Human Health and Diseases Questions and Answers

Human Health and DiseasesACTIVITY 2 Obtain the following slides Draw and describe the of mouth bud if present tentacles stalk and foot Hydra Obelia

Human Health and Diseases4 16 points eBook Match the term to the image depicting the process as described 2 Antitoxin Complement Fixation Lysing bacterial cells Antibodies bind to the surface of microorganisms triggering a process leading to cell lysis Opsonization Bacteria engulfed more readily Macrophage Microorganisms and other antigens coated with antibodies are more readily recognized by phagocytes

Human Health and DiseasesPlease move the correct terms into their corresponding empty boxes within the figure to complete the concept map Plasma cells Helper T cell Response Hepatocyte Red blood cell Microbe plus leads to Activated B cell Memory B cells which produces B cell Antibodies aided by a which produce Macrophage

Human Health and DiseasesTeam Phoenix Suns Hometown Lubumbashi Democratic Republic of the Congo NBA player Bismack Biyombo dunks baskets in Arizona But he s from the Democratic Republic of the Congo He started a group that helps the people of this nation in Africa It funds schools It also offers free summer sports programs The hoops star himself sometimes coaches the kids Biyombo aims to improve health care in his home country too On average there s only one doctor for every 10 000 people there After his father passed away Biyombo wanted to build a new hospital in his homeland He donated his salary for the 2021 2022 season to make it happen The hospital will be named after his dad I wanted to do something for him that would save lives he told CBS News Like Pujols and Sinclair Biyombo knows A Both support programs in the Dominican Republic B Both donate items like beds and blankets C Both help young people in Central Africa D Both provide help to people who need health care SUBMIT

Human Health and Diseasesever forgot where the came u Alter vreaking into the big 6 he started the Pujols Family Foundation It works to improve lives dvantaged areas of the Dominican Republic The group has donated and blankets It has also provided free health care to thousands Christine Sinclair Sport Soccer Teams Portland Thorns Canadian women s national team Hometown Burnaby British Columbia Canada Soccer star Christine Sinclair is all about goals She s scored more goals in international matches than anyone else in the world How many As of 2022 she d scored 190 goals She led the Canadian women s national team to win They beat teams from other countries This team captain is a leader off the field too She s taking action to beat multiple sclerosis MS The disease can cause patients to lose their ability to walk Sinclair s mother who was her first soccer coach suffered from MS for decades She died in 2022 Sinclair teamed up with the MS Society of Canada to raise millions of dollars The money could help researchers develop treatments and find a cure I want to help those living with MS Sinclair said Bismack Biyombo Sinclair is taking action to beat multiple sclerosis M The disease can cause patients to lose their ability to walk Sinclair s mother who was her first soccer coach suffered from MS for decades She died in 2022 The author s purpose for writing this passage was to A tell about how treatments for MS have changed over the years B explain what MS is and why Sinclair wants to help find a cure C inform readers about the causes of MS and how it can be treated D criticize doctors for not curing MS before Sinclair s mother died

Human Health and DiseasesQuestion 7 Disinfection of beverages such as apple juice milk wine is optimally achieved by O pasteurization boiling water chlorination O moist heat autoclave hydrogen peroxide

Human Health and DiseasesExperimental Inquiry What is the Inheritance Pattern of View Available Hint s w w ww WW wty First half of reciprocal cross Group 1 n male gamet

Human Health and Diseases1 Convert a 5 mL to L b 650 L to mL c 40 L to mL d 10 mL to L e 1500 mL to L 2 What micropipettor p2 p20 p200 or p1000 would you use to pipet the amounts above ar would the window read example to pipette 250 L I would use the p1000 set at 025 If the volum too large for a single pipettor how would you work around this

Human Health and DiseasesAntibiotic Resistant Intermediate Susceptible mm mm mm 12 13 14 245 13 17 10 11 GM10 C30 VA30 10 TE30 14 219 a What is the name of the technique used here 12 9 14 15 18 GM10 15 mm 218 212 215 b Which antibiotic is most effective based on the measurements in mm for each antibiotic on the plate Use the reference table above

Human Health and DiseasesL3400Chapter 13 ppt nload BIOL3400Chapter 13 ppt 2 77 MB Overuse of antib many bacteria b

Human Health and DiseasesAccording to the American Heart Association in 2016 which type of cardiovascular disease was most prevalent among Americans hypertension congestive heart failure angina pectoris stroke

Human Health and Diseasesease select the patterns of direct contact transmission of infectious dis Check All That Apply food water kissing touching fomites mother to fetus vertical vector

Human Health and DiseasesWho must receive training on the proper handling of hazardous and emergency if a spill fire or general building emergency takes place Select one O Only EH S personnel who picks up and stores the waste in the central accumulation area Only the person designated to manage and prepare the waste for pick up O There is no required training O Only the PI Supervisor whose employees produce the waste O All personnel working in the lab shop including the Pl Lab Manager Supervisor and any other personnel who occupy the area

Human Health and DiseasesThe purpose of laboratory visits and inspections by EH S personnel is to Select one Assist laboratory personnel on training and safety requirements Ensure compliance by the University with EPA and FDEP regulations All answers are correct Assist in protecting employees and students health and safety O Identify possible safety hazardous so they can be eliminated

Human Health and DiseasesWho is responsible for the serviceable condition of the Personal Protection Equipment PPE Select one O Lab Manager O The Lab Pl EH S Safety Officer O The Head of the department

Human Health and Diseases20 gen ORU5 Ahmet in alyuvarlar nda Aa Ahmet in kan grubu nedir Ahmet in AOrr genotipinde olma i

Human Health and DiseasesWhooping cough also known as pertussis is caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis Some of its effects result from production of Pertussis toxin which prevents Ga from binding to G protein coupled receptors and thereby locking Ga in the GDP bound state If you treated liver cells with Pertussis toxin how would it affect liver cell responses to epinephrine It would decrease secretion of digestive enzymes It would decrease glucose production It would decrease proliferation It would increase proliferation It would increase glucose production

Human Health and Diseases2 What is the air quality like in Las Vegas currently Are you surprised by this Explain your reasoning

Human Health and DiseasesAmount of yolk Yolk distribution Cleavage type Characteristics of cleavage Resulting blastomeres Isolecithal very little uniform throughout egg holoblastic complete rapid equal throughout smaller than parent cell Mesolecithal intermediate sea star concentrated at vegetal pole holoblastic complete unequal much faster at the animal pole smaller at animal pole larger at vegetal pole Telolecithal considerable dense concentrated at centrally located within thin layer one end of egg meroblastic incomplete restricted to a small disc at one end of the egg smaller and numerous at the animal pole than the vegetal pole bird reptile fish Ex Organism frog Q What type of yolk distribution is most likely found in human egg cells Centrolecithal considerable meroblastic incomplete only the nuclei divide in early stage coenocytic blastoderm 1 layer around cell s periphery fruit fly

Human Health and DiseasesDo you think endurance and strength athletes can meet their higher protein needs without consuming protein supplements W why not B IUT TI E M E M

Human Health and DiseasesPoints 3 The unitary federal and confederate forms of government are based on which of the classifications that political scientists use to describe governments Question 3 O Who can participate in the governing process O The geographic distribution of governmental power O The centralization of the power in the government O The relationship between the lawmaking and law executing branches of the government 5 9

Human Health and DiseasesSAPATO 8 Gloria lives in a care facility She has been diagnosed with middle stage dementia and still enjoys singing Gloria has begun to wander at night and often becomes upset when staff tries to get her to go back to her room What intervention would be considered person centered care O 0 O 9 True or False Once someone has lost the ability to communicate you no longer have to talk with them or explain who you are and what care you are going to provide O Singing songs with Giona an she w guided back them Ting on that she needs to go to her room as she does not that other Preventing Gama from Saking afterecios naps se she seperate Giving Glamstowels to fut at the nurse s platan sostat can as an eye on ter O 10 What is the BEST step caregivers can take to prevent dehydration in people with dementia Offer a person that have ens of thought the day As Tet them you are tracking how much they d them to nk more greates as it u O TRUE FALSE a full glass of water at nactme

Human Health and DiseasesWhich of the following is not a portal of entry for a microorganism Hair follicle Urine Wound tract Respiratory mucosa

Human Health and DiseasesWhich bacterial enzyme helps to spread an infection by digesting the thrin clots the m produced to localize or trap the infection Coagulases Kinases Leukocidin Collagenase

Human Health and DiseasesWhich of the following is not an example of an A 8 exotoxin Tetanus toxin Cholera towin LIPS

Human Health and Diseasesis a term used by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention which refers to the incidence of a specific notifiable disease Morbidity Mortality Prevalence Discase state

Human Health and DiseasesThe activity of a superantigen involves the Non specific activation of the immune response Non specific activation of CD4 T cells and antigen presenting cells like macrophages Induction of shock Induction of a cytokine storm massive upregulation of the production of cytokines

Human Health and Diseasesis a term describing the fraction of a population that contracts a disease during a certain time period In other words the number of people becom infected Morbidity Mortality Prevalence Incidence

Human Health and DiseasesA life threatening drop in blood pressure is called Fever Desquamation Hypertension Shock Disseminated intravascular coagulation DI

Human Health and Diseasesprodromal convalescence incubation acme decline acme incubation prodromal convalescence decline incubation prodromal acme decline convalescence incubation acme prodromal convalescence decline prodromal acme incubation decline convalescence

Human Health and DiseasesFrom the options below identify the best definition of herd immunity Herd immunity refers to the pooling or herding of individuals immune proteins such as antibodies to provide immunity through vaccinations Herd immunity refers to the concept that if you vaccinate a large majority of the population against a disease then you are also by default protecting those that are unvaccinated becasue their likelihood of exposure to the infection has been reduced Herd immunity refers to the vaccination campaigns of public health agencies in which groups of people are brought together herded in order to receive critical vaccinations It is a mechanism by which immunity to infection can be delivered to a large proportion of the population at one time and or in one area Herd immunity refers to the immunological phenomenon whereby a large group of people contract an infection such as in an outbreak and consequently develop immunity to that particular agent disease Herd immunity refers to the immune response within an individual when he she is exposed to a pathogen Within that person immune factors such as antibodierlar

Human Health and DiseasesThe following is an example of which type of epidemiologic disease spread A strain of Neisseria gonorrhoeae the etiologic agent of gonorrhea resistant to one of the first line therapies azithromycin has been recently detected in twelve different coastal regions of Hawaii and then spread to six counties in California and Oregon sporadic endemic epidemic pandemic

Human Health and DiseasesThe etiologic agent of pork tapeworm is Taenia solium Diphyllobothrium latum Taenia saginata

Human Health and DiseasesYou and your team must quarantine together You have 1 hour to grab anything you need from ny store or home to make your quarantine njoyable You and your team will create a survival guide 1 What do we need to do to be prepared 2 What s the plan 3 What are the steps we need to take How will we survive 4 HOW TO SURVIVE The Zombie Apocalypse There is no guarantee that anyone can survive a zombie apocalypse but these steps might help a person survive longer THREE STEPS STEP ONE GATHER SUPPLIES These are necessary to vy alive while the world shuts down No one convive without binecute STEP TWO ORGANIZE A GOVERNMENT Every group of people needs an aganized system of government in order to avoid chaos and to orgonin ses enforce rules and make STEP THREE HAVE A DEATH PLAN The group will need to have a plan in care a person is bittas by a remblea Sope is lost and the entire ging to be overtaken by a combie ma peciding these rules ahead of one will help to avoid emotional The Infographic

Human Health and DiseasesThe typical Wnt pathway involves these components Arrows indicate activation indicates inhibition Wnt Frizzled receptor Dishevelled Axin APC B catenin transcription A Drosophila Frizzled mutant loss of function would be expected to have Ohigh low normal B catenin normal but Wnt ligands higher B catenin activity

Human Health and Diseasesalaria is cured the frequency of th pes because o longer die from sickle cell disease i opy of the HbS allele will no longer be

Human Health and DiseasesSection 5 Graded Questions Sickle Cell Alleles 1 1 ng passage to answer the next three questions pothesized that people who are heterozygous for the allele on cystic fibrosis which among other symptoms reduces isease tuberculosis ic fibrosis allele protects against tuberculosis the sam t malaria then which of the following should be true of d without tuberculosis is deaths should be more common in regions with tuberculo

Human Health and DiseasesTO mina out more about this questions 14 minutes https www biointeractive or 1 Dr Tony Allison discove

Human Health and DiseasesWhich virus is a common vector used in gene therapy for introducing a new gene into a specifically targeted cell type Coronavirus O Adenovirus O Influenza virus Pandora virus

Human Health and Diseases2 CHROME 13 References Course Handouts 3 4 5 Related Lecture Videos LRS1 2018 Chapter 3 Gender Identities and Families Chapter 4 Our Sexual Selves Chapter 5 Love and Choosing a Life Partner VICARICH 4 Directions Respond to the below listed Prompts It is strongly recommer developed response for each Prompt has a total length of approximately margins double spacing and a 12 point Times Roman font As always y your responses for each part of a Prompt to form one cohesive analytical above mentioned rubric when constructing your response The maximum question is 21 5 points There is not a penalty if your response surpasses length Responses must be in either WORD or PDF format Prompts 1 Using any two or more of the below listed theories construct a self ana socialization you have received thus far in your life Be sure to construct a merely provide a non scientific reflection a Interaction Constructionist Perspective symbolic interactionism

Human Health and DiseasesIn humans there is a disease called Phenylketonuria PKU which is caused by a recessive allele People with this allele have a defective enzyme and cannot break down the amino acid phenylalanine This disease can result in mental retardation or death Let E represent the normal enzyme Also in humans in a condition called galactose intolerance or galactosemia which is also caused by a recessive allele Let G represent the normal allele for galactose digestion In both diseases normal dominates over recessive If two adults were heterozygous for both traits EeGg what are the chances of having a child that is completely normal Has just PKU Has just galactosemia Has both diseases

Human Health and DiseasesYour friend Emily has been on a continuous diet for over a year Her friends why she is on a diet because she has never been overweight and she doe any happiness by dieting Emily is 20 years old 5 7 tall and weighs 90 po behaviors have made her more withdrawn depressed and anxious Every concerns she bursts into tears or shouts at them Emily has recurring thou begun to drink alcohol more often She has stopped eating meals with the time in her bedroom She attends her university classes regularly and is d exams but her friends including you are worried about her Emily s paren that she go see a doctor but she insists that there is nothing wrong with h just leave her alone Her parents have begun to disagree about how to ha frequently Emily knows that you are studying psychology and asks you for some ass help You are to conduct research on the three best possible treatment re United States beginning with the first letter of your last name ie Ge Florida for the F in the last name Ford for Emily that might help her In address the following

Human Health and DiseasesHemophilia is a sex linked trait A person with hemophilia is lacking certain proteins that are necessary for normal blood clotting Hemophilia is caused by a recessive allele so use N for normal and n for hemophilia Since hemophilia is sex linked remember a woman will have two alleles NN or Nn or nn but a man will have only one allele N or n A woman who is heterozygous a carrier for hemophilia marries a normal man What are the genotypes of the parents C a b Make a Punnett square for the above cross What is the probability that a male offspring will have hemophilia 3321 20

Human Health and Diseasesestion 5 2 points Listen acy is being treated for depression and post trau herapist has asked her to recall a recent happy ex as visiting my friends last weekend but then sh articular events or interactions during that visit t he memory distress that Tracy is showing is calle a fronto temporal dementia

Human Health and DiseasesDuring which stage of development is a person most at risk for bipolar disorder a middle adulthood b adolescence c childhood d late adulthood