The Living World Questions and Answers

The Living WorldFigure 4 5 Earth s Energy Budget Yellow numbers account for incoming shortwave radiation and red numbers account for outgoing longwave radiation 15 Refer to Figure 4 5 a What percent of energy received from the Sun each year is absorbed by clouds b What percent of energy received from the Sun each year is reflected by clouds c How much energy is absorbed by the surface of the Earth Hint your answer will be a percentage d Of the total energy absorbed by the Earth s surface land and ocean as incoming shortwave radiation how much of it is emitted back out as longwave radiation e What role do clouds play in the energy budget Your response should be at least one sentence in length f Use Your Critical Thinking Skills When analyzing insolation data why is it important to pay attention to whether or not the data was collected by satellites at the top of the atmosphere or by ground stations at the surface of the Earth Your response should be at least one sentence in length

The Living WorldTable 4 2 Monthly Average Radiation Data for Deadhorse Alaska 70 N Data in W m Month March June September December Incoming Radiation 133 488 181 0 Outgoing Shortwave Radiation 84 332 84 0 Outgoing Longwave Net Radiation Radiation 147 204 147 154 98 In order to calculate net radiation for Deadhorse in March subtract outgoing longwave radiation and outgoing shortwave radiation from incoming radiation 133 84 147 98 Negative net radiation indicates an energy deficit This means that more energy is lost to space than is received from insolation 6 Following the example for March provided above complete the net radiation column in Table 4 2 7 Apply What You Learned Why does Deadhorse have no incoming radiation in December 8 Use Your Critical Thinking Skills Why does Deadhorse have an energy deficit in June even though insolation is relatively high during this month Table 4 3 provides all of the data needed to calculate net radiation at the top of the atmosphere for Beijing China

The Living WorldTable 4 1 Monthly and Annual Average Insolation W m for Three Locations Location Approximate Latitude Deadhorse Alaska 70 N Beijing China 40 N Kamala Uganda 0 Insolation W m 600 500 400 300 200 March June 100 133 323 439 488 483 388 September December 181 351 429 0 3 Plot the monthly average data presented in Table 4 1 above on the blank graph provided in Figure 4 4 Use a different colored pencil for each location blue for Deadhorse green for Beijing and red for Kampala and connect the points with a line 160 413 Annual 198 330 420

The Living WorldYou have hired a company to eradicate all insects from your house After they leave you find many spiders including a black widow You refuse to pay The company counters by saying that spiders are not insects but arachnids and the contract only specifies insects Do you pay now 1 Words stand for concepts 2 Lexical ambiguity words or phrases can have 2 distinct meanings 3 Context generally disambiguates but not always 4 Defining the concept in terms of necessary conditions a checklist only works partially 5 For many words there are more or less prototypical representatives greeny green 6 Sometimes there is a fuzzy boundary when does a cup become a bowl 7 Scientific definitions do not always match the popular understanding of what a word means

The Living Worldb Volvox non These colonial organisms are of great interest in the study of the emergence of multicellularity Volvox consist primarily of vegetative cells containing a single large chloroplast However these cells may be specialized for reproduction non flagellated gonodium cells or swimming reproductive bi flagellated somatic cells The flagellated cells are smaller and occupy the outer region of the hollow ball The reproductive cells are larger and occupy the interior The colony is held together by a gelatinous extracellular matrix 40 If possible note colonies in the asexual and sexual stages c Chlamydomonas Chlamydomonas are unicellular bi flagellated protists and close relatives of Volvox These organisms alternate between a swimming phase during which the cell grows and a non flagellated reproductive phase during which they replicate their DNA and divide 39 Obtain a slide of Chlamydomonas and label where appropriate If possible note the very faint flagella The flagella may not be visible without a specific stain

The Living World3 Crossing different species such as a dolphin and a whale to make a wolphin 1 Point cloning selective breeding Ohybridization transgenic organisms 4 Inserting a gene to make glow in the dark mice is an example of 1 Point inbreeding cloning transgenic organisms hybridization

The Living World5 A chromosome with a centromere nearer one end than the other has one short arm and one long m We call such a chromosome shape Write the answer on the back of the scantron sheet

The Living World0 The subphase of interphase in mitosis that is typically the most variable in length from one cell ype to another is a metaphase b telophase c cytokinesis d prophase e anaphase the equivalent of a haploid genome which CRNA

The Living WorldA Which word s in the headline has an ambiguous meaning B Is the ambiguity because of polysemy related meaning or homonymy unrelated meaning C What are the different ways to interpret


The Living WorldWhich of the following contains alpha 1 6 glycosidic linkages Select all that apply Glycogen Cellulose Starch

The Living Worldcreates the judicial branch whose main job is to interpret the laws introduction of the Constitution that states the purpose of the document explains how to amend the Constitution explains general and miscellaneous provisions such as oaths of office and the supremacy clause creates the executive branch whose main job is to enforce the laws creates the Legislative branch whose main job is to make the laws establishes relations among state government Article III Article I Article V Article IV Article II Article I Article VII

The Living WorldWhat are the characteristics of a secondary antibody used in Western blotting contains a covalently attached tag recognizes antibodies from multiple species recognizes the Fab region of the primary antibody recognizes the Fe region of the primary antibody

The Living WorldMatch the correct term to the description powers given to the states by the 10th amendment powers that both national and state governments have do such as collecting taxes Powers specifically given to the national government such as establishing post offices Choose Choose concurrent powers reserved powers delegated powers Choose

The Living WorldHOW Multiple Choice O O O by increasing the availability of dopamine and serotonin in synapses by decreasing the activity of the main excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain by producing a long but mild sense of euphoria by increasing the higher social regulatory functions of the cerebral cortex

The Living WorldMolecules that can pass across a semi permeable state is called will diffuse until they reach the same on either side of the membrane This

The Living Worldo the document Use the following passage to answer the Ducks are aquatic birds Their feet are w Biologists believe that ducks evolved fro amount of webbing on a duck s feet is a Q6 9 Consider the following hypothetica varied diet that included aquatic plants a time on both land and water Individuals their feet with some individuals having n went by the environment changed such

The Living WorldENTS Submit Section 6 Graded Question Darwinian Snail Q6 4 The 14 species of finches on the G migrated to the islands several million y A major difference among finch species

The Living WorldMatch each technique with how it helps slow prevent erosion Planting cover crops Terracing No till agriculture Contour plowing Windbreaks Strip cropping Forms sheltering strips that keep eroded soil within the farm Forms stairs to prevent rill gully erosion Blanket the soil sheltering it from wind and splash erosion Trees and shrubs slow wind as it enters a cultivated area Unplowed soil resists wind and water erosion Reduces the speed of water preventing rill gully erosion

The Living WorldSoil forms as rock undergoes the process of type your answer heat type your answer weathering is the physical breakdown of rock by wind water cold and type your answer weathering occurs when the molecular nature of rock is changed due to reactions with water oxygen etc

The Living WorldAprotein sample complex consists of two proteins a smaller protein X and a larger protein Y Protein X is composed of tw polypeptide chains linked by disulfide bonds Protein Y is composed of three polypeptide chains linked by disulfide bonds 3 The complex is analyzed by native PAGE reducing SDS PAGE and non reducing SDS PAGE Native PAGE does not include sodium dodecyl sulfate or SDS Reducing SDS PAGE uses both SDS and a reducing agent in the buffer Non reducing SDS PAGE uses SDS but no reducing agent Match each gel pattern to an experimental method The first lane in each gel is a molecular weight ladder Native PAGE 250 kDa 150 kDa 100 kDa 60 kDa 50 kDa 30 kDa 1000 kDa 500 kDa 250 kDa 100 kDa 50 kDa 30 kDa Non reducing SDS PAGE Answer Bank 250 kDa 150 kDa 100 kDa 60 kDa 50 kDa 30 kDa What are the molecular weights of the protein X polypeptides Reducing SDS PAGE

The Living WorldIn her chapter on the IVF industry Jain highlights all of the following ideas ascribed to by the industry that collect under the awning of reproduction except for egg cells should be free or cheap hormones do not pose hazards doctors who perform the procedure work primarily in the interests of health rather than out of financial gain O Reproduction and parenting are sacred processes that ought be restricted to heterosexual couples economic consequences notwithstanding

The Living WorldWhat strategy from McClure s article will be most helpful to you as an academic researcher and why

The Living WorldWhich of the following is NOT an example of reproductive labor O Working on an assembly line Nurturing O Food preparation Housekeeping Egg or sperm extraction and donation

The Living WorldIn court cases judges always define words by their scientific meaning because this is always correct even if popular usage is different O True O False

The Living WorldThe word dessert in the following sentence is lexically ambiguous because we don t know what kind of dessert to bring Could you bring a dessert to the picnic O True False

The Living WorldWhat type of trait is represented on this pedigree 1 2 2 Autosomal Dominant Autosomal Recessive Sex Linked Dominant Sex Linked Recessive 3 3 4 5 4 5 6 What is the genotype of the person at III 1

The Living WorldWhich of these are threats to validity in the following study Dr Knudsen a family physician wanted to test the effect of a new drug on depression So she prescribed a daily dose of the drug to each of her 23 depressed patients for a period of three weeks and measured their level of depression before and after they began treatment Since her patients report less depression at the end of three weeks she concluded that the new drug reduces depression Wrong study design to test causation Experimenter bias Sample Bias All of the above

The Living WorldWhich of the following would NOT be considered a vulnerable population The elderly Pregnant women Prisoners Children

The Living WorldIn A Study of Prisoners and Guards in a Simulated Prison there were many ethical problems including a the lead experimenter Zimbardo taking on a role b prisoners were physically injured c prisoners were not reminded that they had a right to withdraw participation at any time d both A and C were ethical problems

The Living Worldset of principles that organizes observations and explains newly discovered facts unprovable assumption about the unobservable processes that underlie psychological functioning testable prediction that gives direction to research observable relationship between specific

The Living WorldWhich of these are study Professor Okamoto is interested in the effects of attractiveness on perceptions of intelligence She predicts that attractive people will be perceived are more intelligence than unattractive people So she recruited 100 participants for a study on person perception In the study participants were randomly assigned to look at the picture of an attractive or unattractive person with the same name and resume attached to the photo so the only difference between materials was the photo Then participants rated the person in the photo on several traits including intelligence She found higher ratings of intelligence for the attractive vs unattractive target thus she concluded that attractiveness increases perceived intelligence confound variables social desirability bias

The Living WorldPerform the indicated operations Give the answer to the correct number of significant digits 1 Add 2 Add 3 Add 9 54 g 6 578 g 10 02 g 8 55 mL 11 6 mL 20 0 mL 480 km 24 07 km

The Living WorldWhat makes an atom electrically neutral A There are equal numbers of protons and electrons B There are far more neutrons than electrons C Protons and electrons are replaced by neutrons D There are many more electrons than either protons or neutrons

The Living WorldRead the scientific paper titled Clinical and Epidemiological Feature of Neurotoxic Shellfish Poisoning in North Carolina and answer the following questions 10 What is NSP 11 What is red tide and what causes it 12 How many people were in the study 13 What type of shellfish had the people eaten

The Living Worlderstand the Nature of Science Understand that science investigations use a variety of methods and do not always use the same set of procedures understand that there is not just one scientific method Science findings are based upon evidence Dinosaur Scene Observation and Inference Worksheet A time machine has been invented that travels into the past and takes pictures sending them to the present You are asked to look at one of the pictures and interpret what you see 1 The volcano is erupting 2 The camptosaurus is going to eat the stegosaurus 3 The stegosaurus will run into the water to escape 4 The camptosaurus is leaving tracks in the ground 5 The ground where the camptosaurus is walking is wet 6 There are plants growing in the water 7 The camptosaurus is going into the water to eat the plants 8 There is a tree growing next to the river 9 The tree looks like a palm tree 10 The climate is warm 11 The stegosaurus is eating the plant 12 The stegosaurus is an herbivore 13 There are bones from a dead animal by the shore 14 The camptosaurus killed the animal 15 Some more bones are in the water 16 The camptosaurus can t swim and will drown 17 Lava is corning down the sides of the volcano 18 The camptosaurus has sharp teeth for eating meat A Observation B Inference A Observation B Inference

The Living Worldare based upon evidence that there is not just one scientific method Each sentence below describes a step of the scientific method Match each sentence with a step of the scientific Can You Spot the Scientific Method Worksheet method listed below A Recognize a problem B Form a hypothesis C Test the hypothesis with an experiment D Draw conclusions a variety of methods and do not always use the same set current traveled through the soil in which they were planted 7 Stephen predicted that seeds would start to grow faster if an electric 8 Susan said If I fertilize my geranium plants they will blossom 9 Jonathan s data showed that household cockroaches moved away from raw cucumber slices 10 Rene grew bacteria from the mouth on special plates in the laboratory She placed drops of different mouthwashes on bacteria on each plate mollused left handed and how many were right handed 11 Kathy used a survey to determine how many of her classmates were 12 Jose saw bats catching insects after dark He asked How do bats find the insects in the dark 13 Justin wondered if dyes could be taken out of plant leaves flowers and stems 14 Alice soaked six different kinds of seeds in water for 24 hours Then she planted the seeds in soil at a depth of I cm She used the same amount of water light and heat for each kind of seed 15 Bob read about growing plants in water He wanted to know how plants could grow without soil A Recognize a problem B Form a hypothesis C Test the hypothesis with an experiment D Draw conclusions 16 Kevin said If I grow five seedlings in red light I think the plants will grow faster than the five plants grown in white light 17 Angela s experiment proved that earthworms move away from light 18 Scott said If acid rain affects plants in a particular lake it might affect small animals such as crayfish that live in the same water 19 Michael fed different diets to three groups of guinea pigs His experiment showed that guinea pigs need vitamin C and protein in their diets

The Living WorldQuestion 6 KESULINA HERRE Which of the following is not a hu O Mass producing antibiotics

The Living Worldre 10 multiple choice questions on time limit You can take this quiz 2 t Question 7 Which of the following is not cons

The Living Worldcan take this quiz 2 times hi estion 4 microorganisms are best defined as org cause human disease can only be found growing in laboratories

The Living WorldQuestion 3 Which activity is an example of bio O Public health officials monitoring dis O Escherichia coli producing human in

The Living WorldPhoto by Chris Stenger Unsplash Why is the mode of nutrition of the organism shown in the picture O Transforms light into organic molecules in the presence of oxygen O Transforms light into organic molecules in the absence of oxygen O Transforms inorganic chemicals into organic molecules O Ingests organic molecules and transforms them into ATP

The Living Worldevriting times a 23 My Activities Question 15 Points 1 What can be inferred from the following passage taken from the essay The Dancing Plague of 15187 The more citizens this unusual plague afflicted the more desperate the privy council became to control it Oit s a factual statement Oit is an example it is an extended definition All of the choices Tell me what you want to do Congre Laser PATRAMEN Oniging

The Living WorldWhy isn t water a good buffer The concentrations of H and OH at equilibrium are too low Water is a good buffer Because there is no conjugate base A in the case of the acid HA which you need in addition H to be a buffer Because the pH of water is 7