Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics) Questions and Answers

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Which of the following described the HeLa karyotype?
A. She was XXY.
B. She was XXX.
C. She was XY.
D. She was XX.

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Snakes and lizards each have vertebrae and ribs. Which of the following possibilities would best explain why snakes lack legs?
Lack of inner cell mass
Lack of Bicoid gene activity
Lack of a specific Hox gene's activity
Lack of lateral inhibition

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Provide three specific examples where someone would benefit from an understanding of genetics. Your examples must illustrate DIFFERENT circumstances when an understanding of genetics would be beneficial or when a lack of understanding of genetic concepts would be detrimental. You must include references

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)The name most associated with discovering modern genetics is
A. Anton Van Leeuwenhoek.
B. Gregor Mendel.
C. Charles Darwin.
D. Robert Hooke.

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)The specific gene location on a chromosome is called a ___
A. locus
B. centromere
D. genome

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)GR = HD₁: H₁ HR₁ HD2 H₂ : HR2
In the geneticist shorthand shown above, what does HD₂ stand for?
Homozygous dominant for the 2nd trait
Homozygous dominant for the 1st trait
Heterozygous recessive for the 2nd trait

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Northern elephant seals have reduced genetic variation because hunting by humans reduced their population size to as few as 20 individuals at the end of the 19th century. Their population has since rebounded to over 30,000, but their genes still carry the marks of this near extinction: they have much less genetic variation than a population of southern elephant seals that was not hunted as intensely.
Which of the following best describes how the population has evolved?
The population has not evolved because there was no change in allele frequencies.
The population has not evolved because it has grown.
The population has evolved because it has grown.
The population has evolved because there was a change in allele frequencies.

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)A wealthy, elderly couple die together in an accident. Soon, a man shows up to claim their fortune, contending that he is their only son who ran away from home when he was a boy. Other relatives dispute this claim. Hospital records show that the deceased couple were blood types AB and O. Can they tell if the claimant was an imposture using blood typing? Explain your answer using punnet squares. Suppose two newborn babies were accidentally mixed up in the hospital. In an effort to determine to which parents each baby belonged, the blood type of the babies and the parents were determined to be as follows:
Baby 1: Type O
Mrs. Brown: Type B
Baby 2: Type A
Mr. Brown: Type AB
Mr. Smith: Type B
Mrs. Smith: Type B
Determine which baby belongs to which parents and the genotype of each person.

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)In snapdragon plants, red flowers are incompletely dominant to white flowers. The heterozygous form will produce pink flowers. What is the chance of producing a white flower, from a cross between a pink flower and a white flower? Show all work.

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Assume that curly hair (L) is dominant to straight hair, and albinism (a) is recessive to normal skin pigmentation. A woman, Nicole, who is heterozygous for curly hair and is an abino, has a child. The father, Raj, is homozygous dominant for curly hair and has albinism. What is the probability that their first offspring will express albinism and have curly hair like his father? Show your work.

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Horses are either trotters or pacers. A male trotter, Semilore, mates with three different females, and each female produces one foal. The first female, Sonya, who is a pacer, gives birth to a foal named Simon, who is also a pacer. The second female, Tabetha, also a pacer, gives birth to a foal named Monalisa, who is a trotter. The third female, Chloe, who is a trotter, gives birth to a foal named Dante, who is a pacer. Determine the genotypes of all 7 horses.

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)In cats, coat colour is an example of codominance. Homozygous genotypes are expressed as either black or yellow; the heterozygous genotype is expressed as tortoise-shell. What phenotypes and percentage of each would result from a cross between two tortoise-shell cats? Show all work. (

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)In some chickens, the gene for feather color is controlled by codominance. The allele for black is b and
the allele for white is w. The heterozygous phenotype is known as erminette, or spotted black and hite.
a. What is the genotype for black chickens?
b. What is the genotype for white chickens?
c. What is the genotype for erminette chickens?

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)2. In cats, the allele (B) produces black color but (Y) produces a yellow color. These alleles are incompletely dominant to each other. A heterozygote produces a tortoise shell color. The alleles (B) and (Y) are sex-linked as well. Cross a tortoise shell female with a yellow male.
What percent of their offspring will be yellow?
b. What percent of their offspring will be black?
c. What percent of their offspring will be tortoise shell?
d. Why is it impossible to have a tortoise shell male offspring?

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Penicillin is a drug that kills bacteria. Today, many bacteria are resistant to this drug.
How does natural selection best explain this observation?
Some bacteria survive penicillin and reproduce, while others die off.
Normal bacteria change into resistant bacteria within their lifetime.
Resistant bacteria mutate more quickly than normal bacteria.

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Choose the cause of the mutation for the scenario below:
Mary and Tom do not have Down Syndrome, but they have a child, Larry, who has Down Syndrome.
Nondisjunction during meiosis
Environmental factors and exposure to carcinogens

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Scientists have genetically engineered a fruit fly ("Fly Zero") that can reproduce asexually; Fly Zero can clone itself so that all of their offspring will be
identical to Fly Zero and identical to each other. The scientists state they are trying to examine the effects of no genetic variation.
Josh states that the scientists' plan won't work- -- even if all the offspring are clones, there can still be genetic variation. Is Josh right? If he is, explain
how genetic variation can happen in a population of clones. If he is not right, explain why not.

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Sometimes mutations occur so that a nucleotide is removed from a DNA sequence. In the mutated sequence below, a nucleotide has been deleted due to a mistake during DNA replication. Transcribe this section of DNA into mRNA and then translate the mRNA into the correct sequence of amino acids.
Answer the questions below.
amino acid sequence: MET, GLY, LEU, THR, PRO, GLY, ARG, SER, CU
How did the mRNA sequence change because of this deletion?

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Alzheimer's disease is thought to be caused by a genetic mutation that causes abnormal expression of the amyloid precursor protein (APP). Patients with Alzheimer's disease have abnormally high expression of APP, although the amino acid sequence of the protein itself is not always mutated. Given this, which of the following best describes the location of a genetic mutation that could result in the overexpression of APP in Alzheimer's disease patients?
The promoter sequence
The transcriptional stop site
An intron sequence
The region of transcribed mRNA
The stop codon

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Which of the following statements best describes people who are intersex?
A They possess no reproductive organs.
B They possess reproductive organs of both sexes.
C Their reproductive organs do not produce enough hormones to enable them to reproduce and develop.
D Their reproductive organs form but fail to mature and develop.

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)The company 23andme is a personal genetic testing company that will tell you your genotype for many different traits. Here is one gene and the associated phenotype that they can report about you:
No working copies of ALDH2. Extreme flushing reaction (red face) to alcohol.
One working copy of ALDH2. Moderate flushing reaction to alcohol.
.wo working copies of ALDH2. Little or no flushing reaction to alcohol.
Based on this information, if two people with moderate flushing were to have children, what is the chance they will have 3 children with extreme flushing?
none of these choices

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Read the following passage from the Biology Department at University of California, Berkeley.
Northern elephant seals have reduced genetic variation because hunting by humans reduced their population size to as few as 20 individuals at the end of the 19th century. Their population has since rebounded to over 30,000, but their genes still carry the marks of this near extinction: they have much less genetic variation than a population of southern elephant seals that was not hunted as intensely.
Which of the following best describes how the population has evolved?
A. The population has not evolved because there was no change in allele frequencies.
B. The population has not evolved because it has grown.
C. The population has evolved because it has grown.
D. The population has evolved because there was a change in allele frequencies.

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Tim and Stephanie are devastated when they find out their newborn son has hemophilia – a sex-linked recessive disease. Tim is shocked becaused he doesn't have hemophilia, and figures if his son has it he would have gotten it from him. Is Tim correct in his thinking? Explain. Also explain what their genotypes must be in order for neither of them to have the disease but have a son who does.

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)What is outbreeding depression and why is it so important to consider when considering genetic rescue to augment the genetic diversity of a population? How could genetic and ecological data be used to select the most appropriate source population for a genetic rescue effort?

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Use the picture above to answer the following question. The Punnett Square above represents these two parents probability of having offspring with cystic fibrosis. What is the chance?

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Imagine that you are interested in developing a new tomato plant that will include the large size and sweetness from one parent and yellow color from another parent. The first parent plant has bland-tasting small yellow tomatoes and the other parent has sweet-tasting large red tomatoes.
The chromosomes and alleles of the two plants are shown below.
Plant #1: Bland (B), Small (1), Yellow (1)
Plant #2: Sweet (b), Large (L.), Red (R)
Think about what you learned about inheriting traits from the lab to answer these questions.
1. Explain (in sentence form) why it is or is not possible for any of the offspring of these parents to have the sweet gene expressed in its phenotype. To illustrate your explanation, you may use a diagram or use the Punnett squares below to show the genotypes of the possible offspring. Include a percent chance in your answer.
2. Explain whether or not it is possible to create a tomato plant with sweet, large, yellow tomatoes from a cross of Plant #1 and Plant #2.
3. After years of disappointment, you find one plant out of thousands in your greenhouse that is producing large yellow tomatoes! How might this have happened?

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)The from a lysed bacterial cell. is the number of virions released

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Which law BEST explains why an organism with "Tt" will be tall (T) and not short (t)?
Law of Segregation
Law of Dominance
Law of Mendel
Low of Diminishing Returns
Low of Independent Assortment
Bird Law
None of the above

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)In chickens, black (B) and white (W) are co-dominant. The heterozygote results in an erminette chicken. What would be the expected offspring in a cross between 2 erminette chickens?
25% black, 75% white
100% erminette
75% black, 25% white
25% black, 50% erminette, 25% white

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)In betta fish, alleles for color are incompletely dominant. Green fish have genotype CC, dark blue fish have genotype cc, and royal blue fish have genotype Cc. Two royal blue betta fish are crossed. What percentage of the offspring is expected to be green?
A. 75%
B. 50%
C. 25%
D. 0%

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)In this type of inheritance, both traits show. (roan cow, checkered chicken)
Incomplete Dominance
Dominant and Recessive

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)A student conducting a research experiment in a laboratory is trying to distinguish between the functions of mRNA and tRNA. As a student with an in-depth understanding of RNA assist the young researcher in selecting the statement about tRNA and mRNA is correct.
A. mRNA uses its codon to read tRNA and mRNA uses a codon to identify the appropriate amino acid.
B. mRNA uses its anticodon to read tRNA and mRNA uses an anticodon to identify the appropriate amino acid.
C. tRNA uses its codon to read mRNA and tRNA uses a codon to identify the appropriate amino acid.
D. tRNA uses its anticodon to read mRNA and tRNA uses an anticodon to identify the appropriate amino acid.

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Which of the following statements best describes the genetic characteristics of human males and females?
A. Males have more genes than females
B. Males and females both receive 23 chromosomes from each parent.
C. Female genes rather than male genes determine the sex of offspring.
D. Males and females have exactly the same 46 chromosomes.

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)When Mendel was studying his pea plants, he crossed a homozygous dominant tall plant with a homozygous recessive short plant. What did he call this first cross?
The P Generation
Adam and Eve
The F1 Generation

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)A gene that affects hair length in dogs has two alleles. The allele for short hair (L) is dominant to the allele for long hair (1). A cross of two short-haired dogs produces six short-haired and two long-haired offspring.
Which of the following best explains how the long-hair phenotype can appear in the offspring of two short-haired dogs?
A. A heterozygous parent has an equal chance of passing either the dominant allele or the recessive allele to offspring.
B. Only the parent with a dominant allele can pass that allele to offspring in sexual reproduction.
C. Only recessive alleles are inherited from homozygous parents.
D. Dominant alleles grow weaker as they are passed from parents to offspring.

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Some scientist hypothesize that genetically engineering salmon to increase their size and the rate of growth can help meet human demands for protein. Which
of these questions addresses the biggest concern scientist should research before releasing the genetically engineered salmon to the wild?
A. Will genetically engineered salmon have a less desirable taste than wild salmon?
B. Will genetically engineered salmon introduce modified genes into the wild salmon population?
C. Will genetically engineered salmon be able to reproduce as well in the wild as the wild population salmon?
D. Will genetically engineered salmon not grow as well in the wild as they do in land facilities?

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)n four o'clock plants, the allele for red flower color is incompletely dominant to the allele for white flower color. As a result, plants that are heterozygous for flower color have pink
flowers. If two plants with pink flowers are crossed, what are the expected percentages of phenotypes in the offspring?
A. o% red, 100% pink, ox white
B. 50% red, 0% pink, 50% white
C. 50% red, 50% pink, ox white
D. 25% red, 50% pink, 25% white

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)The common marmoset is a small primate. A typical egg cell of a female marmoset contains 23 chromosomes. How many chromosomes does a typical sperm cell of a male
marmoset contain?
A. 92 chromosomes
B. 23 chromosomes
C. 12 chromosomes
D. 46 chromosomes

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)A plant breeder has a plant with the dominant phenotype for a single-gene tralt. The breeder wants to figure out the plant's genotype by doing a testcross. The results of the
testcross will be different depending on whether the plant is homozygous or heterozygous for the trait. In the testcross, the plant should be crossed with which of the
A. a plant that has multiple genes for the trait
B. a plant that has never been crossed for the trait
C. a plant that is homozygous recessive for the trait
D. a plant that is homozygous dominant for the trait

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)For a given phenotype, determine possible genotypes? A mother is Non albino and a father is albino. Albino is a recessive trait so the father's genotype is "aa" where the mother is either AA or Aa. Because it is recessive the only way the child could be albino is if the mother did carry the gene. The child's possible genotypes are Aa or aa.

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Triple X syndrome, or trisomy X, occurs when a female has an extra X chromosome in each of her cells. This results when the mother's reproductive cells divide
improperly, and two X chromosome are moved into one gamete. When that gamete is fertilized and the father's DNA and X chromosome are combined with the
mother's, that gives the cell three X chromosomes instead of two. Triple X syndrome occurs because of:
A. Deletions
B. Non-disjunction
C. Point Mutations
D. Crossing Over

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)In Japanese quall, the allele for curly feathers (c) is recessive to the allele for smooth feathers (C). Which of the following best describes the offspring of quail parents that each have the genotype Cc?
A. All offspring are expected to have smooth feathers.
B. Most offspring are expected to have smooth feathers.
C. Most offspring are expected to have curly feathers.
D. All offspring are expected to have curly feathers.

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Erwin Chargaff is considered one of the pioneering scientists in the field of molecular biology. In one of his studies, Chargaff observed that a sample of human DNA contained approximately 30% adenine and 20% guanine. Based on DNA structure, what are the expected percentages of the other nitrogenous bases in the sample?
A. 40% thymine, 10% cytosine
B. 10% Thymine, 40% cytosine
C. 30% thymine, 20% cytosine
D. 20% thymine, 30% cytosine

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)A student was studying the two types of nucleic acid. Based on his observation, a piece of nucleic acid had the: 5'-GCUA-3' What kind of nucleic acid is this?
B. Protein
C. Unable to determine from this information

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)A genotype is heterozygous if it has two different alleles. For example, Tt is
heterozygous. A genotype is homozygous if it has two of the same alleles.
For example, SS is homozygous.

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)A)
Examine the two strands of DNA below. Which kind of mutation occurred?
Original strand: AGC GTA CCC TAC
New strand: AGC GTA ACC TAC
(1 point)

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)A) What is heredity?
the random distribution of chromosomes to produce new genetic combinations
the exchange of genetic information to create new variation
the adaptation of certain individuals that increases their likelihood of survival
the passing of genetic information from parents to their offspring

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Q7: To further study gene regulation in the ara operon, you engineered a mutant bacterium in
which the araC gene has been deleted and then observed the effect of adding arabinose on
transcription of the mutant bacterium ara operon. Would you expect transcription to be high or
low in the presence of arabinose? Briefly explain. (2 marks)

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)Short hair on a cat is considered DOMINANT (you can use any letter but be sure you capitalize it for
the dominant allele and use lower case for recessive allele).
What genotypes are possible for a short-haired cat?
aa only
AA, Aa, and aa
aa and AA only
AA only
Aa and AA only

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)In the LGBTQIA+ abbreviation, "I" stands for the the Intersex; pick and briefly explain another term from this abbreviation that deals with sex/gender identity (but not sexual orientation- it's the whole other topic).