Human Health and Diseases Questions and Answers

Human Health and DiseasesYou just won three true breeding mutant round penguins at the county fair You call the penguins Roli Poli and Moli You have determined that each round penguin s phenotype is caused by an autosomal recessive mutation but you don t know if the genes with these mutations are the in the same gene or different genes Part 1 You cross Roli and Poli and find that all the F1 progeny are wild type not round Did the mutations in Roli and Poli complement or fail to complement and do they have mutations in the same gene or different genes O Fail to complement mutations are in the same gene O Complement mutations are in the same gene O Complement mutations are in different genes O Fail to complement mutations are in different genes Part 2 Next you cross Roli and Moli and all of their F1 progeny are round Did the mutations in Roli and Moli complement or fail to complement and are their the mutations in the same gene or different genes O Fail to complement mutations are in the same gene O Complement mutations are in the same gene O Fail to complement mutations are in different genes 5 56

Human Health and DiseasesKeratinosis is a recessive disorder that causes dry skin Below are the genotypes and phenotypes of offspring of a family with a history of keratinosis 7 with genotype KK all have non dry skin 5 with genotype Kk all have non dry skin 4 with genotype kk 1 with dry skin on hands 1 with dry skin on hands and feet 2 with non dry skin Select all that apply From this information keratinosis exhibits incomplete dominance Ostandard dominant recessive variable expressivity incomplete penetrance

Human Health and DiseasesGleevec was described in Video 2 5 as a drug targeting the BCR ABL fusion protein an abnormal kinase encoded by an oncogene on the Philadelphia chromosome that is frequently found in chronic myelogenous leukemias Gleevec is a kinase inhibitor that suppresses BCR ABL fusion protein activity and reduces tumor growth rate effectively in many CML patients with a Philadelphia chromosome However as with all mutation targeting chemotherapeutic drugs the efficacy of Gleevec declines over time in any given patient and eventually it stops working to suppress tumor growth Considering what you have learned about genetic changes underlying the formation and progression of tumors propose an explanation for the decline in efficacy of Gleevec over time Limit your answer to 1 2 sentences

Human Health and DiseasesProvider Order A continuous infusion of furosemide 10mg hr The pharmacy provides furosemide 100mg in 100ml of 0 9 normal saline How would the nurse program the IV pump mi hr Round your answer to the whole number

Human Health and DiseasesInheritance of which of the following mutated genes would lead to a viable offspring no embryonic death with a predisposition to cancer OTwo copies homozygous of an activated tumor suppressor O One copy heterozygous of an inactivated tumor suppressor OTwo copies homozygous of an inactivated tumor suppressor O One copy heterozygous of an activated proto oncogene O One copy heterozygous of an activated tumor suppressor OTwo copies homozygous of an activated proto oncogene

Human Health and DiseasesA reciprocal translocation between Chromosome 9 and Chromosome 22 produces the so called Philadelphia chromosome which causes chronic myelogenous leukemia CML a cancer of white blood cells The translocation results in production of a protein that is no longer regulated but rather always active This leads to uncontrolled cell division in white blood cells Although this cancer always involves translocations between chromosomes 9 and 22 the BCR ABL protein that is the result of this translocation can vary in size contains 185 220 amino acids because the exact DNA bases where the chromosome breaks can vary Part 1 In any ONE patient will the BCR ABL fusion proteins isolated from a single tumor be the same size or varying sizes O Same size O Both same and varying sizes are possible O Varying sizes Part 2 If samples are taken from 100 patients will the BCR ABL protein in the cancerous white blood cells be the same size or of varying sizes Pick the most likely answer O All patients will have an BCR ABL protein of the same size O All patients will have BCR ABL proteins of varying sizes O Some patients may have the same size others will have varying sizes of the BCR ABL protein

Human Health and DiseasesAnders and Ben are brothers Ben has cystic fibrosis and Anders does not The gene that when mutated causes cystic fibrosis is called CTFR The beginning of the CFTR DNA coding sequence is shown for each brother The reading frame begins with the start codon Met What type of mutation causes Ben s cystic fibrosis Consult a codon table Anders 5 TCGATGAACGGTCTA Ben 5 TCGATGAACGATCTA O Missense O Frameshift O Silent 3 3

Human Health and DiseasesCystic fibrosis is an autosomal recessive disease that is typically caused by inherited one mutant allele of the CFTR gene from each parent A person with cystic fibrosis has the mutant CFTR allele in O neither their somatic nor germline cells Otheir somatic cells O both their somatic and germline cells O their germline cells

Human Health and DiseasesModern epidemiologists consider which study to be a classic exemplar for the investigation of a given outcome and an array of exposures Streptomycin Tuberculosis Trial Doll and Hill s Studies on Smoking and Lung Cancer The Framingham Study John Snow s Cholera Study

Human Health and DiseasesYour patient Jane Doe weighs 198 lb You have a 1 L bag of saline from which you have removed 10 mL and a drug pump which can be set to run between 1 and 10 mL min She has an order for the drug CONVERTINT to be given at a dose of 300 g kg hr A vial of CONVERTINTM contains 90 mg of the drug in 10 mL of saline After adding the vial of CONVERTIN M to the bag of saline and connecting it via the pump to the patient s IV line at what rate should the pump be set in order to deliver the drug dose as ordered Hint Rate dose concentration

Human Health and DiseasesRead this quote That the twentieth century was both the American Century in economic terms and the Human Capital Century is no historical accident Claudia Goldin and Lawrence Katz The Race Between Education and Technology Based on this quote and your own knowledge what do you think the economists mean by the phrase Human Capital Century O The population explosion in the United States The swift expansion of the slave economy in the South O The uniquely American expansion of public education The uniquely American expansion of public libraries 5 1 CD 13 1 17 21 25 29 33 18 22 26 30 34

Human Health and DiseasesBody color in Drosophila is X linked Imagine a gene where allele E is dominant and produces gray bodies while allele e is recessive and produces yellow bodies If a heterozygous gray female is crossed with a yellow male the progeny would be O 9 gray females 3 yellow females 3 gray males 1 yellow male O all females are gray and all males are yellow O 1 gray female 1 yellow female 1 gray male 1 yellow male O 3 gray females 1 yellow male

Human Health and DiseasesPhenylalanine hydroxylase PAH is needed to prevent the accumulation of phenylalanine A lack of functional PAH results in a condition known as PKU which can be fatal in infants if not treated Consider two alleles of PAH the wild type allele functional PAH and a mutant allele non functional PAH What would have to be true in order for the mutant allele to be recessive to the wild type allele O The heterozygote would have a mutant phenotype PKU O A heterozygote will have an intermediate phenotype O The heterozygote would have a wildtype phenotype no PKU

Human Health and DiseasesDifferent methods of radiation Keyboard Navigable Alternate Version Complete the following paragraph concerning the different methods of radiation a Click to select cancer symptoms another type of cancer treatment uses energy to destroy cancer cells shrink tumors and ease 1 b Unlike Click to select which usually exposes the whole body to cancer fighting drugs radiation therapy can be directed against Click to select tissues and cells of the body There are two types of radiation treatment c Click to select uses a machine to aim beams of energy to specific parts of the body The most commonly used type of treatment radiation types vary from X rays to higher energy Click to select is a treatment in which a source of radiation is put inside the body Also known as the treatment involves a Click to select d Click to select Click to select to damage the DNA of the cancer cells that emits radioactive materials near the tumor

Human Health and Diseases21 Change of seasons is caused by Ochange in the distance of the Earth from the sun Ovariations in the output of solar energy the tilt of the Earth gravitational changes in wind patterns pull of the sun and the moon

Human Health and DiseasesSelect ALL of the following that are true regarding Raynaud s disease It is characterized by exaggerated vasoconstriction in the fingers and toes It occurs primarily in association with injury to the spinal cord It is treated with vasodilators It is commonly induced by exposure to cold or by emotional stress

Human Health and DiseasesWhat muscle is labeled as 40 16 6 9 4 5 8 2 3 10 11 121 13 14 15 Gracilis Vastus lateralis Biceps femoris Sartorius Gastronemius Soleus Vastus medialis Semimembranosus Rectus femoris Adductor longus Tibialis anterior 17 18 25 19 21 22 27 28 20 24 23 26 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 40 39

Human Health and DiseasesMatch the disease to its correct description Alzheimer s disease Poliomyelitis Huntington s disease Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Parkinson s disease 1 2 3 Progressive degenerative disease that results in dementia Progressive and debilitative disorder resulting in the degeneration of dopamine releasing neurons of the substantia nigra which leads to uncontrollable firing of the target neurons 4 5 Progressive and fatal hereditary disorder leading to the degeneration of basal nuclei and the cerebral cortex Destruction of ventral horn motor neurons by poliovirus leading to paralysis and muscle atrophy Progressive disease that leads to death through gradual loss of motor functions due to the destruction of yentral horn motor neurons

Human Health and DiseasesMost dreaming occurs during Non Rapid Eye Movement NREM sleep True False Question 3 1 point Listen Hydrocephalus is when there is abnormal accumulation of CSF in the brain ventricles leading to increased brain pressure always untreatable a type of traumatic brain injury when there is abnormal accumulation of blood in the brain leading to increased

Human Health and DiseasesWhere are ATP synthase complexes located in plant cells Oinner mitochondrial membrane only thylakoid membrane and inner mitochondrial membrane thylakoid membrane and plasma membrane thylakoid membrane only

Human Health and DiseasesUse the following label to complete the problem Round to the nearest tenth if applicable Record NUMERIC answer on Rx Only 823 RO NDC 68094 599 59 Precision Dose NYSTATIN Oral Suspension USP 500 000 units per 5 mL Pig Precision Dose Inc S Belot IL 61080 Delivers 5 mL Shake Well Alcohol 1 V Store at 20 to 25 C 68 to 77 F The nurse is preparing to administer 250 000 units of this medication to a patient How many mL should the nurse administer

Human Health and DiseasesOpiates like morphine and heroin bind to the same receptors as acetylcholine endorphins Oglutamate serotonin dopamine Question 6 1 point Listen

Human Health and Diseases21 Voltage gated channels in a cell s membrane open in response to a change in membrane potential move substances against their concentration gradients are always open and allow for the diffusion a substance open in response to a substance binding to it open in response to touch pressure or vibration

Human Health and Diseases8 Listen Opiates like morphine and heroin bind to the same receptors as acetylcholine endorphins glutamate serotonin dopamine

Human Health and DiseasesDr Owen meets a female patient who is feeling weak and has a fever She runs a blood test and notices that she has a high white blood cell count Describe the role of the red blood cell and why the patient is experiencing this condition

Human Health and DiseasesIn this image the stomach has been removed to show the folds on the inside called rugae Rugae allow for the expansion of the stomach for digestion The layer of the stomach on the inside called the mucosa which release enzymes to help digest food The lower end of the stomach where it connects to the small intestine has a circular valve 9 called the pyloric sphincter This valve opens and closes to allow partially digested food to enter the small intestine where digestion will continue 12 Label the rugae and pyloric sphincter valve rugae pyloric sphincter Bologycomer com Sometimes the remains of the frog s last meal are found in the stomach usually insects or worms Source Wxintedia Con mo05

Human Health and DiseasesMore Positive Submit Double the concentration of K outside the cell Double the number of K leak channels Previous Answers More Negative Double the number of closed channels for K Double the size of the cell without adding channels Largely Unchanged Triple the number of Nat leak channels Decrease the concentration of Na outside the cell by half

Human Health and Diseases2008 Pearson Education Inc The graph below shows the membrane potential measured at the axon hillock of the postsynaptic neuron Each target indicates a change in the membrane potential at the axon hillock caused by a postsynaptic potential at one of the four synapses Summation occurs when two or more postsynaptic potentials overlap in time that is one postsynaptic potential begins before the membrane has returned to resting potential after a previous postsynaptic potential When such overlap occurs the membrane potential measured at the axon hillock is the sum of the two or more overlapping postsynaptic potentials Drag the labels onto the graph to indicate which presynaptic neuron produced each change in the axon hillock s membrane potential Assume that the same number of ligand gated ion channels opens at each synapse To review the effect of distance between the synapse and the axon hillock see Hint 2 Labels can be used once more than once or not at all View Available Hint s 1 membrane potential mv 0 action potential threshold at the axon hillock Reset Help

Human Health and Diseases16 Describe the 6 antibody mediated effector functions that were discussed

Human Health and DiseasesIn yeast signal transduction a yeast cell releases a mating factor which diffuses through the membranes of distant cells causing them to produce factors that initiate long distance migrations binds to receptors on the membranes of other types of yeast cells acts back on the same cell that secreted the mating factor changing its development passes through the membranes of neighboring cells binds to DNA and initiates transcription

Human Health and Diseases5 Kinetic data in which PAH activity is compared with and without preincubation with phenylalanine is shown in Figure 30 3 Give a structural basis for the interpretation of these data

Human Health and DiseasesH N CH 01 phenylalanine CH phenylpyruvate 02 tissue protein phenylalanine hydroxylase H 0 BHA NADH H dietary protein NAD melanin epinephrine H N CH Phenylketonuria tyrosine CH OH thyroxine p hydroxyphenylpyruvate homogentisate maleylacetoacetate fumarylacetoacetate fumarate acetoacetate 10 The cause for the mental retardation associated with untreated PKU is not completely understood but it is believed to arise from the high concentration of phenylpyruvate which is a product of a transamination reaction with phenylalanine and a ketoglutarate The phenylpyruvate is believed to be toxic to the developing brain Write the balanced equation for the transamination of phenylalanine to phenylpyruvate and include the structures of the reactants and products Identify any cofactors needed

Human Health and Diseases10 The cause for the mental retardation associated with untreated PKU is not completely understood but it is believed to arise from the high concentration of phenylpyruvate which is a product of a transamination reaction with phenylalanine and a ketoglutarate The phenylpyruvate is believed to be toxic to the developing brain Write the balanced equation for the transamination of phenylalanine to phenylpyruvate and include the structures of the reactants and products Identify any cofactors needed to accomplish the reaction

Human Health and DiseasesMore than 60 different mutant PAH genes have been identified in PKU patients State in general what effect the following changes in the DNA would have on the resulting protein Be specific I

Human Health and DiseasesWhat is a characteristic of the highlighted muscle tissue O branching O uni nucleated O voluntary O striated PPearson

Human Health and DiseasesBriefly summarize the findings and conclusion of the paper discussed in class about IL33 Explain how the discovery of IL33 expression in the brain is relevant for the understanding of glia interactions and their contribution to neural circuit development Also discuss what is the importance of this study in terms of neurodevelopmental disorders e g autism spectrum disorders

Human Health and DiseasesWhat is an antibody What cells are responsible for the production antibodies What are the 5 classes types of antibodies

Human Health and DiseasesMatch the type of arthritis with the correct cause normal wear and tear on a joint excessive uric acid autoimmune disease bacteria transmitted by a tick bite 1 osteoarthritis 2 rheumatoid arthritis 3 gouty arthritis 4 lyme disease

Human Health and DiseasesRian has been feeling very sad since his partner died He is eating little and having difficulty sleeping He is weepy much of the time Rian is preoccupied with thoughts of his deceased partner and does not want to do much other than thinking about their time together As you have learned diagnosing disorders is a complex process that should only be done by professionals However you also learned about some of the considerations that go into determining whether or not someone has a diagnosable disorder Discuss some of the factors that a professional will want to consider in determining whether or not Rian has a diagnosable disorder Things to consider in your answer You are not identifying a specific disorder and the symptoms of that disorder You are clearly showing what you know about characteristics that are important for determining abnormal behavior You must relate your answer to elements of Rian s specific situation Your answer should be approximately 5 8 sentences long

Human Health and DiseasesWhat is the causative agent What does the image show Edit View Insert Format Tools Table 12pt Paragraph BIU AT V The causative agent is C albicans with strawberry type cervix frothy discharge i V

Human Health and Diseases2 The following results were obtained from a disk diffusion test against a bacterium Antibiotic A B C D Zone of Inhibition mm 6 18 11 18 Which drug should be used to treat an infection caused by this bacterium Briefly explain

Human Health and Diseases2 Book Ferences Fatigue COVID 19 exhibited a long list of possible signs and symptoms as scientists were learning about the disease Classify each item as a sign or a symptom Dry cough Labored breathing Headache Loss of taste or smell Body aches Fover Signs Symptoms Help Next Save E

Human Health and DiseasesA method for the disinfection of milk that allows it to retain its palatability is O ultraviolet light pasteurization O tyndallization putooloving

Human Health and DiseasesWhat is the best function description of hyaline cartilage Is a solid structure that has great strength and resistance in one direction Resists mechanical forces such as compression without sustaining damage allows some movement O Allows for significant stretch and recoil back to its original shape Provide strength and resistance in multiple directions along lines of stress Resists mechanical forces such as compression without sustaining damage allows little to no movement

Human Health and DiseasesIn a diploid species of plant the genes for plant height and fruit shape are syntenic and separated by 18 m u Allele D produces tall plants and is dominant to d for short plants and allele R produces round fruit and is dominant to r for oval fruit The expected percentages of progeny phenotypes are listed below tall oval 41 short round 41 tall round 9 short oval 9 a What proportion are expected to be tall and produce round fruit

Human Health and DiseasesWhich of the following is a parasitic excavate that causes African sleeping sickness a disease spread by the tsetse fly A Paramecium B Amoeba C Trypanosoma D Plasmodium 17 1 point

Human Health and DiseasesWe used the Immunoblot analysis to test whether the expression of LEF 1 in B catenin and Y catenin Knock out cells induces EMT What can be another method that can be used or is related that can give work on analysis the same purpose Give examples and explain why they could work

Human Health and DiseasesWhich generation is represented by pollen OA spore B sporophyte Oc gamete OD gametophyte