The Living World Questions and Answers

The Living WorldWhich of the following are possible causes of normocytic normochromic anaemia Incorrect answers will be negatively scored to prevent clicking all options a Haemolytic anaemia b Diamond Blackfan c Chemotherapy cytotoxic drugs d Malabsorption of iron e Pernicious anaemia Of Rheumatoid arthritis g Hypothyroidism h Acute haemorrhage Oi Smoking Oj Renal disease failure k Lead poisoning I Thalassemia m Alcoholism n Sideroblastic aneamia o Bone marrow failure

The Living WorldWhich of the following are possible causes of microcytic hypochromic anaemia Incorrect answers will be negatively scored to prevent clicking all options a Anaemia of chronic disorders eg rheumatoid arthritis b Thalassaemia c Smoking d Folate deficiency e Lead poisoning f Vitamin B6 deficiency g Chemotherapy cytotoxic drugs h Hodgkin s lymphoma i B12 deficiency j Pernicious anaemia k Renal failure I Haemophilia m Splenectomy n Sickle cell disease o Dietary iron deficiency

The Living WorldWhich of the following are possible causes of a lowered PCV Incorrect answers will be negatively scored to prevent clicking all options a Smoking b Carbon monoxide poisoning c Obstructive sleep apnoea d Altitude e Kidney disease Of Pregnancy g Epo use in atheletes h Polycythemia vera i Dehydration j Chronic heart disease k Haemolytic anaemia I Iron deficiency m Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD n Haemorrhage 3 hours post haemorrhage o Kidney tumour

The Living WorldFrom this calculation is Patient X s WBC count a low Ob within normal ranges Oc high d None of the above

The Living Worldtake a sample of blood from Patient X and carry out a manual FBC After carrying out the procedure for WBCs you observe the following numbers of WBcs in 4 of the e squares 1 0 2 and 1 What is the concentration of WBCs in Patient X in WBCs L Please give your answers to 2 decimal places using the exponential format eg 000 becomes 1 45e 5

The Living WorldWhen engaged in some sedentary activity how often should you take a break to just get up and move One hour It does not matter if you exercise for as long as you ve been sitting O 30 minutes 45 minutes

The Living WorldWhich of the following are recommended components of an exercise log Select all that apply Exercise schedule

The Living WorldWhen setting goals to change exercise behavior it is only necessary to set short term goals True False

The Living WorldQuestion 5 Use the following chemical reaction to match the two col H HR H Type of reaction 0 1 NC RH Red area of the product shows O H K H

The Living WorldTrue or False Protocells in the laboratory can replicate their genetic material O True False

The Living WorldQUESTION 4 Which of the following requires transmembrane proteins SELECT ALL THAT APPLY Rapid movement of water across the membrane Transport of glucose against its concentration gradient Diffusion of carbon dioxide across the membrane Small nonpolar molecules moving down their concentration gradient Diffusion of calcium ions across the membrane

The Living WorldDisplay your results both in table form and graph Table 5 pH values after adding acid HCI volume ml pH 0 1 2 3 5 6 7 Titration curve of the unknown solution 01 22 td Table 6 pH values after adding base NaOH volume ml pH 0 1 2 IIIIIIIII TTTIIIIIIIIII Forsyth Technical Community College 3 4 5 6 7 Lab 03 BIO111 General Biology

The Living WorldThe picture above is that of a n O a strobilus b archegonium c gametophyte O d sporangia e antheridium spores lip cells

The Living WorldThe entire structure shown below is a The structures in the magnified circle above and to the right are embryo hypocotyl prothallium archegonial embryo epicotyl O prothallium antheridia

The Living WorldIf you were to boil tRNA which of the following levels of structure would be disrupted Select all that apply Primary Secondary 0000 Tertiary None of these

The Living WorldWhich of the biological macromolecules is mostly hydrophobic and comprised of large amounts of C and H small amounts of O and occasionally very small amounts of N or P Carbohydrates Lipids Nucleic acids Proteins

The Living WorldQ047 The synthesis of glutamine from glutami condensation step that completes the process E

The Living WorldQ014 Table 2 14 indicates the number and arrang On the basis of the information in the chart and wha atomic num 1 Hydro 2 Heliur 6 Carbo 7 Nitrog

The Living WorldBody Paragraph 1 Main Point Examples Details Explanations a The benefits of playing video games such as developing abstract thinking abilities are widely accepted by psychologists and scientists It aids in altering the physical makeup of the brain b Video games can enhance mental abilities including logic problem solving hand eye coordination logistics and accuracy Textual Evidence Article 1 a The development of cognitive capabilities and the learning instructional materials can be facilitated b

The Living Worldody Paragraph 2 Main Point Examples Details Explanations a As many video games are violent they encourage children to be more aggressive b The rating of the video game that our child is playing should be known to us Establish restrictions on how frequently and how long a youngster ma play while being watched Internet use b children Textual Evidence Article 2 a Video game violence and aggressive behavior are consistently correlated according to the American

The Living WorldComplete the outline below using the information you found in your research The outline is editable so make any adjustments you need for your paper Effects on video games Introduction Possible ideas for the introduction Thesis Statement Usually the last sentence s in the introduction

The Living Worldinformation you found in your research The outline is editable so make any adjustments you need for your paper Introduction Possible ideas for the introduction Thesis Statement Usually the last sentence s

The Living World1 Describe what the Chapman case was about 2 Did the Supreme Court decide Chapman was guilty or not guilty How did the justices use the dictionary to support their decision 3 Why does Solan believe that the Supreme Court misused the dictionary in this case To answer this you must refer to what Solan believes a dictionary can do and what it cannot do and talk about the extent to which definitions describe what a word means

The Living WorldAfter Napoleon s defeat in 1815 what were Germany s 39 separate states connected through an economic union known as Reichstag Bundesrat Realpolitik

The Living WorldAs you are researching your topic you will need to accumulate your sources in a Google Doc Make sure these are the sources you are using in your project They must be reliable credible sources Try to find at least 4 different credible sources These can be websites journals podcasts documentaries textbooks ext You can use Google Scholar to find credible sources You should format your sources like this Social media use loneliness and academic achievement A correlational study with urban high school students https files eric ed gov fulltext EJ1097983 pdf Notes

The Living WorldAnswer all 3 your own words don t copy the answer off the internet 1 Why are nation states difficult to define 2 What are the different types of nationalism 3 How can nationalism have different impacts on a society

The Living WorldAnswer all 3 in your own words don t copy the answer off the internet 1 What part of the liberal demands do you think were inconsistent with the unification of Germany under Wilhelm I 2 Why didn t the Revolutions of 1848 result in the establishment of constitutional democracies 3 Respond to Otto von Bismarck s realpolitik assertion that Sometimes one may rule liberally and sometimes dictatorially there are no eternal rules

The Living WorldDirections Use the triangle of success to create a self advocacy and change the chart for yourself It is important to consider how the decisions will positively impact your future Complete each chart completely which requires you to apply self advocacy and change to your own life Answer each reflection question WATCH THIS VIDEO IF YOU HAVE ANY CONFUSION Self Advocacy Share how you will self advocate for yourself in the future Communication 1 I will communicate with my 1 Inter Personal Skills teachers when I do not understand something in class Time Management Reasoning Triangle of Success Goal Setting Skills Self Motivation Attitudes Knowledge What skills can you use Self Confidence Integrity Honesty Optimism Enthusiasm Co operation Commitment Basics Theories Information Facts Figures Descriptions Learning Science etc What attitudes can you utilize What knowledge do you have Example Basic direction of an assignment

The Living WorldWhich of the following would be used to establish an electrochemical gradient STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION O pumps O aquaporins O glucose transporter QUEST

The Living WorldA membrane that allows only certain materials in out of the cells is said to be STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Acceptable Formats Card or Cards or CARD QUEST

The Living WorldGlucose is transported through the plasma membrane via a protein What property of glucose would keep it from crossing the pl STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION O Glucose is too big to cross the plasma membrane Glucose has a low molecular weight O Glucose is nonpolar Glucose is a charged ion

The Living WorldPROBLEM III The figure below shows the DNA content for generation 0 to generation 2 in the Meselson Stahl experiment N15 N15 Hybrid N 4N15 N 4N 4 HOW Generation 0 1 In generation 5 100 0 2 In generation 10 0 N N Hybrid N N s N 4N 4 Generation 1 0 100 0 a What is the percentage of dsDNA with 15N only 15N15N Hybrid N 4N15 N 4N14 b What is the percentage of dsDNA with 14N only 14N14N N1 N15 c What is the percentage of dsDNA with 15N and 14N 15N14N a What is the percentage of dsDNA with 15N only 15N15N b What is the percentage of dsDNA with 14N only 14N14N c What is the percentage of dsDNA with 15N and 14N 15N14N Generation 2 0 50 50

The Living World4 What is one thing you would like to change or reinforce pertaining to your strategy

The Living WorldHow did the justices use the dictionary to support their decision on finding Chapman guilty or not guilty

The Living World8 Which occurs frequently in U S hospitals A Involuntary active euthanasia B Voluntary active euthanasia C Involuntary passive euthanasia D Voluntary passive euthanasia E None of the above

The Living World4 Relieving pain falls under which ground for euthanasia A mercy B autonomy C justice

The Living World1 What is pH and the pH scale Identify the difference between an acid and a base 2 A pH of 2 is 3 What is a buffer and a pH of 12 is 4 Which indicator are we using in this lah to determine nH2

The Living Worldor tongue the Bl 3 Compare the sense of smell with the sense of taste How are these senses alike How do they differ 4 Use the lesson outline in your Science Notebook to explain why you think the body has different senses

The Living World0 multiple choice questions on this qui Question 4 The term that refers to the purposeful ad

The Living WorldRemaining Time 59 minutes 13 seconds Question Completion Status RELA QUESTION 2 10 PARTS 2012

The Living WorldAllowing only those animals with a desired characteristic to breed is 1 Point 19 cloning selective breeding chimera Males get their Y chromosome from thier 1 Point mother or father mother only father only

The Living WorldDid the participants use the rhythm correctly Your answer This is a required question In this video https youtu be KK ZtH3jlhU JALL

The Living WorldIdentify the rhetoric that Breger Bush Sasha uses in food deserts ethos pathos logos and explain how it is used

The Living WorldDiscuss Breger Bush Sasha credibility or why Breger Bush Sasha have the authority to speak on food deserts

The Living Worlda Noun b Adjective c Adverb d Neither 13 To give to others is the lesson Scrooge learned in the Christmas Carol a famous novel by Charle Dickens and dedicated to his family a Noun b Adjective C Adverb d Neither 14 We read to know we are not alone a Noun b Adjective C Adverb d Neither 15 Many people want to go to Europe to travel around the historic sites a Noun h Adiectiv