Human Health and Diseases Questions and Answers

Human Health and DiseasesThe acute inflammatory response is part of which immune system O barrier O common O innate

Human Health and DiseasesBelow is a pedigree of a family with a rare X linked form of color blindness red symbols Write in as many of the individual genotypes as you can Also explain how you determined the genotypes for 1 1 and 1 2 5 pts 2 3

Human Health and DiseasesStation 2 Case Study A 68 year old man has developed a harsh productive cough four days prior to being seen by a physician The sputum is thick and yellow with streaks of blood He develops a fever shaking chills and malaise along with the cough One day ago he developed pain in his right chest that intensifies with inhaling

Human Health and DiseasesWendy who has just been told by her doctor that she has only a few months to live due to a heart ailment says that the diagnosis must be wrong wants opinions from other doctors This would coincide with which of Elisabeth Kubler Ross s five stages of dying O depression Oanger O denial O acceptance

Human Health and Diseasesognitive skill interpret 11 A patient in scenario 1 asks the nurse what would be recommended to treat his nasal congestion from allergy symptoms What would be an appropriate response by the nurse 472 1 2 3 To eliminate your symptoms you simply must avoid the allergen It does not matter what type of decongestant you use they are all very similar You should avoid topical decongestants as their use could cause a rebound problem that is difficult to treat 4 Only use prescription medications as the over the counter medications often do not work for

Human Health and DiseasesRE Scenario 1 A 75 year old male patient was admitted to the hospital with respiratory failure secondary to pneu monia After several days of being treated with steroids and antibiotics he has stabilized on 2 L of oxygen via nasal cannula He has a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD congestive heart failure hypothyroidism and rheumatoid arthritis all of which are currently medically managed Objective Discuss nursing assessments used to evaluate the respiratory status of a patient NCLEX item type multiple choice Cognitive skill take action 7 A nurse is assessing the patient in scenario 1 and listens to lung sounds Which findings would the nurse report to the healthcare provider for further evaluation 484 490 1 2 3 4 Elevated shoulders and use of abdominal muscles to breathe Dry nonproductive cough Coughing up thin white secretions Rapid shallow breathing with O saturation of 88

Human Health and DiseasesWhich of the following nutrients are we not concerned about in the elderly population Vitamin D Vitamin B 12 Iron Fat

Human Health and DiseasesAn obese woman should still gain weight during pregnancy Group of answer choices True False

Human Health and DiseasesIf a pregnant woman does not get enough calcium in her diet the baby will be low in calcium and may impact the bone development of the unborn baby True False

Human Health and DiseasesClinical Stages of Tuberculosis Infection and Disease Progression Please place the steps in the correct order to assess your understanding of the clinical stages of tuberculosis infection and dise progression Recurrent disease tubercles break down bacilli are released into lung cavities and circulation Exposure to TB droplets Latency bacilli go dormant in lungs carrier state without symptoms may last for many years Lung macrophages engulf bacilli infection occurs in 80 90 of cases Disease spreads to extrapulmonary sites such as kidney bones brain with severe morbidity Inhaled into lungs Primary TB disease with tubercles symptoms occur 2 5 6

Human Health and Diseases3 What is an example of a CD8 T cell reading and destroying a cell presenting an antigen via an MHCII molecule

Human Health and Diseases3 Do interferons target infected cells or noninfected cells Why Answer

Human Health and DiseasesAfter Papanicolaou staing a sample showing multicoloured cells is likely to come from a mostly blue sample is likely to come from a the same size as a woman of samples processed by the clinic are likely to be normal In normal samples the nuclei should be about Abnormal samples may show dyskaryosis abnormal cells These are classes of itself In borderline samples there may be infection In mild dyskaryosis nuclei may be enlarged in the In moderate or severe dyskaryosis nuclei may be enlarged in the coloured cells respectively and the cells may be an nuclei or circular clearing around the nuclei caused by cells colour shape woman whilst a coloured or cancer and are not cancer

Human Health and Diseasesn the nucleotide which was coding for the amino acid glutamate cytosine was GODNA STRUCTURE AND FUNC deleted This is an example of a an Cord Acceptable Formats Cord or CARD Give me options 200 123 QUESTIONS 10

Human Health and DiseasesCancer can be caused by excessive cell growth and division Two genes that regulate the growth and division of a cell are called oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes Oncogenes direct cells to grow and divide whereas tumor suppressor genes limit cell growth and division Certain viruses have been associated with an increased risk for cancer For example the hepatitis B and C viruses are associated with liver cancer the Epstein Barr virus is associated with lymphoma and the human papilloma viruses are associated with cervical cancer Viruses can cause mutations in their host cells Which mutation described below would be most likely to cause cancer in a host organism O A a mutation in the virus that turns oncogenes on and tumor supressor genes off a mutation in the virus that turns oncogenes off and tumor supressor genes on O C a mutation in a host cell that turns oncogenes off and tumor supressor genes on a mutation in a host cell that turns oncogenes on and tumor supressor genes off OB OD

Human Health and DiseasesA If a few cases of the plague are reported in a short amount of time in the state of Arizona what level of agency will most likely be the one that conducts epidemiological studies on them

Human Health and DiseasesWhat type of analytical epidemiology study would be employed to determine how likely daily vapers are to contract Covid compared to non vapers

Human Health and DiseasesWhat type of disease spread occurred with the cholera outbreak following the earthquake in Haiti in 2010

Human Health and DiseasesAre disease factors that apply to the specific pathogen causing disease intrinsic extrinsic Why

Human Health and DiseasesWhich vaccine type yields the most robust immune response killed formalin or otherwise vaccine live attenuated vaccine DNA subunit vaccine Polysaccharide subunit vaccine

Human Health and DiseasesWhen a marathon runner experiences the phenomenon known as hitting the wall what nutrient is most likely depleted O Water O Glucose Protein O Fatty Acids

Human Health and DiseasesA set of problems experienced by young female athletes that include eating disorder amenorrhea and osteoporosis is known as Bulimia Nervosa Anorexia Nervosa O Female Athlete Triad Eating disorder not otherwise specified

Human Health and DiseasesQuestion 5 Which of the following pairs is mismatched O Toxemia pathogen s toxins carried by the blood to target tissues O Local infection pathogen remains at or near entry site O Acute infection rapid onset of severe short lived symptoms O Secondary infection Infection spreads to several tissue sites O Mixed Infection several agents established at infection site

Human Health and DiseasesQuestion 11 Which of the following method is not su Wipe it with 70 ethanol O Autoclaving O filtration

Human Health and DiseasesDistress the negative stress response often involving negative affect and physiological reactivity a type of stress that results from being overwhelmed by demands losses or perceived threats Distress triggers physiological changes that can pose serious health risks especially if combined with maladaptive ways of coping Eustress the positive stress response involving optimal levels of stimulation a type of stress that results from challenging but attainable and enjoyable or worthwhile tasks e g participating in an athletic event giving a speech It has a beneficial effect by generating a sense of fulfillment or achievement and facilitating growth development mastery and high levels of performance Generate a list of examples of when you have experienced distress losing a job getting divorced or losing a loved one causes huge losses dealing with a long term injury or sickness going through a challenging separation or divorce Financially struggling or having a lot of debt encountering prejudice or abuse at work or school dealing with legal concerns such as being arrested or being sued A stressful occurrence such as a natural disaster an accident or an assault Managing long term stressors such as providing care for an ill family member or persistent work stress Select one example from the list above

Human Health and Diseasesoccurs when an infected individual passes the infection on to other individuals who pass it on to still others increasing the penetration of the infection into the susceptible population O Common source spread O Point source spread O Propagated spread Biological vector transmission

Human Health and Diseases2 Teenagers express higher levels of stress than adults do because they are more exposed to the outside world and view it in a completely different way because they are neither children nor adults

Human Health and DiseasesQuestion 7 1 point Saved Listen Toby was brought into the Emergency Room wit prolonged binge After some investigation the Induced Psychosis This is apparently Toby s sec use of a second generation antipsychotic drug a would probably be the next best treatment deci a CBT primarily focused on reducing anxie thet psychosis

Human Health and DiseasesA researcher studying the effect of Covid on patients with asthma compared to patients without asthma is an example of O A cross sectional study O An experimental study O A cohort study O A descriptive epidemiological study

Human Health and DiseasesA fly lands on cow feces containing pathogenic cells of EHEC E coli then it transfers the cells to your food which you consume prior to developing severe enterohemorrhagic disease This is an example of Direct contact transmission Mechanical vector transmission Biological vector transmission Zoological transmission

Human Health and Diseasesstudy to determine the effectiveness of a treatment to a disease where both the subjects and researchers are unaware of if the experimental treatment or placebo is being given A O Retrospective case control Prospective cohort Single blind Double blind

Human Health and DiseasesThink about the Article Why don t some people like the idea of workers being monitored A Because they fear that workers will steal company data B Because they know that wristbands won t work C Because they believe that monitoring isn t legal D Because they say that monitoring corola

Human Health and DiseasesSome tumor cells become more sensitive to a range of drugs as they become resistant to only one drug because they Oa have mutated the ATP regulated chloride channel Ob obtain P glycoprotein that transports different drugs inside the cell OC obtain the multidrug resistance protein that transports different drugs from the cell Od have more ATP binding cassettes than other cells Oe obtain the MDR ion channel that transports different drugs from the cell

Human Health and Diseasestch the infection disease with the correct etiologic agent Influenza Ameobiic dysentery Necrotizing fasciitis Toxic shock syndrome Chicken pox Opportunistic vulvovaginal candidiasis 1 Candida glabrata Candida albicans 3 Staphylococcus aureus 4 Rickettsia rickettsi 5 Orthomyxovirus 6 Rubella virus

Human Health and DiseasesWhich is not a true statement regarding HIV In an HIV infected person the number of CD4 T cells rises as the level vir increases in the body and or bloodstream HIV is believed to have originated in Africa after a cross species transmissi from primates to humans CD4 T cell levels less than 200 per ul Kaposi s Sarcoma and Pneumocys carinii pneumonia are all examples of AIDS defining conditions or illnesses An early diagnosis of HIV can often be missed because acute symptoms ca resemble those of a cold or mild flu The high mutation rate of HIV s reverse transcriptase enzyme is one way virus is able to evade the immune response and become resistant to diffe HIV drug therapies

Human Health and DiseasesWhich of the following is true of a genital Chlamydia trachomatis infection Infects stratified squamous epithelial cells If left untreated in women the infection may ascend up the reproductive tr cause pelvic inflammatory disease or PID Is a common vaginal infection Women compared to men are more likely to exhibit symptoms Produces a characteristic green foamy vaginal discharne

Human Health and DiseasesMeningitis refers to an infection of the actual brain itselff True False

Human Health and DiseasesWhat would constitute a diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis The presence of clue cells The presence of clue cells pH of 5 1 and homogenous dischan Fishy odor from vaginal compartment and or discharge

Human Health and DiseasesA papule is a small fluid filled lesion solid raised lesion flat reddened lesion raised lesion with pus vesicle with diameter 1cm

Human Health and DiseasesEnterotoxigenic Escherchia coll or ETEC infection disease is best described as The cause of infantile dianthea with a common occurrence in mursery outbreaks The most common cause of bacterial gastroenteritis in children A dysentery like disease and symptoms due to the production of a tovin simila to the Shiga toxin The bacteria stick together on epithelial cells and look like stacked bricks Montezuma s Revenge or traveller s dianthea

Human Health and Diseases2 A female should never go under 1000 O 1200 O 1500 O2000 kcal per day

Human Health and DiseasesAntimicrobials that are effective ag Cantibiotics semisynthetic drugs

Human Health and Diseasesmore empathetic person because you can mostly find perspectives that are similar to your own it reinforces your existing outlook on life it s easy to understand and doesn t require much thought you can consider diverse perspectives

Human Health and DiseasesThe Answer was signed into law in Answer in response to public outrage following incidents like in Donora and London The law directed the Answer to establish limits for Answer ones that caused the most environmental damage and health hazards In Answer the Clean Air Act was amended with several Answer issues that were still not being addressed Clean Air Act additions 1990 criteria pollutants Environmental Protection Agency 1970 to cover

Human Health and DiseasesAntiseptics can be used on living tissue Disinfectants are typically used on non living inanimate objects a True b False uestion 8 1 167 points Saved Listen of you observed a 17 mm 70

Human Health and DiseasesFor following variable Age in Years select the correct measurement scale A Nominal B Ordinal C Interval D Ratio A Nominal OB Ordinal C Interval OD Ratio E

Human Health and DiseasesWhich of the subdivisions shown above has following name Southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter OB O None of these OC AB CD OD OA