Human Health and Diseases Questions and Answers

Human Health and Diseases11 Which clients are more likely to be able to make and sustain behavioral changes Clients given clear instructions about what they should change Clients who are confronted about the importance of change Ambivalent clients who defend their current behavior Ambivalent clients who talk more about making a change

Human Health and Diseases6 Michelle s counselor believes they should first treat her substance use disorder and then only once that is stable treat her mood disorder Which model of treatment is Michelle s counselor using O Parallel Sequential Integrated

Human Health and Diseases10 What is one way you can avoid imposing your expectations onto clients which could hinder the person s ability to benefit from treatment Consider how your own culturally based beliefs and values impact treatment Ask clients to tell you when they feel you are being culturally insensitive Treat all clients with the same approach regardless of their culture Only work with clients whose cultural variables match yours O

Human Health and Diseases9 You have completed a screening instrument for depression with your client with a positive result What should the next step be based on these screening results Assign a diagnosis of a depressive disorder Continue with a comprehensive diagnostic assessment Develop a treatment plan that targets the client s depression Administer another screening instrument to confirm the diagnosis

Human Health and Diseases7 Why does the relapse prevention model emphasize the concept of a lapse O Because lapses tend to be more self destructive than relapses Because intervening early when a lapse occurs can prevent a full blown relapse Because there is evidence to support the concept of a lapse but not relapse Because lapses tend not to affect the person s overall self esteem O O

Human Health and Diseases5 Billie has noticed that when she has cravings and urges to use alcohol again she is often telling herself that she is a loser who will never get it together What would a provider using cognitive behavioral therapy MOST emphasize with Billie A lack of meaning or purpose in her life How her self defeating thoughts influence her behavior Her early relationships with her caregivers Her unexpressed emotions toward the counselor Requin

Human Health and Diseases15 A resistance soldering machine melts solder by using A friction O B acetylene O C propane O D electricity

Human Health and DiseasesDrag each tile to the correct location Classify the responses in the given situations as part of innate immune response or adaptive immune response A transplanted liver is rejected by the recipient A person injected with the typhoid vaccine become immune to typhoid fever Swelling occurs around the area of a scratch Innate Immune Response A person has a high fever during a viral infection Adaptive Immune Response

Human Health and DiseasesYes it s still important Let s go through a few examples to demonstrate your knowledge of some overarching terminology What is periodicity and why might it differ between Plasmodium spp and Babesia spp

Human Health and DiseasesIf a person actively is passing proglottids these structures can be used to identify the organism Give the name of a tapeworm a morphological character of the proglottid that led to your identification and the route of infection

Human Health and DiseasesA bacterium responds to the presence of a human specific protein by producing a toxin This is an example of O Corepression O Anabolic activation Ligand based induction O Catabolic repression

Human Health and DiseasesJestion 45 O Macrophages O Memory cells O Natural killer cells O Interferon healthcare professional agricultural a tion 44 Your resistance to re infection by the same disease is dependent on which are a pare your adaptive immune system disease is specifically one acquired throu

Human Health and DiseasesOf the following which is NOT an innate barrier to infection O Lysozyme O Tears O Hair O Skin

Human Health and DiseasesConsider cancer in humans 1 How does cancer arise i e why does it occur and how does a cancerous cell differ from a normal human one Explain

Human Health and Diseases10 What is the life stage called 11 Give the scientific name of the most pathogenic species associated with this infection

Human Health and Diseases6 What disease is caused by this pathogen 7 What locomotor organelle is used by this species

Human Health and Diseases4 Give the scientific name 5 What is this sample from i e what is the background

Human Health and Diseases22 What is the common name of the disease associated with the indicated objects 23 What is the definitive host

Human Health and Diseasesa Which macromolecule is related to leukaemia Lipids or proteins Explain your reasoning b How do lipids and proteins affect Down syndrome patients with leukaemia

Human Health and DiseasesYou modify a deadly pathogen to have no antigens on the cell surface What is the predicted host immune response O The response becomes much weaker as the pathogen has had all pathogenicity factors increased The response becomes much stronger as the pathogen has had all pathogenicity factors removed The response becomes much stronger as the pathogen is now easily recognized and destroyed O The response becomes much weaker as the pathogen is no longer easily recognize and destroyed

Human Health and DiseasesIf you as a pathogen need to resist phagocytosis then you would release Streptokinase O Hemolysin O Hyaluronidase O Leukocidin

Human Health and DiseasesBriefly explain what happens to the outer membrane and peptidoglycan of gram negative cells after decolorizing which allows this group to accept the counterstain

Human Health and DiseasesIf there is an at risk population for example all children aged 5 10 years old for a growing epidemic caused by a known disease and you wish to prevent a pandemic than your best safest and most effective course of action will be O Vaccination of the population O Relocation of the population O Immediate antibiotic treatment of the population Quaranting of the population

Human Health and DiseasesOf the following which is NOT altered by the production of complement Inflammation O Cytolysis O Opsonization O Agglutination

Human Health and DiseasesWhat part of tears means that crying into a wound could hypothetically NOT a recommend first aid technique actually be beneficial in terms of preventing an infection O Bacteriozyme O Sebum O Gourmand Lysozyme

Human Health and DiseasesImagine that the conversion of phagocytes to dendritic cells was blocked What specific step of antibody production would be disrupted O Neutralization of toxins O Release of antibodies from the lymph node O Destruction of pathogens in the phagocytic lysosome O Presentation of antigens to TH cells

Human Health and DiseasesIf you as a pathogen needed to free up iron from a host so that you could eat it you should release O Hyaluronidase O Streptokinase O Leukocidin O Coagulase humin

Human Health and DiseasesThe production of antibodies is performed most specifically by Antibody cells OB cells Plasma cells O Phagocytes

Human Health and Diseases3 33 points Treating an auto immune disease such as Ulcerative Colitis or Lupus by infecting the diseased person with a tapeworm or a pinworm would be in agreer with which of the following ideas O Hygiene hypothesis O Deleterious Mutation Hypothesis O Red Queen Hypothesis O None of the above Question 15 of

Human Health and DiseasesTreating an auto immune disease such as Ulcerative Colitis or Lupus by infecting the diseased person with a tapeworm or a pinworm wou following ideas O Hygiene hypothesis Deleterious Mutation Hypothesis O Red Queen Hypothesis O None of the above

Human Health and Diseasesis associated with unpasteurized juice ground beef and fresh produce and can cause hemolytic uremic syndrome HUS in severe cases Listeria monocytogenes O Hepatitis A virus O E coli O157 H7 Staphylococcus aureus

Human Health and DiseasesBy taking a dangerous human virus and placing it in a sister clade species such as a chimp what can be accomplished It can be mutated into a version which will affect far more species O The virulence and destructive properties of the virus can be enhanced for germ warfare The virus can be made less dangerous to humans and used as a vaccine They can cross with the species of virus native to that sister species and make the virus less harmful because its virulence is increased

Human Health and DiseasesAll of the following are examples of passive immunization EXCEPT O Antitoxin injection O Live attenuated vaccination O Breast feeding Immune globulin injection

Human Health and DiseasesMany diseases lose their pathogenicity when in humans Humans with the disease are easily spotted and quarantined Humans are not easily able to pass the disease to other humans O The very easy of infecting a human stops the transmission of the pathogen Question 14 Which of the following is NOT required for the initiation of an infection O Most of transmission O Susceptible host O Source of pathogens

Human Health and DiseasesAn autoimmune response is generated within the host when Self signal is suppressed by mast cells O Self tolerance is increased O Self signal is changed by IgG antibodies O Self tolerance is lost

Human Health and DiseasesWhich of the following is NOT required for the initiation of an infection O Most of transmission Susceptible host O Source of pathogens O Lack of healthcare

Human Health and DiseasesD S O a solid mass in a lymphoid organ Ogrowth of a plasma cell O a malignant lymphoid cell found in circulation or bone marrow cancerous plasma cells that appear at multiple sites

Human Health and DiseasesOne health risk associated with excessive cytokine release is the chance of O Increased viral induced apoptosis of lymphocytes O Lack of an immune response O Destruction of antibodies Severe tissue damage

Human Health and DiseasesWhat is important for a vaccine O That it contain highly immunogenic antigens O That it creates B cell tolerance O That it contain minimally immmunogenic antigens O That it only contain the specific hapten and nothing else

Human Health and DiseasesHow is a diptheria infection able to cause heart damage Release of of a toxin while grwoing in the pharynx O Production of a toxin that causes the body to use heart tissue as an energy source O Direct growth on the heart after initial colonization of the pharynx Destruction of tissues in the pharynx resulting in massive blood loss and a drop in blood

Human Health and DiseasesWhy are catheters considered a risk factor for microbial infections O They temporarilly suppress immune reactions O Biofilms can form inside of them O They encourage viral growth O They often trigger inflammation responses

Human Health and DiseasesMHC molecules are required for O Viral degradation O Phagocytosis O Activating T cells O Activating B cells

Human Health and DiseasesAn autoimmune response is generated within the host when O Self signal is changed by IgG antibodies O Self tolerance is lost O Self tolerance is increased Self signal is suppressed by mast cells

Human Health and DiseasesWhat is sepsis When an infection reaches the bloodstream O Widespread inflammation by the host in response to blood borne infection or endoto O When an infection has high cell counts When lots of tissues die

Human Health and DiseasesWhere would you expect to find antibodies O Surface of the body Inside organelles O Inside cells O Body fluids

Human Health and DiseasesA CTL activated CD8T cell that recognizes the replicase enzyme of the hepatitis b virus encounters an infected cell displaying hepatitis b replicase enzyme epitopes what should happen next the CTL releases antibodies O CTL destroys the infected cell O the CTL activates B cells that recognize the hepatitis b replicase enzyme OCTL stimulates the infected cell to release type 1 interferons O nothing happens the CTL does not do anything to the infected cell and vice versa the infected cell release granzymes and perforin at the CTL

Human Health and DiseasesInfection by the E coli turns on all T cells and B cells O all T and B cells that recognize bacteria not just E coli only B cells that recognize E coli all T cells only Innate defences only not the immune system all B cells only only T and B cells that recognize E coli

Human Health and DiseasesEXTRA CREDIT the drug fluvoxamine or simply fluvox works against the covid 19 sars cov 2 virus by interferes with the release of newly made covid 19 viruses from the infected cell introduces mutations to RNA new copies of RNA and viral mRNA stops or reduces the replication multiplication of covid 19 virus sars cov2 virus stops viral RNA polymerase from working reduces or stops the release of cytokines that cause inflammation in response to covid 19 infection replication

Human Health and DiseasesWhich of the following should result from antibodies binding to bacteria none of the 4 choices given complement activation increased phagocytosis of the bacteria stops prevents attachment of bacteria to our cells tissues agglutination clumping of the bacteria any of the 4 choices given except none of the 4 choices given