopard frog Rana utricularia are morphologically similar but their mating calls sound very different Based on this what is the best explanation for why these frogs are considered separate species 1 They have undergone habitat isolation because one species is entirely terrestrial while the other is entirely aquatic 2 They are too morphologically different to interbreed 3 They have undergone behavioral isolation which prevents them from interbreeding 4 They do interbreed but produce sterile hybrids

EvolutionA storm blows a small group of migrating birds off course and they land on an island where they remain for 100 generations At this time a second storm brings more birds from the mainland population to the island These new birds cannot mate with the established birds even though they are originally from the same population What mechanisms are likely to have been involved in bringing about this speciation Select all that apply 1 Adaptation to a new ecological niche 2 Polyploidy in the mainland bird population 3 Founder effect 4 Genetic drift

EvolutionQ1 4 points This week s question was actually submitte interesting idea I thought I d turn it into a Let s say we have a population of moths m

EvolutionWhat clause says that the Constitution and federal laws are superior to state laws implied clause O national clause O supremacy clause commerce clause

EvolutionIf a frog dies what would be the ratio of carbon 14 to carbon 12 after 5 730 years The ratio would be twice the initial value The ratio would be half of the initial value The ratio would be quarter of the initial value The ratio would remain the same

EvolutionWhich of the following would most likely result in a bottleneck event 1 A small population of geese migrates and joins a large flock of the same species The two groups subsequently begin Interbreeding 2 Two populations of lizards were separated for many years by a river The river s course has been diverted and migration between the two lizard populations can now occur 3 A population of broom sedge grass is studied and determined to be in Hardy Weinberg equilibrium 4 A hurricane blows through a coastal swamp inhabited by an apple snail population The hurricane drastically changes the hydrology of the swamp killing 98 of the apple snails 5 A mutation occurs in an individual poison ivy plant doubling the number of seeds it produces The mutation is inherited by future generations

EvolutionWhich of the following is NOT an example of molecular homologies 1 The biochemical pathways for cellular respiration in plants and animals O2 The biochemical pathways for photosynthesis in plants and cellular respiration in animals 3 Similarities in the metabolic process for the breakdown of glucose 4 Use of DNA as an information storage molecule

EvolutionA group of individuals that can interbreed in nature and produce viable offspring would be considered to be a species according to the O 1 biological species concept O2 evolutionary species concept O 3 general lineage concept 4 ecological species concept O 5 phylogenetic species concept

EvolutionResearch conducted on wins suggest that human groups are tied to the group s genetic codes True False

EvolutionA scientist is studying a population of crickets and finds that there is variation in the songs used by males to call for mates Some males call with high pitched three chirp songs and some call with low pitched four chirp songs However offspring from the two types of males are able to interbreed so the scientist classifies the population as a single cricket species and goes on to another project One year later a mutation arises in a female cricket that makes her unable to hear high frequencies Ten years later a graduate student returns to the same cricket population and discovers that there are now two distinct cricket species in the area although they appear morphologically identical What is the most likely explanation O 1 Temporal isolation has led to allopatric speciation O2 Mechanical isolation has led to sympatric speciation 3 Gametic isolation has led to sympatric speciation 4 Sexual selection has led to sympatric speciation 5 Habitat isolation has led to allopatric speciation

Evolution1 How are Roosevelt s policies towards international affairs and businesses similar What did he believe about good and bad countries 2 Why did Roosevelt facilitate the separation of Panama from Columbia 3 Compare and contrast Roosevelt s policy of imperialism to that of Taft and Wilson identify the name of each policy in your answer 4 What caused Wilson to reevaluate his policy of neutrality in the first World War 5 What was the view of Progressives during World War I 1 What tactics did

Evolution7 How did women earn the right to vote Why was the 19th amendment ultimately passed 8 Today anti liquor laws are often thought of as conservative Why was prohibition regarded as a progressive issue What forces usually opposed prohibition 9 What was T R s theory of trust busting To what extent would he be considered a trust buster 10 Contrast the personalities of Teddy Roosevelt and William Howard Taft

Evolution1 Who were the muckrakers Identify 2 of the major muckrakers and their writings 2 What brought many immigrants into the United States during the 1900s 3 How did the publication of Upton Sinclair s The Jungle in 1906 affect the safety of the meat that people eat today 4 How did The Progressive Age symbolize a type of emancipation for women 5 Who was Eugene V Debs 6 Who was Samuel Golden Rule Jones and what Progressive reforms did he contribute to America

EvolutionUse what you know about natural selection to fill in the blanks in the hypothesis It should answer the lab question What is the effect of the type of food available on the frequency of different types of bird beaks Hypothesis If the type of food available changes then because

EvolutionFossil evidence suggests that hunter gatherers had better bones and type your answer than people from later societies

Evolution1 Environmental science Data science manufacturing 3 points exploration farming herding Bigger populations may have been a reason why humans turned to choose your answer

EvolutionWhat animals became extinct in North America after the arrival of early humans Do do bird Giant sloths Saber toothed cats Passenger pigeons Wooly mammoths 000

EvolutionFifteen thousand years ago humans were humans were and gatherers warriors nomads gatherers hunters gatherers C

Evolution17 Which step shows the restriction enzyme EcoRI being used to extract cut a piece of human a 4 b 5 c 6 d 7

Evolution4 AKS 8a3 What is the final result of the process shown in Figure 1 A a DNA mutation B a hybrid BC a polyploid D a recombinant DNA

EvolutionBased on the figure below which allele is most likely dominant Explain how you arrived at your conclusion Is this an example of a gain of function mutation or a loss of function mutation Explain 3 points Enzyme activity C C C C Genotype C C Normal tail I Mutant tail I

EvolutionGiven the following series of biochemical reactions provide 2 genotypes that would provide the colour Green assuming wild type alleles to be completely dominant Only the first two genotypes provided will be marked 2 marks White Gene A Enzyme A Green Gene B Enzyme B Brown

EvolutionBased on the EVOLUTION TAXONOMIC TREE OF LIFE virtual lab we did let s see if you understood how those trees work Using the image shown here which kingdoms have the most recent common ancestor Animalia and Protista Animalia and Fungi Animalia and Plantae Animalia and Eubacteria Simple Phylogenetic Tree Animalia Fungi Plantae Protista Eubacteria

Evolution1 The figure below shown below is from a human individual This karyotype was generated by collecting the chromosomes following duplication and condensation but prior to entering mitosis This particular individual is BAFT B On Suppose that the leptin and tyrosinase genes are linked The gene for Ehlers Danlos is not linked to the leptin and tyrosinase genes Using labels directly on the karyotype provide a representation of the location of the leptin tyrosinase and Ehlers Danlos genes and alleles on the chromosomes and sister chromatids in such a way that is consistent with the scenario described above Choose the chromosomes of your liking to show an appropriate representation 3 marks Heterozygote for the leptin gene 0 o Homozygote dominant for the tyrosinase gene C c Afflicted with an autosomal recessive form of the Ehlers Danlos condition Gene E OFFE ann PRD THE TIME 8TB TESTED TEATER THE B BIB BE T 3 808 D TIL H TE 8686 BE PH PID 11 BE ID RTY 26 26 36 MM BR 8 BE ID THE 36 23 26 H H X 818 as as 21

EvolutionWhat are one of the aspect of William Tecumse Sherman campaign And what was the reason And did it had an impact in the conflict overall

EvolutionO sulfhydryl Question 42 Stanley Miller s 1953 experiments supported the hypothesis that O the conditions on early Earth were conducive to the origin of life O organic molecules can be synthesized abiotically under conditions that may have existed or O life on Earth arose from simple organic molecules with energy from lightning and volcanoes

Evolutionthe conditions on early Earth were O the conditions on early Earth were conducive to the origin of life organic moteutes car anic molecules can be synthesized abiotically under conditions that may have existed on early Earth me on Earth arose from simple organic molecules Question 43 ettr rth arose from simple organic molecules with energy from lightning and volcanoes In an ethane C H6 molecule each carbon atom is bonded to O six O four Otwo hydrogen atoms

Evolution20 A population of aliens ten with green skin and ten with blue skin are flying around in the atmosphere of their home planet While flying around the door of the spacecraft suddenly flies open Eight of the aliens with blue skin fly out of the spacecraft and are lost forever After a few generations this population has no aliens with blue skin What evolutionary force has influenced the allele frequency of this population O

EvolutionBed bugs might sound like an old fashioned problem but now they are back with a vengeance Fifty years ago the blood sucking pests were nearly eradicated in the United States thanks in part to the use of pesticides like DDT Today they are creeping over sheets and tormenting sleepers across the country New York was recently declared America s most bed bug infested city in America In the past we countered the bed bugs by using pesticides called pyrethrins and pyrethroids These compounds work by attacking the nervous system Insects have channels in the membranes of their nerve cells that can be opened to allow sodium into the cells triggering a nerve impulse Pyrethrins and pyrethroids alter the nervous system by binding to the sodium channels locking them in the open position This allows sodium to pour into the cell continuously causing the nerve to fire repeatedly and eventually leading to paralysis Todays bed bugs seem to be more resistant to the chemicals that previously killed them Cases of resistance have been reported in all classes of pests crop diseases human diseases weeds rodents and insects with crises in insect control beginning shortly after the introduction of cide use in the 0th century Why do insect pests become resistant so readily to the pesticides used for control O Mutation in only a single gene can lead to the evolution of a resistant organism O An effective way to reduce pesticide resistance is to develop new pesticides We often rely almost exclusively on pesticides for pest control and this decreases selection pressure towards resistance O Insect exoskeletons reduce the effectiveness of pesticides and the death rate is much lower than was ever expected

EvolutionDarwin explained the differences in beak shape among Galapagos finches as being the result of adaptations to eating different foods O chance events O the environment started growing food that the birds need to survive differences that existed in the colonizing species

EvolutionDiscuss the relationship between actual behaviors and attitudes and beliefs Is there a strong positive relationship between beliefs and attitudes or are some beliefs at odds with others How are beliefs and attitudes translated into behaviors Support your work with at least one academic reference from a health psychology journal or book NOT your textbook and remember to list your word count check syllabus for minimum word count requirement