The Living World Questions and Answers

The Living WorldQuizzes from each of the chapters we covered in the textbook 2 7 8 14 29 31 32 21 chapters x 4 questions 84 points Laboratory portion This section of the test will be very similar to the previous laboratory examinations Each question will contain 1 3 embedded questions Refer to your previous tests 33 questions x 2 embedded questions 66 points Question 58 MADS box genes are a class of sequences that includes homeotic genes 1 pts

The Living World3 7 What is the probable genotype of each individual Individual 1 Group of answer choices Choose Individual 2 Choose Individual 3 Choose Individual 4 Choose Individual 5 Choose Individual 6 Choose Individual 7 Choose Individual 8 Choose Individual 9 Choose 4 Individual 10 8 Choose 1 Not enough information Not enough information Not enough information Not enough information Not enough information Not enough information Not enough information Not enough information Not enough information Not enough information dd dd dd dd dd dd dd dd dd dd LO 5 9 Dd Dd Dd Dd Dd Dd Dd Dd Dd Dd 6 10

The Living WorldAccording to Theory II as explained by Menand the purpose of higher education in America is O about selection not inclusion O to include all deserving students O about a race to the top O all about money O all of the above answers are correct

The Living WorldThe bulk of the studies about the prevention of weight regain after weigh loss O generally conclude that with regard to PA more is better O generally indicate that self reported PA is more reliable than researcher measured PA O show that for best results an individual must exercise for at least 150 minutes per week all of the above

The Living WorldThis type of agar allows safe transport of specimen O Defined Agar O Transfer Agar O Selective Agar Differential Agar

The Living World24 Native Americans held civilization O the natural environment ownership and boundaries of land closely to their existence and

The Living WorldBut take that another step further Would you make your baby a little more intelligent A little more beautiful Should you be able to choose their sex Their skin tone What if only the rich could afford it What if you chose not to edit your child but other parents did What are the moral and ethical dilemmas Should we distinguish between medical therapy and enhancement What effect will human genetic modification have on society Good and bad

The Living WorldWhat are the moral and ethical dilemmas Should we distinguish between medical therapy and enhancement What effect will human genetic modification have on society Good and bad

The Living WorldEt become dark matter Question 29 In cosmology what is the inflationary period The first 300 000 years of the life of the universe when mater and radiation reacted vigorously The period of universal expansion from the Big Bang to the present A short period of extremely rapid expansion during the early universe A period when the cost of living rose faster than astronomers salaries Question 30 In the standard hot Big Bang model matter in the form of elementary particles 4 is created from energy by the collisions of photons always existed in its present form exists in large clumps

The Living Worldalyze the maps 38 Based on the map what were the long term consequences of the Treaty of Versaille CHOOSE TWO A The Austrian Hungarian empire was dissolved B New nations based on ethnic and cultural ties were created in Europe from Russian German And Austrian Hungarian territory C United States was granted territorial control over much of Germany D The French government was granted oversight of the German economy until Its debt had been repaid to them me meaning E The German government was Allowed to keep the former French land it had taken From them in 1871 SON ATLANTIC OCEAN ON PORTUGAL 50 ATLANTIC OCEAN 42 Europe Pre World War I Madrid SPAIN GREAT BRITAIN PORTUGAL Europe Post World War I IRELAND Deli Paris Madrid ANDORRA Bricials BELGIUM North DENMARK Copes Sea FRANCESWITZ GREAT BRITAIN London NORWAY NETH Asteris Paris Mediterranean Se co stas 8 30 LUX ANDORRA North Sea Brussels BELGIUM GERMANY ITALY CONS NETH LUX SAAR Stockhol SWEDEN Mediterranean Sea etia to NORWAY DENMARK Ceyr Vi Baltic Sea MONTENEGRO AUSTRIA HUNGARY ITALY Belgrade SERBIA S Dale SWEDEN Stockho Trane ALBANIA GERMANY GREECE CZECHOSLOVAKIA Viest Bedped FRANCE SWITZ AUSTRIA HUNGARY RUSSIA ROMANIA Ades BULGARIA Constantinople Extaball ESTONIA Tirane ALBANIA FINLAND Hartstik Rig LATVIA LITHUANIA Ka Baltic Sea DANZE PRUSSIA Germany St Petersb Warsaw POLAND Bucharest YUGOSLAVIA Belgrade ROMANIA GREECE BULGARIA Sella Black Sea Buchapist OTTOMAN EMPIRE Moscow SOVIET UNION Black Sea TURKEY

The Living WorldDirections Using the plot below fill out the table with the information required You will get the spectral type and absolute magnitude for the stars located at the turnoff as well as the age Also determine the type of cluster for the clusters in the table globular or open 8 Absolute Magnitude M 6 O N 4 6 8 Name NGC 2362 NGC 752 Coma NGC 2362 Pleiades M41 Hyades h Persei OBA M11 Coma Praesepe NGC 752 H P h X Persei Spectral Type turnoff M turnoff M67 K F G Spectral Type Age M41 M M11 2 0x106 6 5x10 2 8x10 1 6x108 1 9x10 7 1x10 2 9x10 0 Age years Type of Cluster

The Living WorldRead the excerpt below to determine the BEST answer to the questions 30 and 31 Such are the workings of the German food system there is enough for everyone and to insure each one s getting his share the card system is used The price is fixed by law and the amount any one person can buy at one time is limited to his immediate need thus making speculation out of the question 31 What governmental policy of wartime nations is the excerpt referring to A The policy wartimes governments used to force civilians to pay higher prices for food in order to purchase more materia for the war B The policy of wartime governments to ration supplies that were needed for the soldiers C The wartime policy of giving bonuses to workers for producing greater numbers of war material D The wartime policy of nations to determine someone s draft status to gain more soldiers for the war 37 What was the purpose of the League of Nations as part of the Treaty of Versaille signed in 1919 A the league was responsible for overseeing the confiscation of German airplanes and ships after the war B the league was responsible for ensuring that German reparations were paid to the allies after the war C the league was responsible for ensuring a lasting peace in the world through negotiations among member nations

The Living WorldQuestion 10 of 100 Step 1 of 1 Which of the following is the best definition for survey Select the best answer Answer 2 Points O observation of behavior in its natural setting studies in which the same group of individuals is surveyed or measured repeatedly over an extended period of time a list of questions to be answered by research participants

The Living World18 What statement would BEST describe the war on the Western Front between the years of 1914 1916 A The Allied Powers gained much needed victories pushing the Germany army back to its original border B The French government sued for a separate peace with the Central Powers forcing Great Britain and Russia to figh C Both sides were unable to win a decisive victory despite the extreme numbers of dead and wounded D The Central Powers were able to capture the capital of France Paris allowing it to send reinforcements to fight Ru Analyze the pictures below to draw a conclusion PORTUGAL Lisbon Madri SPAIN Medit ran www Rocke ITALY Adriatic Sea Bosnia and Herzegovina Serviero MONTENEGRO ROMANIA Bucharest Black SERBIA BULGARIA Sea ALBANIA Constantinople Gallig GREECE Dunderber OTTOMAN EMPINE 13 Based on the map what is the MAIN cause of the start of World War One in 1914 A A system of alliances forced nations to honor their agreements B A fierce competition over colonial territory led the major nations of Europe to declare war on each other

The Living World4 Compare the effect of tourist visitation on the stress response in penguins as shown in Figure 3 a 1 point Which type of penguin tourist undisturbed or neither has a higher baseline corticosterone level time 0 0 min b 1 point Which type of penguin tourist undisturbed or neither has a higher induced corticosterone level time 45 min c 1 point What do the results of this study suggest about the impact of tourism on overall baseline stress levels and ability to respond to stress in Magellanic penguins Circle one A Tourism increases baseline stress levels as well as increasing the overall stress response in penguins that are visited frequently B Tourism does not affect baseline stress levels but increases the overall stress response in penguins that are visited frequently C Tourism does not affect baseline stress levels but decreases the overall stress response in penguins that are visited frequently D Tourism does not affect baseline stress levels and does not impact the ability to respond to stress

The Living WorldPlasma corticosterone ng mL 50 Undisturbed Tourist TAA ACTH Saline 30 45 0 10 Time min 40 30 20 10 10 30 ACTH Saline Figure 3 Changes in corticosterone levels in Magellanic penguins in response to injection with either saline n 8 or ACTH n 8 Data are shown as mean values and error bars represent 1 standard error Difference between 0 0007 45 treatments at 45 minutes p difference between undisturbed and tourist p 0 009 Walker et al 2006 3 2 points The researchers induced a stress response by injecting ACTH into the penguins Why is this an appropriate induction in other words how is ACTH related to the stress response

The Living WorldPlasma corticosterone ng mL 35 25 15 5 Undisturbed Tourist 10 Time min HH KH 30 restraint in both Figure 2 Corticosterone levels in response to 30 minutes of capture and undisturbed n 10 and tourist visited n 10 Magellanic penguins Data are shown as mean values and error bars represent 1 standard error Difference at 0 and 10 minute timepoints p 0 67 difference at 30 minute timepoint p 0 049 Walker et al 2006 2 3 points Summarize the effect of tourism on the stress response in penguins as shown by plasma corticosterone levels You may wish to describe the stress response in undisturbed versus tourist penguins

The Living World2 A tall green pea plant Tall Grpen They Tall white short Green short white 3 A homozygous tall homozygous green plant is crossed with a homozygous short white plant

The Living Worldo Explain and Demonstrate three types of movement O Demonstrate 2 Repetitions Only vements from Lesson Four o Explain and Demonstrate three types C

The Living World9 Why did we use strawberries as the source to extract DNA in lab a Strawberries are octoploid while humans are diploid b Strawberries have enzymes that make breaking down fruit cells easier c Strawberries taste good d a and b

The Living World25 Which of the following is NOT a rule of Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium a No movement of individuals in or out of the population amos b Mating is completely random DIBE c Large population size d Small population size

The Living World11 All of the following are products of alcoholic fermentation except a Ethanol b CO2 c 02 d ATP

The Living Worldthat vacancy so it can become stable Chlorine is considered to have high pull electrons away from other molecules O Bonding Polarity O Electronegativity O Attractiveness Question 49 A substance that releases H ions and has a pH below 7 is Acid Base Protein which is the ability to 1 pts

The Living Worlda gene at one location alters the phenotypic expression of a gene at a second lo

The Living WorldDuring winter in the northern hemisphere the northern hemisphere is A tilted toward the sun B receives colder wind from the equator C closer to the north pole D tilted away from the sun

The Living World2 Why do you think business decision making should be data driven Take references from the pdf uploaded under week 12 folder called The Global State of Enterprise Analytics

The Living WorldmRNA interacts with a chromosome Codon anticodon base pairing occurs O rRNAs carry amino acids to the site for protein synthesis More than one correct response No correct response Question 7 1 point Saved What is the abbreviation for this compound

The Living WorldWhich of the following is NOT one of the hypotheses explaining the origins and dispersal of anatomically modern humans Regional Replacement model Regional Continuity model Partial Replacement model Complete Replacement model That s the model that suggests that modern humans emerged within Africa and spread out replacing all previous bipeds Try again

The Living WorldCase II A more difficult system Below we have a A7V and a K6III star in our binary system this is a poor approximation of the system I tried to make the graph accurate sorry 6 0 65 00 0 5 10 20 Day 3 0 Answer the following questions 1 What is the period of this system in days 10 2 Can you infer the eccentricity of this binary system Is it perfectly circular How do you know this 3 With one of the stars just entering its giant phase we have an idea of which star is more massive Explain which star is in front of which during the primary and secondary eclipses

The Living WorldUse data to identify correlations mathematical and casual observed links between changes in the biosphere all life on earth and changes in Earth s other systems What patterns do you see with the data that support your claim Provide the correlational data Provide the casual data Explain the patterns When the biosphere changed by event something happening This changed other Earth systems include system name s and how they were changed by what

The Living World1 A C 2 A C 3 A 4 A C Among the following the term that includes the others is cell cycle mitosis The longest phase of the cell cycle prophase Interphase Identify the phase of mitosis metaphase anaphase Which phase comes NEXT Daughter chromasama telophase anaphase Daughter chromosoms B D nuclear division B mitosis interphase D metaphase B B prophase telophase D metaphase prophase

The Living World3 Should non scientist members of the public be included in the decision making process about whether or not and to what extent research with genome editing technologies should be restricted What kinds of concerns might be overlooked if the decision making process included only scientists What sorts of insights may non scientist members of the public bring to the discussion

The Living WorldAnswer the following questions based on the workout plan you have created For the activities exercises you have listed in your workout chart what progressions do you anticipate making as you complete your workouts What motivational techniques will you use to stick to your workout plan Are there any obstacles you foresee that may keep you from sticking to your workout plan If so what are they and how could you overcome them Reflect back on the entire fitness plan process What parts of the process were easy for you to complete What parts of the process were difficult for you to complete What things will you apply to your life beyond this class

The Living WorldIn Paragraph 9 of A Wagner Matinee how does the narrator describe Aunt Georgiana s demeanor when she enters the concert hall A energetic and excited B fidgety and nervous C impersonal and stony

The Living WorldWho states the following Maybe he said hesitantly maybe there is a beast what I mean is maybe it s only in us 89 O Roger O Piggy Simon O Ralph

The Living WorldWho states the following He s going to beat Wilfred I don t know why He didn t say He got angry and made us tie Wilfred up He s been he giggled excitedly he s been tied up for hours waiting O Robert O Piggy Jack O Ralph

The Living WorldWho states the following Fancy thinking the Beast was something you could hunt and kill 143 The Lord of the Flies Ralph Jack

The Living WorldRoger sharped a stick at both ends What does this quotation mean O He plans on keeping Ralph prisoner He plans on killing Samneric He needs two sharpened ends to kill the pig O He plans on putting Ralph s head on a stake like they did the Lord of the Flies None of these apply

The Living WorldWhich of the following is NOT true O Roger throws rocks around Henry but not directly at him O Johnny plays with the sand castle alone O Maurice throws rocks at Henry playing on the beach O Henry plays master to the little sea creatures washed up by the tide

The Living WorldThis is the essay portion of your exam Your response should a minimum of 1 paragraph 7 sentences and include at least two pieces of textual evidence including in text citations parantheticals Golding Paranthetical Example The sand trembling beneath the heat haze concealed many figures in its miles of length boys were making their way toward the platform in the hot dumb sand Golding 19 You may also use the author s last page and forgo the page number if you are paraphrasing ie Golding Essay Question Think of the types of ethical dilemmas presented in The Lord of the Flies Choose one of the dilemmas and make a daim regarding how it is applicable to any society Support your claim with evidence from the text and consider how the dilemma is representative of one of the following civilization vs savagery loss of innocence survival of the fittest or membership of an individual in a

The Living WorldWhich of the following groups is most likely to target only the House of Representatives?
A group wishing to have a treaty dealing with carbon taxes on fossil fuels revised
A group wishing to have a new subcommittee created to limit the sale of over the counter decongestants
A group wishing to have a new tax placed on marijuana production in order to halt its production
A group wishing to have tariffs increased on foreign steel to help domestic manufacturers

The Living WorldMatch each of these methods used to encourage renewable energy use by consumers to their description below.
Distributional surcharge
Renewable portfolio
Green pricing

The Living WorldIt has been stated that different parts of the US would benefit most from different types of renewable energy. Match the types of renewable energy with its optimal environment and/or
Wind power
Hydroelectric power
Geothermal power
Solar power

The Living WorldWhich of the following factors does NOT contribute to the
recognition of the correct complementary base pair during
DNA replication?
shape complementarity
induced fit of the enzyme
exonuclease activity
charge complementarity
hydrogen bonding

The Living Worlda. Studies biodegradation of toxic wastes
b. Studies the causative agent of Ebola 5. hemorrhagic fever
c. Studies the production of human proteins by bacteria
d. Studies the symptoms of AIDS
e. Studies the production of toxin by E. coli
f. Studies the life cycle of Cryptosporidium
g. Develops gene therapy for a disease
h. Studies the fungus Candida albicans
1. Biotechnology
2. Immunology
3.Microbial ecology
4. Microbial genetics
5.Microbial physiology
6. Molecular biology
7. Mycology
8. Virology

The Living WorldHuman impact: Title, explanation of at least 2 ways humans are negatively impacting it

The Living WorldLesson Outline continued C. Velocity
1. _______ is the speed and the direction of a moving object.
2. The velocity of an object can be represented by a(n) _______
The length of the arrow indicates the________
The arrow points_______ in the direction of the object's_______
3. Velocity _______when the speed of an object changes, when the direction in which the object is moving changes, or when the speed and the direction change.

The Living WorldSpoilage of egg question:
Explain why avidin forms complex with biotin and conalbumin forms conplex with iron making it unavailable to microorganisms?

The Living WorldYou download the National Weather Service report for Fresno Yosemite Airport. Convert these data into metric (SI) units.
Temp: 54°F