The Living World Questions and Answers

The Living World16 6pts Write out the reactants products and enzyme names for the reactions that release free glucose from glycogen

The Living World1 What are some examples of structural modifications of cells that increase surface area a what would happen to intestinal cells lost the ability to fold 2 How does the surface area to volume ratio affect the rate of heat exchange with the environment 3 How are specialized structures and strategies used by cells and organisms for the efficient exchange of molecules with the environment a describe an example of this process for elephants b describe an example of this process for plants 4 Skill practice What is the answer in the skill practice Also show calculations for how the density ratio was

The Living WorldThe leading and the lagging strands of DNA differ in that the leading strand is synthesized at twice the rate of the lagging strand the lagging strand is synthesized continuously whereas the leading strand is synthesized in short fragr that are ultimately stitched together the leading strand is synthesized by adding nucleotides to the 3 end of the growing strand and the lag strand is synthesized by adding nucleotides to the 5 end

The Living WorldAn actively dividing bacterial culture is grown in a medium containing radioactive adenine A After all the adenine is labeled the bacteria are transferred to a medium containing nonradioactive adenine A Following one round of DNA replication in the nonradioactive medium the DNA is analyzed Which of the following sequences could represent this DNA A ATTGA TC TTAACTAG A ATTGATC TTA A CTAG AATTGATC

The Living WorldOrder the steps in binary fission from first to last starting at the top i Instructions The bacterial DNA molecule begins replication The cell elongates and the replicating DNA is partitioned such that the origins are at the 1 4 and 3 4 positions in the cell Septation begins

The Living WorldWhich sentence from the articla BEST Supports the conclusion that growing large pumpkins is a time consuming process Travis Gienger has been growing A enormous pumpkins for nearly 30 yours 2 Each year he and dozens of other gourd growers haul their overgrown winter squash to Half Moon Bay Ca fomnia Gienger starta planting seeds in his backyard pumpkir patch in mid Even though he has been growing P

The Living Worldces below and write your opinion about Universal Basic Income and Job Guarantee Program Include but not be limited to the discussions of the strengths weaknesses of each program Which one do you think is the best for US economy If you have a better idea or program please share it as well Feel free to research listed resources below The word limit is 400 500 more about the programs beyond the Video https www youtube com watch v eec9iFfmxbw https www youtube com watch v EoU2YL3hWvk https www youtube com watch v UqESogRgrYw

The Living World2 Compare various bones of Monkey and compare them to Humans Figs 3 4 and 4b Skeletal Part Tail bones present or absent Shape of pelvis Shape of spine Shape of clavicle Opposable first toe on foot present or absent Opposable thumb present or absent Prehensile foot can grip present or absent Where does the skull attach to spine Where do the Femur attach to Pelvis Monkey Human

The Living World7 Explain the conventional role myths of the State held by the public and the actual role played by the State according to Mariana Mazzucato

The Living WorldQuestion 14 Studying bes To study motor function on microtubules scientists can create purified stable fluorescently labeled microtubules and motors different colors and watch movement of the kinesin walking along the microtubule using a fluorescence microscopy This allows scientists to analyze the kinetics of kinesin movement velocity of movement what regulates movement etc A How might you expect that molecular biologists create stable and labeled microtubules for this experiment To create stable and labeled microtubules for this experiment they would likely polymerize purified tubulin into microtubules in the presence of a fluorescent marker or dye The addition of a stabilizing agent like taxol can help block the microtubules dynamic instability and promote stability B Based on what you know about how kinesin motor activity is regulated by ATP ADP and nucleotide release what do you think would happen if you added only ADP to this experiment rather than ATP Would the kinesin ever bind the MT Would you observe the kinesin walking on the microtubule The movie 17 7 in the movies folder in Moodle might be helpful for this question Bio285 F23 If you only added ADP rather than ATP to this experiment the kinesin would bind to the microtubule because ADP bound kinesio has a good affinity for the microtubule That would cause a conformational change leading to ADP dissociating from the binding pocket Since there s no ATP to diffuse into the binding pocket of kinesio and cause the neck linker to change conformation and cause walking kinesin would bind to ADP and remain bound to ADP and therefore bound to the microtubule and no walking is observed C Based on what you know about how kipesin motor activity is regulated what do you think would happen if you added a n00 hdolzable ATP analog to this experiment Would the kinesin ever bind the MT Would you observe the kinesin walking on the microtubule Here is a structure of an example 000 bydrolyzable ATP analog ATP y S S 0 O P P P NH Topic 6 Problem Set Answer Key N O Francis N N

The Living WorldQuestion 8 Microtubule Polymerization Assay You are working in a lab that studies microtubule dynamics Being the eager researcher that you are you wake up at the crack of dawn on Monday morning to start your first in vitro experiment studying the dynamics of microtubule polymerization You add GTP and purified tubulin to a test tube and observe microtubule polymerization in vitro You take some samples at a few time points up until 11am but stop because you need to leave for Bio285 lecture you don t want to be late to Bio285 lecture after all and observe the following Bio285 F23 Topic 6 Problem Set Answer Key L2 time amount of polymer Francis A If you had more time to take additional timepoints over the next hour how would you expect the shape of the curve to change during that time Draw what the graph would look like and explain what is happening at the molecular level B If you continued to take time points throughout the night and into the next day how would you expect the shape of the curve to change Draw what the graph would look like and explain what is happening at the molecular level

The Living WorldIn this diagram of a salt wedge estuary which layer is the halocline Press the hotspot to show your answer Seawater Types of Estuaries 15 10 33 O O River water 5 Salt wedge estuary

The Living WorldThe trouble with indicting President Trump is this If we start going after him next we ll be going after President Biden President Obama senators representatives governors Pretty soon no elected official will be safe from partisan attack This is a classic example of a fallacy called O Slippery Slope O Hasty Generalization O Faulty Analogy

The Living WorldIt is in every case immoral to lie to someone even if the lie could save a life Even in extreme circumstances a lie is still a lie All lies are immoral because the very act of prevarication in all circumstances is contrary to ethical principles This is a classic fallacy of O Appeal to Tradition Begging the question O Hasty Generalization

The Living WorldWhich of the following descriptions best captures the difference between a euphemism and a dysphemism O A euphemism is employed to create a negative effect on a reader s attitude and a dysphemism is employed to create a positive effect on a reader s attitude O A dysphemism is employed to create a negative effect on a reader s attitude and a euphemism is employed to create a positive effect on a reader s attitude O A cuphemism is a form of rhetoric but a dysphemism is not O A dysphemism is a form of rhetoric but a euphemism is not

The Living WorldNo one objects to a lawyer looking up a legal case during a trial Why then shouldn t students be permitted to look up an answer during an exam O Begging the Question O Slippery Slope O Faulty Analogy False Dilemma

The Living WorldAll Jews are tight with their money Identify the rhetorical device involved here O Innuendo O Begging the question Stereotype

The Living WorldUniforms are required in many public service occupations Police Officers and Firefighters for example are required to wear uniforms on the job Elementary school teachers hold public service positions Isn t it reasonable to require them to wear uniforms too O Hasty Generalization O False Alternatives O Appeal to Ignorance O Faulty Analogy

The Living WorldPeople who support the Hamas government may refer to those fighting against the government as rebels or terrorists Identify the rhetorical device involved here O Euphemism Hasty generalization

The Living WorldThree of the ten finalists in this year s essay contest came from Fayetteville State University They must really have a great writing program I think I ll transfer my children there O Faulty Analogy O Slippery Slope O Begging the Question

The Living WorldSeen below is a longitudinal section of a moss capsule containing spores What is the ploidy of the structures indicated by number 27 22 7 3 Time left 0 15

The Living WorldConsider the following pedigree of an autosomal recessive disease named PKU Assume that the individuals 111 115 III1 and II14 are all homozygous non affected P 1111 111 A 1112 11 fr 112 PP Pa 113 1113 B GP M N PP PP P T Yer M Plt P PP PC PP 114 Part 2 Assuming that the individuals 11 and 14 are both heterozygous Q PP 1114 Part 1 Assuming that the individuals 11 and 14 are homozygous 1 List all known genotypes of the family members PP PP So the PP PP PP 2 If persons A and B marry what is the probability that their first child will have PKU it will me Pp 14 PP 115 Prm 2 3 3 If the first child of A and B is normal what is the probability that their second child will have PKU The Polity 3 4 2 0 0 03 4 If the first child of A and B have the disease what is the probability that their second child will be then as the front of having 3 4 te to brag IS Be Perials M affected 5 List all known genotypes of the family members 6 If persons A and B marry what is the probability that their first child will have PKU 7 If the first child of A and B is normal what is the probability that their second child will have PKU 8 If the first child of A and B have the disease what is the probability that their second child will be affected

The Living WorldWhat is the name of the ship Darwin sailed on in 1831 The Iguana O The Beagle O The Good Ship Lollipop The Platypus The Boobie

The Living WorldThe ultimate source of all new alleles related to evolution is chromosomal duplication natural selection genetic drift mutation

The Living World6 nsan v cudunun de i ik b l mlerinde bulunan eklemler a a daki ekilde numaraland rarak g sterilmi tir 3 Bos 2 Buna g re numaraland r lm eklemlerin t rleri a a dakilerin hangisinde do ru belirtilmi tir 1 A Oynar B Yar oynar C Oynamaz DI Oymama7 Yar oynar Oynamaz Yar oynar Oynamaz Oynamaz Oynar Oynar Yar oynar

The Living WorldLIST 2 CAUSES 2 SYMPTOMS AND TREATMENT EMERGENCY SYNCOPE ASTHMA ATTACK INSULIN SHOCK DIABETIC COMA MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION ALLERGIC REACTION CAUSES 3 Hyperglycemia is SYMPTOMS 1 A severe allergic reaction is called mag laks 2 Hypoglycemia is caused by low blood Suef high blood Sugur 4 What should you do for insulin shock Increase Sugat Silage TREATMENT 5 Explain what should take place in a dental emergency Spont desk call all dentist and assistant asis the patent Clust davay assiskut

The Living World188 3 Choose one answer When a blood sample is submitted for STR DNA tested is taken from red blood cells white blood cells platelets Explain your answer 4 What results would you expect from a comparison of STR profiles taken from the following Explain your answers a Identical twins b Fraternal twins

The Living WorldAre humans likely affected by biomagnification If so which foods might be dangerous

The Living World48 A lateral blast from a volcano Is called a Pelean eruption a b Common with plinian eruptions such as Mt St Helens Can generate pyroclastic flows d All of the above 49 When a rhyolite dome forms in a volcanic crater this indicates Silica rich magma with high viscosity is blocking the vent b The volcano has degassed become less likely to erupt c A mafic magma will erupt next d All of the above 50 The viscosity of a lava is based on a Temperature and silica content b The amount of ash fall from a volcano Size of pyroclastic material d None of the above is a measure of viscosity33396

The Living Worldb The frequency of the wave The wavelength of the wave d Amplitude of the largest peal 43 Surface rocks at low temperature are most likely to a Experience brittle deformation b Experience plastic deformation C Have a high yield point d Be very ductile creating folds 44 With destructive interference the seismic waves C a Causes wave amplification linked to greater destructiveness Creates the initial trough that arrive before a tsunami event Causes landslides to occur on unstable slopes d Cancel each other out creating a flat line b C C 45 Flood basalts form from a Only powerful eruptions with a lot of lava flows b Fissure eruptions Stratocone or composite volcanoes d Cinder cones volcanoes 46 Seismic waves move fastest through a Hard consolidated bedrock b Soft alluvium soils c Liquids d Attenuation 47 Triangulation is used to a Find the path of greatest rupture b Show the amount of attenuation Measure the amount of fault rupture d The location of the epicenter

The Living Worldc Compressive stress the hanging wall moves down relative d Compressive stress the hanging wall moves up relative to the footwall 31 Elastic deformation may occur when rocks are subject to a Compressive stress b Tensional stress C Shearing stress d Any type of stress 32 Rocks in which elastic deformation occurs Return to their original shape when stress is released Remain in their deformed shape when stress is released Become fractured but retain their original shape d Show no response to stress 33 Rocks in which plastic deformation occurs a b a Tensional stress the b Tensional stress the hanging wall moves up a C b Return to their original shape when stress is released Remain in their deformed shape when stress is released Become fractured but retain their original shape d Show no response to stress 34 Stress is the force applied to rock per unit area strain is a Only ductile b A change in shape or volume c Only brittle resulting in a fracture d Mitigated by an increase in stress 5 Strain is deformation resulting in a Stress b Slip C Magnitude d Cohesion

The Living World6 With a fault when displacement is not apparent at earth s surface this faul a Blind fault b C Dip slip fault d Normal or gravity fault 7 At transform plate boundaries what kind of faults would be present Strike slip fault a Normal faults b Vertical reverse faults c Blind faults d Horizontal strike slip faults 8 The most powerful mega thrust earthquakes occur at a Divergent plate boundaries b Subduction zones c Along strike slip faults such as the San Andres d Continental collision zones such as Himalayas 9 Benioff zones are a Progressively deeper earthquakes at subduction zones b Zones of active shaking along strike slip faults such as California Another name for blind faults because we can t see them coming d Shallow focus earthquakes at zones of continental collision C 10 Earthquake warning systems are based on a The fact that P waves are faster than S waves b The fact that Love waves are faster than Rayleigh waves c Electrical resistivity d The initial run up of seismic waves 11 Technically a forecast would be a range of certainty but a prediction would be a Specifying only the date of an event b Specifying only the time of the event c Specifying only the size of the event d All the above

The Living WorldProgrammed cell death may be initiated by which of the following O cyclin O MPF P21 4

The Living WorldA cell is 2n 24 The cell has completed Telophase and Cytokinesis 2 How many chromosomes does it have per cell Are they replicated or unreplicated O 12 replicated O24 replicated 12 unreplicated O 24 unreplicated

The Living WorldWhich of the following is not true of sister chromatids O they are joined by a centromere during prophase and metaphase O they segregate from each other during mitotic anaphase O they arise by replication during S phase they contain identical genetic information they contain different types of genetic information

The Living WorldQUESTION 1 Place in order the steps of the scientific method V Analyze Results Run Experiments