Evolution Questions and Answers

EvolutionA scientist is deletion mapping a gene that encodes hair growth in mice The recessive allele leads to hairless mice and is found somewhere on the X chromosome pictured below He crosses a homozygous hairless mouse to four other mice bearing X chromosome deficiencies shown below and obtained the results shown in the table At which locus is the gene encoding hair growth Locus C Locus A Locus D Locus E Locus B X chromosome Deficiency chromosome 1 Deficiency chromosome 2 Deficiency chromosome 3 Deficiency chromosome 4 1 23 4 Locus Deficiency chromosome Locus B Locus Locus C D Phenotype of offspring Wild type Wild type Hairless Wild type Locus E

EvolutionPrecursor A is converted to B by the enzyme alphase Precursor B is converted to C by the enzyme betase Precursor C is converted to D by the enzyme gammase Precursor D is converted to examtwophyll by the enzyme deltase alphase betase gammase deltase A B C D examtwophyll To test this hypothesis you are growing some of the mutants you isolated previously on minimal medium supplemented by each of the precursors The results are shown below WT Mutant 1 Mutant 2 Mutant 3 Mutant 4 Minimal I minimal A I minimal B Mutant 1 has a defective deltase Mutant 2 has a defective betase Mutant 3 has a defective gammase Mutant 4 has a defective alphase Identify which enzyme is mutated in each of the mutants you tested in this experiment O Mutant 1 has a defective betase Mutant 2 has a defective gammase Mutant 3 has a defective alphase Mutant 4 has a defective deltase O Mutant 1 has a defective gammase Mutant 2 has a defective alphase Mutant 3 has a defective deltase Mutant 4 has a defective betase minimal minimal C D O Mutant 1 has a defective alphase Mutant 2 has a defective deltase Mutant 3 has a defective betase defective gammase minimal examtwophyll

EvolutionEnnafol reddy is an autotrophic alga which can assimilate CO into sugar through the process of photosynthesis using a unique pigment called examtwophyll If provided with CO2 and light wild type Ennafol reddy can grow perfectly on minimal medium containing mineral micronutrients To understand the biosynthetic pathway of E reddy you screen mutagenized cultures for mutants with defects in the pathway You manage to isolate 9 such mutants which can all grow on minimal medium if it is supplemented with examtwophyll You conduct a complementation test by forcing the algae to go through a sexual reproductive cycle cross each of the mutants with all other mutants and test the ability of the F1 progeny to grow on minimal medium The results are show below 1 2 3 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 5 Group 1 encompasses mutant 1 Group 2 encompasses mutants 2 Group 3 encompasses mutants 3 Group 4 encompasses mutants 4 Group 5 encompasses mutant 5 I There are nine complementation groups 6 7 1 8 I 9 How many independent complementation groups can you identify and which mutants belong to them I

EvolutionBarley alongside Emmer wheat was among the first domesticated crops Although today it is mostly about two thirds of annual production grown as foddor and as fermentable material in beer brewing there s a great interest in it as source as of useful genes for improvement of wheat and other cereals You cross two highly inbred barley strains that differ in resistance to drought and then self cross the F1 progeny to raise the F2 generation In which generation s will you find the highest genetic variation In the F2 In the F1 In the parental generation and F1 In the parental generation In the F1 and F2 Question 7 4 5 pts In your attempt to identify those drought resistant varieties of barley you are collecting seeds from wild varieties of barley you collect in the central Jordan Valley and grow them in your greenhouse at ASU s polytechnic campus While you indeed observe that most of the newly collected plants are highly drought tolerant the broad sense heritability is close to 0 This means that much of the observed phenotype variance in the population is due to heritable traits little of the observed phenotype variance is due to genetic differences little of the observed phenotype variance is due to environmental factors

EvolutionHow many copies of target gene strand will you have after three cycles O a 4 Ob 32 O c 16 O d 8

EvolutionHow many cycles of PCR does it take to produce an amplicon double stranded DNA fragment that contains only DNA that represents your target region O a 4 Ob 1 O c 3 d 2

EvolutionIn lake Tanganyaka there is a population of fishes with 2 alleles B and b for the gene coding for the color of the dorsal fin of the fish B is dominant over b The dominant phenotype for the dorsal fin is black whereas the recessive phenotype is blue Following the Hardy Weinberg equation and knowing that the population includes 100 members 25 fishes with a blue fin 75 with a black fin including 20 of heterozygous determine the provide the value of p and that of q p 0 65 and q 0 35 p 0 35 and q 0 65 p 0 25 and q 0 75 p 0 122 and q 0 422 p 0 55 and q 0 25 p 0 422 and q 0 122

EvolutionThe mini pedigree below illustrates a pair of expectant parents One of them is heterozygous for a dominant allele causing a fully penetrant autosomal trait filled square The other is unaffected and lacks the dominant allele open circle The unborn child of this couple is represented by the diamond the child s phenotype is not yet known A SNP locus 10 map units from the gene determining this trait has 3 alleles A G and C the genotype of each individual for this SNP is shown below their pedigree symbol If the G allele of the SNP locus is on the same chromosome as the dominant trait allele in the affected parent what is the probability that the child will eventually express the trait AG O 100 O 0 O 90 O 10 AC CC

EvolutionWhen moist air is forced upward when blown over mountains what happens low pressure areas over the ocean cause a pressure gradient that draws warm dry air outwards in a clockwise spiral from the high pressure center this dry airmass sweeps across the deserts of eastern toward the coast the winds are known as Santa Ana winds at higher altitudes the surface air is colder but higher in oxygen while the air at the bottom is warmer denser and higher in nutrients as the higher air warms it becomes denser and sinks forcing the air at the bottom to rise this is called turnover it piles up against the highest peaks of the mountains when enough pressure builds up it suddenly spills over the mountains acting much like a damn bursting causing torrential rain on the other side of the mountain this is called a temperature inversion it cools and loses its ability to hold water producing rain on the near side of the mountains the remaining dry air blows to the other side creating a rain shadow on the far side of the mountains

Evolution1 Use the data in Table 4 5 to complete the phylogeny depicted in Figure 4 10 and then use the completed phylogeny to answer questions 2 through 6 TABLE 4 5 Shared Derived Character States of Aquatic Vertebrates Use the data to construct a phylogenetic tree representing the relationships of these seven taxa A zero 0 indicates a character state is absent a one 1 indicates that it is present Characters Lobed fins Ability to breathe air Vertebrae Jaws Dorsal nerve cord Paired appendages Lung or swim bladder Paired sense organs Tripartite brain FIGURE 4 10 Complete the phylogeny Lancelets outgroup 0 O 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Coelacanths 1 0 1 1 Hagfishes 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Ray finned Fishes 0 0 1 1 1 Lampreys 0 0 O 1 0 0 Sharks 0 0 T 1 0 Lungfishes 1

EvolutionQuestion b Points 1 An entrepreneur is a person who O organizes the business O manages the business assumes the risk of the business

EvolutionWhich of the following would be an example of descriptive biology O Sequencing the human genome O Altering a defective gene in order to prevent a genetic disorder

EvolutionWhat s wrong with the following perspective of primate evolution Gorilla Chimpanzee Human Marks indicate the origin of new traits Incorrect Model Extant species don t evolve from other extant species An evolutionary tree is a better model It is incomplete The absence of bonobos and orangutans is misleading Humans aren t the sole pinnacle of primate evolution It would als h

EvolutionWhich of the following geographic patterns is the DOMINANT pattern in human origins humans developed mostly in South America and migrated outwards from there humans developed mostly in North America and migrated outwards from there humans developed mostly in Africa and migrated outward from there humans developed mostly in Australia and migrated outwards from there humans developed from a globally distributed ancestor humans developed mostly in Eurasia and migrated outwards from there humans developed from hybridization between Asian and North American

Evolution9 Un the tree below the numerals 1 represent seven different species a Which pair of species is more closely related 4 and 5 or 5 and 7 b Which pair is more closely related 1 and 2 or 2 and 7 c Which pair is more closely related 3 and 5 or 2 and 4 d True or False When comparing the common ancestor of all seven species to each of the seven species species 1 is the most similar to the common ancestor 1 2 3

Evolutiongroup 47 360 group Allele A 3 109 Allele C 2 640 46 891 O SNP 3 risk allele is A O SNP 1 risk allele is C O SNP 3 risk allele is G Results are shown above for 3 biallelic SNPs on the same chromosome used in a GWAS examining SNP trait correlations for a complex human disease trait Table entries show the number of people with the indicated SNP allele that have the disease disease group or don t have the disease control group Which SNP would have the highest log10 p value score in a Manhattan plot summarizing results of this GWAS and which is the SNP risk allele O SNP 2 risk allele is T Allele C Allele T O SNP 2 risk allele is C O SNP 1 risk allele is A group group 25 350 24 133 24 650 25 867 group group Allele G 1 420 1 509 Allele A 48 580 48 491

Evolution3 3 Crossing over is one event that can cause an offspring to have a phenotype that is different from its parents Which of the following statements describes another event that can sometimes cause an offspring to have a phenotype that is different from its parents A genetic mutation occurs in one of the parent gametes and is passed to the offspring O Dominant alleles are passed from the parents and expressed in the offspring O Natural selection favors the offspring with specific genetic traits The offspring is produced by asexual reproduction

EvolutionThe term gene expression refers to the flow of information from parent to offspring process by which genetic information flows from genes to proteins O fact that certain genes are visible as dark stripes on a chromosome O fact that each individual of a species has a unique set of genes O fact that individuals of the same species have different phenotypes

EvolutionWhich of the following not a synapomorphy of animal phyla they have muscles multicelluar they are heterotrophs O they move under their own power at some point in their life cycle

EvolutionWhich one of the following best describes the sequence of events of translation O O peptide bond formation translocation codon recognition termination codon recognition translocation peptide bond formation termination codon recognition peptide bond formation termination translocation peptide bond formation codon recognition translocation termination codon recognition peptide bond formation translocation termination

EvolutionDiversity 0 0012 0 0006 0 0000 5 UTR 1st exon 1st intron Middle exon Other intron 200 bp upstream 3 UTR Last exon 200 bp downstream This image was shown and discussed in Video 4 3 Which statement below best describes how these data were interpreted in the 1000 genomes study of 2010 describing sequence variation across the genome among 1000 genetically diverse humans O Genetic drift occurs preferentially in the coding portions of genes O Genetic drift occurs preferentially in the non coding portions of genes O Selective sweeps reduce allelic diversity in coding portions compared to non coding portions of genes Negative selection preferentially suppresses the accumulation of DNA sequence variation in the coding portions of genes O Mutations occur less often in the coding portions of genes compared to the non coding portions

EvolutionAll forms of selection involve individuals with inherited genetic differences competing within a population Selection outcomes are determined by fitness a measure of Genotypes that are advantageous to fitness are positively selected causing an individuals with that genotype over time When a genotype is disadvantageous to fitness selection will in frequency of the frequency of individuals with that genotype over time One possible outcome of selection is fixation which means that a particular of a given gene is the only one present in the population

EvolutionInsensitivity to poison ivy is a dominant trait assume that it is determined by alleles of a single gene for this problem In a population of 400 people living in an isolated community in Hardy Weinberg equilibrium 350 people are sensitive to poison ivy and develop a rash after contacting the toxic plant and 50 are insensitive and do not react What is the frequency of the dominant allele round your values to 3 decimal points O 0 125 O 0 353 O 0 935 O 0 875 O 0 065

EvolutionWhich of the following conditions of Hardy Weinberg equilibrium must be met for the following relationships between allele and genotype frequencies to hold true f AA p f aa q f Aa 2pq O The population is large All of these conditions O There is no selection for or against any genotype O Alleles combine at random i e mating is random There is no mutation There is no migration of individuals in or out of the population

EvolutionQuestion 6 Points 1 Which of the following was broken into during the Watergate Break in O The World Trade Center O The Capitol Building O The headquarters of the Democratic National Committee O The White House

EvolutionPoints 1 The 1980s in Spain group demanded complete independence and used terrorism throughout the O Basque separatist O Serbs separatist O Croats separatist Slovakia separatist Rese Reset this ass Re Questic

EvolutionTom Hayden Al Haber Mario Savio Based on your own knowledge the names on the list belong to O Students for a Democratic Society O the Free Speech Movement O the New Left

EvolutionWhat was the name of the leader of the North Vietnamese forces during the Vietnam War O Nguyen Van Thieu Q Ho Chi Minh O Vietcong Walter Cronkite Reset Reset b this ass Question 1 5 Res

EvolutionQuestion 8 Who are the big three allied leaders who met in Tehran Points 1 O Churchill Roosevelt and Stalin William Kennedy and Roosevelt Stalin Kennedy and Johnson Kennedy Churchill and Robert Complete Later Complete

Evolutionuestion 4 Points 1 Which statement about the Post WWII Era is NOT true The US economy attained new heights of economic growth and expansion resulting in improved living standards After World War II the United States economy went into a long recession that did not turn around until the Vietnam War Kennedy s successor Lyndon Johnson aimed at the creation of the Great Society He aimed to eradicate poverty and bring about essential civil rights legislation Brown v Board of Education of Topeka was a landmark case where the U S Supreme Court declared that segregation in education was unconstitutional Re th Que 1 5 9

EvolutionQuestion 7 Which of the following is are TRUE about Okinawa Points 2 One of the big battles of the Pacific O One of the strategic points of Americans More than 1500 planes were involved in this battle O The U S Navy lost 50 000 sailors in the Okinawa battle

EvolutionQuestion 9 Points 1 What was the involvement of the United States in World War II O The US was neutral The Americans supported Great Britain The Americans supported Japan All of the choices

EvolutionQuestion 10 Points 1 Which country was most affected by the Neutrality Act Soviet Union O France Germany O United States Complete Later Complete

EvolutionWhat did the Neutrality Acts of the 1930s do Passed between 1935 and 1937 the Neutrality Acts declared the US policy of maintaining Oneutrality This act when revised in 1939 allowed the US to send ammunitions to the Allies through a cash and carry method O The Neutrality Acts declared that the US will refrain from participating in any war The Neutrality Acts prevented the Soviet Union from involvement in helping the Western powers against Germany O All of the choices 5 Rese this Quest 9 R

EvolutionPoints 1 Question 5 Why were Japan and Italy able to carry out aggressive territorial policies in the 1930s The League of Nations could not restrict actions that they opposed or enforce rules O World War I made countries reluctant to wage war O Italy and Japan had little opposition O All of the choices

EvolutionQuestion 2 Points 2 Which of the following is NOT a factor in how Mussolini and Hitler were able to exert power in Europe Mussolini and Hitler were both effective leaders Mussolini and Hitler faced little opposition for a period of time Mussolini formed alliances with other nations Mussolini and Hitler were both isolationists 5 9 Re Res this Quest 1 R

EvolutionWhat is the core factor that can induce heritable changes in the genotype frequency of a population mutations in the sexual chromosomes mutations in the somatic chromosomes sexual reproduction natural selection both A and B answers are correct both C and D answers are correct

EvolutionAllopatric speciation occurs without gene flow rather it is due to the geographical isolation of populations of the initially same species True False Question 7 2 points Listen In lake Tanganyaka there is a population of fishes with 2 alleles B and b for the gene coding for the color of the dorsal fin of the fish B is dominant over b The dominant phenotype for the dorsal fin is black whereas the recessive phenotype is blue Following the Hardy Weinberg equation and knowing that the population includes 100 members 25 fishes with a blue fin 75 with a black fin including 20 of heterozygous determine the provide the value of n and that of a

Evolutionthe phenotype of the majority of the individuals in this population Question 5 1 point Listen Evolution can be defined as the variations in the alleles frequency of a population over time True False Question 6 1 point 4 Listen Allopatric speciation occurs without gene flow rather it is due to the geographical isolation of populations of the initially same species True False

Evolutiona genetic drift is due to the change in the proportion of alleles within a population to the random mating of individuals accross populations the movements of individuals within a population

EvolutionThe pedigree below shows two affected parents and their unaffected children The illustrated trait is recessive d This pedigree best shows an example of O complementation O X linkage O pleiotropy O incomplete penetrance O variable expressivity

EvolutionWhich of the following BEST completes the analogy IS TO AS IS TO Russia O Charles de Gaulle France Joseph Stalin O Joseph Stalin France Charles de Gaulle O Joseph Stalin Russia Adolf Hitler Emperor Hirohito Japan Benito Mussolini

EvolutionQuestion 17 Points 1 European immigrants coming to the United States on the East Coast were only granted entrance at in New York O China Town Avery Island O Ellis Island O Angel Island Questions 5 9 13 17 21 18 22

Evolutionestion 15 Points 1 ho was the head of Tammany Hall NYC Democratic political machine led Tweed Ring a oup of corrupt politicians in defrauding the city M Thomas Nast O Tammy Washington O Boss Tweed George Washington Plunkitt Complete Later Complete Questic 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29

EvolutionChoose the correct answer Archduke Francis Ferdinand the heir to the throne of then sent an ultimatum to Serbia visiting Sarajero was killed Oy 25 1914 France Italy June 28 1914 Austro Hungary Austria Hungary June 29 1914 France Italy Complete Cater Complete while

EvolutionQuestion 41 Points 1 Who assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand William II Otto von Bismarck O Gavrilo Princip O Sophie Duchess of Hohenberg

Evolutionfish appeared in the Silurian reached their greatest diversity in the Devonian a time known as the Age of Fishes and became extinct at the end of the Devonian They had no true teeth although the jaws had sharp tusklike projections and no preservable internal skeleton The only structure made of bone was the external armor Denver Museum of Nature Science Dunkleosteus an extinct Devonian marine placoderm fish found in Ohio The skull is more than 1 m high and 1 m wide Use these references to answer the questions below American Museum of Natural History Hall of Vertebrate Origins http www amnh org exhibitions permanent exhibitions fossil halls hall of vertebrate origins American Museum of Natural History Dunkleosteus http www amnh org exhibitions permanent exhibitions fossil halls hall of vertebrate origins dunkleosteus Anderson P S L Westneat M W 2007 Feeding mechanics and bite force modeling of the skull of Dunkleosteus terrelli an ancient apex predator Biology Letters 3 76 79 http rsbl royalsocietypublishing org content 3 1 77 full Cleveland Museum of Natural History Dunkleosteus terrelli http www cmnh org site AtThe Museum OnExhibit PermanentExhibits Dunk aspx University of California Museum of Paleontology 2000 Introduction to the Placodermi Extinct Armored Fishes with Jaws http www ucmp berkeley edu vertebrates basalfish placodermi html 39 In what formation were the Dunkleosteus fossils found 40 How long was Dunkleosteus 41 How much did Dunkleosteus weigh 42 Was Dunkleosteus a predator or a scavenger 43 What is suction feeding and how did it work feet tons 44 Dunkleosteus did not have teeth so how did it bite Describe the jaw and how it stayed sharp 45 How did its bite compare to other animals including fish mammals alligators and dinosaurs 46 What did Dunkleosteus eat Look at the skull of the Dunkleosteus in the photo Examine the eye Notice the sclerotic ring the bony structure in the eye socket for the protection of the eye All birds have this sclerotic ring It protects their eyes against rapid air pressure changes during flights It is also used to help the eye focus on distant objects Read more about the sclerotic ring here

Evolution33 Did they have gills 34 Did they have scales 35 Give the age period name and dates of the earliest fish from these two references 36 Where did Astraspis live List four states where they have been found THE EVOLUTION OF FISH WITH JAWS Jawed fish are gnathostomes as opposed to the ostracoderms or jawless fish The classification of the gnathostomes is shown in Box 12 2 A simplified version of some of the traditional nomenclature is included in blue Box 12 2 Classification of the Gnathostomes GNATHOSTOMES Osteostraci fossil armored jawless vertebrates called ostracoderms Gnathostomata vertebrates with jaws Placodermi placoderm fish armored jawed vertebrates Chondrichthyes sharks and rays Teleostomi teleost fish Acanthodii spiny fish Osteichthyes bony fish Actinopterygii ray finned fish most modern fish Sarcopterygii lobe finned fish and terrestrial vertebrates Class Sarcopterygii Coelacanthimorpha coelacanths Order Coelacanthiformes Dipnoi lung fish Subclass Dipnoi Onychodontiformes extinct fish Porolepimorpha extinct fish Osteolepimorpha extinct lobe finned fishes such Eusthenopteron Rhizodontimorpha extinct lobe finned fishes Terrestrial vertebrates Subclass Tetrapodomorph Janvier P 1997 Gnathostomata Jawed Vertebrates Tree of Life Web Project http tolweb org tree group Gnathostomata contgroup Vertebrata Scroll down to see the diagram relating jaws in red to gill arches in green in this reference Zimmer C 1996 Death From the Pleistocene Sky Discover 17 3 http discovermagazine com 1996 mar deathfromtheplei720 37 What animal is shown in the diagram with jaws and gill arches in the Gnathostomata reference Hint See the caption 38 What does the Zimmer article propose as a reason for the development of jaws

EvolutionLatimeria a modern sarcopterygian coelacanth living near Madagascar Note the similarity of the tail to that of Eusthenopteron fossils in the previous figure The tail is very different from that of the ray finned fishes This example is about 2 m long From Levin H 2013 The Earth Through Time 10th edition figure 12 75 p 370 This material is reproduced with permission of John Wiley Sons Inc 55 Compare the shape of the tail of the living coelacanth to that of Eusthenopteron Describe the similarities and differences 56 Compare the tail of the coelacanth to that of the ray finned fishes from the Green River Formation In the boxes below sketch both and describe the differences Tail of Coelacanth Tail of ray finned fish 57 Describe the function of the swim bladder 58 Which type of fish was the most likely ancestor to the amphibians Some of the best preserved fossil fish are in the Green River Formation Eocene in Wyoming