Ecology - Ecosystems Questions and Answers

Ecology - EcosystemsAfrican bush elephants have a lifespan of 60 to 70 years They typically only have one off spring every 4 years with pregnancies lasting up to 2 years Females will remain with their herd for life while males may leave to begin a solitary life at about 12 to 14 years of age Based on this information what type of survivorship curve can be expected for African bush elephants A B C type I survivorship curve type II survivorship curve type III survivorship curve

Ecology - EcosystemsA research scientist is studying the effect of drought on various species in a woodlands ece system The researcher focuses first on the population of white tailed deer After a year of data collection the researcher determines the current population size is 461 Over the year the population experienced 43 deaths and 92 births Based on this information what is the per capita growth rate for the population A B C D 0 29 white tailed deer per year 0 11 white tailed deer per year 0 09 white tailed deer per year 0 20 white tailed deer per year

Ecology - EcosystemsA forest fire accidentally started in the San Bernardino Mountains in California All the canyon live oak trees burned down during the forest fire After the fire numerous taller trees replaced the oak trees Which of the following is the best explanation of this event A B C D The burning of the oak trees caused a change in the pH of the soil which did not allow the oak trees to grow back After the fire there was not enough water in the ecosystem to support the growth of large trees such as oak Smaller quicker growing trees will be present after a forest fire before slower growing trees such as oaks are able to develop Oak trees are easily affected by pests which allowed for other pest resistant trees to

Ecology - EcosystemsA food web representing the organisms in an ecosystem is shown below corn rat A python B A food web of an ecosystem a flowering plant frog grasshopper dragonfly mangoes wolf eagle butterfly lavenders Which of the following organisms can be found in more than one trophic level dragonfly mangoes thrush fruit fly

Ecology - EcosystemsWhich of the following would have the most negative impact on the nitrogen cycle in an ecosystem A B A farmer decides to plant a new type of crop in the field D A bacteriophage carried by livestock is introduced into the ecosystem C A volcano erupts on a nearby island and produces a large amount of ash A power plant is built nearby which burns coal to produce energy

Ecology - EcosystemsA food web fox A B rabbit 89 3J owl 8 93J mouse hawk frog grasshopper The trophic level in which the rabbit can be found contains an energy of 893 J Based on this which of the fol lowing correctly identifies how much energy would be available in the trophic level in which the snake can be found grasses snake bird

Ecology - Ecosystemscupy less than 1 percent of the ocean floor coral reefs are home to more than 25 percent of all marine life A few organisms found near coral reefs are sea turtles coral butterflyfish and gorgonian corals or soft coral A coral reef ecosystem A Which of the following correctly identifies an example of a community within a coral reef ecosystem B 3 DVL one sea turtle eight butterflyfish and five gorgonian corals one sea turtle C three butterflyfish DUL

Ecology - EcosystemsNitrogen is essential in biomolecules such as proteins and nucleic acids Proteins and nu cleic acids play a role in gene expression and are an important process in all living organisms Which of the following correctly identifies where most nitrogen can be found in an ecosystem A B C atmosphere plants bacteria

Ecology - Ecosystems4 Which row in the chart below correctly pairs a group of organisms with the type of nutrition they carry out Row 1 2 3 4 Autotrophic Nutrition carnivores decomposers herbivores producers Heterotrophic Nutrition herbivores carnivores producers decomposers

Ecology - EcosystemsLabel the parts of dicot and monocot roots Use your Stem Root and Leaf diagram activity worksheets to help you E ABCDEFGHI Y Some labels may be used more than once and some labels may not be used at all select answer select answer select answer select answer select answer K select answer select answer G select answer select answer select answer select answer M

Ecology - EcosystemsBetween which two pairings would competition exist O Grizzly Bear and Salmon O Human and Cow O Rabbit and Grass O Lion and Cheetah

Ecology - EcosystemsWhat is an advantage of sexual reproduction as compared to asexual reproduction O Increases genetic variation O Creates beneficial mutations Requires only one parent organism O Decreases the chance of DNA replication errors

Ecology - EcosystemsMatch these vocabulary words with the Column A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Ecology Biosphere Biotic factors Abiotic factors 19 Community Population Ecosystem Population density Limiting factor Carrying capacity Symbiosis Predation Mutualism Commensalism Habitat Parasitism Food chain Niche Food web Column B a The process where a predator hunts and kills prey to eat b The number of a species living in an area c All of the food chains in a system d The concentration of a species in an area e The role an organism plays in a community f All of the non living parts of an environment g The study of how organisms relate to each other and their physical environment h All of the living parts of an environment i A relationship between two organisms where one benefits and the other is harmed j A community of interacting organisms and their physical environment k Two or more living organisms living together for the benefit of one or both I Anything that limits a population from increasing in number m Two or more living organisms living together for the benefit of both n A relationship between two organisms where one benefits and the other is not harmed o The average population that a habitat can support p Multiple species interacting in an area q A place where a species lives and gets what it needs to survive r All parts of the earth that contain life all ecosystems that shows how energy and

Ecology - EcosystemsMallard Population Esitmate 3 000 000 2 500 000 2 000 000 1 500 000 1 000 000 Great Lakes Mallard Population Estimates 1661 2641 THAT MAT A r B Z C X D K 9647 198 1641 199 MAT meer Po coer voor Year weer wer 1002 1965 moor seor ter etor 100 The Mallard Duck growth pattern shown is common among strategists

Ecology - EcosystemsPrimary Consumer Producers Decomposer Secondary Consumer Food 5 Chain Tertiary Consumer The 10 rule states that only 10 of the energy found at each level is transferred to the next level If the producers have 1000 joules of energy how much energy is transferred to the next level Final Consumer 100 Joules

Ecology - Ecosystems1 Compare and contrast homologous structures and analogous structures 2 Provide one example of two homologous structures and one example of two analogous structures

Ecology - EcosystemsThe used water that flows into a water treatment facility is known as 1 Point O outfluent influent 100 Arty

Ecology - EcosystemsCharles Darwin s observations that finches from different species on the Galapagos Islands have many similar physical characteristics supports the hypothesis that these finches 1 Point originated from a common ancestor O acquired traits through use and disuse all eat the same type of food 9 An increase in the average global temperature is known as 1 Point O global warming O global freezing greenhouse gases

Ecology - EcosystemsA flood wipes out most of the brown field mice leaving mostly white mice This is an example of 1 Point O natural selection O gene flow V

Ecology - EcosystemsWhich of the following is correct about the layers of the rainforest and its contents A The ground layer of plants receives abundant sunlight B The canopy consists of very tall trees that block sunlight from lower layers C The canopy is the lowest layer of the rainforest and is mostly plants that are low to the ground D There are very few vines in the rainforest

Ecology - EcosystemsPhosphorus recovered from waste stream can be used as slow releasing for crops 1 Point carbon methane O fertilizer seeds 2 The main ingredient for PET is para xylene used to make plastic bottles a clear liquid derived from 1 Point O plants animals O water

Ecology - EcosystemsThe lower the biodiversity in an area the greater the stability of the ecosystem True False POSSIBLE POINTS 0 56

Ecology - EcosystemsIdentify each of the following a a LIVING or NONLIVING factor on Carrying Capacity 1 Natural Disaster 2 Predation 3 Competition 4 Water Access

Ecology - EcosystemsA population of rabbits is introduced to an island The population grows according to the logistic growth model given by the equation P t K 1 A e rt where P t represents the population size at time t K is the carrying capacity A is a constant related to the initial conditions and r is the growth rate For this rabbit population the carrying capacity K is 1000 the constant A is 200 and the growth rate r is 0 05 Calculate the population size at time t 5 years

Ecology - EcosystemsWhich describes the desert biome A driest of all biomes very little water cacti plants have wax coating nocturnal animals B permafrost of soil cold temperatures and high winds mosses and lichens can grow C dense spiny shrubs hot and dry also called shrubland or chapparal D little rain and warm year round covered with grasses and few trees and

Ecology - Ecosystemsin this graphic two plates liding past each other W type of boundary is thi a transform fault boundary a divergent boundary a convergent boundary

Ecology - EcosystemsWhat was the effect of the great oxidation event on living things OA It caused the formation of red banded rocks made of the first multicellular organisms B Aquatic animals moved to land because they had enough oxygen to breathe OC It caused populations of cyanobacteria to shrink and grow in cycles as the environmental conditions changed D Eukaryotes immediately began using free oxygen because they became aerobic Jhm

Ecology - EcosystemsWhat is the line that layer 3 from layer 4 separates A the stratopause B the mesopause C the tropopause 3 2 1 Earth Help Resources

Ecology - EcosystemsDifferences among individuals of a species 1 Point O artificial selection O natural variation O O camouflage natural selection

Ecology - Ecosystemsseen lots of algea blooms and a change of the chemical composition of lakes creating more and more phosphorous 1 Point Oeutrophication overhunting http SoilScience inf

Ecology - EcosystemsIn certain parts of the world with dry climates a combination of farming overgrazing and drought has caused 1 Point deforestation desertification ocean acidification O biodiversity 12 Carbon Dioxide Methane gas and Water vapor 1 Point are ozone molecules are all greenhouse gases O work to cool global temperatures O have kept ice caps frozen

Ecology - Ecosystems1 In each of the blank circles fill in the nitrogen containing compound in the correct spot Nitrogen gas N2 ammonia NH3 ammonium NH4 nitrate NO3 nitrite NO2 2 Label the arrows with the correct process Note some are used twice x2 Denitrification Assimilation Nitrogen Fixation on legume root and in the soil x2 Nitrification x2 Ammonification 3 Fill in some arrows with these processes Death decomposition detritus waste and consumption eating Consumer Nitrogen Cycle

Ecology - EcosystemsBased on the article name a few things that are impacted by global warming Also include a few of the solutions to global warming Answer in 2 to 3 complete sentences

Ecology - EcosystemsFrom where did the timbales and the conga drum come before the arrived in South America A B Brazil Cuba

Ecology - EcosystemsHow do the sounds of the pan pipes and the ocarina differ The pan pipes sound while the ocarina sounds

Ecology - EcosystemsWhat would most likely result if a waterborne bacteria caused the death of most of the minnow population sopulation

Ecology - Ecosystems3 Lastly reflect on what 3 things you believe to be the greatest threats to protecting the Earth s atmosphere How can science impact these threats

Ecology - EcosystemsIn the logistic growth model as a population approaches the carrying capacity what pens to its growth rate number of rabbits carrying capacity C 0 00 0 15 A time becomes exponential Speed 1x Paused

Ecology - EcosystemsAn increase temperature in the average global is known as 1 Point Global Warming O Global Freezing O Greenhouse Gases 22 In certain parts of the world with dry climates a combination of farming overgrazing and drought has caused 1 Point O deforestation O desertification

Ecology - EcosystemsPlanting trees and eating less beef are ways humans can 1 Point heal the ozone layer increase biodiversity decrease greenhouse gases

Ecology - Ecosystemshunting and gathering biodiversity agriculture 15 A naturally occurring gas that blocks UV radiation in the stratosphere 1 Point 02

Ecology - EcosystemsCarbon Dioxide Methane gas and Water vapor 1 Point are ozone molecules are all greenhouse gases have kept ice caps frozen A forest that has never been cut is known as 1 Point an Old Growth Forest

Ecology - EcosystemsThe process used by plants that takes carbon dioxide and water and creates glucose and oxygen 1 Point O cellular respiration Ophotosynthesis 6 Overall the biggest threat to the Amazon rainforest is 1 Point O rising sea levels O habitat destruction

Ecology - EcosystemsThis component of soil comes from dead and decaying organisms 1 Point O bedrock O humus O clay 5 The process used by plants that takes carbon dioxide and water and creates glucose and oxygen 1 Point Ocellular respiration

Ecology - EcosystemsThe Burmese Python native to Southeast Asia was introduced to Florida where they reproduced rapidly and have no natural predators This is an example of 1 Point O keystone species O indignant species

Ecology - EcosystemsAs a population declines in numbers the genetic diversity 1 Point decreases increases O is not affected 2 A diverse variety of habitats communities and ecological processes is known as 1 Point ecosystem diversity species diversity genetic diversity

Ecology - EcosystemsFor what purpose is the largest amount of water consumed worldwide Manufacturing goods O O Irrigation of crops People s daily lives Making electricity

Ecology - EcosystemsWhat term is used to describe a species that is critical to the functioning of the ecosystem because it affects the survival and abundance of many other species living in the community O Endangered species O Keystone species O Invasive species

Ecology - EcosystemsMost of the energy used by humans on a daily basis comes from what source the burning of fossil fuels O O O O O solar energy geothermal energy sources nuclear energy sources wind energy