The Living World Questions and Answers

The Living WorldThe establishment of were the final solution to the Jewish problem in Germany O Ghetto O Inception Concentration camps

The Living WorldDescribe what you would like to know more about the topic Explain why you are interested in this due to the fact that many individuals have died because of video games Express the narrowed topic as a research question Why do children and teenagers take the game more seriously than the real world

The Living World1 Describe what you would like to know more about video games 2 Explain why you are interested in this 3 Express the narrowed topic as a research uostion

The Living World1 Describe what you would like to know mo about video games 2 Explain why you are interested in this 3 Express the narrowed topic as a research question

The Living WorldDirections Based on the provided essay prompts select the topic of interest you will be researching Once you have a broad topic consider three narrow topics within the original one Ex Violence in Video Games 1 Video game ratings 2 Research studies linking video games to violence 3 Benefits of age appropriate games for youth Begin to research the narrower topics and describe them in the chart below The final part of the assignment is to state a claim and write a research question that will guide your research for the research paper Standards RI 10 1 W 10 7 W 10 8 L 10 4 Essay Prompt Number Topic of Interest Potential Area of Investigation 1 Potential Area of Investigation 2 narrow topic narrow topic Describe what you would like to know more about the topic Explain why you are interested in this Part 1 Express the narrowed topic as a research question Describe what you would like to know more about the topic Explain why you are interested in this Express the narrowed topic as a research question Potential Area of Investigation 3 narrow topic Describe what you would like to know more about the topic Explain why you are interested in this Express the narrowed topic as a research question Now do some preliminary research on each area above How does it impact your claim You can change it or modify it later as you continue to complete your research Part 2

The Living World1 In your own words What do you think would have happened if President Truman had decided against dropping an atomic bomb on Japan Explain your reasoning with facts from this lesson

The Living WorldWhich often harmful emotion can be positive when it provides you with energy to make changes Which positive emotion can be felt for many different things including family country and friends 8 points Match the correct word with the discription Hiding emotions by acting just the opposite of how you feel creating alibis for your acts or emotions expressing feelings by acting childishly Regression Rationalization Reaction Forma Denial

The Living WorldSB6 b What does molecular evidence in support of natural selection include O the transmission of acquired characteristics O the presence of vestigial structures a tendency towards perfect unchanging DNA in various species the nearly universal genetic code DNA

The Living Worldbe two main differences between mitosis and merosis w Insert Format Tools Table Paragraph UAV BIU el T

The Living WorldWhich of the following describes the process in which one adopts patterns of behavior that lead to greater life satisfaction O wellness health social determination self efficacy

The Living WorldDuring COVID 2020 everyone that was catching COVID is now turning into zombies You and your team must quarantine together You have 1 hour grab anything you need from any store or home to make your quarantine enjoyable You and your team will create a survival guide 1 What do we need to do to be prepared 2 What s the plan 3 What are the steps we need to take 4 How will we survive

The Living WorldMatch the term to its definition government in which all people directly participate in government decisions government in which the people elect representatives to make government decisions for them type of government in which a small group of people rule the government type of government in which one person has complete control of the government usually because they took the power for themselves type of government in which a king or queen who inherits the authority to rule from a family member power is given to a legislative body elected by the people the legislative body then chooses an executive from within the legislature power is given to a legislative body and executive who are both elected separately by the people Choose Choose direct democracy dictatorship representative democracy republic oligarchy presidential government monarchy parliamentary government Choose Choose Choose

The Living Worldhis beliefs on the social contract andideas of popular sovereignty directly influence writing of US Constitution if government does not protect the people s rights then they can change the government ideas directly used in Declaration of Independence first to write about social contract theory influenced Declaration of Independence and other Enlightenment philosophers believed in limited government with separation of powers checks and balances founding fathers directly used these ideas in Choose Choose Thomas Hobbes Charles Montesquieu Jean Jacques Rousseau John Locke Choose Choose

The Living WorldArguments Moral Skepticism Divine Command Theory 1 The moral skeptic believes that moral judgments are not objective claims Which of the following is a moral judgment similar to according to the skeptic a Trump paid no taxes in 2020 b It is difficult to know if there is life on other planets c Lima beans are delicious

The Living WorldDefine Confederal Define Government Define Federal Government Define Autocracy Define Oligarchy Define Democracy Define Direct Democracy Define Indirect Democracy Define Representative Democracy Define Republic Define Presidential Democracy Explanation of Confederal Explanation of Government Explanation of Federal Government Explanation of Autocracy Explanation of Oligarchy Explanation of Democracy Explanation of Direct Democracy Explanation of Indirect Democracy Explanation of Representative Democracy Explanation of Republic Explanation of Presidential Democracy Explanation of

The Living WorldW hile biologists use the study of evolutionary relationships mainly to build evolutionary trees of the world s organisms scientists are finding wider and wider uses for evolutionary trees Scientists have even used evolutionary trees to solve the mystery of whether a dentist infected his patients with HIV the virus that causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome AIDS in humans The dentist who was himself infected with HIV had been working as usual with his patients Then some of his patients began turning up HIV positive Against a backdrop of increasing public controversy over whether health care workers with HIV pose a risk to their patients many people wanted to know had this dentist transmitted the deadly virus to his patients Adding confusion to the situation was the fact that some of the infected patients had lifestyles or habits that put them at risk for HIV infection by other means Those on both sides of the issue some saying the dentist should not be blamed others saying he was a threat argued heatedly without resolution In order to answer the question researchers took advantage of the observation that HIV s genetic material like that of most viruses evolves quickly resulting in many different but closely related strains of HIV The researchers created an evolutionary tree of the viral strains found in the dentist in each of the infected patients and in local people who were also infected with HIV but were not patients of the dentist If the dentist had infected African Patient Patient Local non person X Y patient 1 his patients then the strains of HIV found in his patients should be more closely related to his strain and less closely related to the strains from other infected people The results showed that some of the dentist s patients probably were infected by him and that some probably were not Two patients X and Y who could have been exposed to HIV as a result of their lifestyles or habits had HIV strains that were not closely related to the dentist s strain However five other patients A B C D and E were carrying strains of the virus very closely related to the strain in the dentist Moreover those people were not at risk of contracting HIV by other means So the scientists concluded that at least in the case of these five patients the dentist had infected them with his strain of the virus Local non patient 2 Local non Local non Patient Patient Patient Dentist Patient Patient patient 3 patient 4 C An Evolutionary Tree Solves the Whodunit By examining the evolutionary relationships among the strains of HIV found in a number of infected people including a dentist and his infected patients researchers were able to solve the mystery of how his patients were likely to have been infected

The Living World1 2 page summary share the following What do you know and understand about infants and toddlers What would you like to learn more about concerning infants and toddler

The Living WorldDirections Write or type in information you have either learned or experienced from the module lesson This will be turned in as an assignment Five Main Roles Fun Facts Bones

The Living World4 Who were the Redeemers and how did they change society and politics in the New South 5 What was life like for blacks in the post Reconstruction South How did geographic location affect treatment 6 What measures were put in place to stop black voting How effective were they 7 Explain the Supreme Court case Plessey v Ferguson How did it make life WORSE for Black citizens 8 How did the foreign immigrants of the 1870s 1890s differ from most of the earlier immigrants What attracted them to the United States 9 Why were Asian Americans so heavily discriminated against How does that discrimination relate to the Chinese Exclusion Act 10 What were the reasons for growth of American Imperialism

The Living WorldLearning about Culture from Literature But on the spot I told them Back and quickly Out to sea again My men were mutinous fools on stores of wine Sheep after sheep they butchered by the surf and shambling cattle feasting while fugitives went inland running to call to arms the main force of Cicones This was an army trained to fight on horseback or where the ground required on foot They came with dawn over that terrain like the leaves and blades of spring So doom appeared to us dark word of Zeus for us our evil days My men stood up and made a fight of it backed on the ships with lances kept in play from bright morning through the blaze of noon holding our beach although so far outnumbered The Odyssey Homer What can be learned about ancient Greeks from this passage Check all that apply They had a democratic government They were interested in science and art They believed that gluttony and disobedience are negative traits They believed that the gods punish people for acting badly They believed in the importance of strength in battle

The Living WorldMatch the condition of the assembly line system with its most direct effect Workers did not require much training Production on assembly lines in volved performing the same ac tion all day Manufacturing used interchange able parts a Employers could easily fire and replace workers b Fixing a broken product became easier C Work could be boring and physi cally tiring

The Living WorldA 2 Cell to cell communication 9 Does the rate of diffusion change over time Diffusion rate does not change Diffusion rate decreases over time Diffusion rate increases over time Diffusion rate depends only on the size of particles 10 Osmotic pressure depends on Number of dissolved particles in per liter and does not depend on molecular mass of dissolved pa Molecular mass of dissolved particles and does not depend on number of dissolved particles Number and charge of dissolved particles Only on the charge of dissolved particles

The Living Worldthe image below under a 100x oil objective lens How do you interpret this ult

The Living WorldAt its basic level participant observation involves looking at the world around you using the sociological perspective and noting patterns Select a familiar setting from your everyday life and prepare a sociological analysis that might include the importance of gender class or race to who is present in the setting and the interaction that takes place Write your response here Save draft Submit 0 1500 maximum

The Living WorldOne way to demonstrate to a potential robber that Dollar General employees care about their store is to A Take a break on time B Wear a proper uniform OC Keep a clean in stock and recovered store D Arrive for work 10 minutes early

The Living Worldchamic motion 10 What determines distribution of fluid berween capillary and interical fid tatic and cold omic premite Balance between bystem Only hydromatic pressure 730 Difference between hydrostatic and gravitation pr Jun preste

The Living World25 How glucose is transported in cell membrane Only via facilitated transport GLUT transporters Only via primary active transport GLUT transporters Only via secondary active transport Glucose Na cotransport Via facilitated passive transport GLUT transporters and secondary active transport Glucose cotransport

The Living Worlda res 13 What is hypotonic solution If the solution outside has not osmotically active particles If the solute concentration outside the cell is higher than inside the cell and the solutes cannot cross the membrane then that solution is hypotonic to the cell c If the solute concentration outside the cell is lower than inside the cell and the solutes cannot cross the membrar then that solution is hypotonic to the cell d If the solute concentration outside and inside the cell is equal and the solutes cannot cross the membrane then th solution is hypotonic to the cell a b

The Living WorldName Types of Behavior Directions On each line write the term from the word bank that correctly completes each sentence Some words may be used more than once NOTE You may need to change a term to its plural form hibernation instinct a behavior imprinting stimulus conditioning innate behavior Lesson Outline continued 3 If innate behavior involves a number of steps in a certain order it is a n 4 Some animal behaviors occur when in weather b Animals migrate to find D Learned Behaviors Date location change occurs when animals move in response to a change c Animals and low food supplies by a decrease in body functions d Hibernating animals live on body e In hot areas some animals decrease activity for a period of time called homeostasis migration Class or to return to a specific when they respond to cold temperatures to get food 1 Certain behaviors are 2 Learned behavior called becomes attached to something soon after a A duck s becoming attached to a human is an example of attachment to a n b A turtle s returning to the beach where it was born is an example of attachment to a n 3 Learned behavior that results from an animal trying to perform a task until it finds a method that works is called through experience or practice occurs when an organism or hatching 4 During behavior is modified so the response to one stimulus becomes associated with another stimulus 5 Thinking reasoning and solving problems are behaviors a Humans use cognitive behavior to solve the b Other animals appear to show cognitive behaviors when they use and plan for

The Living WorldMuch of the 20th century was marked by the Cold War between the ideals of capitalism and communism Drag each phrase into the correct box to show whether it is associated with capitalism or communism Capitalism Profit Motive Income Redistribution Communism Classless Society

The Living WorldAgency EPA Sustainability is based on a simple principle Everything that we need for our survival and well being depends either directly or indirectly on our natural environment Sustainability creates and maintains the conditions unde which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony that permit fulfilling the social economic and other requirements of present and future generations Sustainability is important to making sure that we have and will continue to have the water materials and resources to protect human health and our environment This definition is taken from the public domain Which three graphs relate to the concept of sustainability Click on the three graphs that you want to select World Population Growth Through History Tropical Area Deforested from 1990 2005 Population billions N 7000 BCE 3000 BCE Year 1000 CE Worldwide Nonimmigrant Visa Issuances S Tropical Countries 0 10 20 Deforested Area thousand hectares Global Oil Consumption 30 40 U S Representatives by Region 1900 2000

The Living WorldWatch the video experiment BBC Stories 2017 August 16 Girl toys vs boy toys The experiment BBC Stories Video file Retrieved from https www youtube com watch v nWu44AqF0il Reflect on the following statement from BBC News The toys children play with have an impact not only on how they see themselves and on what skills they learn but also on how their brains physically develop Some psychologists argue that this helps to explain why certain professions are so male dominated An increasing number of parents and careers now say they try to avoid gender stereotyped play As this experiment shows though it s not always easy to overcome your own prejudices Do you agree or disagree What is your takeaway based on this experiment Any surprises or conformation of something you

The Living Worldnce the 19th century many people have worked for equal ghts for women Much of this effort focused on suffrage which the right to vote One of the greatest victories for advocates of women s rights was ratification of the 19th Amendment to the U S Constitution in 1920 The 19th Amendment stated that The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex However the struggle for equality in other areas of society continued even after the 19th Amendment granted woman suffrage Number of Women Representatives 70 60 Number of Women in the U S House of Representatives 50 40 30 20 10 0 65 1917 2011 1000 69 What do the passage and graph indicate about the United States in the 20th and 21st centuries O A Social movements halted inequalities within society O B The changes in voting rights impacted representation in the U S government O c Democratic principles are more powerful than cultural traditions OD The Civil War Amendments created greater democratic opportunities for women

The Living WorldThe chart below describes the four methods used to amend he U S Constitution 1 2 3 4 Four Methods of Amending the U S Constitution Step 1 A two thirds vote in both houses of the U S Congress A two thirds vote in both houses of the U S Congress A national constitutional convention called by two thirds of the state legislatures A national constitutional convention called by two thirds of the state legislatures Step 2 Ratified by three fourths of the state legislatures Ratified by ratification conventions in three fourths of the states Ratified by three fourths of the state legislatures Ratified by ratification conventions in three fourths of the states Which concern about the original metho of selecting senators is implied in the excerpt A It failed to limit the influence of the wealthy B It did not help to organize debates effectively O c It neglected to limit the influence of the majority O D It did not encourage an efficient lawmaking process

The Living WorldThere were two Pacific and one in Europe O Militarisms Appeasements O Blitz during World War II one in the

The Living World1 Write one to two paragraphs discussing your thoughts and prior knowledge on the question prompt Did World War I lead to World War II

The Living World1 Explain Japan s logic in attacking the Pacific coast of Asia What was the purpose of the Greater East Asia Co Prosperity Sphere How was the bombing on Pearl Harbor related to this

The Living Worldthe agreement 2 In what ways could the Munich Pact have affected future alliances made during World War II 3 Did France and Britain compromise their democratic ideals by agreeing to the Munich Pact

The Living WorldType of Government Autocracy Oligarchy Democracy Direct Democracy Indirect Democracy Representative Republic Presidential Democracy Parliamentary Democracy Description Char

The Living WorldAfter reviewing the slides and reading the given article write a one paragraph reflection on your thoughts of life after high school You can complete this using the text box or submit a google doc google LTI tab Make sure to include information you are using from both the slides and the article Here are some questions to reflect on 1 What would you like to do after high school and what are your plans to get there this may need some research 2 Based on the article what is something you can relate to most and why I will highlight in the exemplar ideas from the slides blue and ideas from the article green You do not need to do this I just want to paint that picture for you Exemplar 16 year old Ms Hoffert I know that I wanted to continue my education after high school and attend college but I am not sure what I want to study or what my dream job is Currently the colleges around me are Dixie State College which is currently a community college in St George Utah and Southern Utah University which is 45 minutes away from me currently SUU is a 4 year University and is known for their small class sizes and array of degree options I am okay with checking out the community college near me and living at home and working part time to find out what my interests are Reading through the article 10 Things for High School Students to remember I really like that it states that people hge and some people change careers within their lifetime I might have career commitment issues or maybe I just want to do a little bit of everything but it is great to know that if I am not happy with what I am doing then I can change it I will also reflect on number 8 don t let anyone control your dreams and ambitions My family wants the best for me always and they are always sharing their ideas on what I should study in school I even have family members that are against the idea of me even going to college At the end of the day this is my road map and I must make the decision on what career path

The Living World8 6 7 9 1 2 3 4 5 ven ifs compound word is familiar to us we may not be able to spell it correctly A dictionary will tell us the correct way to spell a compound word E There are three kinds of compound words CLOSED COMPOUND goldfish HYPHENATED COMPOUND life size OPEN COMPOUND ice cream Look at the words below If the word is a closed compound put a C after it if it is a hyphenated compound put an H after it if it is an open compound put an O after it Use your dictionary to help you rowboat roadblock rightofway leanto lifejacket lifesize fullback fullblown fullmoon 0 teenager 1 teddybear teaspoon homerun homework hotblooded 16 17 18 19 20 ENTRY WORDS COMPOUND WORDS campfire hothead hotrod fingerprint fingerbowl fireplace firewood rockbottom rockinghorse seahorse seashore goldleaf 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 firefly 29 bullheaded 30 bluebird

The Living WorldWhich of the following are examples of program music Ludwig van Beethoven Symphony No 3 Eroica Franz Joseph Haydn Symphony No 94 Claude Debussy Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No 25

The Living WorldSenty Hungarian Empire dissolved in 1919 Next Hater that was left when the demanded the Sudetenland a part of Czechoslovakia with many German speaking people At first France and Britain promised to protect Czechoslovakia despite the fact that Hitler threatened war Then Mussolini invited British and French leaders to meet with Hitler in the German town of Munich to work out a solution At the Munich Conference in September 1938 British and French leaders seeking to avoid war agreed to hand over the western part of Czechoslovakia to Germany This policy of giving in to the demands of a potential enemy has since become known as appeasement Neville Chamberlain the British Prime Minister returned to London promising his countrymen peace in our time However his policy of appeasement only encouraged Hitler to make further demands Hitler reached the conclusion that Britain and France were weak and would do almost anything to avoid war Kristallnacht from ping point when the Historia from propaganda and discrimination sains k the Nani vemment moved active measures of persecution World opinion was and the United States withdrew its ambassador from Befin in protest November 1938 a German Jewish refugee assassinated a German diplomat in Paris The German government used this event as an excuse to attack Jewish synagogues houses of worship and stores throughout Germany Jews were attacked Jewish businesses were closed and Jewish communities were forced to pay a large fine for the assassination Thousands of Jews were arrested and sent to concentration camps So much broken glass fell into the streets that the event became known World War II Begins The German Invasion of Poland The annexation of the Sudetenland left the rest of Czechoslovakia weak and defenseless In March 1939 Hitler persuaded the Slovaks in the east to declare their independence and sent a Clerman army to occupy Prague and what was left of the country Czech leaders surrendered without resistance Hitler also began making new demands on Poland He claimed the Free City of Danzig present day Gdanisk which contained a large number of German speaking residents By now British and French leaders had reached the conclusion that Hitler s goal was the conquest of Europe They therefore resisted his new demands and pledged to protect Poland Hitler responded by negotiating a secret treaty with the Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin Under the terms of the Nazi Soviet Pact signed in August 1939 Hitler and Stalin agreed to divide Poland between themselves In September 1939 Germany invaded Poland from the west while the Soviet Union invaded from the east Britain and France responded by declaring war on Germany and World War II began in Europe PAGE 254 HIGHLIGHT UNDERLINE KEY EVENTS Blitzkrieg The German army had developed new tactics for waging warfare based on the use of airplanes tanks motorized troop carriers and communications by radio German planes bombed Polish cities and troops from the air German tanks and motorized artillery invaded Polish territory followed by infantry Luxembourg and France German troops avoided the forces During World War I troops had remained stationary in the French chose not to attack Germany and Germany s Western Front remained quiet In April Germany suddenly invaded Denmark and Norway in May the Germans attacked the Netherlands Belgium trenches unable to advance without being mowed down by machine gun fire In this new type of warfare planes tanks strong defensive French barrier known as the Maginot Line by marching through the Ardennes Forest and across Belgium French leaders had expected a German invasion motorized artillery and motorized troop carriers all applications through Belgium but farther north and a large part of of the internal combustion engine were used to make rapid advances The advantage in combat shifted back to the offense Because of the speed of the German advance this new form of warfare became known as Blitzkrieg or lightning warfare The Fall of France and Britain had declared war on Germany but did little to help Poland During the first months of 1940 marched directly west to the coast By June 1940 the their army was trapped when the Germans surprisingly French were forced to surrender A British expeditionary force cornered in the coastal town of Dunkirk withdrew across the English Channel The British sent fishing boats pleasure craft and everything else they could to ferry their soldiers back home Valerie Begl Kristallnacht Place these events in order from 1 first to Last 7 and the year it happened Hungary annexes border areas Germans defeat French army and occupy France Dunkirk evacuation Battle of Britain Germany annexes Austria World War II begins in Europe Eastern Czechoslovakia becomes Slovakia a German satellite

The Living WorldWhich of the following are examples of extended techniques John Cage s Prepared Piano Bela Bartok s Snap Pizzicato Percussive Techniques on Body of Instrument ex George Crumb Black Angels Vocalizing While Playing ex George Crumb Black Angels

The Living WorldDuring which era s was were extreme dynamic contrasts desirable in a piece of music Romantic 20 21st Centuries Baroque

The Living WorldDirections In your breakout rooms discuss and record your answers to the following questions Please note that everyone is responsible for a Google Doc submission Your responses should be around 3 to 5 sentences and use explicit evidence from speech 1 Which speech utilized pathos the best Why Make sure to use evidence 2 Which speech effectively used ethos the best Why Make sure to use evidence 3 Which speech used logos the most effectively Why Make sure to use evidence

The Living WorldSelect the correct answer Which text structure has the author of this passage used In 1908 my great grandmother first arrived in this country and she had few possE apartment with a few other women so they roomed together and my great grandr great grandfather they fell in love and were married within a matter of months Afte hard and saved money eventually saving enough to open their own business A cause and effect OB problem and solution description O D chronological order C