Evolution Questions and Answers

Evolution1 Your friend Miya is having trouble with the lessons on triangle congruence She sends you an email to ask you for help Her questions are shown below A What does it mean for triangles to be congruent B What are the different theorems that can be used to prove triangle congruence C What does CPCTC stand for D When do you use CPCTC Write Miya an email answering her questions Even though you are talking to a friend you need to use proper spelling grammar complete sentences etc Do not list her questions and write the answer you need to write your response in paragraph format All explanations must be in your own words Knowing the math definition is not enough evidence that you understand the concept Write your letter to Miya in the space below 5 points

EvolutionThe United States Founders were inspired by the English documents of the Magna Carta Petition of Rights and English Bill of Rights What ideal did they take away from these documents O limited government Ochecks and balances O federalism divine right of kings

EvolutionThe Framers took the idea of separation of powers from which philosopher O Machiavelli Montesquieu O Locke

EvolutionLocke s idea natural rights Rousseau s idea popular sovereignty Montesquieu separation of

Evolution2 Thousands of years ago giraffes with short necks were common within giraffe populations Nearly all giraffe populations today have long necks This difference could be due to O giraffes stretching their necks to keep their heads out of reach of predators giraffes stretching their necks so they could reach food higher in the trees a mutation in genetic material controlling neck size occurring in some skin cells of a giraffe O a mutation in genetic material controlling neck size occurring in the reproductive cells of a giraffe

EvolutionWhat do the forks in the branches of a phylogenetic tree represent O a Points in the past where a gene pool was permanently split in two O b Points in the past where families became genera O c Points in the past where two gene pools merged to form a new species O d Points in the past where improvements were made in species

Evolutiongeneration O Breaking the neck of the swan neck flasks yielded bacterial growth O Sterilized broth in swan neck flasks remained sterile Swan neck flasks were exposed to air but not microbes O Airborne microbes accumulated inside the neck and contaminated the broth Question 5 Please connect the terms to the function or structural description Plasmid s Bacteriochlorophylls Peptidoglycan Murein Gram positive bacteria tarin Choose Choose Choose Choose Choosel

EvolutionRead the excerpt from the Marshall Plan 1947 then answer the following question The truth of the matter is that Europe s requirements for the next 3 or 4 years of foreign food and other essential products principally from America are so much greater than her present ability to pay that she must have substantial additional help or face economic social and political deterioration of a very grave character The remedy lies in breaking the vicious circle and restoring the confidence of the European people in the economic future of their own countries and of Europe as a whole The manufacturer and the farmer throughout wide areas must be able and willing to exchange their products for currencies the continuing value of which is not open to question Aside from the demoralizing effect on the world at large and the possibilities of disturbances arising as a result of the desperation of the people concerned the consequences to the economy of the United States should be apparent to all It is logical that the United States should do whatever it is able to do to assist in the return of normal economic health in the world without which there can be no political stability and no assured peace Our policy is directed not against any country or doctrine but against hunger poverty desperation and chaos Its purpose should be the revival of working economy in the world so as to permit the emergence of political and social conditions in which free institutions can exist Such assistance I am convinced must not be on a piecemeal basis as various crises develop Any assistance that this Government may render in the future should provide a cure rather than a mere palliative Any government that is willing to assist in the task of recovery will find full cooperation I am sure on the part of the United States Government Any government which maneuvers to block the recovery of other countries cannot expect help from us Furthermore governments political parties or groups which seek to perpetuate human misery in order to profit therefrom politically or otherwise will encounter the opposition of the United States The plan Marshall proposes is intended to Allow the United States to become the world s dominant economy First and foremost to de Nazify Germany Make Marxism Leninism look bad Provide a lasting cure for the economic situation

EvolutionWhat term is most commonly used to refer to discrimination against and hatred of Jews such as that perpetrated by the Nazis during the Holocaust O Red scare O Internment O Anti Judaism O Anti Semitism

EvolutionSB2 a Which statement best explains the process of transcription as it relates to protein synthesis and gene expression O A portion of an mRNA molecule is used to produce a chain of amino acids A tRNA molecule is used to carry an amino acid to the ribosome O A ribosome is used to create a polypeptide A portion of a DNA molecule is read to produce an mRNA molecule

EvolutionWhere do new adaptations come from There is more than one correct answer choose SB6 b all that apply O Mutations in the DNA passed on to an organism O New combinations of genes from the parents Nature will give an organism the adaptations it needs to survive An organism can choose to grow an adaptation

EvolutionSB2 a Translation and protein synthesis is occurring at the ribosome If the tRNA anticodon being matched at the ribosome is AUG what would be the matching mRNA codon OTAG OUAC

EvolutionSB6 d Identify the example of natural selection below O Giraffes that have longer necks survive a dry season by eating leaves from the tops of trees Those giraffes breed more successfully that year O Dogs that have a desirable coat color are bred with one another to produce puppies with the same coat color O Farmers crossbreed two types of cows to produce a breed of cow that has high quality beef and can tolerate a hot climate

EvolutionSB6 d Which statement best describes natural selection 5 O Random assortment of genes results in better characteristics in the following generations O The most intelligent organisms in a population will evolve and form new characteristics O The best adapted individuals survive and reproduce which passes their genes onto the next generation O Some live and some die in each generation Only the largest and strongest survive

EvolutionSB6 a Identify the statement below that is NOT a principle of evolution O Negative adaptations will become more common in a population O Adaptations help individuals compete successfully for survival O Variations occur naturally within a population Populations evolve individuals do not

Evolution2 Why are populations with high levels of genetic diversity more stable than populations with low levels of genetic diversity OA B O C O D Populations with high levels of genetic diversity are less likely to have high levels of variation in alleles Populations with high levels of genetic diversity are more likely to have individuals that will undergo natural selection i change Populations with high levels of genetic diversity are more likely to have individuals with traits that help them survive it change Populations with high levels of genetic diversity are less likely to interbreed with other populations Reset Next The

EvolutionAlthough historians continue to debate the verdict of the Sacco and Vanzetti case most agree that it raised fundamental questions about America s founding ideals during the postwar period including What are the rights of immigrants Is there equality before the law Should liberty be denied to people who have unpopular political views Write a paragraph to submit to Governor Alvan Fuller and the Lowell Committee Choose one founding ideal and describe whether it was advanced or restricted during the postwar period Explain how the advancement or restriction of this ideal may have helped or hurt Sacco and Vanzetti in their trial Your paragraph should include a clear thesis that states your position two pieces of evidence that support your topic sentence an explanation of how each piece of evidence supports your topic sentence America s Founding Ideals

EvolutionHow do fossils support the theory of evolution O Individual species disappear and reappear in the fossil record over time O The fossil record provides evidence that all organisms developed at the same tir Organisms in the fossil record are identical to living organisms O The fossil record provides evidence that organisms have changed over time

EvolutionWhich statement best supports the information in this diagram Human Dog This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY Bird Whale O the bones are similar most likely due to the organisms having a common ancestor O the bones are similar most likely due to the organisms consuming the same food sources O the bones are similar most likely due to the organisms probably live in the same area O the bones are similar most likely due to the organisms evolving together

EvolutionAccording to the fossil record found in these sedimentary layers what conclusion can be drawn about animal life in general O Animals did not move on to land until flowering plants evolved Vertebrates evolved on land and in the oceans at about the same time Challed

EvolutionIn the Gal pagos Islands Darwin found many species specific to the various islands He saw large iguanas swimming in the ocean and eating seaweed He also found giant tortoises with carvings on their backs from whalers who had passed through a hundred years before From all the information gathered by Darwin two central concepts emerged to form the basis of his theory of evolution First Darwin observed that variations within a species were dependent on the environment Adaptations are genetically coded traits that occur in organisms and enable them to be more successful in their environment What was Darwin s hypothesis regarding the purpose of these adaptations O the adaptations ensured the survival of the species O the adaptations contributed to the species extinction O the adaptations had no effects on the species O the adaptations ensured the survival of the individual organism

EvolutionWhich statement BEST describes how mutations are related to evolution O Mutations are eliminated by evolution O There is not a strong relationship between mutations and evolution Mutations lead to new genes which may have an advantage over the old forms O Evolution causes mutations

EvolutionIn Labrador Retrievers there are three genes that code for coat color and exhibit epistasis The first gene determines if the dog has a black B coat or a brown b coat The second gene is the gene for the Extension trait which determines if the dog has the coat color from the previous trait E or if the dog will have a yellow coat e the yellow color masks the black or brown color The third gene is a dilution gene in which the recessive form d will dilute black to charcoal yellow to cream and chocolate to the highly sought after silver If a black lab BbEeDd is crossed with a yellow lab BbeeDd what are the possible phenotypic ratios and what is the probability of producing a litter of 6 puppies with all six colors black brown yellow charcoal cream and silver

EvolutionGene families are created when 1 Both exon convergence and intron splicing are correct 2 genes duplicate 3 introns are not removed from the mRNA after transcription 4 viral infections occur 5 exons converge

EvolutionRead the scientific discovery below Mountain ranges in Brazil extend to the seashore Nearly identical mountain ranges star at the seashore in Ghana Does this the evidence supports Wegener s hypothesis A B Yes this is evidence for Wegener s hypothesis No this is not evidence for Wegener s hypothesis

Evolution1 3 tement best describes the American economy in the late 1920s A High tariffs stimulated international trade B Only the wealthiest Americans had access to credit C Mass production was not equally matched by consumption D Unemployment was higher than ever before in American history On May 1 1930 President Herbert Hoover addressed the annual dinner of the United States Chamber of Commerce While the crash only took place six months ago I am convinced we have now passed the worst and with continued unity of effort we shall rapidly recover There is one certainty in the future of a people of the resources intelligence and character of the people of the United States that is prosperity Based on these beliefs what actions did President Hoover take in response to the Great Depression A He ordered emergency federal relief payments to the unemployed B He refused to take any measures at all as a violation of laissez faire principles C He introduced a large number of public works projects to increase employment D He offered limited federal assistance directed primarily to businesses a banks

EvolutionImagine the island has grown larger over time and the rat population becomes fragmented spaced out The volcano develops a central mountain ridge creating strong winds on the east side of the island resulting in a much cooler temperature The west side of the island gets much less wind and has experienced an increase in temperature Over time the rats on the east and west coast change so much from the initial population and from one another that they are now two new species What type of speciation has occurred Explain how you know

Evolutionoccurred Explain how you know Explain how new alleles entered the population of the rats in the east and the west a what will cause these frequencies to change over time

EvolutionIn order to determine if individuals from separate populations are indeed distinct species Drosophila biologists often test to see if individuals from different populations will mate with each other This is an application of the species concept a evolutionary b phenetic c phylogenetic d biological O a b C Od

EvolutionWith recapitulation a somatic trait can appear or a reproductive trait in development a earlier later b earlier earlier c later later d later earlier in developme

EvolutionWhich of the following is seen when a multicellular organism has many specialized cell types resulting in a division of labor between reproductive functions and growth and maintenance functions a germ soma distinction b information transfer c sacrifice of the ability to reproduce d economy of scale

EvolutionWhat four species concepts can be used to delineate species boundaries in practice Give a definition of each

Evolutiona 1 Evolution is not supported by scientific evidence b strongly supported by scientific evidence c not supported by the fossil record C a 2 Humans simulate the process of natural selection when they use new varieties of crop plants that better meet the needs of farmers a artificial selection C habitat changes b d d too obscure to study gene flow 3 Natural selection a is the principle cause of extinctions b is the principle cause of evolutionary change occurs only in gametes cannot occur without genetic drift d continental drift C lead to an increase in genetic drift d decrease the likelihood of adaptation 4 Natural selection tends to a increase the commonality of characteristics that enhance survival and reproduction b decrease the number of individuals in any given population 5 What is biological evolution the process of direct observation of the fossil record b adaptations to common descent over time C the unchanging nature of life on Earth d change in the inherited characteristics of a group of organisms over generations to

EvolutionTRUE or FALSE Based on current archaeological evidence the Savanna Hypothesis is the best explanation for why we began to adopt bipedal locomotion True O False

EvolutionTRUE or FALSE Differences in cranial morphology and size between KNM ER 1470 and KNM ER 1813 follow similar patterns of sexual dimorphism to male and female gorillas suggesting that these early Homo specimens belong to one highly sexually dimorphic species True O False

EvolutionWhich of the following hypotheses for the first Out of Africa event cannot be rejected based on current archaeological evidence from Dmanisi Georgia Surviving to older ages enables Homo erectus to expand beyond Africa O Larger brain size enables Homo erectus to expand beyond Africa Larger body size enables Homo erectus to expand beyond Africa Fauna from Africa spreads north and Homo erectus follows Advances in stone tool technology enables Homo erectus to expand beyond Africa

EvolutionTRUE or FALSE The most likely explanation for the small stature of Homo floresiensis is that it was a residual Homo erectus population who became smaller because of island dwarfism O True O False

Evolutioneverywhere Nor any drop to drink The quote also serves as a reminder of the more practical truth that humans need water to live In fact most people would not be able to survive to make it much longer than two or three ABG Which change if any shows the best way to revise the underlined text In fact most people would not be able to survive to make it much longer than two or three days without having water

EvolutionDIRECTIONS There are seven underlined parts in the passage They may contain errors to be corrected or they may need to be changed for better wording If a change is needed select the correct replacement If no change is needed select No change The poet Samuel Coleridge in The Rime of the Ancient Mariner poetically describes an ironic situation faced by a sailor Water water any needed to the underlined text sailor Water O O A B sailor Water sailor Water sailor Water

EvolutionWhen did the first humans begin to settle in Mesoamerica A Upon Han Dynasty exploration C After Columbus landing B During the Ice Age D During the Bronze Age

Evolution17 2 points A large population of ants live on an island in the middle of a large river After the river is dammed the island floods and only the highest points of land are above water The ants are now split into two separate populations If the two populations eventually become two different species of ants which of the following best describes this event A This is sympatric speciation B This is allopatric speciation by dispersal C This is allopatric speciation by vicariance Speciation cannot occur in this case because of continued gene flow

Evolution16 2 points Which of the following correctly describes how mutation as a process of evolution affects a population A Mutation is non adaptive and always increases the genetic diversity of a population B Mutation responds to selective pressures to increase fitness C Mutation is most pronounced in small populations and always decreases the genetic diversity of a population D Mutation is adaptive and can either increase or decrease the genetic diversity of a population

Evolution18 2 points The following phylogeny is a well supported hypothesis built using morphological and genetic data Which of the following statements about the phylogeny is incorrect A Humans are the outgroup B Lizards show the most derived traits Salamander Lizard Goat Human C The group enclosed by the red rectangle is paraphyletic D Lizards and goats share a common ancestor more recently than lizards and salamanders

EvolutionAnalyze the picture below to determine meaning for questions 11 12 11 How did this event initially affect the world in 1914 A It led to the creation of new slavic empire in the Balkan region B It led to the reconquest of territory by the Ottoman Turks in the Balkan region C It led to the outbreak of war between Serbia and the Austrian Hungarian Empire D It led to the further collapse of the Ottoman Empire Assassination of Francis Ferdinand Francis Ferdinand heir to the Austrian throne wanted to change Austria into a triple monarchy that included a Slavic kingdom The assassin Gavrilo Princip was a member of a Serbian terrorist group known as the Black Hand The group wanted an independent Slavic state 12 How did this event above lead to World War One A A series of defensive alliances led the European nations to declare war upon each other B A desire to match the military might of Serbia led the Ottoman Turks to invade the Balkan region in 1914 C The assassination attempt forced Great Britain to declare war on Austria Hungary D The Serbian government s refusal to return land taken from the Albanians in the Balkans

EvolutionO Small structural changes in atoms may cause large changes in atom function O Small functional changes in atoms cause no change in atom structure O Small structural changes in atoms cause no changes in atom function Question 98 There is a population of snails that live near a seawall that is always freshly painted black This snail species has two color forms black or white In general the white ones are very rarely found due to predation by skunks This is an example of O skunks with bad taste O artificial selection by predation O a stable population

EvolutionTemporal Isolation Behavioral Isolation Reproductive Isolation Mechanical Isolation Ecological Isolation Question 79 An organism s observable traits constitute its O Variaton Phenotype O Genotype 1

Evolution36 In this population the allele frequency of R is a 0 55 0 45 b 0 30 0 25 c 0 5 0 5 d 0 15 0 10 and the allele frequency of r is

EvolutionHappy Thanksgiving is probably NOT what the Native American population said when the Europeans came to North America Many diseases were brought with the Europeans that resulted in drastic population declines of the Native Americans and increased numbers of recessive alleles in the population This is an example of O Genetic Drift aka bottlenecks O Natural selection by predation Gene flow O Mutation

EvolutionTrue False Question 15 What pattern of natural selection is occurring in the the photos below WWW www XXXXX Directional Selection ww wwwx XXXX W XX www www th