The Living World Questions and Answers

The Living WorldA neutron is a subatomic particle that has a negative charge True False QUESTION 8 The subatomic particle that determines reactivity is the electron O True O False

The Living WorldQUESTION 3 Match the structure of the microscope to its function Arm Stage Revolving nose piece Ocular Base QUESTION 4 If the total magnification of a microscope is 600X and the ocular is 10X what is the magnification of the objective 600x O 6x 0 6x O 60x A Contains the objectives B Used to carry the microscope C Structure which you look through may be replaced by camera D The portion of the microscope that the scope sits on E Place where slides are placed QUESTION 5 fviow increases as well

The Living WorldAs your magnification increases your field of view increases as well O True False QUESTION 6 A proton is a subatomic particle that has a positive charge O True O False

The Living World1 Karine s friends are asking her to do heroin with them She doesn t want to join in this potentially life threatening behavior but isn t sure how to say no to all of her friends What are three strategies she could use when responding to make sure her friends know that she doesn t intend on taking drugs 2 Mike has never been a very athletic person but he really wants to start becoming more physically fit He s not big on trying out for school sports teams but he s not sure what other opportunities are available outside of school that can help him have fun and engage in a healthier more active lifestyle What are five different suggestions a friend might offer to Mike in this scenario 3 Adia lives in Kigali Rwanda and attends a private boarding school that frequently wins national championships for a number of sports Anne lives in a small town outside Wichita Kansas her family has one car which her mother uses to commute to work How might their cultural backgrounds play a role in how much physical activity they each get How might each have different experiences when it comes to sports 4 Trent Lorenzo and George are at a party where alcohol is being served How will the dynamics of their social group playrole in whether these boys decide to drink Describe how the group might exhibit positive peer pressure Describe how they might exhibit negative peer pressure 5 Teens face online and digital dangers every day What are some strategies to avoid inappropriate digital and online communication and how can teens protect their online identity and avoid online predators If you are ever bullied cyberbullied or harassed what action plan would you put into place and where could you seek support to deal with this situation If students do choose to bully what are some consequences of their behavior

The Living WorldC Here is a sample by a 9th grader on the topic of a teenager s bedroom Read it Identify the topic sentence TS concrete detail CD and commentary CM Then give feedback on the lines below about whether this fits our requirements and is effective 1225 My room is a mess For example it smells like rotting pizza and there are clothes and trash scattered all over the floor When I walk in there I feel like I ve just entered a disaster area If they gave out an award for the messiest room I would surely win first prize Your opinion about April s sample

The Living WorldWhat is NOT a correct statement of inflation government spending is always inflationary headline inflation is more volatile than core inflation because of food and energy prices inflation premium can protect lenders from inflation inflation is pro cyclical because demand for goods and services usually changes more than their supply

The Living WorldWhat is NOT a correct statement about crowding out it is caused by the government budget deficit G T O it increases interest rates O it lowers consumption and investment none of the above

The Living Worldhat will happen to the interest rate and the equilibrium level of saving and investment if government lowers corporate taxes the interest rate will decrease saving and investment will decrease the interest rate will increase saving and investment will increase the interest rate will decrease saving and investment will increase the interest rate will increase saving and investment will decrease Question 12 3 points 4 Listen During the Covid 19 period many workers voluntarily resigned from their works which is called Great Resignation What would happen to the labor market wages rise and employment to rise O wages fall and employment to rise wages rise and employment to fall wages fall and employment to fall

The Living Worlda correct statement about neoclassical macroeconomics price controis create disequilibrium in markets unemployment benefits hurt workers in terms of lower pay and less Job opportunities demand creates its own supply consumers are ultimate regulators Question 18 3 points 4 Liston What would happen to the neoclassical labor market if there were an income tax cut O labor supply curve shifts to the right thus decreasing the before tax wage labor demand curve shifts to the left thus decreasing the before tax wage labor supply curve shifts to the left thus increasing the before tax wage Johor demand un shifts to the right thus increasing the before tax ware

The Living WorldRefer to the following graph to answer the question that follows Wage rate Wo Wo Wed 0 C Q What is the equilibrium wage rate Qo Quantity of labor Q2 Do

The Living WorldWhat s the main body system that s impacted by breast cancer How does breast cancer impact the system

The Living WorldAbuse Case 3 You have been assigned to care for the Ross family The family has just had triplets three girls The girls were premature but after two months in the hospital they are now home There are two older children in the family Ray age 2 and Lori age 5 Although maternal and paternal grandparents are all living they reside 1600 km away and cannot visit to help The family appears to be loving and close knit The parents seem very happy with the new additions although they admit that the birth of three was very much a surprise You have been with the family for two months and over time have noticed a change in Ray He seems less able to run as steadily as he did before As well he seems to be using more baby talk not speaking words as clearly as he once did He also seems to be more fearful shown through how easily he is startled and he hides when he accidentally spills anything Today is your day off You find yourself in the Ross s neighborhood and decide to say hello As you go up to the door you see Mrs Ross violently shaking her son She is visibly upset and is speaking to him in a loud and angry sounding voice 1 Identify two behaviors in Ray that indicate that he may be being abused 2 What action is appropriate for the PSW to take in this situation Why 3 What factors may have contributed to Mrs Ross s actions behaviors

The Living WorldRead the sentences and guess the meaning of the underlined word by using the context in the sentence Choose the definitions for the underlined words 2 points each 1 I was worried that people would make fun of me right And they probably would have if Penelope hadn t immediately squealed with delight when she first saw me walk into the gym Oh my God she yelled for everybody to hear That suit is so beautiful p 122 a Stained imperfect b Made a loud high sound like a scream c Very serious and honest

The Living Worldtion 1 Match the foundational person in photosynthesis to their contribution Hill van Niel Blackman van Helmont Priestly 5 points Save Answer A discovered that a mouse could not survive in aireleased from a candle but that a mouse could survive in candle air that has been restored by vegetation B discovered the conversion of hydrogen sulfide into globules of pure elemental sulphur inside purple sulfur bacteria C demonstrated that the mass of a plant was not produced from the soil D Demonstrated that light energy could be harvested and used in a reduction reaction E found that increased temperatures up to 35C increase the rate of the light independent reactions

The Living World1 In the rock cycle on earth metamorphic rocks can form a Only from sedimentary rocks b Only from pre existing igneous rock c Only from a different type of metamorphic rock d From any eroding pre existing rock 2 The Ring of Fire is not only a great Johnny Cash song but is also a Circum Pacific region marked by active plate boundaries b The circular area around an active volcano C Relates specifically to the Yellowstone super volcano d Another term for a caldera 3 The heavy bombardment or iron catastrophe event created a A homogenous planet b A heterogonous planet c Faults that are still active d A planet where are the elements are mixed together 4 A tsunami moves across the open ocean so fast because a Its large amplitude b Constructive interference pushes the wave faster the usuall c No frictional contact with deep ocean sea bed The wave length between crests is very short

The Living World1 Match the words on the left to their definitions on the right Voca A gross B Sioux C repressed D taunt E shallow F grieve G sudden urge H huddle 1 smudge J eccentric G considered by other people to be strange or unusual I dirtied marked with dirt to gather close together usually for privacy or warmth A very strong feeling or driving force to be sad about someone s death name of an Indian tribe to insult to tease or challenge not deep lacking substance disgusting A not showing your feelings either consciously or uncons

The Living WorldQuestion 35 1 point 1 Listen Sigma factors can be regulated in all of the following ways EXCEPT through a excising the DNA that comprises the gene for the sigma factor b control by an RNA thermometer c attachment of an anti sigma factor O d modulation of the secondary structures of the mRNA for the sigma factor by proteolysis

The Living WorldThe tegument surrounding the capsid of herpes viruses can be best described as a a host derived lipid envelope with spike proteins gB and gN b an icosahedral structure formed by two kinds of polypeptide subunits c a compact nucleocapsid d an ensemble of about 15 virus encoded proteins plus proteins from the previous host e a double membrane envelope with large pores

The Living WorldThe mutation rate of HIV is among the highest known for any virus This leads to the evolution of the virus into a quasispecies The following are characteristics of an HIV quasispecies EXCEPT that O a HIV virions gain genes from the host s chromosomes different HIV mutant strains may attack different organs and predominate at different stages of infection b c in a new recipient only a virus type close to the original one that generated the quasispecies will multiply d HIV mutant strains keep a permanent infected state and maintain immunosupression e an infective virion replicates with rapid mutations and trait diversification

The Living WorldAnnie has written the following thesis statement for her persuasive speech All nations must unite to address the 4 main causes of global warming natural causes pollution increase in population and deforestation Which of the following illustrates the most appropriate way to organize her speech a Annie lists 15 reasons for deforestation and then explains her topic and presents her theme b After introducing her topic Annie makes numerous PowerPoint slides of the areas hardest hit by deforestation and thinking her audience will be bored she doesn t cover natural causes pollution increase in population She just makes a slide listing them as other problems After stating her topic is global warming Annie lists nations which are currently doing the most to stop pollution but she doesn t ask the audience to do anything about it After introducing her topic and making her thesis clear Annie uses several supporting details and specific examples to encourage her audience to reduce global warming in each of the 4 areas mentioned in her thesis then concludes by summarizing C d Please select the best answer from the choices provided Submit

The Living Worlda Derive the Adams Moulton three step Method using the interpolation polynomial in Newton s form with interpolation points t 1 t t 1 2 Hint You may refer to the value of integration of 1 f ds on lecture notes and note the fact that f t 1 y t 1 f ti 1 Yi 1 3f t y 3f ti 1 1 f ti 2 Yi 2 b Using the condition for the consistency and convergence of the multistep method show the method in a is consistent and at least order 2 i e you only need to verify j a lj 1b for l 1 2

The Living WorldIDENTIFY Pause at line 188 How would you describe the land lady s personality Explain Garm and but ultimateN Secretive unsettling inpiting nat herself 190 Circle the words in lines 189 194 that show what Billy thinks of the landlady presents A charming gost but her behavior and Responses become areasing IDENTIFY INTERPRET Pause at line 201 Do you agree that Billy is lucky Explain Now the fact that his landlady appeared to be slightly off her rocker didn t worry Billy in the least After all she not only was harmless there was no question about that but she was also quite obviously a kind and generous soul He guessed that she had probably lost a son in the war or something like that and had never gotten over it So a few minutes later after unpacking his suitcase and washing his hands he trotted downstairs to the ground floor and entered the living room His landlady wasn t there but the fire was glowing in the hearth and the little dachshund was still sleeping soundly in front of it The room was wonderfully warm and cozy I m a lucky fellow he thought rubbing his hands This is a bit of all right He found the guest book lying open on the piano so he took out his pen and wrote down his name and address There were only two other entries above his on the page and as one always does with guest books he started to read them One was a Christopher Mulholland from Cardiff The other was Gregory W Temple from Bristol That s funny he thought suddenly Christopher Mulholland It rings a bell Now where on earth had he heard that rather unusual name before Was it a boy at school No Was it one of his sister s numerous young men perhaps or a friend of his father s No no it wasn t any of those He glanced down again at the book 200 wave of the hand and went quickly out of the room and closed the door 210 Christopher Mulholland 231 Cathedral Road Cardiff Gregory W Temple

The Living Worldcrophoblast stem TS cells using embryonic stem ES cells as a control A Nanog Oct 4 B actin ES 0 M TS Question 0 1 5 200 TSA M 5 5 aza dC UM RT Figure A RT PCR data for Oct 4 Nanog and actin in TS cells exposed to 5 aza dC 1 or 5 m a DNA methylase inhibitor and or TSA 200 nm a histone deacetylase inhibitor

The Living WorldMales are more often affected by sex linked traits than females because males are hemizygous for the X chromosome male hormones such as testosterone often alter the effects of mutations on the X chromosome X chromosomes in males generally have more mutations than X chromosomes in females

The Living WorldQuestion 5 Match the columns regarding proteins Monomers Peptide bonds Functions How many amino acids are there Choose Choose Structure and transport 20 Energy and energy storage Amino acids Bond made between two amino groups of the amino acids

The Living WorldComplete the table that compares DNA to RNA BASES TYPE OF SUGAR FUNCTION LEAVES THE NUCLEUS Answer 1 A T C G Answer 2 A U C G Answer 3 Deoxyribose sugar DNA AA T C G BDeoxyribose sugar CCodes for proteins DNo RNA EA U C G FRibose sugar GCarries information for lipid synthesis HYes

The Living WorldMatch the Monomers Types Main components of the cell membrane A glycerol and two fatty acids is called a not applicable triglycerides phospholipi phospholipids phospholipids

The Living WorldUse the following chemical reaction to match the two columns HR H N C 7 1 H 0 0 H Type of reaction R represents H Z N C C 0 0 H Red area of the product shows RH COOH of the reactant H HR N HIN H C N C Peptide bond 0 0 carbonyl group Dehydration reaction carboxyl group O 0 RH O H H O H

The Living WorldWhen genes on a particular chromosome do not assort independently in genetic crosses the genes are recombinants wild type O linked O homozygous alleles

The Living WorldThe locations for three genes have been added to this cartoon For clarity the locations have only been noted on one chromatid The lowest frequency of crossovers would occur between genes A and B A and C 12 3 4 A B XX C B and C

The Living WorldThe sex chromosomes carry genes for traits that have nothing to do with the sex of the organism in addition to those genes that determine sex True False

The Living WorldO True O False Question 33 Which statement is true None of these apply Megasporangia in ovules produce megaspores Pistils did not evolve from a seed bearing leaf that became rolled into a tube Equisetum has calcareous crystals embedded in the stems Sori are clusters of diploid cells Question 34 plants and green algae Gemmae are associated with what genus

The Living WorldO False Question 24 Which statement is false All of these statements are true Bryophytes have lignified vascular tissue O Bryophytes have a dominant gametophyte generation Waxy cuticles on leaves are secondary products O In Equisetum photosynthesis takes place in the stem Question 25 Some Lycophytes are epiphytes O True

The Living WorldO True O False Question 21 What two genera of green algae are the closest living relatives of land plants Chara and Zygnema Coleochaete and Ulva O Spirogyra and Zygnema O Coleochaete and Zygnema O None of these apply Question 22 What dispersal mechanism does Marchantia use to disperse spores O Peristome teeth O Gemmae O None of these apply T

The Living WorldWhich seedless vascular plant is heterosporous O Psilotum nudum Equisetum O None of these apply Selaginella O Lycopodium Question 5 The scale of a megasporangiate cone is produced by a O female gametophyte O male gametophyte O None of these apply female sporophyte male sporophyte Question 6

The Living World6 Discuss how emergent properties arise in the hierarchical organization of living systems

The Living WorldWhere can DNA be found in eukaryotic cells Nucleus Chloroplast O Mitochondria All of the above

The Living WorldPredict the expected digested DNA bands for the coding sequence Homer isofom NM 058048 4 using NebCutter oding sequence Homer isofom A NM 058048 4 imers Homer1 for KpnI and Homer1 rev Bgl II

The Living WorldA group of biology students weighed several potato cubes and placed them in open beakers containing various sucrose solutions at 26 C The following day the students weighed the potato cubes again and calculated the differences in mass It was determined that solute potential equilibrium was reached at 0 60 M Solute potential of a solution iCRT i ionization constant 1 0 for sucrose C molar concentration R pressure constant 0 0831 L bar mol K O T temperature in Kelvin C of solution 273 What is the solute potential of the potato cubes Choose 1 answer B 1 3 bar 15 bar 15 bar 1 3 bar

The Living WorldNA binding response regulators RR Question List 6 items Drag and drop into the appropriate area No more items Correct Answer List 1 2 4 System activation Stimulus received by sensor domain Conformational change activates CA domain allowing it to bind ATP Phosphate on RR is removed Phosphate on SK histidine is transferred to aspartic acid of cognate RR Conformational change in RR allows binding to

The Living WorldIn Labrador retrievers the allele for black coat color B is dominant to the allele for brown coat color b However if a lab has two copies of the recessive allele for a pigment depositing gene e it can only have yellow coat color In a cross of two doubly heterozygous black labs BbEe x BbEe what fraction of the next generation would one expect to be yellow 3 16 1 8 1 16 1 4 Question 15 0 5 pts

The Living WorldQuestion 17 In squash color is determined by two genes that are epistatic At the first gene white squash W is dominant to colored squash w At the second gene yellow Y is dominant to green y A squash that is green must have the genotype OWWYy Wwyy Owwyy 0 5 A green squash can be either Wwyy or WWY

The Living WorldDominant A Recessive B 66 Does this pedigree show a dominant or recessive disorder 8 4 D C

The Living WorldQuestion 49 Points 3 What is the meaning of the suffix ure example censure A state of Relating to Process To make

The Living Worldsystem except molecules is an electron carrier in the electron transport iron sulfur proteins coenzyme A iron containing cytochromes flavoproteins Question 32 1 point 4 Listen Each of the following cell junctions is found in intestinal epithelial cells except gap junctions tight junctions desmosomes Saved

The Living World2 oxidation Gly 6 to Gly 7 3 pyruvate formation Gly 8 to Gly 10 Which of these phases produces ATP 1 1 and 2 2 and 3 2 Saved Question 2 1 point 4 Listen During aerobic respiration the majority of the energy of glucose is stored in coenzymes NADH and FADH2 ATP formed during glycolisis ATP formed during citric acid cycle

The Living Worldphospholipids glycolipids cholesterol phytosterol Question 12 1 point Saved 4 Listen PFK 2 is involved in allosteric regulation of CAMP PFK 1 lipids in animal cell membranes are Epinephrine

The Living WorldThe backbone of phospholipids is Oglycerol Opolar phosphate head disaccharide chains a protein core

The Living WorldWhich of the following would you expect to find predominating in the plasma membrane of a unicellular eukaryotic organism thriving in glacier ice 20 carbon long saturated fatty acids 18 carbon long saturated fatty acids 18 carbon long fatty acids with 1 double bond 16 carbon long fatty acids with 3 double bonds

The Living WorldEach of the following molecules is an electron carrier in the electron transport system except iron sulfur proteins coenzyme A iron containing cytochromes flavoproteins