Human Physiology - Chemical Coordination Questions and Answers

Human Physiology - Chemical CoordinationAny drug that blocks the release of ADH would increase urine volume and increase its concentration increase urine volume and decrease its concentration decrease urine volume and increase its concentration decrease urine yolume and

Human Physiology - Chemical CoordinationWhat is the main role of the hormone aldosterone in the human body the reabsorption of Na in the kidneys the secretion of K in the kidneys the excretion of water from the kidneys the reabsorption of urea in the collecting duct the reabsorption of glucose in the kidnou

Human Physiology - Chemical CoordinationThe secretes norepinephrine and epinephrine into the blood when stimulated which enhance the fight or flight response of the SNS kidneys adrenal medulla adrenal cortex hypothalamus

Human Physiology - Chemical CoordinationSympathetic ganglia are located very close to the CNS parasympathetic ganglia are close to the visceral organs served True False Question 28 2 points 4 Listen Sympathetic has extensive branching of preganglionic fibers parasympathetic has minimal branching of preganglionic fibers True

Human Physiology - Chemical Coordinationhypothalamus loss of body temperature control dehydration loss of fine motor control sleep disturbances Question 30 2 points Listen as a result of an injury to the Damage to the primary somatic motor cortex results in the loss of both voluntary muscle control and all reflexive contractions True

Human Physiology - Chemical CoordinationCurrent Attempt in Progr In the diagram shown below which cellular junction will prevent acidic stomach fluid from seeping into the connective tissue OA OB OC DE AL BO

Human Physiology - Chemical Coordination39 Where is insulin stored and why would it be released

Human Physiology - Chemical CoordinationWhich kinds of synovial joints can move in two and only two planes of the body A condyloid B ball and socket OC hinge D pivot AAAAA

Human Physiology - Chemical CoordinationAt the neuromuscular junction the electrical signal of the nerve A is sent directly to muscle B causes the axon terminal to release Na and K OC causes the axon terminal to release acetylcholine ACh D stimulates formation of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine ACh

Human Physiology - Chemical CoordinationThe function of the neuromuscular junction is to OA connect sensory neurons directly to muscle B stimulate or inhibit the activity of skeletal muscles OC convey a signal from the nervous system to skeletal muscle D link nerve endings to muscle to protect the nerve structurally

Human Physiology - Chemical CoordinationCompare and contrast LTP and LTD synapses Make sure you include all the ionotropic receptors neurotransmitter molecular and physical changes associated with LTP and LTD Indicate how the implicated ionotropic receptors are affected by LTP and LTD Explain the role of calcium in the activation of protein kinases or phosphatases during LTP or LTD

Human Physiology - Chemical CoordinationIf your blood sugar drops and your liver releases glucose to raise blood sugar this is feedback A negative B positive C anabolic D inhibitory

Human Physiology - Chemical CoordinationA hormone which is secreted from an endocrine and whose target is an endocrine gland is called A tropic hormone An exocrine hormone A second messenger None of the answers above are correct

Human Physiology - Chemical CoordinationThe best definintion for a tropic hormone is one that a modulates the perception of temperature in vertebrates O b is activated when the environment reaches a temperature higher than th body temperature c is secreted out of the body i e the skin or into the gut d has as a target an endocrine gland

Human Physiology - Chemical CoordinationIf the body has lost blood what hormone should be released O EPO O FSH OLH Prolactin O Leptin

Human Physiology - Chemical CoordinationRefer to the metabolic pathway illustrated below The feedback inhibition illustrated by the red arrow will result in the decreased production of which of the following molecules Mark all correct answers B A 1 E D E G OK B F G C D H H J K

Human Physiology - Chemical CoordinationIf you examine the tertiary structure of a protein the regions at which the polypeptide chain undertakes abrupt turns will be proline glycine rich What characteristics of these amino acids enable them to do this role BI I 12

Human Physiology - Chemical CoordinationMost T4 is only converted to T3 inside of the target cell True False

Human Physiology - Chemical CoordinationIn the presence of choose your answer which inhibits the development of the choose your answer the development the choose your answer the embryonic indifferent gonad develops into testes Testes release choose your answer duct Testes also release choose your answer duct v which choose your answer

Human Physiology - Chemical CoordinationThe hormone insulin tends to blood glucose levels increase decrease decrease decrease decrease increase increase increase blood glucose levels while glucagon

Human Physiology - Chemical CoordinationNervous system signals are electrochemical responses as hormones called are released between the synapses of neurons A thyroxine B neurotransmitters C vasodilators D vasoconstrictors

Human Physiology - Chemical CoordinationWhich of the following is more likely a nervous system response and NOT a endocrine system response A pain B vasoconstriction C growth D pupil dilation

Human Physiology - Chemical CoordinationThe nervous system and the coordinate messages that maintain homeostasis in the body A immune system B integumentary system C circulatory system D endocrine system

Human Physiology - Chemical CoordinationThis category of hormones can pass through cells by simple passive diffusion A positive feedback B carbohydrate based C protein based D lipid based

Human Physiology - Chemical CoordinationThe endocrine system is a and long distance communication system in the body A long acting B intermediate acting C fast acting D short acting

Human Physiology - Chemical CoordinationA homeostatic imbalance of what gland is affecting the woman in the picture above Othyroid O pituitary O parathyroid O adrenals

Human Physiology - Chemical Coordinationame 16 Hypothyroidism that developed in childhood would be characterized by which of the following a increased blood pressure and increased heart rate b impaired physical and mental development c thirst and consumption of large volumes of water d suppression of the immune system and the development of a goitre e the development of a person of extremely small stature as an adult 17 Which hormone is primarily responsible for the production of sperm in the testes a inhibin b follicle stimulating hormone FSH C testosterone d estrogen P MOTHE adrenocorticotropic hormone ACTH albelyze ninclished

Human Physiology - Chemical CoordinationWhich gland secretes glucocorticoids a pancreas b adrenal C thyroid Date

Human Physiology - Chemical Coordination3 Which statement about the following cause and effect is correct Cause An increased amount of calcitonin is released from the parathyroid gland Effect Calcium from the blood is deposited in bone amato a Both the cause and effect are true and the effect is a logical consequence of the cause Inpiris b Both the cause and effect are true but the effect is not a logical consequence of the cause c The cause is true but the effect is false d The cause is false but the effect is true e Both the cause and effect are false

Human Physiology - Chemical Coordination15 Which gland is correctly paired with the hormone it produces hos aller a ovaries glucagon malu b pancreas growth hormone c adrenal glands epinephrine d pituitary aldosterone

Human Physiology - Chemical CoordinationMINER 4 Which term best describe the actions of adrenaline and noradrenaline a antagonistic b complementary c negative feedback d positive feedback e secondary messengers a I and II b I and III c I and IV 1 TT 5 Several hormones function in the human menstrual cycle Which of these hormones are called female sex hormones I follicle stimulating hormone II estrogen III gonadotropin releasing hormone IV luteinizing hormone V progesterone oplodvigitiui A 0502 onituriolvass soomed digoy name Tydi 21 minor bundy vanliung sonstor thinig rokaw mo autoser bitbubongoshop

Human Physiology - Chemical Coordinationitching Match each item with the correct statement below a growth hormone b insulin c thyroxine d oxytocin e calcitonin 2 9 lowers Ca levels in the blood f 10 stimulates the adrenal cortex g h i j adrenocorticotropic hormone ACTH beta cells 1 secrete insulin in response to high levels of glucose 2 increases the absorption of glucose by cells 3 regulates the metabolism of the body 4 regulates the development of long bones 5 stimulates the liver cells to break down glycogen 6 principal androgen 7 causes the uterus to contract for birth and the breasts to lactate 8 glands responsible for the production of sex hormones as well as egg and sperm cells glucagon gonads testosterone

Human Physiology - Chemical Coordination4 points Save Which of the following terms describes to the malleability changeability of neuronal connections where some connections become stronger and others weaker and some new connections are formed in ord to facilitate learning O Dendritic darkening Synaptic Plasticity O Axonal transport Endochondral ossification

Human Physiology - Chemical Coordinationpatient suspected of suffering from Graves disease would present very low levels of TSH but high levels of thyroid hormone True False

Human Physiology - Chemical CoordinationSusan has been diagnosed with Primary HYPERCORTISOLISM and SECONDARY HYPOTHYROIDISM I have set up two tables for you to fill in with the sources of hormones the names of the hormones and with the term high or low Each box is worth 1 point There are 18 boxes to fill in therefore 18 points total This is graded manually Start at the t have filled in two boxes in each table to help you out so you have 14 points to fill in everyone begins with 4 points given to you You must copy and paste the tables provided below into your answer and then fill in the tables note the one table is for Primary Hypercortisolism and the other table is for Secondary Hypothyroidism This will save you time from needing to set up the ta will keep the response format consistent for all responses FILL IN EACH ROW Row A For Hyper cortisolism what is the name of the hormone from the hypothalamus and is the blood level of this hormone high or low Row B You fill in the what is organ that is influenced by the hypothalamus what is the name of the hormone from that organ and is it high or low Row C Finally you fill in what organ is influenced by secretion of Row B what is the name of the hormone from that organ and is it high or low TABLE 1 PRIMARY HYPERCORISOLISM You fill in the table with the name of the hormone and whether the hormone is high or low in the blood stream leading to primary hypercortisolism Row A Row B Row C Row A What is the source organ of the hormone Row B Hypothalamus FILL IN EACH ROW Row A For Hypothyroidism what is the name of the hormone from the hypothalamus and is the blood level of this hormone high or low Row B You fill in the what is organ that is influenced by the hypothalamus what is the name of the hormone from that organ and is it high or low Row C Finally you fill in what organ is influenced by secretion of Row B what is the name of the hormone from that organ and is it high or low TABLE 2 SECONDARY HYPOTHYROIDISM What is the source organ of the hormone What is the name of the hormone hypothalamus ACTH What is the name of the hormone Is the blood level high or low Is the blood level high or low Low

Human Physiology - Chemical CoordinationWhich two systems of a rabbit s body must be working together for the rabbit to run away from a fox Odigestive and endocrine O reproductive and nervous O muscular and skeletal O excretory and respiratory

Human Physiology - Chemical CoordinationThe best definintion for a tropic hormone is one that a is secreted out of the body i e the skin or into the gut b has as a target an endocrine gland Oc is activated when the environment reaches a temperature higher than the body temperature d modulates the perception of temperature in vertebrates

Human Physiology - Chemical CoordinationA B Na www www C D E In order to complete the transepithelial transport during tubular reabsorption ATP is required at D When compared one would expect the concentration of Na at E to be greater than C At B ration at C and the concentration K at E to be less than Glucose is co transported with Na using a SGLT transporter secondary active transporter in order to

Human Physiology - Chemical Coordinationstituent C Is abortion a controlled medical procedure or a right to have terminate a family Where does your Representative you work for stand on the issue You choose the stance but keep re election in mind when addressing this issue What interest groups is the Representative attentive to in legislation need 2 and why Constituent D I am considering going through In Vetro Fertilization IVF Will this SCOUTS ruling affect my use of the procedure when a few eggs are fertilized but not used What if I want to not choose an egg in IVF cause it has Downs Syndrome Will I be breaking the law in Texas or will the SCUTUS ruling prevent affective use of IVF in egg storage or denial you will have to medically research this and use in text citations to answer this Guidelines 5 pages minimum Must use in text citation I grade heavy here Double spaced entire piece must be in paragraph form NO long direct quotes over 2 lines allowed must summarize Use APA style No abstracts please Must have a works cited page Number the pages please Title page and Works cited page are not part of the page count and No students are allowed to work together on it Grading 10 for missing pages 30 for missing in text citations at length 3 missing a spot needing an in text citation 5 for Missing a works cited piece as I should see a minimum of 5 cited sources in reference page you will need more based on the constituent section 2 for messed up citation points subtracted for improperly or failing to address each section Points subtracted for poor writing skill usually 2 and 5 for not using page numbers and your name in Header Footer of each page I do not grade politically or push an agenda while grading objective grading only

Human Physiology - Chemical CoordinationRNA polymerase can only add to the of a growing transcript because of the presence of a hydroxyl group A 5 C 3 B non coding D tRNA

Human Physiology - Chemical CoordinationRewrite the term HYPOPITUITARISM in the appropriate location to separate it into it s component parts and place the separation marks slashes in the term

Human Physiology - Chemical CoordinationProlactin oxytocin and estrogen act on the body in a Opposing interaction O Commensal interaction Permissive interaction Synergistic interaction Priming interaction

Human Physiology - Chemical CoordinationThe atmosphere is currently composed of 21 oxygen and 0 03 carbon dioxide Photosynthesis cellular respiration and other processes such as fossil fuel combustion combine to create the composition of the atmosphere Answer the following questions 4 marks 1 Answer 8 marks 2 Answer 3 marks 3 Answer How do the levels stay balanced as a constant percentage Explain in terms of gas exchange in photosynthesis and cellular respiration List four factors that could affect the current oxygen and carbon dioxide levels and then predict possible effects if the levels changed Be sure to provide clear and reasonable answers The percentage for carbon dioxide 0 03 seems like such a small number How can changes in this percentage be a factor in climate change

Human Physiology - Chemical Coordinatione Animations Regulation of Hormone Release Cortisol is a hormone that was not mentioned in the video It helps the body deal with stressors and is released from the adrenal cortex in response to hormonal stimuli Using your knowledge of how the hormonal stimulus pattern works drag and drop the following words into the location that makes sense for them Not all choices will be used View Available Hint s Ahal co Thyrooming hormone THO Kanal be of putary Por lobe of pay Constrat co Comme tomone CH reng H Reset Help

Human Physiology - Chemical Coordination5 Steroid and non steroid hormones are the two general classifications of hormones Be able to define them simply describe how they communicate with a cell and give of each examples

Human Physiology - Chemical CoordinationWhich of the following is true about hematopoiesis Mark all that apply Totipotent HSCs become differentiated by factors released in the body O Pluripotent HSCs become differentiated by factors released in the body O Macrophages come from monocytes which come from myeloblasts Pluripotent hematopoietic stem cells are produced in the bone marrow Question 4 Phagocytes have PAMPS and pathogens have PRRs O True O False

Human Physiology - Chemical CoordinationThe body can store some of the things it needs to function Some animals have the ability to store oxygen for long periods of time allowing them to hold their breath However humans can only store oxygen for a very short period of time Background Information Oxygen is essential to life We use the oxygen we breathe and the food we eat to produce energy which our cells can use Physical activity increases our need for energy increasing the use of oxygen and nutrients At rest the blood holds about a quart of dissolved oxygen but it is constantly being used by the cells to transform energy during cellular respiration The respiratory system must work all of the time to supply enough oxygen to the body Question What is the effect of exercise on breathing rate Hypothesis Make a prediction about the effects exercise on breathing rate EXPLAIN the reason for your prediction Procedure 1 Determine your resting breathing rate Sit down and breath normally Use a clock or stopwatch to time a 1 minute time period During this time count the number of times you inhale RECORD this information in the table in the data section 2 Repeat Step 1 bwo more times Record your trials Calculate an average resting breathing rate 3 Determine your breathing rate during exercise Run in place for 1 minute During this time count the number of times you inhale RECORD this information in the table in the data section 4 Repeat Step 3 two more times Record your trials Calculate an average breathing rate during exercise 5 For the last lest choose an activity that you can do for one minute sit ups jumping jacks jump rope standing on one foot dance the twist touching your toes etc While doing the activity count the number of times you inhale in one minute RECORD this information in the data section 6 Repeat Step 5 two more times Record your trials Calculate an average breathing rate C

Human Physiology - Chemical CoordinationThe pineal gland O has an anterior portion that secretes 7 hormones O secretes hormones that regulate glucose metabolism O is located on top of the kidneys seems to be involved in sleep patterns

Human Physiology - Chemical CoordinationOA A a ruptured eardrum OB dizziness C inflammation of the nose D ringing in the nors

Human Physiology - Chemical Coordination3 While viruses are in the host cell they can complement their RNA material with a DNA 4 All viruses can introduce genetic mutation specially those that lyse cells