Evolution Questions and Answers

EvolutionThe acidification of Earth s oceans is due to the absorption of which chemical O Methane CH4 O Hydrochloric acid HCI O Carbon dioxide CO2 O Oxygen 02

EvolutionAccording to the endosymbiotic theory of the origin of eukaryotic cells how did chloroplasts originate O from the nuclear envelope folding outward and forming mitochondrial membranes O through secondary endosymbiosis O from infoldings of the plasma membrane coupled with mutations of genes for oxygen using metabolism through primary endosymbiosis by tertiary endosymbiosis

EvolutionHow might the life cycle of Diphyllobothrium latum demonstrate an evolutionary relationship to that of the flukes

EvolutionEarly cell P Pearson Archaea Nucleolus Eukarya Membrane enclosed nucleus Cytosol Endoplasmic Reticulum Bacteria CHA www DNA Eukaryote Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes CH Mitochondrion Chloroplast Mitochondrion Capsule Copyright 2019 Pearson Education Inc All Rights Re Ribosomes MAD Plasma Membrane Prokaryote 474 www Pilis

EvolutionSelect ALL the correct answers Some individuals of a particular species of sea bird underwent a genetic mutation that resulted in larger beaks The larger size of beaks helped these birds to break open clams and other mollusks for food It also helped them defend themselves against predators After many generations almost all of the birds in the population had big beaks For which two reasons did this phenomenon occur natural selection mechanical isolation prezygotic barriers to reproduction high genetic variation in the species

EvolutionIn a large population of sea stars half of the individuals possess the red allele and half possess the purple allele A change in the genome has been introduced and many of those with the purple allele are dying Therefore the red allele has become more frequent over time Which of the following requirements for the Hardy Weinberg equilibrium is not being met A The population must be infinitely large B No immigration can occur C All mating must be totally random OD No mutation can occur

EvolutionC 35 million years old past O vestigial trait O genetic drift 3 15 million years old transitional feature atavism 2 3 8 million years old TIME The figure above shows the front foot of the modern horse and three related extinct species The oldest species had more toes lived in the forest and was not a fast runner The modern wild horse has only one well developed toe lives in grasslands and is a fast runner The toes are numbered in the image The changes in length and number of toes over time is an example of a n Modern horse present

EvolutionAfter a severe draught in the Galapagos islands Darwin observed a change in Daphne beaks depth Which statement about the beak size of finches on the island of Daphne Major during prolonged drought is true Mean bank depth Percentag In each dans 12 9 10 Beak All Daphne hirde 1975 11 depth mm Total number of birds 753 12 13 14 Drought in 1977 12 Mean beak depth 1879 Survivors Total number of birds 00 9 10 Beak depth mm 11 12 13 Each bird evolved a deeper stronger beak as the drought persisted Each bird s survival was strongly influenced by the depth and strength of its beak as the drought persisted The frequency of the strong beak alleles increased in each bird as the drought persisted Each bird that survived the drought produced only offspring with deeper stronger beaks than seen in the previous generation

EvolutionMycorrhizae are the small roots in the root systems of trees endosymbiotic bacteria associated with plant roots fungus and tree root mutualistic associations Oparasitic fungal infections of tree roots endosymbiotic fungal cells associated with leaves

EvolutionH 2 target cells fakat 51 Cr release no lysis H 2k LCM virus Spleen cells containing T cells H 2 LCM infected target cells MHC Haplotype 51 Cr igure H 25 LCM infected target cells Differen haplotype 451 Cr release 51 Cr release no lysis lysis Shows that CTLs can only kill cells infected with

EvolutionJohn Endler hypothesized that female guppies prefer to mate with the most brightly colored males the females themselves do not have a lot of color In pools with lots of guppy predators however males remain fairly drab in color very little color Which of the following experiments would help support his hypothesis about female choice move brightly colored guppies into the pools with predators and see if they survive remove all females in a pool with or without predators and see if the color of the male guppies changes move females from a pool with brightly colored males to the pool with drab males and predators and see if the colors of the males change with time O remove the predators from a pool with drab males and see if the colors of the males change over time place tiny color blocking glasses on all female guppies and see which males they choose note guppies have no external ears so fitting them with glasses is very 16

Evolutionof the following factors would NOT contribute to allopatric speciation A population becomes geographically isolated from the parent population Different mutations begin to distinguish the gene pools of the separated populations The separated population is small and genetic drift occurs Gene flow between the two populations is extensive The isolated population is exposed to different selection pressures than the ancestral population Question 16 1 point Listen frogs helonging to the same genus occasionally mate but the What is the mechanism for keeping the two frog

EvolutionOrganisms that possess homologous structures probably evolved from the same ancestor by chance had similar mutations in the past have increased genetic diversity are headed for extinction are not related Question 10 1 point Listen Why does female preference for certain males to breed with cause evolutionary onulation honge to compete with the other

Evolutionthe largest versions of the organisms organisms with more genetic diversity organisms with very few mutations organisms that have value to humans the most fit forms of the organisms Question 8 1 point selection is to produce Listen Why are vestigial structures in organisms such as the appendix in humans and reduced hind limb bones in some whales considered evidence for evolution because they show that organisms can change based on need use they demonstrates the law of use and disuse nower of mutations

EvolutionVestigial structures in organisms such as the appendix in humans and reduced hind limb bones in some whales considered evidence for evolution because they show that organisms can change based on need Obecause they demonstrates the law of use and disuse because they demonstrate the power of mutations because they represent evolutionary baggage inherited from a prior version of the organism because they are evidence of the development of new structures in organisms Question 9 1 point Listen Organisms that possess homologous structures probably evolved from the same ancestor ilor mutations in the past

EvolutionHow would Darwin explain the fact that even though dogs have been artificially bred into many different looking breeds they can all still interbreed with one another indicating they are all the same species evolution can produce new forms of species but not new species Osignificant mutations must occur for a new species to form one species has to die off before a new one can form Omultiple species cannot form from a single species O the correct conditions and very long periods of time must elapse before new species can form

EvolutionListen Eastern and Western meadowlarks birds are two different species but have ranges that slightly over lap The two species look very similar to one another and sing similar songs Which of the following is the likely reason why biologists still consider them two different species individuals of the different species tend to fight one another each species builds a nest at a different height Ono hybrids of the two species have ever been found the two species have different diets any of these is enough to consider them two different species

EvolutionBird guides once listed the myrtle warbler and the Audubon s warbler as two distinct species Recently these birds have been re classified as eastern and western forms of a single species the yellow rumped warbler Which of the following pieces of evidence if true might be cause for this reclassification The two forms interbreed often in nature and their offspring have good survival and reproduction The two forms live in similar habitats The two forms have many genes in common The two forms have similar food requirements The two forms are very similar in coloration all of these

EvolutionListen Which of the following is the least reliable place to look for evidence of homology among organisms O in the types of proteins produced by the organisms in the patterns of development in the DNA sequences in the outward appearance of organisms in the underlying structural anatomy Oir

EvolutionWhat part of the fossil record is considered evidence for evolution by natural selection not all organisms form fossils when they die O the exact age of a fossil can not be determined fossils are only of older extinct organisms not modern day ones fossils have only been found in very few places fossils of many different kinds of organisms were often found together

EvolutionDarwin studied the plants and animals of all the major continents he visited Asia Africa South America etc as well as the islands close by and compared them to each other What was the most significant observation he made in regard to this most species he studied could be found world wide the same types of habitats can be found on all continents Oisland species were always the same as those on the nearest continent the plants and animals on islands were identical wherever he went in the world each major continent appeared to have plants and animals that were similar to but not the same as other continents

Evolutionky Mountain juniper Juniperus scopulorum and one seeded juniper U monosperma have overlapping ranges If pollen grains which contain sperm cells from one species are unable to germinate and make pollen tubes on female ovules which contain egg cells of the other species then which of these terms is applicable Ohybrid breakdown behavioral isolation Omechanical isolation reduced hybrid viability

Evolutionles of different species of the fruit fly Drosophila that live in the same parts of the Hawaiian Islands have different elaborate courtship rituals These rituals involve fighting other males and making stylized movements that attract females What type of reproductive isolation does this represent habitat isolation behavioral isolation temporal isolation postzygotic barriers Ogametic isolation

Evolutionuntain juniper Juniperus scopulorum and one seeded juniper U monosperma have overlapping ranges If pollen grains which contain sperm cells from one species are unable to germinate and make pollen tubes on female ovales which contain egg cells of the other species then which of these terms are applicable postzygotic isolation O sympatric species reduced hybrid fertility Oprezygotic isolation habitat isolation

Evolutionguides once listed the myrtle warbler and the Audubon s warbler as two distinct species Recently these birds have been re classified as eastern and western forms of a single species the yellow rumped warbler Which of the following pieces of evidence if true might be cause for this reclassification The two forms interbreed often in nature and their offspring have good survival and reproduction The two forms sing very similar songs The two forms have many genes in common The two forms have similar food requirements The two forms are very similar in coloration all of these

EvolutionFemale red winged blackbirds preferentially choose males with the best songs and the brightest red patches on their wings The chosen males leave more offspring than other males What is this an example of Select all that apply a bottleneck sexual selection genetic drift natural selection none of these

EvolutionWhy does female preference for certain males to breed with cause evolutionary change in a population because the less chosen males will start to change to compete with the other males because choosing specific males for breeding means that the population will get smaller resulting in genetic drift because the females will start to change to become more like the most often chosen males Obecause not all males in the population will reproduce at the same rate because female choice produces gene flow which changes the population

EvolutionTwo species of water lilies in the same pond do not interbreed because one blooms at night and the other blooms during the day The reproductive barrier between them is an example of Omechanical isolation hybrid breakdown ecological isolation O gametic isolation temporal isolation

EvolutionWhy are vestigial structures in organisms such as the appendix in humans and reduced hind limb bones in some whales considered evidence for evolution O because they represent evolutionary baggage inherited from a prior version of the organism because they show that organisms can change based on need because they demonstrate the power of mutations because they are evidence of the development of new structures in organisms Obecause they demonstrates the law of use and disuse

EvolutionTwo species of frogs belonging to the same genus occasionally mate but the offspring fail to develop and hatch What is the mechanism for keeping the two frog species separate the prezygotic barrier called hybrid sterility the postzygotic barrier called hybrid inviability the postzygotic barrier called hybrid breakdown gametic isolation

Evolutionganisms that possess homologous structures probably by chance had similar mutations in the past are headed for extinction Ohave increased genetic diversity O evolved from the same ancestor are not related Question 9 1 point

Evolutionin s time pigeon breeders had created many kinds of fancy pigeons that had altered body shapes extra long fathers or unique coloring that was different from the ancestral wild form Why was Darwin interested in this practice Obecause it showed that the most fit pigeons survived O because it showed that the pigeon form was not fixed and could be changed Obecause it showed that people have a lot of control over animal species because it showed that it is possible to create new species through selective breeding O Obecause it showed that pigeons were adapting to their environments

Evolutionmans play in artificial selection is to train organisms to breed more successfully determine who lives and who dies create the genetic variants which nature then selects Oselect the two species to breed together choose which organisms breed and which do not Question 7 1 point Listen

EvolutionWhy do islands tend to have unique species found no where else mutation rates are higher in small populations found on islands most islands have very little food so this increases competition which leads to new species islands species never have any predators and so can be different from mainland species islands are mostly isolated which reduces gene flow this ultimately can lead to new species forming over time Omost islands are extreme habitats that only certain types of organisms can

EvolutionSome ways we are forcing the artificial selection of resistant HIV in patients by treating them with medications Why is this the case the medications cause the virus to mutate in order to survive Opatients eventually become resistant to the medicines so new ones must be used in the presence of the medications only the most resistant versions of the viruses survive O HIV is able to learn which medications are being used and avoid them O viruses initially affected by the medicines eventually become immune to them Question 6 1 point

EvolutionIn Darwin s phrase Descent with modification what does the descent part refer to O the idea that simple organisms can come from more complex ones O the idea that characteristics in organisms can evolve in response to need the idea that an organism s from can change over its lifetime O the idea that parent organisms pass traits onto their offspring the idea that the overall trend in evolution is to produce simpler organisms over O time

Evolutioning to Darwin which of the following had the MOST impact in driving the evolution of organisms the genes of organisms the sizes of the organisms and their life span the habitat the organisms live in O the population sizes of the organisms O the number of offspring each type of organism could produce in its life time Question 5 1 point Listen

EvolutionCharles Darwin was the first person to propose a mechanism for how evolution occurs a mechanism for evolution that was supported by evidence that population growth can outpace the growth of food resources that evolution occurs that Earth is older than a few thousand years Question 4 1 point

EvolutionThe removal of double recessives from the population in the lab activity is meant to mimic O genetic drift Onon random mating Ogene flow Otural selection 610

EvolutionPavlov s dog exhibited an example of conditioning when it salivated upon the ringing of the bell A classical B optimal C proximal D operant

EvolutionA The proximate cause of a behavior is a result of your or your nature whereas the ultimate cause of a behavior is based on the or how one is nurtured genetics B environment C desires

Evolution4 Listen Genetic drift changes allele frequencies in a specific non random way only if there is non random mating only when populations are small in a non specific random way

Evolution4 In addition to cave ins another hazard of trench work is the occurrence of O A Oxygen OB Nitrogen O C Methane D Carbon dioxide deficiency

EvolutionMatch the following statements to the correct term 2 points total characters that are found within two descendants but not necessarily within their common ancestor two structures that look alike and arise through divergent evolution a term that can describe two structures that share common features but do not derive from a common ancestor a term meaning more than one common ancestor Choose Choose Choose Choose

EvolutionThe most recent common ancestor within a clade on a phylogenetic tree is represented by the O Node O Limb O Bud 3

EvolutionGenetic drift changes allele frequencies O so that one allele always becomes dominant only if there is random mating in all sizes of populations in a way that adapts the population to the environment

EvolutionNatural selection changes allele frequencies so that the population becomes better adapted to its environment O so that one allele always becomes dominant Oonly when populations are large in a non specific random way

EvolutionWhich of the following could be used as evidence of homology O a pattern of development O a DNA sequence an anatomical feature a behavioral response O any of these

EvolutionWhat type of characters should be used to construct a phylogenetic tree O characters that can easily be seen O any characters that show similar function in different organisms Oonly characters that came from a common ancestor